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I Want To Like TOR, But It Just Feels Old


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OR is it because every time a new MMO launches a bunch of wowkiddies bored to death with their game coem over in mass and having never seen other MMOs start the litany of:





Then when the free month is over they can go back to the only thing they know and understand


I don't know if it's the typos, the capslock, or the fact that you're calling everyone who disagrees with you a "kiddie"; but this post of your's just doesn't seem too constructive


Just because someone doesn't like certain aspects of SWTOR, does not imply that they only "know and understand" World of Warcraft

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Big freakin' deal the game doesn't have "X feature from WoW". It doesn't have features from Anarchy Online either, which is an eleven year old game.


You know why?? Because it's SWTOR....not WoW, not AO, not Ultima Online, not Darkfall....


...you get it??


FFS go back to your elf-infested phantasy land if you like it so much better. Sick of listening to the crying.


What's so different about Elves, compared to Twi'Leks, or Sith Purebloods?

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Lol opinions are awesome and being horrifically subjective whilst pushing your word as law is fun.


You are a smart cookie. You pay good attention. Honest truth though. We're all on the same team. We want SWTOR to succeed. 4 years is a long time waiting. Better yet, 6 years for me. Since the concept and thought about SWTOR was announced back in 2006 and it was just a rumor. Too long for me brother. I expected a lobster not a goldfish.

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Then go back to WOW?




99% of the OP list is just junk thats unimportant


Day/Night, honestly after Original EQ (at launch, those of us that were around prior to WOW remember this well), Ive always thought day night kinda a joke.


Either its not really night and you see fine or its EQ night and you dont see squat. Which makes both a waste of reasources IMO. TOR is fine with out it.


Character creation. Only thing Ive missed in it is LONG HAIR FOR MALES.

Otherwise Ive been able to make every one of my characters just fine.


I could go through whole list discrediting the stuff as not required or needed but fact of matter is WOW players are use to the game playing for them so this been a real learning curve for many of them.


For me, there is only 2 things (after the terrible pre launch) that Bioware has dropped the ball on, and both could (and probably will to some extent) come back and bite Bioware in the rump for their unexcusable short sight.


1) You level to fast, WAY TO FAST. Some of us told them this in beta but they didnt listen and this is going to result in cancellation from bordom like it did in Rift,like it did in ever post WOW MMO that gave away max level.


Shame to, they got all this content and most players will not see 50% of the content while the power level up and then complain they at max level and bored.


Inexcusable arrogence to ignore the obvious by Bioware


2) No RP servers beyond false advertising. This game has no RP servers. Its just got PVE server with no naming rules, no conduct rules, no rules.


And its kinda insulting to be honest


PVPers demand pvp give xp and rewards and Bioware spent millions giving it to them

Raiders demand raids and balh blah blah and Bioware spends millions giving it to them

Gay protesters demand gay content and Bioware is spending (probably millions) to make special content for a ultra small minority of gamers


Yet a fundamental traditional playstyle the genre was built around asks for nameing rules on the RP servers and Bioware "well lets go with... they ignore them". Despite it costing relatively nothing to impliment and manage and enforce.


Shameful, disrespectful, disappointing to be sure on Bioware part and this will come back to bite them in the arse as well as the current RP servers (names and general chat) are travesties and beyond ignorant at most times.


I mean I cant even type the topics Ive heard openly discussed the last 5 days on 2 different RP servers as posting the topics would be instant infractions on these forums. Yet their not only allowed but encouraged in game (and yes, when you fail to monitor and regulate, you are by default encouraging every thing that happens there).


hose the 2 issues I see, as for the rest. This isnt WOW, learn to play your character properly on your own regarding the macros and mouse over and meters and junk.


Graphics are better then reasonably expected


Server queues, lots of servers dont have queues, roll there.

This game is so simplistic that even giveing up a level 50 character isnt a hardship on a player.


list goes on and on.

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I don't know if it's the typos, the capslock, or the fact that you're calling everyone who disagrees with you a "kiddie"; but this post of your's just doesn't seem too constructive


Just because someone doesn't like certain aspects of SWTOR, does not imply that they only "know and understand" World of Warcraft


You clearly didn't read my post and,as usual, are ignoring what it says to push your own version. In the end, if you don't like the game why posting hundreds of time the same whines? You are that bored? Ah, and it's spelled 'yours' not 'your's', if you want to criticize someone's spelling, learn to spell first

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What's so different about Elves, compared to Twi'Leks, or Sith Purebloods?


thing is the answer to this is not to compare TOR to WOW In general or any other game. TOR is its own game, so people need to look at it with open minds and take the game as it is instead of thinking its gonna be like something else or is gonna be a copy of something. People expect to much and when people expect to much they set up they're own downfall when something does not come through the way they intended it too. I think tho you need to look at this and think is bioware really trying to compete with WOW anyway because every MMO to date ever since wow came out has either been compare to wow or been touted as a wow killer. People need to stop doing this because its not setting up the MMO market in good stead because its not giving current MMO's time to do what they need to do.

Edited by Welshmosher
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Have to go, office party starts right now.


OP seems bored and has nothing better to do than posting over and over how this game sux. Very constructive criticism. In reality he doesn't care for the game, he just wants to stir **** and then sit back and enjoy how people come into his aid saying he has a right to express his opinions (even when his opinions have nothing positive to say about the game and no suggestions). Every time a new game comes out, you have hundreds of these on the forums.


happy New Year to everyone

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Have to go, office party starts right now.


OP seems bored and has nothing better to do than posting over and over how this game sux. Very constructive criticism. In reality he doesn't care for the game, he just wants to stir **** and then sit back and enjoy how people come into his aid saying he has a right to express his opinions (even when his opinions have nothing positive to say about the game and no suggestions). Every time a new game comes out, you have hundreds of these on the forums.


happy New Year to everyone


That's not what I read at all. Everything I have read from the OP has been rational criticism and debate.


Can't really say the same for posts such as yours, though.


Happy New Year to you.

Edited by Errathe
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So are movement controls, and a Class called a "Warrior", amongst countless other things


I don't get your point


The game is based off the movies in the past, so Sith Pureblood and so on have more of a say because they were not in MMO's first they were in movies and books. I thinks its best you watch Star Wars movies from the first 3 to the last 3.

Edited by Welshmosher
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The game is based off the movies in the past, so Sith Pureblood and so on have more of a say because they were not in MMO's first they were in movies and books. I thinks its best you watch Star Wars movies from the first 3 to the last 3.


What? I think you read what I said out of context, and as a result, I have no idea what you're talking about


I have seen all the Star Wars movies though...

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What? I think you read what I said out of context, and as a result, I have no idea what you're talking about


I have seen all the Star Wars movies though...


read what the topic of discussion is and read what you said then read what I said, Intelligence is the key to this.

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read what the topic of discussion is and read what you said then read what I said, Intelligence is the key to this.


That particular quote was a response to someone that told me he didn't like Elves, so I asked him what was so bad about Elves, but not so bad about Twi'Leks, and other Star Wars aliens.


Then he said that it was because a lot of other MMOs have Elves, so I responded that many other MMOs have a Class called a "Warrior", etc.


Do you see now?

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That particular quote was a response to someone that told me he didn't like Elves, so I asked him what was so bad about Elves, but not so bad about Twi'Leks, and other Star Wars aliens.


Then he said that it was because a lot of other MMOs have Elves, so I responded that many other MMOs have a Class called a "Warrior", etc.


Do you see now?


Yea but what you should of done was spot the difference between what I said and what you said abutMMO, Warriors and combat and so on. Whats the difference I'll answer it for you, THe Sith or Twi lek were in movies and books first and there were no MMO's out at the time of the first Star Wars Movie. Now you are right about there being no difference between a elf and pureblood in TOR but Star Wars races been around a lot longer than MMO's dude :)

Edited by Welshmosher
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Yea but what you should of done was spot the difference between what I said and what you MMO, Warriors and combat and so on. Whats the difference I'll answer it for you, THe Sith or Twi lek were in movies and books first and there were no MMO's out at the time of the first Star Wars Movie. Now you are right about there being no difference between a elf and pureblood in TOR but Star Wars raced been around a lot longer than MMO's dude :)


Okay, that has nothing to do with what the other poster, and I were talking about

Edited by Shadysketchy
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Yea but what you should of done was spot the difference between what I said and what you said abutMMO, Warriors and combat and so on. Whats the difference I'll answer it for you, THe Sith or Twi lek were in movies and books first and there were no MMO's out at the time of the first Star Wars Movie. Now you are right about there being no difference between a elf and pureblood in TOR but Star Wars races been around a lot longer than MMO's dude :)


How many times have you heard Warrior in Star Wars movies or books?

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Well, Qui-Gon Jin does say that he thinks his attacker was a "Sith Warrior", in Episode 1; but I can't think of any other time


I'm pretty sure they never say it in the original movies


Exactly! Jedi's are not spoken as Warriors, this is something that was recently introduced. They are Jedi Knights.


Bottom line, Warriors should not be used in Star Wars but this is taken off the page of Fantasy. Star Wars is not unique with Twi'leks and so on so on that other games don't have.


Blah, I just got a brain fart. End of conversation. lol

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How many times have you heard Warrior in Star Wars movies or books?


Well the term warrior been around ever since Man learned to speak, But to get back to what the other poster was saying its not whats used its how its used, think of how many MMO's have had Sith Purebloods Twi Leks or Zabaraks in them and compare that to elfs. The big difference is one is over used. There's been more elfs in MMOs, Books and Movies than the OP and you would have had in Girlfriends.

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The problem here is everyone compares this game to WOW for one reason. It raised the bar setting a new standard. The problem is TOR copied that standard, a standard that was set 7 years ago.... There have been a lot of moms since then, some great, some bad, but each bringing something new to the table. Things like better customization, better instancing, better naming options. All of which seemingly went ignored even though people asked for them in beta. Hell, the star trek mmo does a great job with that stuff, it just lacks else where. For the approximate 300 million dollars that went into this game and the years of push backs, it really should have been a lot better than what it is. I like a lot of it, but to agree with the OP, it already seems a bit dated simply because they copied wow a little too much. And didn't add what really should be part of the newer mmo standards.
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Im enjoying the game. Anyone can come up with a list of negatives for anything. Nothing is perfect. I look past the imperfections and enjoy what is there, and in this case there is much to enjoy in swtor. Edited by Vjun_
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Oh no, we dont have dumbed down systems like LFD or DF. so it feels old. We dont have a barber, it feels old. Oh no...


Why didnt you just write -


"This is not WoW so I'm not going to play anymore"


It would of been more fitting!


The pandas await you!


Literally hundreds of people have said "go back to WoW", in one way or another, in this Thread


But none of them have given a real answer, when asked why I should go play a game I don't like anymore, instead of asking BioWare to improve


Can you answer this question?

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The UI is pretty game-breaking for me. I hope they fix it quickly. I mean I got two windows open and my companion comes back and closes both of them so he can give me his items. That is so horrible. I should be able to open as many windows as I want. I also hate having my health bar/portrait on the bottom of the screen. And it's attached to my action bar so even if they made the current UI elements movable I'd still have an issue because I want the bars on the bottom and portrait up top.


Making an interface where you can't move the elements around in this day and age of MMO's is just unacceptable.

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