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Treek vs WPVP: is this a pay2win element? and what's swtor becoming?


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So iv seen this new companion has been added and in swtor cartel tradition is a mediocre to look at as ever, However its been said to me that the companion has some vastly superior elements including a higher amount of HP than other companions and improved healing which tells me swtor are now selling an advantage to players inareas they can use their companion, areas like contested WPVP zones which to people like myself who love to look for trouble is a big part of the game does that not make said part of the game pay2win? or does treek also fail in ways that would make a typical healer like mako or quin favourable?


The other side of my concern is is what this means to the game's business model. to a level+ legacy account holder like me 1mil creds isn't all that much infact its a welcome excuse to do dailys and as a proud owner of 4.5 level 55 toons its not going to take long but level 40 legacy requirement or just cash tells me its a convenience item because you can play for it right? but heres my concern, in order for there to be a convenience to sell, bioware must first create an inconvenience which in this case is not having the best companion in contested areas (dailys planets) if im a new player i have to grind my legacy to 40 and make 1 mil after my augs and stims costs to get on that ever ground against potential gankers even then im thinking XP boosts for my legacy etc and this casts a huge shadow on my trust in bioware. warhero crystals in lowbe is one thing, but pulling levers to make me (a subscriber) feel like i need to spend money to keep up with others or in my own case more that others should spend to keep up with me or suffer a hard beating out on ilum or black hole because i have a better healer comp, i mean if BW have gone this far to encourage me to spend on top of my sub how much further will they go?


IMO if something can be questioned as P2W or shady and unfair even in a co-op sinario its just exactly that and the end of that game and its developer BUT THATS JUST ME, i imagine most people will have Treek along with everything else in rthe legacy/cartel shop or at least have the means to obtain it fairly if you use the forum then you should and so im going to come under fire from anyone who doesn't want their investment attacked i get that but please conduct yourself maturely becuase most people looking at getting a new game look first at the forum and especially posts like this and that includes the communities attitude and response to the issue that are raised.


TLDR does treek offer an unfair advantage in WPVP encounters? And is it a general advantage that we are now inconvenienced for not having.


On a personal note.

Whether treek is pay2win or not, whether its better or even different from another companion or not these new cartel items are making it so swtor is just as rewarding if not more so to the wallet warriors than it is to the long time subbers who put time and effort into the game. i can buy cooler crystals, armour pieces, titles, mounts, pets i can even buy valor which is supposed to be your title for how much PVP you have played now 25% of that is potentially meaningless its a cash item. IE why should i bother working hard to get nicer gear and items to show off, better titles, better companions, all these show how serious i am about the game to those around me which certainly helps if im looking for groups or guilds ect which is what MMOs are built around or i can just spend money?


when this game first went free2play it was like an open trial with a token shop so people could come and see how good the game is and why its worth subbing, now it seems the opposite to me which tells me not only did the majority of those people think well no it isnt worth subbing ut il spend some spare change on this or that cos the rest is free but also that bioware agreed with those people and have since been working to catre for that crowd instead of improving the game and consequentially that overall decision of this game's FTP thruput.


TLDR when BW add a convenience item they are really giving us an inconvenience unless we pay on top of our sub and for every reward that accomplishing and completing greater feats and achievements in this game their seem to be cooler things you can just buy.


And am i the only one noticing that the more that appears in the cash shop the less content is being added to the game in terms of game playability.

Edited by HexDecimalUK
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It seems like this is just speculation right? Is there actual proof that he's a super bad *** companion? Or are people putting him in good gear and comparing him to naked companions.


And even if he is....he's still a healer and you really can't go around heal zerging people.

Edited by DarthBloodloss
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Everyone gets a healer companion, everyone gets a tank. Treek isn't the best at either. Not p2w.


He's handy for lower level leveling purposes but far from necessary or even noticeably more expedient if you know what you're doing.

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IMO, companions should automatically vanish when PvP is initiated in open world. They are massively broken for PvP, and the devs seem to have no interest in fixing them.


Negative ghost rider, they should encourage PvP w/companions. These are one of those things that seperate this game from all the others in PvP. Matter of fact we can have a 1vs 1 match system for PvP with out really worrying about class balance to much because every class is given a Tank (range, melee), DPS (range, melee) and a healer.


It baffles me that BioWARE is sitting on some good concept ideas they have created but don't expand them in new avenues and PvP is one of them they need to take a hard look at for companions.

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Negative ghost rider, they should encourage PvP w/companions. These are one of those things that seperate this game from all the others in PvP. Matter of fact we can have a 1vs 1 match system for PvP with out really worrying about class balance to much because every class is given a Tank (range, melee), DPS (range, melee) and a healer.


It baffles me that BioWARE is sitting on some good concept ideas they have created but don't expand them in new avenues and PvP is one of them they need to take a hard look at for companions.


Yeah..... :rolleyes:


Having companions in owPvP discourages grouping. Companion CC completely ignores Resolve. Those two reasons alone should be enough to remove them from PvP entirely.


Companions are great for PvE stuff, but they should have nothing to do with PvP. Its not like other games where certain classes have "pets"; those pets are balanced as class abilities. Companions are not balanced for PvP at all.

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Yeah..... :rolleyes:


Having companions in owPvP discourages grouping. Companion CC completely ignores Resolve. Those two reasons alone should be enough to remove them from PvP entirely.


Companions are great for PvE stuff, but they should have nothing to do with PvP. Its not like other games where certain classes have "pets"; those pets are balanced as class abilities. Companions are not balanced for PvP at all.


I don't know why comps are or would be able to ignore resolve. but playing with a comp out for owpvp is just part of the game, imo. no different from questing with one. I think the only issue is that you get certain roles at different times in your class quest line. if we all got a healer and a tank by, say, tattooine, I think we'd be all set. tanks are pretty much all dps/tank depending on role/stance, so that would pretty much cover it.


and selecting your comp based on the possibility of running into owpvp is just par for the course, imo.

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Are you kidding me? Companions are not OP in open world PvP because they will never compare to players. You must be mad because you lost trying to gank someone who had Treek.


Wtb duel vs treek in min maxed aug'd partisan. Billy used to min/max his jawa companion in battlemaster and it had several wins vs real people :p

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I've heard that my Nadia in min/maxed Conq/partisan hits pretty hard and tear other PvE companions a new one in a few secs. I don't know about Treek though. My treek is geared as tank atm in purple 28 in every slot and with purple tank augs and she only has 31K HP (I don't think that was with the End buff though) and crappy output. I guess an option is to put dps mods on her and aim/end augs, that should boost her quite a lot. Edited by MidichIorian
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I'd love to see the rage on the forum from the people questing and just starting an elite mob, when an a**hole comes along, cowardly attacks them while they are already fighting a mob and on top of that, as soon as the other player attacks them, their companion disappears Edited by Never_Hesitate
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wpvp wasn't enough, so we had to start using owpvp!


What's next? mowpvp? Massive open world pvp? amowpvp? awesome massive open world pvp? sammowpvp? super awesome massive multiplayer open world pvp?




Acronyms are meant to shorten stuff, not expand with some *********** 'open' ********.

Edited by Deviltreh
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I've heard that my Nadia in min/maxed Conq/partisan hits pretty hard and tear other PvE companions a new one in a few secs. I don't know about Treek though. My treek is geared as tank atm in purple 28 in every slot and with purple tank augs and she only has 31K HP (I don't think that was with the End buff though) and crappy output. I guess an option is to put dps mods on her and aim/end augs, that should boost her quite a lot.


Yes a properly geared companion can turn into a considerable foe or your greatest allie but it still just another NPC.

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I'd love to see the rage on the forum from the people questing and just starting an elite mob, when an a**hole comes along, cowardly attacks them while they are already fighting a mob and on top of that, as soon as the other player attacks them, their companion disappears


This where Tank companions come in the most handy, often iv ambushed players on ilum in the DOI heroic and they pull out a tank that aggros all the mobs and my own comanion, leaving me to face him alone O_O i miss all that allot a good hour or 2 fighting quinwyn and co in posion strat, brawling randomes by the jedi temple ruins then onto darkness of ilum to return the favour of hosting a little PVP raid of my own, awesome! but most only want easy creds so don't even go to ilum anymore, best creds best PVP it is perfect but no one wants it :,(.... Now im lucky to get a good scrap if i just sit and wait inside their base but it can be worth the wait at times win or loose.


But back to my OP, when i say Pay2Win im not just talking about beating other players thanks to money which is what most people think that phrase means it also extends to getting ahead in general. making players need the level 40 legacy OR paying cash (credits aside) tells me bioware have totally disregarded the core fundamental of the game for subscribers its another convenience item and therefore an inconvenience is placed for us who dont pay, another thing i have to grind for (well not me but certainly alot of other players) or just click the add coins button and credit card wins again. the more things like this Bioware add, the more they cheapen the overall game, SWTOR is becoming the joke of the internent for this, once a 200.000.000 dollah MMO now just another disposable free2play, IMO bioware have given up and forgotten the subscriber.

Edited by HexDecimalUK
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I would almost care if I ever left the fleet.


But then again in OWPVP Treek probably wouldn't care that she was getting 4FPS.


Overpowered Ewoks... never thought I'd see the day. People will cry about anything I suppose.

Edited by So-low
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I would almost care if I ever left the fleet.


But then again in OWPVP Treek probably wouldn't care that she was getting 4FPS.


Overpowered Ewoks... never thought I'd see the day. People will cry about anything I suppose.


I see your something of an alt-aholic, i would be 2 if the only thing in this game that interested was the WZs, but its more like the only thing that has kept me playing, the last shred of integrity and how much content have they added to that while they shovel more cartel items into the game? well i suppose we can always just level another character while we wait if whats there has become too stagnant, oh snap :rolleyes:

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Usually when I get jumped in the open world, it starts with me seeing my companion stopping and teetering like a drunk in place. Thats the split second before I knew I was about to take it in the a-hole. :rak_04:


Don't really care about Treek as I haven't seen any evidence of it being any better than other companions, and none of them are really going to matter if the person attacking is doing it right.

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I almost always level with a DPS companion and I'm also usually a DPS. I find that when it comes to OWPVP that's the best way to go. Companions dissapear when the player dies. I don't know how many times I've seen the other player or other player's companion attack my companion, meanwhile I manually command my companion to attack the player (even after they are sometimes aggro'ed by the other companion). More often than not, it's too much DPS to handle. Edited by Lionflash
I do what I want.
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I almost always level with a DPS companion and I'm also usually a DPS. I find that when it comes to OWPVP that's the best way to go. Companions dissapear when the player dies. I don't know how many times I've seen the other player or other player's companion attack my companion, meanwhile I manually command my companion to attack the player (even after they are sometimes aggro'ed by the other companion). More often than not, it's too much DPS to handle.


I agree with this. On my main (GS), I primarily use Risha in the open world as my companion (She's geared in a combination of my old partisan mods and old basic and elite mods with around 1400? expertise at the moment). I never have a problem with taking down opponents when starting on an equal footing (Obviously if I'm getting ganked by multiple stealthers or three or more PvP geared people I'm going down no matter what). In normal 1v1 scenarios however, if the guy's pet is a healer, I have Risha attack the pet along with myself and we nuke it down real fast + if the pet is a tank I usually have her attack the player along with me and nuke the player.


I don't have Treek yet and I haven't fought anyone using her in world PvP yet, but I highly doubt that this is an issue. Especially since I heard that she comes with level ten mods (again, if someone could confirm?). I could see people complaining if she came with full 69s or something, but that's clearly not the case.

Edited by SilverMagnum
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IMO, companions should automatically vanish when PvP is initiated in open world. They are massively broken for PvP, and the devs seem to have no interest in fixing them.


Hey we DPSers love our war hero kitted healer companion :)


Honestly, if they did away with companions in OWPvP, I'd probably stop doing it. With no real ability to heal midfight I'd see no point. I'm certainly not one of "those" people who use their comp in open world large groups, though. Just creates more lag.


As it is, I'm struggling to find reasons to keep logging in of late. This game's in such sad state pvp wise I'm enjoying leveling toons in Tera more at this point (though I am sure this won't last).

Edited by islander
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I think most people in this thread are not getting the original intent of the OPs post. This is a post about the fact that Treek is the first CONTENT that Subscribers dont have access to unless we PAY for it like we're F2P.


Im in agreement with the OP I think its a sign of whats to come down the road from BW/EA. Pretty soon Subscribers wont be that much different from the F2P/Preffered customers.


Now to adress the posts about people saying the Companions should disapear when wpvp is initiated........lol Me thinks someone got creamed with a Heroic Moment ability string. I love being on my Level 55 and having HK out in full gear and then getting jumped. I use Hero Mom right off. Dirty Kick do some damage and when they CC break on my Dirty Kick I follow up with a Heroic Moment Dirty kick and drop XS Flyby and Legacy Orbital Strike and watch em melt. :D

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