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Top 3 Things you want in SWTOR??


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What are three things you would love to see added to SWTOR???


1.Planetary PVE and PVP faction control


2. More Class abilities from a separate expertise tree.


3. A new space combat system ( i know its in the works)



How about you?? :)

Edited by Anosa
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  1. Mentoring.
  2. Free-roaming space flight with customizable ships (JTL2 would be great).
  3. Guild Halls (ships).



those would be good, especially mentoring.

Edited by Anosa
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1. 3d free roam space with fully customizable ships

2. Ops bosses that aren't one giant boss. Would like to see waves of enemies challenges.

3. Sick of fleet want a hub on a planet that feels like bustling city. Right now Coruscant is just a bunch of clones doing nothing.

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1. No more ability failing bug.

2. A full fledged expansion comparable to the WoW ones wich continues the class stories and become more dynamic and unpredictable with the story and progression (limit the level of our characters (temporary deleveing so the content continues to be relevant) to fit the world they are in. Scalable rewards with that of course).

3. Swoop racing, pazaak and other mini-games ( aslong as they dont come at the cost of regular content pace).

Edited by Nemmar
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im going to take an educated guess and say the new space system they are implementing is going to be like JTLS or battlefront.


Yikes! I'd lower your expectations a LOT! I expect something similar to what we have now. A revamp like you'd like is far too big for the staff they have left. I expect some sort of a "challenge" mode or less...nothing like JTL. It's ok to wish, just keep your expectations realistic.


As for my top 3:

1 - better engine (to allow for larger battles)

2 - player housing

3 - more wz's - double what they have

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1) More Class Story hell more story of the Galactic civil war at all would be good.

2) Jump to Light Speed 2, I know the SSSP is in the works but it will soon be 2 years since we heard of it yet not one detail?

3) Meaningful PvP for open world control of planets. No MMO should limit PvP to the pointless fight clubbing we have at the moment. Warzones are at best a bit of fun at worst meaningless, for the most part its just mass ganking and win or lose you still get valour.

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Yikes! I'd lower your expectations a LOT! I expect something similar to what we have now. A revamp like you'd like is far too big for the staff they have left. I expect some sort of a "challenge" mode or less...nothing like JTL. It's ok to wish, just keep your expectations realistic.


Except your argument is flawed for a number of reasons.


1. 3D space environments are clearly doable in the Hero Engine.

2. Disney is a larger entity than LucasFilm/Arts, and now partnered with EA (like it or not), they now have greater flexibility for spending than when LucasArts lorded over anything and everything being developed in regards to Star Wars gaming.

3. "Keeping your expectations realistic" is very subjective from a gamer point of view. The reality in game design is very, very different, especially when surging threats (like Chris Roberts returning to create games and amassing over $14 million in crowdfunding from the space-sim crowd alone) loom on the horizon. The Game Industry calls that "competition," and since SWTOR is no WoW-killer, Star Citizen stands as a likely depository to which SWTOR may hemorrhage subs, same as WoW's begun hemorrhaging subs to F2P games like Guild Wars 2.

Edited by JarekCyphus
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1. Stealth/in combat bugs fixed (enemys attacing my companion in stealth when I vanish. Being in combat in PvP after respawn, so I can't stealth after respawn).


2. Pazaak.


3. Every modable armor dyeable and blaster with decent sound.

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