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Emperor's Wrath vs Darth Nox (SPOILERS)


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In an all out battle, who would win: the fierce fighter or the cunning manipulator? The Wrath is a Sith Marauder trained in Juyo and carries two blades. Nox, on the other hand, is a Sith Sorcerer that wields a singular saber. He uses the Ataru form. The Wrath has access to the Emperor's Hand, Darth Vowrawn and his servants, and Lord Rafari's power base on Nar Shaddaa. Darth Nox commands his own sphere, troops, and the Cult of the Screaming Blade.


Who wins?


1. Lightsaber fight


2. Force fight


3. All out duel


4. All out war

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In an all out battle, who would win: the fierce fighter or the cunning manipulator? The Wrath is a Sith Marauder trained in Juyo and carries two blades. Nox, on the other hand, is a Sith Sorcerer that wields a singular saber. He uses the Ataru form. The Wrath has access to the Emperor's Hand, Darth Vowrawn and his servants, and Lord Rafari's power base on Nar Shaddaa. Darth Nox commands his own sphere, troops, and the Cult of the Screaming Blade.


Who wins?


1. Lightsaber fight


2. Force fight


3. All out duel


4. All out war


1. Nox. He specializes in force attacks and so should have the Wrath at a disadvantage.


2. The Wrath. Similar as above.


3. This one would be close. From my understanding they are about equal. The only thing is that the Wrath is the Emperor's personal enforcer. He kind of needs to be stronger then each member on the dark council. So I'd have to say the Wrath.


4. The Wrath; but this one could go either way. The thing is that the Wrath has Vowran, who also controls a sphere. If you add Rathari's power base the Wrath's advantage is increased. I'd imagine he has a numerical advantage. On the other hand, Nox has the silencer. This would likely give him an advantage in a space battle, but the Hand will provide the Wrath with intelligence. This could help him set up an ambush which could destroy or capture those ships. Also, I'd imagine he Wrath would be capable of going directly for Nox. The Hand could locate him and then the Wrath, along with a few assassins could catch him off guard.

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Remember that Nox has ghost aid. Given that you choose the dark side option at the end of Chapter 3. Along with that, nox also has 2 excellent apprentices, Xalek and Ashara, along with a starving dashade Khem Val who wouldn't mind devouring both the Wrath and his apprentic Jaesa for dinner.
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I dont even think the Inquistor has the Silencer superweapon anymore. It was implied in the Annihilation novel that the Ascendant spear was one of the last superweapons the empire had. And because class story is out the window you wont ever hear about the silencer ever again. Edited by Girdeux
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Remember that Nox has ghost aid. Given that you choose the dark side option at the end of Chapter 3. Along with that, nox also has 2 excellent apprentices, Xalek and Ashara, along with a starving dashade Khem Val who wouldn't mind devouring both the Wrath and his apprentic Jaesa for dinner.


you can't seriously think Khem could destroy the Wrath, he talks big the whole game but he's hardly ever stepped up. He couldn't beat Nox when he was on korriban for Chrissakes.

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you can't seriously think Khem could destroy the Wrath, he talks big the whole game but he's hardly ever stepped up. He couldn't beat Nox when he was on korriban for Chrissakes.


If the Wrath were wearing Tionese/Columi, Khem would be too afraid of "bad digestion" anyway :p

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Remember that Nox has ghost aid. Given that you choose the dark side option at the end of Chapter 3. Along with that, nox also has 2 excellent apprentices, Xalek and Ashara, along with a starving dashade Khem Val who wouldn't mind devouring both the Wrath and his apprentic Jaesa for dinner.


True, Nox is a very powerful adversary. But I doubt Nox's apprentices would prove a match for the Wrath. The Wrath has defeated Jedi Masters and Sith Lords (at least two Dark Council members) in battle. He has at least on one occasion defeated two trained Jedi in battle. I doubt the apprentices should give him trouble. And the Dashade can hardly be considered a worthy adversary. He failed to kill Nox when he was only at 1/10th of his power. How can he possibly defeat the Wrath at full strength when he failed to kill an acolyte?

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Wrath. Here's why:


1. The Wrath Specializes in DPS,While If you want the be DPS on Inquistor....Go for Assassin for crying out loud.


2.Nox. His power with the force would Out due the Wrath.


3.Wrath......He Specializes in DPS.


4.Wrath.He has the Red Guy..........Plus...as someone said.......Rathari's Power Place.He also..... (I don't know for Sure..) Has All of the Things Baras (HATE THAT FAT ***) Had as his time.




Edited by Caimic
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Wrath. Here's why:


1. The Wrath Specializes in DPS,While If you want the be DPS on Inquistor....Go for Assassin for crying out loud.


2.Nox. His power with the force would Out due the Wrath.


3.Wrath......He Specializes in DPS.


4.Wrath.He has the Red Guy..........Plus...as someone said.......Rathari's Power Place.He also..... (I don't know for Sure..) Has All of the Things Baras (HATE THAT FAT ***) Had as his time.





1) Game mechanics aren't lore.

3) Game Mechanics aren't lore.

4) The Inquisitor has the Dark Councils support, most likely, as in the final scene marr said they wouldn't have disputes if the Wrath didn't contradict them, and attacking one of them is a big contradiction :L

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Nox every time. Force power trumps all, and Nox has eaten half a dozen force spirits of individuals who were strong enough to keep a choke hold on life even after they died.


A more interesting fight would be Nox vs The Emperor.

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Nox every time. Force power trumps all, and Nox has eaten half a dozen force spirits of individuals who were strong enough to keep a choke hold on life even after they died.


A more interesting fight would be Nox vs The Emperor.


Force power trumps all? Did you seem to forget the JK beat the emperor and the SW beat the Emperor/Sel-Makor?

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*Spoilers abound ahead*




All Jedi and Sith use force power. The force is their strength, in both spectacular "spell" like abilities as well as more seemingly mundane things. When fighting with a lightsaber their movements are guided by the force and their blows have its power behind them. Ordinary sword fighters can't, for instance, deflect sustained gunfire or jump 40 yards through the air.


For that reason, it's not really fair to say that in "force power" Nox has the advantage, as both Nox and the Wrath are incredibly strong in the force. I think it would perhaps be more accurate to say that Nox has a deeper understanding of the force and knowledge of a broader spectrum of its secrets, whereas the Wrath focuses on flawless martial skills and overwhelming strength.


As for which of them would win in a fight? That's hard to say. Nox has shown that she's resourceful enough to overcome ridiculously stacked odds against her and powerful enough to subdue and control multiple powerful force ghosts and harness their power. On the other hand, the Wrath has shown that she's an unstoppable death machine on the battlefield, and so far everyone who has dared to face her in single combat has been crushed (in some cases repeatedly, *cough*).


I honestly think it could go either way. Neither is capable of flat-out stomping the other. If you just teleported them both into an arena out of the blue and forced them to fight to the death, I'd say the Wrath would have the advantage, as she's above all else a warrior. If they both had time to prepare, the advantage goes to Nox, as she's extremely resourceful and cunning. However, you can't discount Nox's martial skills, as she has straight-up defeated several powerful entities in one on one fights, nor can you not point out that the Wrath has repeatedly survived being the victim of cunning attempts on her life.


Yeah, I just don' t know. I guess if I *had* to pick a winner I'd say Nox, just because with the presence of the force ghosts, she had so much power that she had to literally have her body remade in order to contain it all on Belsavis.

Edited by TheGreatSatan
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Force power trumps all? Did you seem to forget the JK beat the emperor and the SW beat the Emperor/Sel-Makor?


I did wonder about the JK vs the Emperor, because it's clear that the Emperor is stronger. Maybe it had something to do with the Consular killing the First? Or maybe he had just gotten into that body? I'm sure there's an explanation.


As for the SW, you do realize the Emperor WANTED you to kill him right? He tells you as much. He had to put up a token resistance because suicide is impossible for any Voss in that chamber.

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I did wonder about the JK vs the Emperor, because it's clear that the Emperor is stronger. Maybe it had something to do with the Consular killing the First? Or maybe he had just gotten into that body? I'm sure there's an explanation.


As for the SW, you do realize the Emperor WANTED you to kill him right? He tells you as much. He had to put up a token resistance because suicide is impossible for any Voss in that chamber.


Sel Makor took him over. The emperor and Sel Makor were beings equal in power and thats why the Emperor couldnt kill himself. When Sel Makor inhabited the Emperors Voice it amped it. So arguably the wraths feats are greater then the JK's.


It doesnt matter how powerful you are in the force, if you cant defend yourself against a lightsaber the battle is over.

Edited by Girdeux
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Sel Makor took him over. The emperor and Sel Makor were beings equal in power and thats why the Emperor couldnt kill himself. When Sel Makor inhabited the Emperors Voice it amped it. So arguably the wraths feats are greater then the JK's.


It doesnt matter how powerful you are in the force, if you cant defend yourself against a lightsaber the battle is over.

I can't remember the specifics (it's been a while) but it had more to do with that room and the Voss than Sel Makor, as you're free to leave at any time, but any VOSS (regardless of whether the body is being possessed or not) can't.


I also seem to remember either the planet storyline or a class storyline having Sel Makor imply that it's afraid of the Emperor, or that he's even worse than Sel Makor. Pretty sure it was the Jedi Knight class one, but I'm not positive.

Edited by torinas
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Sel Makor took him over. The emperor and Sel Makor were beings equal in power and thats why the Emperor couldnt kill himself. When Sel Makor inhabited the Emperors Voice it amped it. So arguably the wraths feats are greater then the JK's.


It doesnt matter how powerful you are in the force, if you cant defend yourself against a lightsaber the battle is over.


And you assume the Emperor wasn't trying to fight Sel Makor? I don't think you can say the Wrath beat Sel Makor + the Emperor because then your assuming the Emperor just let himself get walked over. Sel Makor got the better of the Emperor in that contest of will because the Emperor was inhabiting a Voss body, but clearly the Emperor was fighting Sel Makor to regain control, which is why he regains control when Sel Makor is defeated. I don't think the Wrath faced either of them at their full strength.

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I can't remember the specifics (it's been a while) but it had more to do with that room and the Voss than Sel Makor, as you're free to leave at any time, but any VOSS (regardless of whether the body is being possessed or not) can't.


I also seem to remember either the planet storyline or a class storyline having Sel Makor imply that it's afraid of the Emperor, or that he's even worse than Sel Makor. Pretty sure it was the Jedi Knight class one, but I'm not positive.


It wasnt only due to that. Read the SWTOR Encyclopedia.


And you assume the Emperor wasn't trying to fight Sel Makor? I don't think you can say the Wrath beat Sel Makor + the Emperor because then your assuming the Emperor just let himself get walked over. Sel Makor got the better of the Emperor in that contest of will because the Emperor was inhabiting a Voss body, but clearly the Emperor was fighting Sel Makor to regain control, which is why he regains control when Sel Makor is defeated. I don't think the Wrath faced either of them at their full strength.


Yes he was, as stated in the game and SWTOR Encyclopedia that the 2 beings are equal in power. It also mentioned the Emperor was battling Sel Makor. Sel Makor was powerful enough that he could silence the Emperors mind. Canon > all.

Edited by Girdeux
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