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Combat Medic Discussion - Skills, Rotation, and Role.


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I've attached a link for you all to peruse and evaluate; however, I can't think of anywhere else that these point should go. If anything, I'd take the two points out of Kolto Bomb and move them into Treated Wound Dressings (4% reduced damage). If I am completely wrong on any counts, don't hesitate to let me know.


Healing Role?:

From where I sit, it looks like primarly, Commando healing will be similar to a prime single-target healing class. We get a weak AOE heal that increases the effectiveness of other heals, but we largely get our HPS through Advanced Medical Probe and Medical Probe (and the various talent-based benefits of both). Once we get Bacta Infusion, as it is free and heals the target for a respectable amount, it will likely be used on CD to pump HPS through a target and get them out of a deficit (21 second cooldown).


Healing Rotation?:

For most encounters, I just use Advanced Medical Probe on cooldown, followed by Medical Probe with Trauma Probe on tanks, and use my hammer shot in between (heals about 1.5% per second). I will use Kolto Bomb when there is AOE damage, I have max ammo, or if overcharge is up. When I'm overcharged, I AMP->MP->AMP->MP until Overcharge is off.


Let me know what you think, and definitely let me know if your talent build looks different.

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I tend to keep support cell at 30 ticks so before a fight i can use supercharged cell to start and kolto bomb. After that i follow a similar rotation you do.


Once i hit 30 stacks i go AMP,MP,SC,AMP,Kolto,MP for the nice cheap rotation and buffs. It gives some regen room for hammer shot on the tank.


I tend to consider the Damage reduction from Kolto pretty significant, probably more than Trauma probe so i try to keep it up as much as i can. Trauma prob is something i often forget.


Skils wise im pretty much the same spec, although im tempted to put points into Combat Sheild and Med Zone. Reason for this is the pulls are getting larger and boss adds come in quite decent numbers, Im finding im using the shield quite a lot to continue healing. It might be a boon in pvp too.

Edited by Epochmox
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I would drop first responder the proc on crit do add alacrity for the 4% damage reduction.


I would imagine landing a heal on your target faster is more important than you taking 4% less damage, but to each their own.


Op, this is pretty much the standard build people have been coming up with. The combination of AMP and Kolto Bomb will probably have Troopers being sniper/melee healers, while also supporting other healers through Kolto Bomb. Also, HS ticks 3 times in 1.5 seconds.

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Can someone provide some info on how useful alacrity is?


Does it just basically help you deal with some burst healing situations a bit better by getting some casts out slightly faster when needed? I would think casting faster might also result in ammo regen issues? Can alacrity allow you to cast anything faster than the 1.5 sec GCD, or is that a hard limit?


I'd rather put the 4 points in first responder and weapon callibrations somewhere else if alacrity is only marginally useful. And I'd also rather gear up with +power, +crit chance and + crit damage gear over + alacrity gear.


A lot of people seem to be choosing the alacrity improving skills though, so there must be something I'm missing. Please fill me in! :)

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Can someone provide some info on how useful alacrity is?


Does it just basically help you deal with some burst healing situations a bit better by getting some casts out slightly faster when needed? I would think casting faster might also result in ammo regen issues?




No. alacricity will never cause regen problems, massive group damage causes regen problems. Remember that we have a filler spell so the closer MP is to 1.5 gcd the more time we have to use our filler in the encounter. Just because your MP cast gets shorter doesnt mean that you have to immediatly go to another cast, or will go to another one for that matter. This has always been a huge misconception for haste-like stats.


And I'd also rather gear up with +power, +crit chance and + crit damage gear over + alacrity gear.


A lot of people seem to be choosing the alacrity improving skills though, so there must be something I'm missing. Please fill me in! :)


If you're pve healing MP@1.5s Alacricity >> power > crit > surge > Alacricity

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Some very good info guys. On the stand point of direct healing would you say the sheer is better then then medic or is it a wash?, i am playing both so far and i am seeing that the sheer is a little better, but the medic can sure hold its own, just looking for some thoughts on that. Also great build OP that is the same one i plan to run on my medic.
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This will be my spec. Did a lot of healing with WoW, so have learned to see some of the intent of talents. Efficient seems more dmg oriented, and not sure how much of a use it will have for healing. Treated Wounds is nice if I had the points free, but would only really account for AoE effects. And as most MMO players know, dont stand in fire. While it will have situational uses, the points are worth more used in more consistent abilities.


I took Med Zone, Heavy Trooper, and Combat Shield with the intent of providing a good fast way to "oh crap" heal myself. Should I find I'm not needing it as much, I would drop Heavy trooper, the useless point in ironsights, and pick up 2 pts for weapon calibrations and 1 point in Treated Wounds.


All in all, I find this to be a very badly designed set of trees. There is no good minor for your points once you get your 31 in combat medic. 4 pts in Gunnery and 2 points in Assault are really about the only worthwhile points. In order to get to 3 points of more "meh" talents in Gunnery, you have to waste a point on Ironsights. It almost seems that the ideal (wow almost said Blizz) Bio response is that 31/8/2 is the ideal spec. But it feels to rigid and lackluster.


EDIT: Maybe there is a difference between Hit in WOW and Aim in TOR, but in WoW healers didn't need hit to heal. Logically because why would your friend want to dodge your heal that would keep him alive? If I've misunderstood and Aim is needed for healing...well then that just makes me a sad panda.

Edited by Dekaye
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This is mine, all around PvP and PvE.


Some people say you should stack Alacrity because the faster you can get your MP, you can use more Hammer Shot. I don't want to get into the math of this, but..


Alacrity will only benefit MP, while stacking Power, Crit or even Surge will benefit ALL of your heals


In order to get 1 "free" hammer shot, you need to bring the cast time of MP to 1.5 and do it 3 times (0.5 sec x 3 = 1.5 sec (Hammer Shot))


If you put that amount of alacrity in some other stat like power, I'm pretty sure the benefit of 3 bigger MPs will be far greater than 1 Hammer shot



Edited by Sylanaris
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This is mine, all around PvP and PvE.


Some people say you should stack Alacrity because the faster you can get your MP, you can use more Hammer Shot. I don't want to get into the math of this, but..


Alacrity will only benefit MP, while stacking Power, Crit or even Surge will benefit ALL of your heals


In order to get 1 "free" hammer shot, you need to bring the cast time of MP to 1.5 and do it 3 times (0.5 sec x 3 = 1.5 sec (Hammer Shot))


If you put that amount of alacrity in some other stat like power, I'm pretty sure the benefit of 3 bigger MPs will be far greater than 1 Hammer shot





I forgot about this theory. Its an excellent point and makes me feel better about my choices.


EDIT: But still not sure why people are taking Aim.

Edited by Dekaye
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Some very good info guys. On the stand point of direct healing would you say the sheer is better then then medic or is it a wash?, i am playing both so far and i am seeing that the sheer is a little better, but the medic can sure hold its own, just looking for some thoughts on that. Also great build OP that is the same one i plan to run on my medic.


Seer's are the weakest healers. A seer couldnt pull half the hps of a commando if he knows what he's doing. Commando and scoundrel resource management is soo much better than sage it would almost make them obsolete if it wasnt for the fact they have utility.

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Seer's are the weakest healers. A seer couldnt pull half the hps of a commando if he knows what he's doing. Commando and scoundrel resource management is soo much better than sage it would almost make them obsolete if it wasnt for the fact they have utility.


I believe that the Seer starts out as a much stronger healer than a Combat Medic, both in sheer numbers and in resources. The Combat Medic starts to shine when he reaches/completes Field Triage, until then the cost of AMP+MP is forbidding, as using any other ability immediately after will drop you in a lower Tier of Ammo Regen.

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when they finally give us dual specs (prolly in the 1st major patch) this will be my healing spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800rfRMR0cdkqZrcoZb.1


Basically, i'll have 9% inherent crit, 4% inherent haste (with my crits giving me 5% more haste) and i should have decent ammo management.


Any thoughts?


I figure i'd use AMP->MP (so its reduced cost)->Kolto bomb->MP. With Hammer shots and Bacta infusion used in between, and medical probe up and out on the main tank. This should allow me to be able to heal for some very nice numbers, (especially with the HoT on AMP, and the buff from kolto bomb) without burning all my ammo. Between Recharge cells, and supercharge, i shouldn't have many ammo issues.

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All in all, I find this to be a very badly designed set of trees.


Its actually a very good set of trees for healing. If you weave kolto bomb into your rotation each cd its a real beast for 4 man content. Ive healed every flashpoint to 38 multiple times and the only real issues i had were early on with ammo management. Once you can spec AMP to reduce MPs cost healing becomes a lot easier.

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I believe that the Seer starts out as a much stronger healer than a Combat Medic, both in sheer numbers and in resources. The Combat Medic starts to shine when he reaches/completes Field Triage, until then the cost of AMP+MP is forbidding, as using any other ability immediately after will drop you in a lower Tier of Ammo Regen.


I am finding this out very fast, and i agree with you. I now have a medic to 23, and he is a much better healing then my seer when you get used the medic. The medic is also alot more fun to play.

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For the record alacrity does effect the GCD if used with a casted ability. For example, my AMP has a cast time of 1.1 seconds. I am off the GCD when I finish my cast for this ability. It does not effect the GCD if I use kolto bomb or bacta infusion etc.
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Where is the usefulness of Advanced Tech - 2% healing for 2 talent points is a waste in my opinion.

I rather take Combat Shield and suffer no pushback at all as well as become immune to interrupts. Not sure what I do with that one point that is left then, maybe put it in Heavy Trooper.

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Where is the usefulness of Advanced Tech - 2% healing for 2 talent points is a waste in my opinion.

I rather take Combat Shield and suffer no pushback at all as well as become immune to interrupts. Not sure what I do with that one point that is left then, maybe put it in Heavy Trooper.

In a PvP setting, I completely agree with you.
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