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Cartel Market offerings changing daily now???


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I noticed yesterday that Gold Scalene Armour and the Solus Secant had reappeared in the Cartel market, so I bought them......also noticed in collections a "Corsec Electrobaton" that I had never seen before....


So, today I clicked the cartel icon on the electrobaton, which opened the cartel market, which showed No gree stuff, but the Destroyer Armour kit was back (it had completely vanished yesterday)


So....what's up with that? I thought the selections only changed every two weeks or so....

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This is a great question! You may have noticed that aside from the Gree themed items returning to the store, that the items which are on sale sometimes changes as well. I recommend folks check the store every day to see what things are on sale. If we add any brand new items into the Market we will be sure to alert you, but the sales will be changing "on-the-fly."



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This is a great question! You may have noticed that aside from the Gree themed items returning to the store, that the items which are on sale sometimes changes as well. I recommend folks check the store every day to see what things are on sale. If we add any brand new items into the Market we will be sure to alert you, but the sales will be changing "on-the-fly."




Any chance we could get some sort of outside tracker for this? Maybe a CM twitter or something?

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Any chance we could get some sort of outside tracker for this? Maybe a CM twitter or something?

^I second this! The hashtag on twitter is cool and all, but an official "Cartel Market Twitter" would be very helpful!


This is a great question! You may have noticed that aside from the Gree themed items returning to the store, that the items which are on sale sometimes changes as well. I recommend folks check the store every day to see what things are on sale. If we add any brand new items into the Market we will be sure to alert you, but the sales will be changing "on-the-fly."




What about sales on Legacy perks and such? I'd love to see these happen again, I'm itching to make some new alts to film the class stories.:rak_04:

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Any chance we could get some sort of outside tracker for this? Maybe a CM twitter or something?
Yeah, I love spending money on things when they're on sale but I really have no desire to go crawling the market every day just to see what's on sale.
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This is a great question! You may have noticed that aside from the Gree themed items returning to the store, that the items which are on sale sometimes changes as well. I recommend folks check the store every day to see what things are on sale. If we add any brand new items into the Market we will be sure to alert you, but the sales will be changing "on-the-fly."




not going to happen, I will not be strong armed by "sales tactics" in order to spend more money, if you want it to sell make it a price that people will pay and keep it there! making it expensive and offering "sales" makes me feel like you are trying to push customers into impulse buys, which raises red flags for me and your company as a whole.

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making it expensive and offering "sales" makes me feel like you are trying to push customers into impulse buys, which raises red flags for me and your company as a whole.
Clearly you're not familiar with the concept of retail sales.
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Clearly you're not familiar with the concept of retail sales.


They use the Pokémon marketing philosophy more than a retail one.


Create demand by manufacturing illusionary rarity via gambling bag packaging. Further manufacture false demand by pulling products when they stop selling and reintroduce them later as limited time offers.

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They use the Pokémon marketing philosophy more than a retail one.


Create demand by manufacturing illusionary rarity via gambling bag packaging. Further manufacture false demand by pulling products when they stop selling and reintroduce them later as limited time offers.


And the problem with that in a store that sells vanity items is...?

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Depending on how often things change, we may not put out messaging every single time. However, we are going to work on getting some messaging out on our official Twitter account when the sales change. Due to character limits we still probably wont mention exact details on what is on sale each time but we can let you know to log in and check quick to see! Still, don't entirely rely on that since we may not message it every time. The best option will always be to just open the store quick and check if your logged on :)



Edited by EricMusco
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Will the sale items be on the Featured page or will we have to dig for them?

I mean, right now there are things on sale that aren't on the front page and if stuff that's farther down changes, we're probably never gonna see it.

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Depending on how often things change, we may not put out messaging every single time. However, we are going to work on getting some messaging out on our official Twitter account when the sales change. Due to character limits we still probably wont mention exact details on what is on sale each time but we can let you know to log in and check quick to see! Still, don't entirely rely on that since we may not message it every time. The best option will always be to just open the store quick and check if your logged on :)



Forum posts > tweets.


If you are going to start relying on tweets to convey non-site down info, how about adding a tweet crawler to the side of the forum pages similar to what SOE did after they decided to go tweet crazy as well. Even a crawler on the community page would be nice. Not convenient, but a start.

Edited by Tatanka
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Depending on how often things change, we may not put out messaging every single time. However, we are going to work on getting some messaging out on our official Twitter account when the sales change. Due to character limits we still probably wont mention exact details on what is on sale each time but we can let you know to log in and check quick to see! Still, don't entirely rely on that since we may not message it every time. The best option will always be to just open the store quick and check if your logged on :)




Well I don't know what you are going to do but you have failed for the second time to advertise the Solus Secant properly, and as a direct result I have once again not been able to buy it. So not only am I upset, because I was waiting for it for over a month just to miss it again because it was only up for a day that I happened not to log on (not in the least because of how stale the game has become), but you have also lost my business on this item... how does this benefit anyone? Next time either leave the item on for a reasonable amount of time or make sure to announce it properly. It's just my suggestion but frankly if you don't do something like this you are just going to end up losing money, up to you folks /shrug.

Edited by DarkIntelligence
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I agree it should be either on the site or prominently posted in game. If you want people to take advantage of a sale then you need to let people know about said sale.


If I was not willing to buy something to 1800 CC and you put it on sale for 1000 CC at which point I would be willing to pay for it, but then don't tell me about it... what good are you doing?


Also, I find it interesting the whole concept of putting something on sale or even removing items from the CM like you are trying to create an artificial *supply and demand* cycle... These are items that had a set production cost, and regardless of what you do, it will never really cost the company any more or less money to produce or make.


In fact, I would argue that the act of taking the time to put something on sale, remove from the market, put it back in the market, or relist it back at normal sale price is actually COSTING the company money, because you have to pay someone to take the time to make these changes, and you have to have a meeting (which costs time/wages) to hold to discuss the prices to keep constantly flipping the prices and remove/add stuff to the CM.


If something is not selling well on the CM then drop the price. You already made your "money" you were likely going to make by selling it the original price, so go ahead and drop it and leave it there. If something hits a point where it is not selling anymore at all then sure, remove it. Maybe bring it back at another date when there is a new slew of customers who don't have the items because they weren't around or weren't interested anymore.


Basically, I have no issue with you removing the old packs from the CM, cause people were likely not buying them anymore... so it was wasting product space... but all this bringing stuff on, taking stuff off, raising prices, dropping prices... it just frustrates your customers.

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Also, I find it interesting the whole concept of putting something on sale or even removing items from the CM like you are trying to create an artificial *supply and demand* cycle... These are items that had a set production cost, and regardless of what you do, it will never really cost the company any more or less money to produce or make.


:rolleyes: You miss the point completely.


This is a marketing tactic.. to get you to check the market for "Featured" items whenever you log into the game. This is to promote more face time with players on the market. Takes about 10 seconds to do.. and if you don't do it.. no harm, no foul. Worst case, you miss a bargain on an item or a limited listing item.


PS: you don't have to buy anything. Just take the first 10 seconds of your game day to look at what is featured for that day.


Now.. I fault Bioware on this for not explicitly stating what I just did for you. Then again, they are playing a long game here, and so there is no reason for them to "hype" this new CM feature. Why? Because anytime they hype anything... the forum populace goes orbital either with the hype or against the hype. Better to just let it grow organically through the player base jungle drums.

Edited by Andryah
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Well I don't know what you are going to do but you have failed for the second time to advertise the Solus Secant properly, and as a direct result I have once again not been able to buy it. So not only am I upset, because I was waiting for it for over a month just to miss it again because it was only up for a day that I happened not to log on (not in the least because of how stale the game has become), but you have also lost my business on this item... how does this benefit anyone? Next time either leave the item on for a reasonable amount of time or make sure to announce it properly. It's just my suggestion but frankly if you don't do something like this you are just going to end up losing money, up to you folks /shrug.


It was placed up for the weekend I believe.. since the Gree Event is Running.


And if you are really too bored with the game to log in... why do you need a Solus Secant? As a virtual door stop or something? Besides.. you can always buy one off the GTN.


Protip: If Gree Event = True, then Check CM once a day = in your best interests

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Well I don't know what you are going to do but you have failed for the second time to advertise the Solus Secant properly, and as a direct result I have once again not been able to buy it.


Actually, you mean for the second time you failed to pay attention to when it was going on sale, despite advanced notice both times, and as a direct result of you not paying attention, you have once again not been able to buy it with CC.


I managed to snag one last time--and I'm not even a daily player. And as is quite obvious from your post, it is a desirable item, therefore worth more because people like you will bid it up on the GTN. Mine sold for millions immediately. /shrug

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It was placed up for the weekend I believe.. since the Gree Event is Running.


And if you are really too bored with the game to log in... why do you need a Solus Secant? As a virtual door stop or something? Besides.. you can always buy one off the GTN.


Protip: If Gree Event = True, then Check CM once a day = in your best interests


You believe incorrectly, I can tell you that for a fact because I failed to check the CM only one day.


I want the mount because I collect them, so yeah I guess you are right it will just sit around in my virtual hangar... You know not unlike the cars of people who collect them IRL do...


As for your third point: hell no. I am not gonna spend credits when I have thousands of CM coins because I am subscriber and I don't use them for anything.


So while your "protip" does have some merit to it, failing to check the CM for a single day should not be punished so severely. In other words they should keep the damn stuff on there longer if they want anyone to buy it! But of course they don't really care about subscribers who buy stuff with their stipend since they already got our money. And that's another reason I am mad.

Edited by DarkIntelligence
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Actually, you mean for the second time you failed to pay attention to when it was going on sale, despite advanced notice both times, and as a direct result of you not paying attention, you have once again not been able to buy it with CC.


I managed to snag one last time--and I'm not even a daily player. And as is quite obvious from your post, it is a desirable item, therefore worth more because people like you will bid it up on the GTN. Mine sold for millions immediately. /shrug


If you posted that just to annoy me you succeeded. What was there advance notice exactly? All there was was an ambiguous dev. post goading people to keep an eye out for it during the Gree event, which I did, assuming like so many people that this meant during the whole event not ONE random day in the middle of it.


My post does not make it "obvious" at all that the item is desirable... In fact I don't even think that it is but as I have said before on this thread I want it simply because I collect them, but I am not going to give credits to GTN sharks like you when I have thousands of CM coins from my monthly stipend. But again as I said before, BW doesn't much care for that since they already got my money and thus only enable people like you to take advantage of their underhanded marketing tactics by letting you employ your own brand of those same bottom feeder tactics on the GTN!

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Well I don't know what you are going to do but you have failed for the second time to advertise the Solus Secant properly, and as a direct result I have once again not been able to buy it. So not only am I upset, because I was waiting for it for over a month just to miss it again because it was only up for a day that I happened not to log on (not in the least because of how stale the game has become), but you have also lost my business on this item... how does this benefit anyone? Next time either leave the item on for a reasonable amount of time or make sure to announce it properly. It's just my suggestion but frankly if you don't do something like this you are just going to end up losing money, up to you folks /shrug.


Hey Dark,


I am sorry for your frustration about this, although we certainly haven't advertised every single change that has come to the CM in regards to sales, we did actually talk about the mount and armor returning to the store. We got questions about that exact thing in our thread about the Gree event here and here.


Both of those items were on the Market from Friday morning through Monday morning CDT. I am sorry that you missed it, I can make no guarantees but I wouldn't be surprised if we put those back in the Market at some point. Especially around the Gree event.



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So while your "protip" does have some merit to it, failing to check the CM for a single day should not be punished so severely. In other words they should keep the damn stuff on there longer if they want anyone to buy it! But of course they don't really care about subscribers who buy stuff with their stipend since they already got our money. And that's another reason I am mad.

If a game makes you mad, perhaps a break is in order. Games are supposed to be fun.

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