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Do we Need New PVP Gear? Or Just New Skins?


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Do we Need New PVP Gear stats with new patches? Or Just New Skins?


My Vote:

Just new skins, if pvp gear stays the same, there is a grind format to it initially, then it's just collecting skins (probably cartel market or rating based). I think a larger portion of the population will be able to obtain this gear over a period of time, it is a long grind, then more people can compete and games can be more fun.



Edited by DkSharktooth
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New skins please. The only reason we would need a new PvP tier is to make sure that bolster isnt making PvE gear 75 (or whatever it's going to be) better than Conq. So we basically have to grind a new set so that the PvE'ers can have what they want...while getting the expertise for free. And in a best case scenario it will maintain the same gap as we currently have between PvE 72 and Conq.
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I just finished a whole conqueror set. The grind for it was miserable.


I hope they add more dailies and weeklies so that getting the new gear isn't as much of a hassle.


I'm also curious to see if the cost of this gear is remotely reasonable. (1700 ranked comms for a *********** mod is not reasonable)

Edited by Brunner_Venda
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I hope they add more dailies and weeklies so that getting the new gear isn't as much of a hassle.

^This. Why only Daily plays and weekly wins? Why not a second weekly that's like 20 plays and a second daily that's 1 or 2 wins. Also, what about a stat daily/weekly? "Get over [number that I'm afraid to write out because someone will be like "pssh that's nothing n00b you suck"] points of Defense/Heal/DPS in one match."


In regards to the OP, the only way I'd be OK with a whole new gear tier is if they really did add some more daily weekly quests. Otherwise keeping the rating barrier for cool skins is fine by me. I've never done rateds, so why should I get access so the same things they do? The other thing that I'd hate about a new gear tier is it would probably mean free Partisan gear sets at lv 55 were right around the corner.

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Better yet, add entirely new PvP missions. For instance, kill 5 enemies on ilum or other 'behind enemy lines' PvP quests. They could do so much with what they have. Edited by wbtusmc
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Kill trading


It's proven people just want to get the missions done and are whining about dying in a pvp zone




kill them


dont let them get kills









Edited by Zunayson
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I'm not thrilled about a new tier of gear (considering how long it took to get full Conqueror on 2 characters) but new skins are totally uninteresting. If nothing else, why would I pay to augment a new set of gear (in full) when I already have a full set of customised gear which is augmented (and looks more or less acceptable).
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It wouldn't be the hamster wheel they like to have with new skins as people would just get the look they want and stick with it. That and the other reason they are introducing new gear is likely to keep up with the increasing tiers of PvE gear.


TBH. This game is getting closer to being GW2 as far as progression goes. Only difference will be that GW2 can actually support larger scale battles.

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It wouldn't be the hamster wheel they like to have with new skins as people would just get the look they want and stick with it. That and the other reason they are introducing new gear is likely to keep up with the increasing tiers of PvE gear.


TBH. This game is getting closer to being GW2 as far as progression goes. Only difference will be that GW2 can actually support larger scale battles.


Nothing wrong with that. I love GW2's "Longer you play, better you look" type progression. No gear to hide behind, it's all spec and how well you move, and manage cooldowns. Now if only they could replicate the progression of the Spvp/WvWvW metas.

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Nothing wrong with that. I love GW2's "Longer you play, better you look" type progression. No gear to hide behind, it's all spec and how well you move, and manage cooldowns. Now if only they could replicate the progression of the Spvp/WvWvW metas.


Thats what I am getting at is they have said their engine cannot support large scale battles here. It would be best for them to NOT try to be like GW2, because then they will be no better than 2nd best, if they even can be that. Although; the same probably could be said about them trying to be a Star Wars skinned WOW as well.

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New skins please. The only reason we would need a new PvP tier is to make sure that bolster isnt making PvE gear 75 (or whatever it's going to be) better than Conq. So we basically have to grind a new set so that the PvE'ers can have what they want...while getting the expertise for free. And in a best case scenario it will maintain the same gap as we currently have between PvE 72 and Conq.


Good point. I did not work hard grinding ranked comms on my commando to get my conqueror pieces just so it would turn out that pve gear is better at pvp!!!

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If they don't continually update pvp gear as well, the gap between raid lewt and pvp lewt will grow so large that pve lewt will vastly outclass anything pvp loot can provide.


Realistically you need new pvp gear every time a new tier of pve loot comes out, otherwise you'll need to start doing pinnacle content for barrels/hilts

Edited by Raazmir
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Guys, this has happened before.


Partisan will likely be removed (due the 2 tier system we are now using due to bolster), Conqueror will be the intro tier and whatever they are creating will be the new top tier. The itemization will be bad and it will be ugly.


This isn't new.

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