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What does it mean? "Subscribers save 50% on their first in-game Cartel Coin Purchase"


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Yeah there will be a vendor in game to purchase coins so you don't have to go out to the site if you're in game. As for size of purchase there's no news yet! I guess the 1st time you give the in-game purchase a try you get 50% off! Can't wait! I want the Outlaw set for my IA real bad but it's too expensive for me right now! :D
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Fantastic. It's about time.


It was always silly to me to have to log out of the game, run the authen again, log into my account on the web (game can not be open for authen to work properly) and then purchase coins. If anything it would cause me to take pause to purchasing coins.


Unfortunately this will make it even more likely I will purchase coins. Oh well.

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Fantastic. It's about time.


It was always silly to me to have to log out of the game, run the authen again, log into my account on the web (game can not be open for authen to work properly) and then purchase coins. If anything it would cause me to take pause to purchasing coins.


Unfortunately this will make it even more likely I will purchase coins. Oh well.

I am confused, I just alt tabbed, logged in and purchased.

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Fantastic. It's about time.


It was always silly to me to have to log out of the game, run the authen again, log into my account on the web (game can not be open for authen to work properly) and then purchase coins. If anything it would cause me to take pause to purchasing coins.

Wow, really? I'm guessing that's with the phone app then? The keyfob has never presented an issue for me logging in the site with the game running, that's how I normally buy CC's. (Mind, having to reauthenticate is a pain anyway, so not having to do that will be fine with me. :p)

Edited by Jenovan
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Wow, really? I'm guessing that's with the phone app then? The keyfob has never presented an issue for me logging in the site with the game running, that's how I normally buy CC's.


Not the iphone app, I do it all the time.

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Wow, really? I'm guessing that's with the phone app then? The keyfob has never presented an issue for me logging in the site with the game running, that's how I normally buy CC's. (Mind, having to reauthenticate is a pain anyway, so not having to do that will be fine with me. :p)


I've got the android app, and I have no problems at all. My phone actually stays signed to the website all the time anyway.

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It was always silly to me to have to log out of the game, run the authen again, log into my account on the web (game can not be open for authen to work properly) and then purchase coins. If anything it would cause me to take pause to purchasing coins.


Bolded text is simply not true. I do this all the time without logging out both iPhone app version and physical version. Someone else in this thread has confirmed Android is like this too. And that's the only thing that make sense, the key generator doesn't know if you're logged in, it just generates a number to do mathematical validity checks off of, that's all.

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As as subscriber I really do not want to purchase Cartel Coins. My Subscription Fee's should be more than enough to enjoy the game. So this deal really does not make me feel any better.


Another thing about the deal is that it says that it is for a limited time. So if I had to guess it will be like for one week only or at the most one month. After that the deal expires and anyone that missed out will be out of luck.


All this deal is, is a way for BioWare to try and goat people into spending more money than there Subscriptions. The F2P system came about because the Subscription System alone was not making enough. Now there are some people paying way more than they did with just there Subscription Fee's. Go Figure.


The more that people accept and spend on the F2P System the more that BioWare will make of of it. It will be good for them but also bad for us. They will focus more and more on the F2P system and that will cause more and more content to be implemented through that system. So In-Game Only Content will be few and far in between. Things that would normally be in a game or added in through expansions will be broken up and sold separately in the most Nickel-And-Diming way. In the long run the price of enjoying a game to its fullest will increase way beyond the normal $15 a month Subscription Fee's that we are so accustomed to. It is a sad fact and one I hope will die one day. Sadly that does not look to be the case and I fear this type of system is here to stay. So people should expect to end up paying more for MMORPG's if they wish to experience them in there fullest. If not then they will be really gimped in the content of the game that they get to enjoy. :(

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As as subscriber I really do not want to purchase Cartel Coins. My Subscription Fee's should be more than enough to enjoy the game. So this deal really does not make me feel any better.


It's your prerogative not to pay and you can enjoy the game completely without the CM. This deal does nothing to change that reality.


Another thing about the deal is that it says that it is for a limited time. So if I had to guess it will be like for one week only or at the most one month. After that the deal expires and anyone that missed out will be out of luck.

That's any % off sale anywhere ever. Why would/should anyone expect this to be different? Plus you already said you never want to buy CCs so why do you care if the time is limited?


All this deal is, is a way for BioWare to try and goat people into spending more money than there Subscriptions. The F2P system came about because the Subscription System alone was not making enough. Now there are some people paying way more than they did with just there Subscription Fee's. Go Figure.

I think this is probably only half true. Bioware has openly said that Subscribers are buying more CCs than F2P players. They haven't given a large breakdown, but I suspect there are a lot of subs that buy and very few free players that buy (and if they do buy it's probably less and mostly unlocks). Bioware is recognizing that they need to do more to incentive subs to buy of the CC because the reason people go F2P is to not pay, however subs who love the game and have disposable income should be the target audience for the CCs because they are the ones most likely to buy them. For me, I buy a bunch of CCs every time a new pack hits. This 50% I see as a thank you for being a customer and this month (or whatever time frame) I get what I was already going to get for less money. Certainly part of this is to get more subs to buy, but I think that's only part of the equation.


The more that people accept and spend on the F2P System the more that BioWare will make of of it. It will be good for them but also bad for us. They will focus more and more on the F2P system and that will cause more and more content to be implemented through that system. So In-Game Only Content will be few and far in between. Things that would normally be in a game or added in through expansions will be broken up and sold separately in the most Nickel-And-Diming way. In the long run the price of enjoying a game to its fullest will increase way beyond the normal $15 a month Subscription Fee's that we are so accustomed to. It is a sad fact and one I hope will die one day. Sadly that does not look to be the case and I fear this type of system is here to stay. So people should expect to end up paying more for MMORPG's if they wish to experience them in there fullest. If not then they will be really gimped in the content of the game that they get to enjoy. :(


You're completely wrong here. Paying extra money to the game is only a good thing as it will keep the game going, stop paying, they stop making. Conversely, the more money the game makes, the more likely they will be to do thing like increase funding/staff for improvement to try and continue to grow their profits on a successful product. Yes because the CM is profitable they will put effort into it, but they will never stop doing core content, cause if they did the game would dry up and people would have no reason to buy CCs. This game isn't Star Wars Dress Up Adventure and it never will be. Making your character look cool is only going to be important to you as long as their is cool stuff for your character to do. The Tauntaun's in 2.3 is a prefect example of them realizing they've swung too far on the CM and putting more non-CM content in. There is no way to buy a Tauntaun with CCs and there is a Subscriber only version.


Ultimately the CM is just something fun on the side. There's nothing in there that will make or break your gameplay and as it all ends up the GTN you can still get it anyway. Stop crying and making up crap about how this is ruining the game. The game is 5 times more healthy now then before they introduced F2P and it's only getting better. If you can't see that then maybe you've just grown tired with the game, it happens and there's nothing wrong with that, but don't go making up scare tactics cause you don't like the improvements their making.

Edited by Arlon_Nabarlly
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It's your prerogative not to pay and you can enjoy the game completely without the CM. This deal does nothing to change that reality.



That's any % off sale anywhere ever. Why would/should anyone expect this to be different? Plus you already said you never want to buy CCs so why do you care if the time is limited?



I think this is probably only half true. Bioware has openly said that Subscribers are buying more CCs than F2P players. They haven't given a large breakdown, but I suspect there are a lot of subs that buy and very few free players that buy (and if they do buy it's probably less and mostly unlocks). Bioware is recognizing that they need to do more to incentive subs to buy of the CC because the reason people go F2P is to not pay, however subs who love the game and have disposable income should be the target audience for the CCs because they are the ones most likely to buy them. For me, I buy a bunch of CCs every time a new pack hits. This 50% I see as a thank you for being a customer and this month (or whatever time frame) I get what I was already going to get for less money. Certainly part of this is to get more subs to buy, but I think that's only part of the equation.




You're completely wrong here. Paying extra money to the game is only a good thing as it will keep the game going, stop paying, they stop making. Conversely, the more money the game makes, the more likely they will be to do thing like increase funding/staff for improvement to try and continue to grow their profits on a successful product. Yes because the CM is profitable they will put effort into it, but they will never stop doing core content, cause if they did the game would dry up and people would have no reason to buy CCs. This game isn't Star Wars Dress Up Adventure and it never will be. Making your character look cool is only going to be important to you as long as their is cool stuff for your character to do. The Tauntaun's in 2.3 is a prefect example of them realizing they've swung too far on the CM and putting more non-CM content in. There is no way to buy a Tauntaun with CCs and there is a Subscriber only version.


Ultimately the CM is just something fun on the side. There's nothing in there that will make or break your gameplay and as it all ends up the GTN you can still get it anyway. Stop crying and making up crap about how this is ruining the game. The game is 5 times more healthy now then before they introduced F2P and it's only getting better. If you can't see that then maybe you've just grown tired with the game, it happens and there's nothing wrong with that, but don't go making up scare tactics cause you don't like the improvements their making.




Warb, none of the things from the Cartel Market are needed to enjoy the game. They are fluff content. It does happen that this fluff content does sell well and is in part helping to sustain the core of this game. Whether you like it or not, its here to stay.


I don't buy CC but that 50% for the first purchase is a tempting offer and if it applies to 2400CC for 20$ making 10$, yes I would definitely make that first purchase, though not another afterward because I would be pretty much set between what I get with the monthly and what I have now.

Edited by Nickious
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Unfortunately this will make it even more likely I will purchase coins. Oh well.


Darn it didn't think of it that way! Well I'll probably be doing the same thing. I'm one of those people that sometimes was just too lazy too log out and log back in just for some premium currency. Curse you Bioware!

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I would really like an update for when this is going to occur. I have not bought my monthly CC because I am waiting my discount. On another note...stop crying about the cost of CC and the fact that people buy them. If you do not want to buy the CC's and help support the game, shut up about it. I am glad to see a game have these types of features like CC's and Diablo III's real money Auction House.



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