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*** why sentinels are so weak class.


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Logically one of the most powerful class is made one of the weakest. and sages are clearly overpowered. Does anyone going to do something with this or it is ridiculous to play the game like this.



Your supportive evidence is overwhelming and I concur completely.


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For PvE purposes, unless you run your Sentinel with Doc, every silver or gold mob fight is a nail biter with the chance of death.


Lol, not really no. My sentinel can and has killed champions and world bosses without Doc. Those were nail-biters. If someone playing a sentinel can't beat a silver or gold without Doc they are doing something seriously wrong.

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Logically one of the most powerful class is made one of the weakest. and sages are clearly overpowered. Does anyone going to do something with this or it is ridiculous to play the game like this.


Translation: A sage beat me. Clearly they are overpowered because I am uber l33t skilled and am not t0tal n00bsauce. N3RF HAX!

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Logically one of the most powerful class is made one of the weakest. and sages are clearly overpowered. Does anyone going to do something with this or it is ridiculous to play the game like this.


You are playing it wrong.


Every class feels underpowered at some point, especially Sages (5 levels felt ridiculously underpowered), but Sentinels and Marauders are the least underpowered amongst them, and providing you play aggressively the easiest to play (sensible aggressive, not mindless aggressive).

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To the OP:


OP clearly has no idea what he's talking about. Sentinels/Marauders are the best melee DPS in any situation be that PvP or PvE. In OPS they have the highest DPS output in Watchman/Annihilation spec (along with hybrid Gunslingers/Snipers). In warzones they bring incredible burst in Combat/Carnage and Focus/Rage specs, not to mention that both of those specs are ridiculously easy to play. Plus they have incredible team utility and defensive cooldowns. Inspiration/Bloodthirst makes multiple Sentinels/Marauders a must in any high-end operation and some guilds only take Sentinels/Marauders into Nightmare mode Ops. They have short term stealth and a speed boost with which they can disappear and escape tight situations in PvP. Their GBTF/UR makes them immune to damage for a short time. In 2.0 they were buffed even further and got a good AoE skill, an area where they were traditionally weaker.


Saying that Sentinels are weak is akin to saying that Snipers are underpowered. In any group made for any purpose (FP, OP, WZ) it is never a question of "Should we take any Sentinels?". It's a question of "How many Sentinels are available to come?" .

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For PvE purposes, unless you run your Sentinel with Doc, every silver or gold mob fight is a nail biter with the chance of death.


I admit, I have never played a sentinel...but I do have a 55 marauder (its mirror class). While levelling up I had to use my healing comp for...oh wait, I ran with a melee dps comp the whole time. >.> if silvers are nail-biters, you're doing something wrong. Golds take a bit more strategy, sometimes, without heals.

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Logically one of the most powerful class is made one of the weakest. and sages are clearly overpowered. Does anyone going to do something with this or it is ridiculous to play the game like this.


i can understand why you are saying this. especially after you once played any of the other range classes first and then try the sentinel with their weak small range aoes. their play mechanic is very different than other classes in this and other mmos too. it is something that takes time to get used to. also leveling can be frustrating especially after playing a sage who can aoe non stop, crowd control anything, self heal and essentially play non stop at higher levels.


sentinels are also more gear dependant than the other classes too. a updated main hand hilt is a must.

Edited by uniz
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All classes are weak. heck you need the help of a companion to beat 3 mobs :p Some Sith Lords huh? Can't even beat a lifter droid or an escaped slave...two things that dont even have combat training lol
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For PvE purposes, unless you run your Sentinel with Doc, every silver or gold mob fight is a nail biter with the chance of death.

what...I never use my healer for any class. Sentinel has some of the best defensive cooldowns, people just need to learn them. Was healing a heroic for 2 Sentinels leveling my Sage (I was really in DPS spec), the were yelling in chat they needed help/healer, these two were hitting guarded by the force as their main cooldown. Yeah going from full health to 1/2 health is a great way to win. Got them through it, with no deaths (I had soloed it the day before), suggested they change their use of guarded by the force for oh crap moments, told I didn't know how to play, sentinel, so I ignore and moved on.


Done both the Sentinel and the Warrior stories, and other than some boss fights, rarely every used a healer, love doc, but dps companions are just so much easier to level with.


I will say, everything feels overpowered and easy after leveling a sawbones first in your first MMO. Agent was even easy, but I was smarter, I leveled my imp healer as dps and then switched at 50 to heals.

Edited by mikebevo
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0/10 - Claiming sentinels are weak is like claiming that water is not wet.




And I think this would be an appropriate time to offer the OP a comparative analogy:


A can opener is a powerful tool when used correctly and a very weak and useless tool when used incorrectly. OP...you must use tools correctly. When opening a can, for example, you obtain much better results by attaching the opener to the can (as designed) and then twisting the handle until the can rotates past 360 degrees (TL;DR, one complete circle). Why? Because banging on the top of the can with the can opener is improper use of the tool. It just makes you look like a chimp. ;)

Edited by Andryah
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For PvE purposes, unless you run your Sentinel with Doc, every silver or gold mob fight is a nail biter with the chance of death.


Not at all. For leveling, it is actually most efficient to run double DPS with your companion if you are an advanced player. For newer players you definitely want to run healer companion, but if you know all the little tricks and have a good legacy it is better to do double DPS.

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Logically one of the most powerful class is made one of the weakest. and sages are clearly overpowered. Does anyone going to do something with this or it is ridiculous to play the game like this.


What lvl are you? Cuz if you are lvl 17 no one really cares.


Assuming you are not a troll, are you talking from PvE or PvP perspective? In lower lvls sentinels are not effective. You will not feel the class being powerful till mid late 30s. Class is one of the top parsers PvE wise and PvP wise focus sentinel is the strongest dps class.

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For PvE purposes, unless you run your Sentinel with Doc, every silver or gold mob fight is a nail biter with the chance of death.


But T7 says he+jedi = unstoppable :p


What I usually find as the case is that someone goes from playing a pure dps class to one that can tank and get the feeling they are killing things slower and hence, the class is weaker. Those players need to realize that one of the balancing acts devs use is that if you can withstand more damage coming in, you likely won't put as much dps. It's rare in any game that the best mitigator of dps also tops the dps-out charts.

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