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Poll: How should end game PVP gearing work?


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The current end game PVP gear progression system seems rather convoluted and confusing. I've put forth 4 different options which might improve the system, and I think they cover all the baseline options out there:


A) Both PVP Gear Progression And Bolster: Continue with current system of bolstering and gear grind, except adjust values of PVE gear bolstering so that even top end PVE gear falls below Partisan gear in terms of power.


B) PVP Gear Progression But No Bolster: Remove bolster and re-implement gear progression by re-introducing the PVP gear starter set (Recruit gear), except reduce the power discrepancy between starter gear and mid-tiered pvp gear. Also, don't let players queue when their expertise is at 0.


C) Bolster But No PVP Gear Progression: Remove gear progression and bolster everyone to the same level. Essentially, you don't need to do anything to do end-game PVP. Just jump right in. There is no such thing as PVP gear, and there would be absolutely no difference between wearing green PVE gear and purple PVE gear. What you wear still influences your final stats (such as if your gear has shield, the shield value will be bolstered, etc.), so you can still min/max your gear to your liking.


D) No Bolster And No PVP Gear Progression: The stats on your gear is what your stats will be in the warzone :p There is no such thing as PVP gear. Only PVE gear. Time to start raiding!


You can just vote by saying A, B, C, or D. I'll tally up the votes once each page is finished.





2 pages tallied...


A) Both PVP Gear Progression And Bolster - 3 votes

B) PVP Gear Progression But No Bolster - 9 votes

C) Bolster But No PVP Gear Progression - 3 votes

D) No Bolster And No PVP Gear Progression - 0 votes



Edited by gocard
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Their issue with that was recruit being better than base PvE gear or otherwise ruining progression. Easy answer is to make Recruit MK3 with 2018 Expertise and make the main and endurance less than that of their entry PvE gear.

or remove the artificial cap and bump recruit higher than 2018 and lower the main/end even more to make it irrelevant in the PvE arena..

And a free Augment slot would be helpful as well.


But "B"....

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Definitely. What's the point of creating a system of "Controlled Inequity"?


What do I get out of fighting when there's no level playing field to start with? What does a win even mean if my opponents were at a disadvantage? What does a loss mean? Nothing.....the match just played out like it was supposed to.....


I get no joy out of beating up someone who doesn't stand a chance, and no one wants to play a game that they know they have no chance of winning, so what's the point of a gear progression in PvP?

Edited by Primarch_PWnD
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or remove the artificial cap and bump recruit higher than 2018 and lower the main/end even more to make it irrelevant in the PvE arena..

And a free Augment slot would be helpful as well.


But "B"....


Oh, yeah. I was going to mention making it moddable gear so it can be stripped and put into your other augmented shells, then require it for *partisan. That way you are not also waling around with an augment disadvantage.


*next tier gear as it would stand now.

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How can you have a list yet leave out that awesome RNG bag system we had. I think we would all like to have the chance to go a week and get nothing but gloves or implants.


Anyways its B.


Bolster was forced onto us because players sold their recruit gear, never got it or simply never equipped it.


To those that vote C what is the point then? No one is holding onto anything, PvP gear is stupid easy to get and has been since the days of centurion/champion/battlemaster gear. Its someone dynamic to be able to min/max your gear to your liking and forcing the same stats on everyone does not appeal to me, I might as well go back to CoD.


People still don't get how bolster works in the most simplistic approach. I saw an assassin yesterday rocking full recruit gear with a hopping 1k expertise and crap stats, when I sent him a tell saying to take it off he responded ''eh I make it work''...he didn't.

Edited by cycao
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E) Bolster and merge PvP and PvE gear progression


One gear progression. All gear has a cost in Warzone comms & PvE comms. A new harder weekly (based on wins + medals) would give you a token for a set piece. Bolster brings everyone to Partisan (which would be buffed to HM Flashpoint gear).

Edited by Master-Nala
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To those that vote C what is the point then? No one is holding onto anything, PvP gear is stupid easy to get and has been since the days of centurion/champion/battlemaster gear. Its someone dynamic to be able to min/max your gear to your liking and forcing the same stats on everyone does not appeal to me, I might as well go back to CoD


I changed the wording on option C to make it more clear. You can still min/max crit, power, shield, absorb, etc. It's just that a green adept 22 enhancement will get bolstered to the same level that a purple adept 30 enhancement is bolstered. That's all. It won't change your adept enhancement into something with shield/absorb or vice versa.

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The current end game PVP gear progression system seems rather convoluted and confusing. I've put forth 4 different options which might improve the system, and I think they cover all the baseline options out there:


A) Both PVP Gear Progression And Bolster: Continue with current system of bolstering and gear grind, except adjust values of PVE gear bolstering so that even top end PVE gear falls below Partisan gear in terms of power.


B) PVP Gear Progression But No Bolster: Remove bolster and re-implement gear progression by re-introducing the PVP gear starter set (Recruit gear), except reduce the power discrepancy between starter gear and mid-tiered pvp gear. Also, don't let players queue when their expertise is at 0.


C) Bolster But No PVP Gear Progression: Remove gear progression and bolster everyone to the same level. Essentially, you don't need to do anything to do end-game PVP. Just jump right in. There is no such thing as PVP gear, and there would be absolutely no difference between wearing green PVE gear and purple PVE gear. What you wear still influences your final stats (such as if your gear has shield, the shield value will be bolstered, etc.), so you can still min/max your gear to your liking.


D) No Bolster And No PVP Gear Progression: The stats on your gear is what your stats will be in the warzone :p There is no such thing as PVP gear. Only PVE gear. Time to start raiding!


You can just vote by saying A, B, C, or D. I'll tally up the votes once each page is finished.





1 page tallied...


A) Both PVP Gear Progression And Bolster - 0 votes

B) PVP Gear Progression But No Bolster - 5 votes

C) Bolster But No PVP Gear Progression - 3 votes

D) No Bolster And No PVP Gear Progression - 0 votes



hmm, I'd personally choose B. Given how things are now with A, they might as well implement C if they wish to continue with Bolster, because pvp gear is a joke right now and pvp gear progression is nonexistent.

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I know I'll get crucified but I'll choose A. I have been pvping in this game for a long time, and I absolutely despised 50 pvp because of the fact that recruit was **** and i was tired of people in better gear beating me just because they played more. I know, I'm such a kriffing noob, sue me. After 2.0, there were bugs and it took a while to be fixed but hell I actually enjoy 55 pvp a lot. I even have mostly all partisan gear with four conqueror items. This never would've happened prior to 2.0. I mainly pve'd when I first got this game but pvp has become something i mainly do when i log in and it works.


I believe where it counts, like ranked, there shouldn't be bolster. But for regs, keep it. Anyone who WANTS an advantage over someone in a video game just so they can continue to shred noobs doesn't have any skill whatsoever. Sorry, not sorry.

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Definitely. What's the point of creating a system of "Controlled Inequity"?


What do I get out of fighting when there's no level playing field to start with? What does a win even mean if my opponents were at a disadvantage? What does a loss mean? Nothing.....the match just played out like it was supposed to.....


I get no joy out of beating up someone who doesn't stand a chance, and no one wants to play a game that they know they have no chance of winning, so what's the point of a gear progression in PvP?

OK, but you're perfectly fine with totally random warzones, in terms of premade size, classes, specs and skill? Let's try to fix that first, buddy, then we can talk about the stuff that has the least amount of impact on the outcome, gear. Edited by MidichIorian
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The current end game PVP gear progression system seems rather convoluted and confusing. I've put forth 4 different options which might improve the system, and I think they cover all the baseline options out there:


A) Both PVP Gear Progression And Bolster: Continue with current system of bolstering and gear grind, except adjust values of PVE gear bolstering so that even top end PVE gear falls below Partisan gear in terms of power.

B) PVP Gear Progression But No Bolster: Remove bolster and re-implement gear progression by re-introducing the PVP gear starter set (Recruit gear), except reduce the power discrepancy between starter gear and mid-tiered pvp gear. Also, don't let players queue when their expertise is at 0.


C) Bolster But No PVP Gear Progression: Remove gear progression and bolster everyone to the same level. Essentially, you don't need to do anything to do end-game PVP. Just jump right in. There is no such thing as PVP gear, and there would be absolutely no difference between wearing green PVE gear and purple PVE gear. What you wear still influences your final stats (such as if your gear has shield, the shield value will be bolstered, etc.), so you can still min/max your gear to your liking.


D) No Bolster And No PVP Gear Progression: The stats on your gear is what your stats will be in the warzone :p There is no such thing as PVP gear. Only PVE gear. Time to start raiding!


You can just vote by saying A, B, C, or D. I'll tally up the votes once each page is finished.





1 page tallied...


A) Both PVP Gear Progression And Bolster - 0 votes

B) PVP Gear Progression But No Bolster - 5 votes

C) Bolster But No PVP Gear Progression - 3 votes

D) No Bolster And No PVP Gear Progression - 0 votes


A) Your first suggestion would just be like not having any Bolster and we can't have that for our none thinking PVEers who like standing still targets. They need that extra boost better than PvPers because we are just to hard to kill and it requires thinking and some dedication to your character. :eek:


C) Watch whats left of the PvP community leave in droves if they did this.


Currently as is no one knows how Bolster works but people see the difference it does on gear and don't be fooled on here by others who love it. Bolster is "How to PvP for Idiots".


Its mind boggling seeing another player with greens on bolstered better than someone with supposedly end game gear and here is the kicker. Your end game PvP gear is only slightly better if it is fully augmented and its just a slight advantage nothing more.

Edited by Asturias
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