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New Cutthroat Dailies!


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As a relatively new player of TOR, not having the majority of game being in instance (like my last game was) is often quite weird. Seeing the corpses of the thing you're about to kill, mobs respawning in front of your eyes, trying to get an objective only for some little twit to ninja in and steal it, meaning you have to wait while the damn thing respawns...


Yeah, sorry, but instances were actually better, IMO. Just my newbie tuppence hapenny :D

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You should use the boxes / kolto things first before fighting the mobs there to avoid getting them "stolen" by others.

Often the node "stealing" is not intentional though, as player / npcs models load very slowly in crowded areas (I guess mostly on low settings and an old PC).

I like open areas vs all instanced for dailies, feels more lively. It's very crowded at the moment. When the novelty wears off you can probably do the quests faster. If not they could lower the player limit per instance.

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. It's very crowded at the moment. When the novelty wears off you can probably do the quests faster. If not they could lower the player limit per instance.


Yup all the kids want to see the new thing so here we all rush into the thing and ninja the hell out of each other.


Also the reason why I stayed away from it, and will stay away for a couple of more days. :p

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Yeah it's pretty fail how Imperial and Republic missons criss cross the same area's. So not only is everyone Ninja Looting there own faction they are doing it to the other faction. This area was rushed and lazy. And what ever happened to "All quests in our game are voice acted?" Just another mission terminal with text as per usual. This is lazy biofail.
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*Sigh* and here it comes.


The "How the game isn't done exactly how i specifically wanted so its a fail" QQ thread.


Many people are actually enjoying the new daily area. It's quick, you can get it done in 20 minutes and there is alot of organic OWPvP going on. If its not for you then don't go. But don't cry about it and want to ruin it for the rest of us.

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To be honest I'm not enjoying the new daily area. Having to wait until one spawn point opens up so I can camp it until it respawns 8 times to finish a quest because all the other points are similarly camped is absurd.


Think I'll go play another game were play doesn't consist of standing around and waiting.

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I thought we were moving away from the open area, slow to spawn/re-spawn dailies? Or is this punishment? IS that the new bioware corporate model? Punish players for complaining by making the game worse?

Improved the game TONS imo! THIS is how I feel the new areas should be designed!

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To be honest I'm not enjoying the new daily area. Having to wait until one spawn point opens up so I can camp it until it respawns 8 times to finish a quest because all the other points are similarly camped is absurd.


Think I'll go play another game were play doesn't consist of standing around and waiting.


It's just the initial rush, everyone wants the faction reputation.

It'll die down soon enough.

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As a relatively new player of TOR, not having the majority of game being in instance (like my last game was) is often quite weird. Seeing the corpses of the thing you're about to kill, mobs respawning in front of your eyes, trying to get an objective only for some little twit to ninja in and steal it, meaning you have to wait while the damn thing respawns...


Yeah, sorry, but instances were actually better, IMO. Just my newbie tuppence hapenny :D


You want MORE of the game in an instance? I'm not sure an MMO is the game you are looking for.

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It's just the initial rush, everyone wants the faction reputation.

It'll die down soon enough.


Yeah I want the faction rep too but I'm not putting up with that to get it. Piss poor design if you ask me. All they had to do was lower the player per instance limit and this problem wouldn't have happened.

Edited by Revenaught
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Yeah I want the faction rep too but I'm not putting up with that to get it. Piss poor design if you ask me. All they had to do was lower the player per instance limit and this problem wouldn't have happened.


I don't believe it's poor design. I believe it's to encourage pvp interactions.

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I don't believe it's poor design. I believe it's to encourage pvp interactions.


If that's truly the intent behind it then it's really piss poor design. There is no reason to be PvP in the first place there. No goals, no objectives, and no reason to engage the opposing faction. Doing so will just hinder your attempt to complete the quests given. It's hard enough to finish the dailies there as it is why would I make it harder on myself by throwing PvP into the mix.

Edited by Revenaught
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If that's truly the intent behind it then it's really piss poor design. There is no reason to be PvP in the first place there. No goals, no objectives, and no reason to engage the opposing faction. Doing so will just hinder your attempt to complete the quests given. It's hard enough to finish the dailies there as it is why would I make it harder on myself by throwing PvP into the mix.


It's no surprise people ***** about anything and you can't make everyone happy. A ton of people like it but if you butch and moan and call it piss poor maybe they'll change it for ya I bet it will work! Just let them know you will unsub if they don't to round it out.

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It's no surprise people ***** about anything and you can't make everyone happy. A ton of people like it but if you butch and moan and call it piss poor maybe they'll change it for ya I bet it will work! Just let them know you will unsub if they don't to round it out.


I'm sorry, did my honest opinion about it hurt you that badly? Deal with it.

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If that's truly the intent behind it then it's really piss poor design. There is no reason to be PvP in the first place there. No goals, no objectives, and no reason to engage the opposing faction. Doing so will just hinder your attempt to complete the quests given. It's hard enough to finish the dailies there as it is why would I make it harder on myself by throwing PvP into the mix.


You may want to brace yourself because I think I'm going to blow your mind.


You ready? Ok, here we go.


Some people enjoy PVP.


Amazing right? I know, I was completely shocked when I heard it too.



This new dailies area was designed in such a way that it would bring players of both factions in contact so that those who like PVP have an excuse to do so. It's meant to encourage natural PVP instead of just saying "see this area, this is for PVP, those who don't like it can bugger off". And as we've seen just allowing PVP on its own isn't incentive enough to go there (see Outlaw's Den). This dailies area gives players a reason to be in the area in the first place.

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If that's truly the intent behind it then it's really piss poor design. There is no reason to be PvP in the first place there. No goals, no objectives, and no reason to engage the opposing faction. Doing so will just hinder your attempt to complete the quests given. It's hard enough to finish the dailies there as it is why would I make it harder on myself by throwing PvP into the mix.


Revan is disappoint son.


PVPing to PVP is another perspective. PVPing to complete PVE objectives too.

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If that's truly the intent behind it then it's really piss poor design. There is no reason to be PvP in the first place there. No goals, no objectives, and no reason to engage the opposing faction. Doing so will just hinder your attempt to complete the quests given. It's hard enough to finish the dailies there as it is why would I make it harder on myself by throwing PvP into the mix.


Apparently you have never heard of open world PvP.

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You may want to brace yourself because I think I'm going to blow your mind.


You ready? Ok, here we go.


Some people enjoy PVP.


Amazing right? I know, I was completely shocked when I heard it too.



This new dailies area was designed in such a way that it would bring players of both factions in contact so that those who like PVP have an excuse to do so. It's meant to encourage natural PVP instead of just saying "see this area, this is for PVP, those who don't like it can bugger off". And as we've seen just allowing PVP on its own isn't incentive enough to go there (see Outlaw's Den). This dailies area gives players a reason to be in the area in the first place.


Ah! So you're saying they like to PvP but have to be tricked into being in the same area before they will indulge in it? Well that makes it all perfectly clear. Who knew it would take a PvE lure to arrange some PvP!


If it was really designed as a PvP area why aren't there some PvP objectives wrapped up in it? If you're trying to get people to PvP why not give it some meaning in the area?


Look I'm not knocking PvP or those who like it. But while this new area may get the factions in close together there is absolutely nothing else about it that encourages PvP. If that was all it took there would be mass battles on several other locations constantly.

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Apparently you have never heard of open world PvP.


You know what you make of yourself when you assume like that don't you? Yes I have heard of Open World PvP. And it will fail in this section like the rest of the game because there is no goals or objectives associated with it. That is why there are very few occurrences of actual open world PvP happening in this game.

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OMG dark green text is annoying and unreadable.


Also I enjoy that they are implementing smart ways to do small area world PvP. This is a move in the right direction and if you disagree, transfer or reroll on a PvE server. Don't fault them for including PvP on on PvP server, they gave you a warning when you chose the sever.

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You know what you make of yourself when you assume like that don't you? Yes I have heard of Open World PvP. And it will fail in this section like the rest of the game because there is no goals or objectives associated with it. That is why there are very few occurrences of actual open world PvP happening in this game.


The whole point behind open world PvP is that there are no goals or objectives and people just do it for fun. That is how it is different than instanced/warzone PvP. That is why I say you haven't heard of it, because you are clearly missing the entire concept.


Not everything has to have an objective to be fun.

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