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I Want To Like TOR, But It Just Feels Old


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So honestly, I really do want to like this game. And I do think it has some positive features, including Star Wars; I've always like the Star Wars movies. Unfortunately, TOR just feels really old. Even compared to World of Warcraft, which actually is very old (over 7 years now), this feels elderly.


The following are some things that make TOR feel old:


- No LFG Tool (been in WoW for over 2 years... absolutely baffled as to how this hasn't been developed for TOR yet)


- Awful UI; I could make an entire thread about this (and people already have), but for the sake of brevity, I'll just restate that it's awful


- Pet AI is horrible, between the delay on commanding their auto attack, their hilarious pathing errors, and many others; it's safe to say giving every Class+Spec a pet was a bad idea, without first giving them AI that's passable in 2011


- 2007 graphics (The Skybox being a 2D Painting is particularly insulting)


- No Day/Night Cylce


- No accessable body of water deeper than 6 inches


- Server queues (Had queues in WoW for Vanilla, BC, and Wrath but not Cata, Blizzard has evolved, BioWare has not)


- Lackluster Character Creation


- Absurd Leveling curve; the overall process of getting from 1-50 is pretty fast, but the curve for time per level increases at a rate that makes me feel like I'm playing Aion again


- Three Warzones, No Arenas (also consider Huttball cannot be taken seriously as Rated PvP). Again; TOR is competing with 2011 WoW (8 Battlegrounds, 4 of which can be done Rated + Arena Content)


- No Macros


- No mouseover casting


- No addon support


- No Dual Spec


- Taris memory leaks (should have been fixed in Beta, not "overnight" a week after Early Access started for the game's release build)


- Lack of variety in quests; everything is kill X amount of Y, unlike WoW where they've added a lot of variation (for better or for worse) in the quests, which makes leveling feel less grindy


- Voice Actors voicing too many different people; I don't think I've seen this many Characters with the same Voice Actor, since the first Deus Ex game


- Player Character repeating Dialogue from other conversations (My Sith Inquisitor has said "I'll show you what a Sith can do!" like 5 times now, and other less memorably rhyming are equally if not more common)


- "Choices" are still just the Blue good guy option, or the Red bad guy option — this was kinda new in KOTOR, and still cool in both Mass Effects; but unimpressive today


- No Mount until level 25; it only takes a couple hours to get your first Mount in WoW these days. No idea why this was considered a good idea


- Awkward gold; having over 500,000 gold by the time you hit 40 is... silly, and will be a major hassle as the game ages and gold inflation occurs


- A vast array of technical errors that BioWare, and easily amused Players will chalk up to "Every launch has issues, go play WoW kid!"; but nonetheless detract from gameplay, and are hard to excuse in a 2011 title


- No Appearance/Gear Customization such as WoW's Transmogrification, or a standard MMO Appearance Tab (weird in a game where we watch ourselves talk so much)


- No Barbershop for minor character recustomization (again, weird in a game where we watch so much of our character speaking)


- More — I will expand on this as more things pop into my mind, these are the ones currently at the forefront of my thought process


Anyway, do you guys feel the same way? Maybe you don't see the logic in some of my points (but you will once you get to level 40+), but you've probably noticed the game feels old. I'm worried that this feeling will plague the launch, and the early days of the game. This will both turn away new players, and create a jaded community; problems that get worse and worse as time goes on. Hopefully the game can be improved enough though, I do like it.


TL;DR, I think TOR feels old, what do you think?

Edited by Shadysketchy
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It feels old in the way that a car feels old. It has a steering wheel, wheels, brakes, and all the other parts that every car had before it. But there are a million different types of cars. I like mine. And I like this game.


On a plus note you are going to get a lot of responses to this. Mostly people calling you a troll. You could have at least brought cookies...





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Had queues in WoW for Vanilla, BC, and Wrath but not Cata


thats casue wow actually shrunk quite a bit at the cata launch, there were no ques cause blizz overestimated how many people would be playing during that Xpac. as for the rest... well... I acutally am not remembering the rest as i write this... its late, sorry.

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It feels old in the way that a car feels old. It has a steering wheel, wheels, brakes, and all the other parts that every car had before it. But there are a million different types of cars. I like mine. And I like this game.


On a plus note you are going to get a lot of responses to this. Mostly people calling you a troll. You could have at least brought cookies...






But what year model is your car :p I want a 2012 mod car, not a 2000 mod car.


I understand a lot of the things the OP writes down. Have the same feeling. I so want to like this game but all in all it is "just" a good game and nothing more. Nothing impressive about it at all.

Edited by Mamono
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Then go back to WOW?


I don't really want to play World of Warcraft right now. The Panda expansion isn't really the direction I feel Blizzard should be taking the game in, and it's overall just way too casual right now. That said, if TOR is still plagued with this many issues in a couple months, I probably will go back to WoW anyway


Oh, and since you're so interested in talking about World of Warcraft, instead of TOR, I'd like your opinion on something — What do you think the next expansion should be? Personally, I'm hoping it'll be the Emerald Dream (that would definitely make me resub); but it'll probably be "Back To Outland" or something where we kill more Burning Legion guys, oh well

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I think if you want WoW, you should go back to playing WoW.


Your list has few to no legitimate complaints.


You don't think Taris memory leaks, which literally make the game unplayable for some people, and was an issue reported over and over again during Beta, is a legitimate complaint?


Explain, please

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You are gonna get flamed to **** for this post. But... It is true. Sadly.


And sadly, the game launched uh.. YESTERDAY.


I don't know what it takes for some of you people to understand one simple fact




Or will continue to be launched has to have time post launch t continue developing. this is true for any MMO I don't care which one it is. it is true for ToR it was true for Rift, it was true for WoW, EverQuest, DAOC and it will be true for Guild Wars 2, Secret World, Blade and Soul, the Warhammer 40k MMO, Blizzard's "Titan" and so on.


None of these games had nor will have everything you expect them to AT LAUNCH. They will/did add most features after launch. Your launch client is just your primary base game.

But that's all it is.. a BASE.


The sooner the rest of you realize this one true simple fact about the MMO genre the happier all of us will be.

Edited by HavenAE
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Anyway, do you guys feel the same way? Maybe you don't see the logic in some of my points (but you will once you get to level 40+), but you've probably noticed the game feels old. I'm worried that this feeling will plague the launch, and the early days of the game. This will both turn away new players, and create a jaded community; problems that get worse and worse as time goes on. Hopefully the game can be improved enough though, I do like it.


TL;DR, I think TOR feels old, what do you think?


You had me up to this part. I respect your opinion, agree with some of what you said, and disagree with the rest. However, saying people need to level up to understand the glory that is your opinion is kinda, well, *******y

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You just really can't win as an MMO developer these days.


Make your game too much like WoW, and you get dismissed for devloping "just another WoW clone".


Don't make your game enough like WoW, and you're "not keeping up with modern industry standards."



The majority of the features you listed WoW didn't have at launch....and it built its industry-defining subscriber base without those features. Blizzard added the features the game needed as it, and its playerbase, evolved.


Not every game needs every feature. Let's let this one get at least a month old....you know, give the developer at least enough time to get a basic sense of what this one will need, before we crucify BioWare?

Edited by Ardelia
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modern MMORPG



im confused... is this a WoW clone, or isnt it? and exactly how should the dev team designate what we want carried over and what we want left on the development floor (keep in mind the forums are NOT the voice of the games community)

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The majority of the features you listed WoW didn't have at launch....and it built it's industry-defining subscriber base without those features. Blizzard added the features the game needed as it, and its playerbase, evolved.


The majority of features he listed almost no MMO has had at launch.

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Taris memory leaks (should have been fixed in Beta, not "overnight" a week after Early Access started for the game's release build)


This one deserves special treatment, btw.


Most games, the players get snarky if bugs make it into the release build.


You're getting snarky about a bug that was fixed before the release build (but that did impact your bonus, free, early access).

Edited by Ardelia
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You had me up to this part. I respect your opinion, agree with some of what you said, and disagree with the rest. However, saying people need to level up to understand the glory that is your opinion is kinda, well, *******y


That's not what I meant at all. I only meant that a lot of these problems won't be noticed by players that haven't gotten high enough to see certain issues.


For example, someone who is too low-level to do the quests on Taris may not understand the memory leak problem

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