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I Want To Like TOR, But It Just Feels Old


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No, they will make friends in game and make groups that way, but that's beside the point.


You can make friends in WoW, and group with them, instead of using LFD, as well


So again, I must ask; what's the difference between the two games' systems, for people that only do entry-level content?

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Im not trolling. Im just sick of the people going over and over SWTOR in detail, explaning to US why SWTOR is worse then WoW.


Personally... I turned WoW once when it came up, played for a day, turned it off, never turning it back up. My sub ran out and thats it. Its a bad game for me, but I dont go around going 'Oh, Oh, I know better, listen to me'.


What I love about SWTOR will keep me there for a long time, that is combat, rich storyline and fun quests. Simple.


And also. Go back to Panda-Land and other Pokemon stuff if you can **** all day long about SWTOR being bad.

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Im not trolling. Im just sick of the people going over and over SWTOR in detail, explaning to US why SWTOR is worse then WoW.


Personally... I turned WoW once when it came up, played for a day, turned it off, never turning it back up. My sub ran out and thats it. Its a bad game for me, but I dont go around going 'Oh, Oh, I know better, listen to me'.


What I love about SWTOR will keep me there for a long time, that is combat, rich storyline and fun quests. Simple.


And also. Go back to Panda-Land and other Pokemon stuff if you can **** all day long about SWTOR being bad.


Well, I don't claim to be the ultimate decider of what World of Warcraft is, or is not superior to; but as a former high-end player, I am qualified to judge both games objectively, and draw comparisons.


Still; that's not what this thread is about — it's just a list of reasons that SWTOR feels old, to me

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Don't waste your time mate, as you can see, you cannot make any kind of criticism in this forum, even if your intention is to help improve the game. There are STAR WARS fanboy herds yelling: "GO BACK TO WOW, TROLL!!!" "GO BACK TO WOW TROLL!!!" "GO BACK TO WOW TROLL!!!".:(


I had to reread the OP post because it started having a doubt, but no, it's as I thought:




Please enlighten me and go on showing me which of those points is a valid concern and not an attack or insult to the game and its devs. I will be waiting, no hurry if you have to finish your homework first, I am in the office all day long


Just to give you a help, 2 examples, one is criticism the other a whine, you try and tell the difference:


- "I want to like TOR but the UI is horrible and needs fixing, the GTN is unusable and the sharding has to go because it's making it feel like a single player game"


- "This game sux and it's FAIL and it will be F2P in 6 months because BW doesn't know how to copy a game. HEIL BLIZZARD!!!"


you tell me which is which

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You can make friends in WoW, and group with them, instead of using LFD, as well


So again, I must ask; what's the difference between the two games' systems, for people that only do entry-level content?


That most people in WoW will sit in town waiting for the LFD to pop up. I thought I said that already but apparently you are either ignoring as usual answers or just didn't get your coffee yet

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Im not trolling. Im just sick of the people going over and over SWTOR in detail, explaning to US why SWTOR is worse then WoW.


Personally... I turned WoW once when it came up, played for a day, turned it off, never turning it back up. My sub ran out and thats it. Its a bad game for me, but I dont go around going 'Oh, Oh, I know better, listen to me'.


What I love about SWTOR will keep me there for a long time, that is combat, rich storyline and fun quests. Simple.


And also. Go back to Panda-Land and other Pokemon stuff if you can **** all day long about SWTOR being bad.


So You looked at this thread and went, well this was made 9 days ago. Its so wrong they keep making the same thread over and over :confused: ?


Also if your not trolling why do you post "go back to wow" becouse that offers no discussion value whatsoever when it comes to actual conversation.


Do you realice that most players actually played other mmo's or wow from the launch and they might have seen evolution of the genre thus when they say something they might have a valid point other then just them wanting to go back to a game they refuse to pay for and left in the first place? This is kinda big of a logical fallacy and you seem to be rather over defending the product when other people are actually trying to help improve it.

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I already told you. When I didnt like WoW, I didnt go around like a spoiled kid yelling 'Hey this is bad, this is bad, and also this is bad', I just canceled my sub and continued to watch to see if the things would improve.


I mean its not even constructive criticism what some of you 'SWTOR haters' are saying.


EDIT: Give me one constructive suggestion you made.

Edited by SpirtikusTor
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That most people in WoW will sit in town waiting for the LFD to pop up. I thought I said that already but apparently you are either ignoring as usual answers or just didn't get your coffee yet


Most people in WoW might do it... because it's a vastly superior system


Usually, if the majority of a group of people are doing something; that indicates that it's a good idea to do it as well

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Really... if you ppl dont like SWTOR, go back to Panda-Land.


Whats so hard to understand for you ppls or kids ? We dont want to play WoW anymore cause even the best game becomes boring after a while and 7 years is enough, we want something new.


We want SWTOR to succeed but so far, there are so many issues in the game and still no words from the developers.


If they would at least come and tells us "Yes we know of these bugs and of these issues and clunky combat etc. and we will fix these but give us time" ..


HELL I would be happy for now and wait, but how things are handled I think most ppls will think that nothing will happen.


New flashpoints ? New content, when there are still alot of issues ? I could care less, really.

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Agree with most of the OP's opinions and assessments.


Can we also add lack of RP support, and no chairs to sit on.


Suggestion for improvement: stick it out to see what changes, and enjoy what can be enjoyed. Or take money elsewhere (even though the options are limited these days).

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I already told you. When I didnt like WoW, I didnt go around like a spoiled kid yelling 'Hey this is bad, this is bad, and also this is bad', I just canceled my sub and continued to watch to see if the things would improve.


I mean its not even constructive criticism what some of you 'SWTOR haters' are saying.


EDIT: Give me one constructive suggestion you made.



When I get paid for actually my suggestions, Im willing to share them in such an hostile enviroment as this. Untill then constructive discussion is as far as im willing to try as.



Constructive: constructing or tending to construct; helping to improve; promoting further development or advancement (opposed to destructive): constructive criticism.


of, pertaining to, or of the nature of construction; structural.


deduced by inference or interpretation; inferential: constructive permission.


Law. denoting an act or condition not directly expressed but inferred from other acts or conditions


If you read the OP post and most of this thread there is actual discussion going on why somethings are implemented and there are alot of valid points being pointed out. I just don't see why its so hard for people to understand that you actually have to compera something to something in order to say something good or bad about it if you want it to have any sort of weight or a stand point.


Also do I count as a spoiled kid when I say when you release something in 2011, your supposed to look at the existing market of 2011 not 2004 for competition or you will get called out things you did not implement?

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I already told you. When I didnt like WoW, I didnt go around like a spoiled kid yelling 'Hey this is bad, this is bad, and also this is bad', I just canceled my sub and continued to watch to see if the things would improve.


I mean its not even constructive criticism what some of you 'SWTOR haters' are saying.


EDIT: Give me one constructive suggestion you made.


You ask about constructive criticism yet you call people "SWTOR haters"? If you were around for the launch of WoW, then you would understand the need to never compare WoW to any MMORPG that was before it. It simply crushed the competition. When an MMORPG comes out, it wants to be like WoW yet they all seem to fail. Do you HONESTLY think SWTOR would be what it is today if it wasn't for blizzard? Better yet, do you think most of the MMORPG's that come out today would be who they are if it wasn't for blizzard?


Come on man, be a little logical about things. We are playing a vanilla WoW. This game shouldn't be what it is now. It needs to have the bells and whistles that CATA has, not Vanilla wow. So guys like me who come in and play will judge it for what it is.


BTW, YOU CANT TELL ME TO GO BACK TO WOW. I have WoW and TOR. :p and I still intend on giving bioware the benefit of the doubt. Just hope they act on it quick.

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When I get paid for actually my suggestions, Im willing to share them in such an hostile enviroment as this. Untill then constructive discussion is as far as im willing to try as.



Constructive: constructing or tending to construct; helping to improve; promoting further development or advancement (opposed to destructive): constructive criticism.


of, pertaining to, or of the nature of construction; structural.


deduced by inference or interpretation; inferential: constructive permission.


Law. denoting an act or condition not directly expressed but inferred from other acts or conditions


If you read the OP post and most of this thread there is actual discussion going on why somethings are implemented and there are alot of valid points being pointed out. I just don't see why its so hard for people to understand that you actually have to compera something to something in order to say something good or bad about it if you want it to have any sort of weight or a stand point.


Also do I count as a spoiled kid when I say when you release something in 2011, your supposed to look at the existing market of 2011 not 2004 for competition or you will get called out things you did not implement?


+1 my friend, :)

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I can't believe you people are screaming for new content already, let the people with school and jobs catch up...


People are catching up, though


Notice how the first... 50 or so pages of this thread were mostly telling me I was wrong, and telling me to go back to WoW; but the more recent pages have more, and more people popping up, agreeing wtih me

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thats casue wow actually shrunk quite a bit at the cata launch, there were no ques cause blizz overestimated how many people would be playing during that Xpac. as for the rest... well... I acutally am not remembering the rest as i write this... its late, sorry.


Yeah it went from 11mil to 10 mil. Super shrinkage right there.

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Most people in WoW might do it... because it's a vastly superior system


Usually, if the majority of a group of people are doing something; that indicates that it's a good idea to do it as well


So when all the kids in england started rioting and burning cars, I should have thought it was a good idea?


Why do you come up with such silly, mob mentality statements?

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OP- you are forgetting that wow had 7 years to make wow into what it is today but saying that tor than what wow is today do I need to remind you how good Vanilla and TBC was compared to today's wow. Today its far to easy and simple. So t say TOR is not doing a great job against wow or any other mmo out there, i think is being harsh and unjustified. During beta TOR had 2million players in alone, now imagine that number alone hitting the servers at launch so you can see why they had to do the staged launch. If they did what wow did you won't be able to play for a whole month, now you say TOR 2011 is up against wow 2011 which can't be because wow been out for 7 years and are you telling me, that its fair to compare a game that is coming to the end of its content cycle, to a game where its just beginning. . 6 months later when Wrath came out they dropped again in subs.


TOR is doing things tho that put wow to shame, with the story, quest design and more. Warcraft will forever that path of new of the same old. Cata is just the same of the old and Panda will be the same of the old.


TOR has its flaws bugs memory leaks but you are not doing the game justice by picking one zone but then there's me who can remember Age Of Conan's launch and the amount of leaks they had.



All you need to do is give the game time to get passed the launch phase where they can turn bug fixing into content evolution.


I remember reading one saying that today we expect a evolved MMO to be out not one that goes back in time. I disagree, because there's an old saying one must first take a step back before they can take two steps forward. The car you mentioned also is not very evolved is it, if it were truly to evolve then it must be doing things that are ahead of its time. For games to do this these days its close to impossible, If I can remember going back to 95 playing the old Command and Conquer 95 was ahead of its time. People expect to much and shall receive none if they are to judge it to quickly and harshly. Patience is not just a virtue its a necessity.

Edited by Welshmosher
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so....you want this to be WOW?

















go Play wow if you want this to be wow. IT NOT wow nore will it be wow. WOW is wow not swtor.



stop being silly and look at SWTOR as that SWTOR. new mmo new dev to mmos.

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