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Since when was this alright?


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Taris, level 23 Trooper. Decide I might as well clear out the Heroics while I'm here, given how over half of the missions on this over-large dump of a world have given me a grand total of SIX exp for rewards each time, and a pitiful ammount of credits, purely because it never made it clear what sort of level I should be when I got there. Pardon me for trying to get decent kit on the character I'd got furthest with.


So, not only do mission give you abysmal rewards as soon as they go grey? Some genius decided that it was perfectly acceptable for mobs SEVEN LEVELS below me to kick my butt with little effort. Trying to complete the Locust mission on Taris. Yes, yes, I know; Heroic 4+, wah wah, go get a group. Well, newsflash; in its infinite wisdom, the group finder now outright decrees that that is ENTIRELY impossible. Because I've out-levelled it, of course. Not like I should want to clear out the damn things clogging up my mission log, right?


So, here I am. Stuck with ****y rewards for a mission where the enemies are grossly overpowered. Bloody 'raid design' MMOs at the worst...Don't get me wrong, I'm loving the rest of TOR so far, i.e. the bits that aren't designed to cheat. But this just takes the biscuit, cake and the trifle too...



(inb4 'l2p noob omg' and other such junk...)

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I agree that it is very easy to overlevel a planet, which can be frustrating, but if you're overleveled that all the heroics on a planet are grey, then the next planet should be fairly easy for you (and you can re-gear there).


Heroics are meant to be completed with others. Even if you are overleveled. So it will be quite difficult to complete them even when the quest is grey (for the 4+ quests, the 2+ quests can often be completed with you and a companion).


Unfortunately, most people wouldn't want to group with you, as you're membership in the group would significantly reduce their experience (the exp you get reduces if there is an overleveled member in the group, meant to avoid blatant powerleveling). Hence the reason that the group finder doesn't allow this to happen.


So, you're left with 2 options:

1) Ask in general chat if people want to group up (and hope they aren't irritated by your high level and them not getting XP from the mobs that are killed). This would result in you getting some gear, but gear that is the level of the mission (ie not at your level). You don't need to use group finder to do the quests.

2) Just move on, and go to the next planet. You can abandon the quest, and it'll be gone from your quest log. Harder if you're a completionist (but you could always solo the heroics when you're L55), but the rewards you get will be more in line with your level.


You don't HAVE to do the heroics in order to complete a planet. If you're getting too high for a planet, but want to complete the heroics, then stop doing side quests and just do your story quest (the only one you really have to complete to move on to the next planet) OR the main story arc for the planet if you wish (as it does help the story along).


If you do all the side quests, you'll constantly be over-leveled, all your gear will be below your level, and the game will be easy mode until you're to L55. Then suddenly things will be harder. OR you try to keep at level, and it's a bit harder, and you might have to skip some quests, but you also get better at using your class. Neither answer is wrong, but it's your choice.

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Taris, level 23 Trooper. Decide I might as well clear out the Heroics while I'm here, given how over half of the missions on this over-large dump of a world have given me a grand total of SIX exp for rewards each time, and a pitiful ammount of credits, purely because it never made it clear what sort of level I should be when I got there. Pardon me for trying to get decent kit on the character I'd got furthest with.


Uh...it does. If you looked at the zone on your galaxy map, it gives a level range. Also your class quests and all quests for that matter have a level on it in your log.


So, not only do mission give you abysmal rewards as soon as they go grey? Some genius decided that it was perfectly acceptable for mobs SEVEN LEVELS below me to kick my butt with little effort.


Tip: If mobs are labeled as Champions, they're extremely tough. Look at how much health they have compared to the regular mobs around.

Trying to complete the Locust mission on Taris. Yes, yes, I know; Heroic 4+, wah wah, go get a group. Well, newsflash; in its infinite wisdom, the group finder now outright decrees that that is ENTIRELY impossible. Because I've out-levelled it, of course. Not like I should want to clear out the damn things clogging up my mission log, right?


I've never used group finder for planetary quests, didn't think anyone did, since it's really useless for them. What people do for those is advertise in general that you're looking for a group.


So, here I am. Stuck with ****y rewards for a mission where the enemies are grossly overpowered. Bloody 'raid design' MMOs at the worst...Don't get me wrong, I'm loving the rest of TOR so far, i.e. the bits that aren't designed to cheat. But this just takes the biscuit, cake and the trifle too...


You're not stuck there. You really don't need to do heroics, they're entirely optional. You'll find that you can go to the next planet and kill non-heroic npcs that are above your level more easily and get much better rewards.

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You're not stuck there. You really don't need to do heroics, they're entirely optional. You'll find that you can go to the next planet and kill non-heroic npcs that are above your level more easily and get much better rewards.


The next planet will actually be a breeze, since Nar Shaddaa is 20-24 or something.

I fully expect a new thread about how poor the balance in this game is because the next planet was too easy.

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He's been here less than two weeks, figures he ought to be able to kill anything. Must be someone else's fault he cannot. That about sums it up.




Assessment: No reason for gray heroic mobs to be handing keester to OP. OP to learn to play IMO.. or pick softer targets.

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Assessment: No reason for gray heroic mobs to be handing keester to OP. OP to learn to play IMO.. or pick softer targets.



Just some extra notes for the new player (OP). First, your crowd control measures are your friend when soloing difficult content! Second, There comes a point at which low-level mobs no longer deal significant damage to your character. I cannot remember whether it is eight or ten levels below, but it is certainly within that range. Once you hit that point, you can generally solo any content (but the rewards (xp and credits) are similarly poor).


I ran the Taral V flashpoint several times solo in order to accumulate a set of maelstrom armor for my trooper and her squad. It was much more time-effective doing this than queuing up, waiting for the pop, and then dealing with the drama that sometimes goes along with a PuG. The first time I hit it, I was something like level 40 or 41, and the mobs still dealt damage. I was powerful in comparison, but not enough to reliably take out boss after boss, and it was one HECK of a SLOG. Then, as soon as I hit the next level, the mobs I fought were rendered essentially powerless, and I was able to mop them all up with little effort. I collected the armor I wanted with impunity and continued on my journey.


My recommendation: If you want to do all the content, let grey heroics go for now and hit them with the next character you make. If you are after certain gear drops, then just move to the next planet, gain another level or two, and come back. If I recall correctly, Locust is pretty easy to solo at level 24 (might be 25). I ran the Heroic 2 solo at 23 a couple of times.


Finally, I rarely find that the planet-based group finder queue works effectively. More typically, people will gather groups through the general chat. Just keep an eye on that and request an invite when a mission you need pops up. Or, request your own group through this same method. If you want to link a mission title on a chat post, just shift-click the title of the mission in your mission log.

Edited by -Wes-
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The Hoth Bonus Series missions (around level 41 or so) were still difficult to solo with a companion at level 50 until I got some characters HM FP gear.


Heroic missions follow a different mold. They are intended as group content in order to make players familiar with the various roles that they play. While it is entirely possible to do most (if not all) heroic 4's with all DPS, it is much easier when you have a balanced group of 1 Tank, 1 Healer and 2 DPS.


Even when over-leveled to the point the heroics go gray, you may still be within the "butt-kicking" range of Champion level mobs, so you have to not only know your class, but be relatively well geared (both you AND your companion) in order to succeed.


But in reality, it was "alright" the moment it was listed as group content and not solo content. Group content is always harder than solo content. Let's face it, something designed for 4 level 20's (80 combined character levels) is still going to be challenging if you are trying to do it with one level 30 and a companion (which no where equates to 60 combined character levels since companions really seem to only count as half a regular player for the most part).

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Assessment: No reason for gray heroic mobs to be handing keester to OP. OP to learn to play IMO.. or pick softer targets.


Mobs that are seven levels below, yet somehow able to tank stupid amounts of damage thanks to an arbitrary 'Elite' label. You try doing 'The Locust' mission on Taris, please, tell me how I need to 'l2p'?


As a Vanguard I don't have tons of crowd control tools available. And my trooper and Jorgan are both pretty well kitted out. Yet given *every* damn mob there gets Elite status, any group that has more than one Champion in it is pretty much a death sentence. And, yes, I could just skip it, but that is seriously annoying to a completionist.


And, frankly, I don't see how this situation is my fault. The game encourages you to do certain things often (Flashpoints) and, hey, the rewards are pretty nice so, why not? And then I wind up with this, too high to get actual rewards, and yet too low for grey Elites to not be stupidly dangerous still. 'Logic'...

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He's been here less than two weeks, figures he ought to be able to kill anything. Must be someone else's fault he cannot. That about sums it up.


Ahh, the good ol' BS elitist 'x time in game' comment. Was wondering when I'd see the first one of those.


No, I don't figure I 'should be able to kill anything'. I see a far higher level than me giant droid with 'World Boss' included in its titles, I know I'm sure as hell not taking that on solo (Coruscant).

I guess I missed the memo on how mobs -7 your level are somehow still totally able to swat you about if there's more than one of a specific type of them in a group. Because that's TOTALLY logical, right?


Or maybe I just have to break my brain for all this 'raid logic' MMO design to make sense... which is a shame, given the rest of the game is so good.

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Well it's sort of all been said, but just a quick maths comment:


Say the heroic you were doing was for lvl 20. And say you're lvl 27 now, right? Sorry, I'm not sure of actual levels, but go with me here...


A heroic 4 requires four players, so e.g. 20 x 4 = 80 levels worth. You are lvl 27, plus a companion, that would give you 54 levels, which is 26 levels below where you would have been with 4 level 20 players. And comps aren't really as good as having a player either.


Now this is just a rough guide and I expect people will tell me stories about all the heroic 4s they have soloed. Yes, I am there with you. But for OP, if you/your comp are not well geared, or if you are not overly experienced... heroic 4s can easily still kick your *** and hopefully my example is showing you how.


If you're not getting good rewards and you're losing, then why are you doing it? Also, don't worry about group finder, all you gotta do is type "LFG"and paste the mission in general chat - done.

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And, frankly, I don't see how this situation is my fault. The game encourages you to do certain things often (Flashpoints) and, hey, the rewards are pretty nice so, why not? And then I wind up with this, too high to get actual rewards, and yet too low for grey Elites to not be stupidly dangerous still. 'Logic'...


Because it is a heroic 4. It is intended for four players. That is the logic. Do it with four players and then complain. "The game encourages you" to do it with four players, not solo it!


Although given your posts, I am actually starting to see why you might not be able to find a group...

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Here's a tip.


You want to clear the heroic mission from your log?


Abandon it.


You never remove it because its repeatable and will be there next day to pick up even when you are level 55 and have done it every day before.


The only missions you NEED to do are your class missions. Everything and I mean everything else is to help you level up.


If you are overlevelled then skip to the next planet once your class missions are complete.

Edited by Gyronamics
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I noticed you keep mentioning Jorgan.

Are you a healer then? Or are you a DPS trying to do this with a DPS companion?


He said he's a vanguard, so either a tank with DPS companion or, as you say, DPS with DPS. Elara would probably have been my pick in either scenario for a heroic 4.


Be interesting to know what gear both player and comp are in.

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He said he's a vanguard, so either a tank with DPS companion or, as you say, DPS with DPS. Elara would probably have been my pick in either scenario for a heroic 4.


Be interesting to know what gear both player and comp are in.


Ah, thanks - I missed that part.

But yes, Elara (healer companion) would've also been my choice for a Heroic - on pretty much every non-healer class.

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He said he's a vanguard, so either a tank with DPS companion or, as you say, DPS with DPS. Elara would probably have been my pick in either scenario for a heroic 4.


Be interesting to know what gear both player and comp are in.


I don't *have* any other companions other than Jorgan (and the ship droid)


Pardon me for being under the impression of being able to complete stuff on a planet when I got there. Having come from a game where 'raid content' was practically non-existant until relatively shortly before the Suits pulled the plug, I find the design of -7 enemies still being able to slam you thanks to some arbitrary label kind of abhorrent...but whatever, I'll just get the leet pros slamming me for daring to have an opinion, right?


My characters got the HC Trooper Armour (Stalwart protector) with the Hammer Assault helmet. It's all slotted with the level 23 useable stuff from cybertech, so armour plating, mods and whatever enhance's I've been able to pick up on the way. Jorgan has a bit more of a mix, with (I think) the Hammer Assault assault cannon, the helmet you can buy from Taris, Athis or Hammer trooper armour and various other blue and green pieces. I make sure to keep him fairly well kitted, though.


The OP was mostly a vent post, because, like I said, I find this kind of design kind of stupid. But I realise EA/Bioware is never going to chance that, and I won't get much understanding here beyond "**** and L2P noob!" Well, ok, that's unfair, some people have been well reasoned and helpful about it. But oh well.

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