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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Your one Swtor Pet Peve.


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well I have many more than just one...but I'll only list one


probably biggest pet peve with swtor is the linearity of it. when 95% of what you do is the same crap side-missions on each alt, esp when BioWare wanted alts to be something everyone made many of, it's annoying and absolutely KILLS replayability after a couple characters.


ok just for fun I'll post ONE more...but it encompasses all my "pet peves" about the game.


pet peve for swtor? -> the dumb design decisions/shortcuts the devs made during development

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1) GCD Issues. This is really bad on troopers for some reason.


2) Gambling. Instead of just putting the items up for CC's, which would be great for sales and resales within game, we need to gamble to get the good stuff to put up on the GTN.


3) No further class story developments. I got hooked on my character's stories, and I'm really disappointed that it's over.


4) Lack of companion content. My companions and I have been through a lot, but I never got to help them along the way. They just left and came back with good news. Maybe this is because EA pushed BW to release and they didn't get a chance to finish the companions the way they wanted to. But I would like to see this revisited sometime in the future.


5) No simple macros, such as gear swap macros. Being a tank, I have three sets of gear. Tank, DPS, and PvP gear. I don't mind the lack of dual spec, but having to go through and find all of my gear in my bags is a pain in the rump. It's not just my tank, it's also an issue on my healer as I carry DPS and healing gear. A simple macro would work wonders.

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well I have many more than just one...but I'll only list one


probably biggest pet peve with swtor is the linearity of it. when 95% of what you do is the same crap side-missions on each alt, esp when BioWare wanted alts to be something everyone made many of, it's annoying and absolutely KILLS replayability after a couple characters.



Couldn't agree more with this. I would love to try out other classes to experience their stories, even if they don't seem all that good (*cough* consular *cough*) but to do that requires gear and leveling to be able to use that gear. Additionally to gain both higher levels and better gear requires running the exact same content per faction per planet over and over again with only minor variations in dialogue, sex and species mostly.


I recently finished my operative's story and it was great but my time with the class was stuffed with pointless filler out of which I got nothing valuable. There were a number of times were I defeated, barely, a boss who was a couple of levels above me but had to grind levels and gear anyway because I was unable to so much as hit trash mobs on the next planet.


I want to continue playing this game but I don't want to grind the same content to get slightly better gear anymore.

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The stupid wave Quick travel. Seriously, my deadly Sith Warrior will grin and wave like a numpty every time he takes a ship back to town. My hardened battle worn trooper will shake his hand like a prepubescent giggly schoolgirl every time he gets given a lift.

It is silly on my part but GRRR

Also the global friends thing.


My hat is tipped to you CoH lovers. Apart from the lack lustre interior style of missions, it was beautifully designed, still cant find a character customisation to match it. Plus the friendliest game I have ever come across.

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You say schlemeezle I say schlamazzle.


The "story" is BS that BWEA crafted to get people who actually want to play with the cute fuzzy little cretins during a time over 3,000 years before they were discovered to argue on their behalf. It's nothing more. It's not even particularly imaginative.


If they had put some effort in, they could have come up with a different race. Something unique that we've not yet seen. Something possibly nearly as cute and cuddly but different, with a different story and a different reason for being there, and a completely different impact to the galaxy.


But... no... they took the easy route and added the cute fuzzy little bunnies which are, indeed, lore-breaking if one understands what "lore" actually means and what the lore of Star Wars actually is.


It seems here that lore is an excuse to rationalise your hatred of Ewoks. Gee, the first three films (chronologically speaking) changed the lore as they went along.


Dont get me wrong I am no Ewok lover (in any sense of that phrase before anyone starts) but I can understand the appeal for some. Some people will feel it is 'star warsy', fair play to them. They can have it. I will not have an Ewok companion. Does not work for me, I will not begrudge others though.


Not everyone has read the books (I have read many though) so those people may want film like characters. Nothing wrong with the game catering for them. It's optional, not mandatory.


The spectrum of people that have only seen the films is FAR larger than those that have gone further into 'lore (which has been malleable)


The game should not be just for the hardcore Star Wars fans. The better the game does the happier I am. I dont want to sit on a server with just a few hardcore vets

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My personal pet peeve is getting flagged for PVP from healing in a PVE group. If I wanted to be flagged for PVP, I would flag myself or join a Warzone. And the 5 minute wait to unflag is frustrating to say the least.


Other pet peeves are more player related than game related, honestly. But for the most part, I've been enjoying my experience here.

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Oh and inspired from another thread....

'Grey' alignment. Tease me with moral choices and make me realise that by actually choosing meaningful decisions for my character just leads to being Mr Gimped from gimptingdom with the stat bonus of gimpness.


Creating a story that could give meaningful choices to be completely deterred by the fact that it doesn't really change any outcome and could actually hinder character stat progression.


A mechanic that actually deters a player from playing the most meaningful aspect of the game. Madness.

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i really dislike how everyone hangs out in the fleet, id rather people hung out in cities.


In the original Beta fleets didn't exist. They were introduced for many reasons, one being that no-one really hung out in cities.

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my pet peeve is that every patch they fix something but break ten others.


"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."

-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers


It seemed appropriate.

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The Consular Pebbles and how lame it is compared to Sith Lightning and the resulting lack of Consulars on my server. The same could be said about Smugglers and them kicking people in the nuts as opposed to Agents stabbing things in the heart with Vibro Knives... NUT KICKS?!?
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Oh and inspired from another thread....

'Grey' alignment. Tease me with moral choices and make me realise that by actually choosing meaningful decisions for my character just leads to being Mr Gimped from gimptingdom with the stat bonus of gimpness.


Creating a story that could give meaningful choices to be completely deterred by the fact that it doesn't really change any outcome and could actually hinder character stat progression.


A mechanic that actually deters a player from playing the most meaningful aspect of the game. Madness.


TBH light/dark gear is so outdated that it doesn't matter anymore. It really didn't matter that much to begin with. However, I agree with your premise.... light/dark should be more meaningful and neutral should have just as much meaning.

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