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Healers are too powerful in PvP


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I play an Operative healer and although we are in a really good place right now, I've come to the conclusion that in PvP, Healers are overpowered as a whole. I've seen a poorly played Operative Healer hold off 2 decently played DPS. For me, I consider myself an above average healer and I've been in games where me and a tank have held of 4 or even 5 DPS. In terms of strategy, this kind of kills it. Anyone who has played a rated match knows the name of the game is, who can mark and burn the other teams healers faster. This, I think, is poor design.


I have a question to ask the community. When you play a healer, do you not feel that you have more power over how the game goes (huttball maybe excluded) than you do as a DPS? I certainly do. This line of thinking causes DPS to feel inadequate. I think that's why we find some many PvPers raging. I love PvP but healers are out of control. Maybe its expertise, maybe its poor balance, but the I feel the developers should find a way to have the game be less about big crits and burst DPS and more about strategy and timing.

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I feel OP against bad teams with no organization.


I don't feel OP against a team that knows how to mark + focus fire me.


Right. What my point was is that Healers are so powerful that if you don't mark and burn the game is over. This is poor design.

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I was playing an Operative healer at launch and exclusively up until 1.2. The "quality of life" changes didn't sit well with me. Back in 1.1 I thought it great that the best way to have me killed was to pressure my resource, not by simply stun-locking me to death. Since 2.0 I've pretty much given up on Operative healing. We never needed more mobility and our instants were already strong as they were, why buff them even more? Why make resource management less of a challenge?


Right now it feels like Mercenaries are the only healers that are actually pressured by their resource. I think Bioware should nerf Operatives and Sorcs so that their resource becomes challenging to manage as well. It might not sit well with a lot of players, but I've always thought that healing should be all about resource management.

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Right. What my point was is that Healers are so powerful that if you don't mark and burn the game is over. This is poor design.


How is that a poor design? It's no different that PvE. In PvE if there's a healing add it needs to get killed first or unless you're way over geared for the content you will likely fail. This is generally how healing works. It's because of this that healers are usually in light armor and squishy to mitigate this.

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... I've seen a poorly played Operative Healer hold off 2 decently played DPS.


I feel like if two DPS can't take down a "poorly played Operative" they aren't "decent" DPS.


It's funny, you'll get threads about 'stunlocking' and 'StunWars' and then people say that an Operative can last against 2 other players. Unless I'm misunderstanding your definition of 'decent' but no matter what DPS characters were talking about here, chances are they have stuns, intterupts, and trauma abilities (-20% healing or something) amongst them. Unless they are totally lost when it comes to their rotations and characters it is easy enough.


BTW, healers being powerful roles is working as intended in my books.

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Right. What my point was is that Healers are so powerful that if you don't mark and burn the game is over. This is poor design.


What would be the point of healers if it didn't require any efforts to defeat them? Honest question. I'm not understanding your point here. Teams that do not focus on healers allows those healers to keep themselves and their teams alive. That's by design.

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What would be the point of healers if it didn't require any efforts to defeat them? Honest question. I'm not understanding your point here. Teams that do not focus on healers allows those healers to keep themselves and their teams alive. That's by design.


I assert that it is poor design to have one role stick out over the others. Would there not be more strategy if all three roles were equal in their impact on the particular Warzone?

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I have a question to ask the community. When you play a healer, do you not feel that you have more power over how the game goes (huttball maybe excluded) than you do as a DPS? I certainly do. This line of thinking causes DPS to feel inadequate. I think that's why we find some many PvPers raging. I love PvP but healers are out of control. Maybe its expertise, maybe its poor balance, but the I feel the developers should find a way to have the game be less about big crits and burst DPS and more about strategy and timing.


Operative healers are in a good place because

a. they are a class with a multitude of escapes and tools to survive (the best of which is the fact they can just pick when to remove themselves from a losing fight, by stealthing) that can also put out good numbers if left to freecast - but that's true for any class and role

b. their energy management is probably the best in the game, atm (or easiest to handle, depending on how you look at it).



You can still bring them down easily or make it hard for them to heal anyone but themselves while you kill the tank/dps that they are supposed to be healing, like any other healing class in the game. Also, I respectfully disagree that 1 DPS or two semi-decent DPS should be able to bring down a healer easily.


The class is OP only when there are more than 2-3 operatives in a WZ.

That doesn't mean the class is OP - the exact same thing can be said for smashers. Have you ever gone up against a group of 3-4 semi-decent to decent Smashers all focusing on you (as they should be)? Yeah...not so much fun there.


I think you are looking at it the wrong way. It's not that healers in the game are OP, but the fact that there are more healers in WZs than there used to be and that people also know they need to protect their healers if they are to survive. So tanks guard them and DPS attack those that attack their healers.


Any class can feel overpowered when played by players who know what they're doing (and are most likely, premade) when going up against people of lesser skill or less means of communicating with their teammates.


And I'm sorry, but I don't get people who call healers overpowered, in a game where a good Shadow/Assassin can bring you to 30% or less of your health the first few seconds and groups of Smashers can destroy anyone in a matter of seconds before you get a chance to heal them.


Each class needs to feel "rewarding" to the player. If you don't think you can make a difference in the game, then it's not fun to play. That's why there are so few Operative DPS anymore while there used to be so many back at launch and that's why DPS Sorcerers were a rare sight in WZs past 1.2 and pre 2.0.

Edited by TheNahash
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Ok enough already with this cry baby pleading to nerf every class you get frustrated with. This is so persistent in the pvp forum its like the only topic you guys put out there and now you want to drag it over here. You really need to accept that pvp requires strategy and you need to play well to win. Please stop crying to the devs about how class X is over powered and needs to be nerfed. You fail at looking at the big picture here like what happens in NIM if all the healers have thier abilitys reduced. Please l2p and stopped this constant campain to change every class you cant figure out how to counter :(

I know harsh but really it had to be said.

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And I'm sorry, but I don't get people who call healers overpowered, in a game where a good Shadow/Assassin can bring you to 30% or less of your health the first few seconds and groups of Smashers can destroy anyone in a matter of seconds before you get a chance to heal them.


Hence why I said originally that I think that its bad design to make PvP about big crits and burst damage. Why do you think Smashers and Sins are doing so much damage? Its because the healers can heal through anything less. You think its a good design to get double smashed and be dead in the next hit?

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Ok enough already with this cry baby pleading to nerf every class you get frustrated with. This is so persistent in the pvp forum its like the only topic you guys put out there and now you want to drag it over here. You really need to accept that pvp requires strategy and you need to play well to win. Please stop crying to the devs about how class X is over powered and needs to be nerfed. You fail at looking at the big picture here like what happens in NIM if all the healers have thier abilitys reduced. Please l2p and stopped this constant campain to change every class you cant figure out how to counter :(

I know harsh but really it had to be said.


L2read before commenting.

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Calling for healers to be nerfed when they are already Charmin Tissue soft is laughable at best. I'd be almost embarrassed to start a thread like this because it says a person must suck at PvP to ask for them to be nerfed.


You can L2read too. I play a healer.

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What you're saying is that you think it's fine that it takes a coordinated team to kill your healer.


No it doesn't. It takes a coordinated team to kill you plus your tank plus another healer. That's called a team. It should take a team to kill a team.

Edited by Caelrie
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Nice try Juggernaut pretendind to be a healer and yes I have read your similar posts on the pvp forum you are not fooling anyone with this " I am a healer please nerf me " crap


Lots of DPSers think they should be able to solo a healer and never stop to realize why that would be bad for the game.

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