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Unresponsive Controls Due to Rapid Keypresses


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Ive played alot of PVP, erm hutball, and ive unsubbed. got 17 days left. will finish the story. on my Si.. then im gone. PVP is a joke.


Press a botton and nothing happens. was like this in beta 6 month's ago.


They carnt fix it.. and hearing the storys about illum..


Great pve side tho. Just not for me atm..

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AGREED!!! This needs to be fixed yesterday. I have played a Gunslinger to 27, and a Trooper to 27 and both have the same issue. It really sucks when you spend 2.5 seconds channeling an aim shot that doesn't even go off. I mean 2.5 seconds in PVP is an eternity. Also what is with the long gcd?


This issue makes the game unplayable and if it is not fixed soon I will unsub both of my accounts.

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AGREED!!! This needs to be fixed yesterday. I have played a Gunslinger to 27, and a Trooper to 27 and both have the same issue. It really sucks when you spend 2.5 seconds channeling an aim shot that doesn't even go off. I mean 2.5 seconds in PVP is an eternity. Also what is with the long gcd?


This issue makes the game unplayable and if it is not fixed soon I will unsub both of my accounts.



Same goes for Sabslinger.


What pi55es me off even more is that there is actually no point in bothering to keybind due to this. A clicker has enough time to roll a 'J' and scratch his ar5e between abilities due to the crappy GCD mechanics!


I even have enough time to glance at Youtube or some other 5hit on my other screen between abilities! :S

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Anyone noticed the annoying delay on shadow strike (jedi shadow class)? Sometimes, I will hit the key and my toon begins to swing his saber but the strike doesn't happen. I have to push the key again to get it to land. By that time 3 or 4 seconds have elapsed, which is a HUGE amount of time in PvP.


Also I have noticed situations where I will have a full force bar, be behind the target and get a message saying "ability not ready" or something like that. I can do everything right and still not be allowed to use the ability for whatever reason.


And then there's a delay on just about every ability (as has been discussed ad nauseum here). The combat in this game is simply not fluid enough. I don't know if it's the long GCD or what.


And, no I never played WoW, so I am not some fanboy trying to bash the game unnecessarily.. I want this game to improve.

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Anyone noticed the annoying delay on shadow strike (jedi shadow class)? Sometimes, I will hit the key and my toon begins to swing his saber but the strike doesn't happen. I have to push the key again to get it to land. By that time 3 or 4 seconds have elapsed, which is a HUGE amount of time in PvP.


Also I have noticed situations where I will have a full force bar, be behind the target and get a message saying "ability not ready" or something like that. I can do everything right and still not be allowed to use the ability for whatever reason.


And then there's a delay on just about every ability (as has been discussed ad nauseum here). The combat in this game is simply not fluid enough. I don't know if it's the long GCD or what.


And, no I never played WoW, so I am not some fanboy trying to bash the game unnecessarily.. I want this game to improve.


Oh god yes. I also get in PvP and PvE line of sight error messages when trying to backstab with Shadow Strike every other time I try.

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It definitely is one cause. I really don't even bother with Riposte anymore, I hit it once and it stutters so I hit it again and it just gets stuck in the animation. The worst is Slash.


I'm hoping they fix it soon. Some times it's perfectly fine but sometimes I have to switch characters. It really does have a huge effect in PvP and even PvE instances where you're fighting gold star bosses in a class quest at 1/3 health and one ability getting stuck in animation means the difference between who dies first.

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Same goes for Sabslinger.


What pi55es me off even more is that there is actually no point in bothering to keybind due to this. A clicker has enough time to roll a 'J' and scratch his ar5e between abilities due to the crappy GCD mechanics!


I even have enough time to glance at Youtube or some other 5hit on my other screen between abilities! :S


I LOL'ed, but you're right. Before I even played SWTOR a guildie of mine from another MMO (not WoW) said that SWTOR is a "clickers delight." He mentioned that the GCD is just too long. After playing for myself, it's even worse than just the GCD (due to ability lag on top of that).


Some might say "who cares if it is 1.5 seconds." Well, it might seem like it doesn't matter, but as has been stated already, if you spam your abilities quick like you are used to in other games, you will notice it makes the ability delay worse. Sometimes the ability wont cast at all.


I see no reason whatsoever to use a 1.5 second GCD. The only thing I can think of is they wanted to appeal to the casual clickers.

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I have really enjoyed this game so far, but the maul ability needs to work in pvp. My assassin doesnt need to twirl this saber like a baton, just a quick thrust will do. Sometimes i get a four second stun on a guy with like a full bar a force and i cant do squat.


^ This x10. I play a shadow and it's the same thing. Instead of maul, it's called spinning strike (the strike where the target must be below 30% health). This is one of the most delayed abilities I have come across. Seriously, it can take a good 3 seconds sometimes to get this "instant" ability to go off. The twirling animation just seems to slow everything down to a crawl. I can't tell you how many kills I have had stolen because someone ninja's the kill whole my baton is spinning.


And I hear you about the stun. Sometimes I completely waste my stun because I cannot get an ability to go off in the time the guy is stunned. I will be standing behind him like a fool doing nothing, and I am sure he is thinking ***.


Also why we're complaining, is there a reason why i get hutball 7 times out of 10, i really enjoy the others so much more.


Because you rolled empire. As a Republican, I would say 75% of my matches are NOT hutball.


I know this is a stupid suggestion... but since abilities work if you click them once, why not just click them once?


Because most of us have played MMO's where it doesn't matter how much you spam. If the ability is on the GCD, it doesn't cast. In this game, it seems that spamming while the ability is on the GCD actually makes the ability delay or just not go off at all. Something is wrong with that.


Let's face it, after playing with a 1 second GCD (or lower) for so long, I think it is unreasonable to ask us to have a timer in our heads for the 1.5 second GCD.

Edited by Thiussat
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I have this problem with both my 50 guardian and 20 marauder. Except I don't have to press the button more than once to get it. In fact I don't even need to be in combat to get this. Standing on my ship and pressing force sweep one time will typically result in 2-4 animation stutters. There is no excuse for this terrible gameplay mechanic. This was never an issue during the months of beta I played, how did it become one upon release?

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Speak with your money guys. Your complaints on a forum will go unnoticed for the most part. Unsubscribing will not. Come back if the major issues are fixed that you're concerned about.


And for the die hard PvPers check out TERA. It'll be out later this year and it's looking to be very good for PvP.

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I have been playing a lot today as i had the day of work and i lost count how many times this crappy user interface bugged on me. I'm standing there pressing abilities which i have hot keyed and NOTHING happens, or my avatars animation plays for a split second and it looks like they are doing a dance.


It really is the worse thing about this game. How did you get it so wrong BW?. You had the experience of the Mytic guys, 5 years of development and much improved technology to choose from compared to older MMO's..... How come they have got it working so smooth and SWTOR can't?.


It is so frustrating to play with.

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Pressing a hotkey repeatedly often causes abilities to stutter, or simply not work. This is more noticeable with melee classes, especially jedi knight or sith warrior. The animation will replay itself a few times, then stop altogether or continue through. It happens most often in pvp where things are hectic and keys are pressed more rapidly. Activating multiple abilities which are off the global cooldown at the same time also often results in several abilities not being activated. Channeled abilities also sometimes channel without doing any damage or their intended effect (usually if you use them right after you stop moving). In addition, trying to move immediately after summoning your mount causes you to dismount. I believe that all these issues are related to some bug or horrible design flaw in the key input or animation coding.


These bugs make playing at high speed (such as in pvp) quite frustrating, especially for melee classes.


OP is correct, happens to me on my Sniper as well.

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