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How do you beat a sorc in a duel?


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I'm not familiar with the sorcs abilities, as I have never played one.


But every time I duel them, they set up a barrier that completely stops me from doing any damage to them before the duel starts... Is there a way to beat this? By time that barrier goes away I'm already at 25% health!

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I'm not familiar with the sorcs abilities, as I have never played one.


But every time I duel them, they set up a barrier that completely stops me from doing any damage to them before the duel starts... Is there a way to beat this? By time that barrier goes away I'm already at 25% health!


Use filler attacks to build up energy/purge DoTs, while the bubble is up. Just before the bubble drops, get your procs up. When it drops, u nload on them with you heavy hitters. Oh and if you see them trying to cast something, interrupt.



You really should lose a duel to a Sage/Sorc unless you are allowing then to kite the hell out of you and jacking you up with DoTs...

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I burst the bubble and then cc them after it falls and then dump on them. I always try and chain my cc's once bubble is down and while they are in the middle of casting a spell. Interrupts do wonders as well. A sniper has far superior dps and cc compared to a sorc. If you still are having problems try making a sorc and learning it's weaknesses/str. You should not lose to anything other than an assassin as a sniper imo.
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I'm not familiar with the sorcs abilities, as I have never played one.


But every time I duel them, they set up a barrier that completely stops me from doing any damage to them before the duel starts... Is there a way to beat this? By time that barrier goes away I'm already at 25% health!


Something tells me you are referring to Static Barrier and not Force Barrier, because Sorcs cannot do damage (other than already ticking dots) while Force Barrier is up.


If you are dropping to 25% HP before you get Static Barrier down then there's something wrong with your gear or rotation, because it doesn't absorb that much damage.

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Something tells me you are referring to Static Barrier and not Force Barrier, because Sorcs cannot do damage (other than already ticking dots) while Force Barrier is up.


If you are dropping to 25% HP before you get Static Barrier down then there's something wrong with your gear or rotation, because it doesn't absorb that much damage.


If a Balace/Madness spec put all three DoTs on him then Force Barrier, it's entirely possible for him to be at 25% at the end.

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Basically every class in the game can beat a sorc 1v1 if you know how to play the matchup and the sorc doesn't/isn't using LOS.


Since you failed to mention what class you actually play I assume this is just a troll post as most decent players don't really have problems with sorcs 1v1.


If not post your class and I will explain the simple measures needed to counteract the abilities of the sorc.

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Interrupt sorc heals, sorc dps are generally free kills to me, they die so fast 1v1, I killed an elite warlord (probably a valor booster) easily today with my marauder in a few duels. Most sorcs are easy kills 1v1 but there probably some players who are good with it in duels. I think ranged classes are better when you aren't fightning 1v1 or at least get the first few strikes, except for maybe sniper. Edited by MarkXXIV
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Interrupt sorc heals, sorc dps are generally free kills to me, they die so fast 1v1, I killed an elite warlord (probably a valor booster) easily today with my marauder in a few duels. Most sorcs are easy kills 1v1 but there probably some players who are good with it in duels. I think ranged classes are better when you aren't fightning 1v1 or at least get the first few strikes, except for maybe sniper.


I find that I win ~95% of duels, and the rest 5% I lose to the same people who plays 1v1 close to perfect (no or few mistakes). And it's really difficult to win them unless they screw something up or I will catch them, which is practically the same because in 1v1 main goal is to screw your opponents play.


I'm far from a perfect player in 1v1, but I haven't seen anyone not making mistakes ever either. I don't believe one exists in the whole world. Anyway there are some specs I find close to impossible to win against on sorc if they play flawless duel.

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If they cast force barrier, heal up and time it so that immediately after the bubble goes down, you cc them. 99.9% of all sorcs with use force speed after barrier ends, then their self heal. If its static barrier you are referencing, use a secondary dps skill for your class to pop the button. for example, as a marader i'd use dual throw, then once the bubbles down, snare them into a big burst skills. i'd recommend making a sorc to see what its like and how it plays, strengths and weaknesses.. They are relatively easy to beat, although you have to be at the top of your game to beat the really good kiting ones.


No way a sin should lose to a madness sorc 1v1 (with no other of the sorcs friends around) assuming you have your cds. Sin has the immunity/cleanse for dots, enough ccs/interupts/snares, speed boost to catch them when they run,vanish and huge burst to destroy madness sorcs into little pieces. This is from a deception perspective. I do not have expereicne with madness/tank specs for sins to know if its harder/easier to take them out.

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No way a sin should lose to a madness sorc 1v1 (with no other of the sorcs friends around) assuming you have your cds. Sin has the immunity/cleanse for dots, enough ccs/interupts/snares, speed boost to catch them when they run,vanish and huge burst to destroy madness sorcs into little pieces. This is from a deception perspective. I do not have expereicne with madness/tank specs for sins to know if its harder/easier to take them out.


It's not so easy for sin, actually. Using shroud makes you vulnerable to whirlwind right out of gate. This night I had, say ~12 duels, with a very good shadow. Didn't win 50% of games, but i guess i might have won 5 out of 12, which is quite good. Of course his mistakes helped me in some of duels (we both were sleepy), but it isn't so easy for assassin. If assassin isn't really good and makes mistakes on regular basis he will probably lose much more often.


Madness sorcs actually have some ways to counter deception, they aren't enough if deception plays accurately and adjusts playstyle specifically for madness sorcerer, but if deception doesn't adjust playstyle sorc has pretty solid chance to recover and win.


PS: I refer to normal duels, with all cds ready (we don't usually use consumable medpacs, adrenals, etc) for example in outlaw's den pit. Wzs are a bit different in this regard, but with all cds ready I tend to think wzs give sorc some help (due good LoS capabilities)

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