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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bolster.. why are some so threatened by it?


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PvE gear is multipurpose gear that can be used by anyone everywhere, save for PvP? You mean, like, in any PvE area? Who would have guessed that PvE gear would work in all PvE areas? Seriously, the worst argument I've seen on the forums today.


Argument? Wrong? How is giving an opinion as an answer to a question wrong or is an argument? Question is asked, I gave an answer. You, who is the world's greatest orator, please tell me how what I said is wrong? Never you mind, I know your type, you are a troll. Go about your business as your opinion has no bearing on the discussion I was having with the gentlemen who asked the question. Good day to you.

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Argument? Wrong? How is giving an opinion as an answer to a question wrong or is an argument? Question is asked, I gave an answer. You, who is the world's greatest orator, please tell me how what I said is wrong? Never you mind, I know your type, you are a troll. Go about your business as your opinion has no bearing on the discussion I was having with the gentlemen who asked the question. Good day to you.


You specifically stated that PvE gear is "multipurpose". What purpose does it have outside of PvE? You said yourself that it doesn't work for PvP, so I don't see how it's multipurpose unless you mean you can run different types of PvE in it. I can PvP both in warzones and in open world in my PvP gear though, so it must be multipurpose as well. The entire paragraph made no sense.


That's why I said it was wrong. Not opinion, fact.

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A good question with a reasonably simple answer. PvP gear was designed for a specific purpose thanks to the inclusion of expertise. PvE gear is multipurpose gear that can be used by anyone everywhere, save for PvP. Bolster fixed it so PvE gear could be used in PvP; however, it would (or should) not have equal status via expertise as the PvP gear.


In my opinion, and it has always been like this, expertise is a stat that should never been introduced into this game. I've never played in an MMO with it until Star Wars. BioWare has their own reasons for it, and I for one cannot speak for them. However, from a developers perspective (15 years’ experience developing & writing in role-playing / miniature gaming) this is something that should never been used. Gear should be fundamentally the same stat-wise. Cosmetically and aesthetically different is something that they should have done. That way PvPer's could have their own gear with its only look that separates them from those who PvE. However, both gear with equal stats should be able to be used in either area of the game. This way, gear progression is still viable on both sides of the fence.


This is a problem BioWare created and now they are trying to rectify it. Bolster only gave this problem a partial fix. For a true fix, they must equalize the stats of Partisan and Conqueror gear to that of their mirrors in PvE gear. Then and only then do I believe you will see the "difference" in higher stats eliminated and corrected with PvP gear coming out higher as it should be with the bolstering of PvE gear.


Expertise gear was created, unequal, because of PvE'ers.


It's all their fault really.


1) PvP'ers wanted to play on equal footing.


2) PvE gear was only available to people in 40-man raids.


3) The elite "few" would dominate because of the throttling of gear and limited drop rates.


4) Solution was to add gear that could be obtained from PvP'ing exclusively. This of course pissed off the PvE'ers declaring items earned through PvP as "Welfare Epics"


5) PvE'ers were upset that PvP'ers could get geared faster than them. The progression of gear was now through PvP instead of PvE. And because the few that were gearing in raids were not dominating in PvP anymore they *****ed and moaned about it. How they had to gear up through PvP before they could raid.


6) So developers came out with PvP stat. The stats on the equipment were severely reduced so they were almost useless outside of PvP. But because of the PvP stat, they were required for top end PvP. This of course pleased the PvE'ers because no longer were PvP'ers getting "Welfare Epics" that were on par with their "hard earned" epics. And they could outperform them in raids once again.


7) (years later in SWTOR) But now the PvE'ers felt that they no longer were able to dominate efficiently in warzones, and that the gear grind to get to the ranked warzone gear was too long they *****ed and moaned some more to BW, who heard their plea. SOOOOOO they introduced a FREE "recruit" set that would put them at 10% disadvantage from ranked warzone gear. So that they could at least compete with the people who farmed enough comms to gear out prior to hitting 50. (Any semi-serious PvP'er was able to afford enough gear once they hit max level to where they were not at a significant advantage.) The people that were ************ and moaning about losing all the time were the PvE players and the FOTM rerollers. Who would level up alts and then expect them to be competitive because they probably space-hacked leveled them. But the PvP'ers were still on their 1 and only max level toon going through the grind as intended.


8) PvE'ers STILL WERE NOT PLEASED WITH FREE GEAR. So BW decided to cater EVER MORE to them and decided to "LOLBOLSTER" max level PvP. That way all these ****** *** PvE'ers could still be competitive in PvP.


9) Now because of LOLBOLSTER at max level, it's still creating a gear gap between the serious PvP centric players who are now trying to min/max their BOLSTERED stats. The people who don't bother with trial and error of min/maxing the confusing/convoluted lolbolster system are still going to be at a 10-20% disadvantage.




On a related note, I have never heard any competent PvP centric player whining or complaining about the PvP gear grind. They're generally the same people that hit max level with maxed RWZ comms saved up though.


IN CONCLUSION, the *********** PvE'ers are the cause for ****** players in our warzones and the reason we have this ****** welfare system in place. To appease the goddamn PvE'ers.

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What you and others are saying about how "easy it is to gear up" is misleading and fundamentally incorrect. In saying that, you are painting with a big brush everyone in the game. However, the truth of the matter is this actually means "those who mostly PvP while doing only class quests if they do so at all." That is a dedicated PvPer player, a small minority of players compared to the total player population.


The truth of the matter is those who do not PvP until they completed their quests and reached the endgame may get involved in PvP. For them, it will take 2 weeks up to a month to fully gear them self while they are still participating in PvE endgame content. The dedicated PvP player can get themselves completely geared out in 2, 3 days tops because they have saved up 7250 comms (ranked and normal) after reaching level 40 to purchase everything they need save that of their main hand and off hand. That they can obtain in another day or two.


If a PvE player is working towards getting the best endgame gear they can obtain, the time it will take them to obtain their entry gear is even longer and more so for those going for full conqueror gear.


Your statement is fueling a perpetual falsehood about obtaining gear when you do not speak specifically of which type of player. For dedicated PvP player, you are correct. For the dedicated PvE player, you are flat wrong.


I've never had full comms saved when I hit 50/55 with a new character and gearing was still very very fast for the basic tier. After just a few pieces in augmented shells, you quickly start close the gap. Honestly, even full recruit wasn't that bad if you play smart.


So your hypothetical PvE'r wants PvP gear, but doesn't want to put any time into acquiring it. Explain to me again how this is not PvE welfare?

Edited by KamujinKravshera
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It is PvE Welfare. Don't like it? Sorry, not into touchy feely, make you feel better about yourself descriptions. Bolster is not for new PvP players as pretty much every PvP player has told you. Gearing a new toon is trivial and quick to the point that they can compete. Bolster, as it was implemented was a feature to help PvE players in PvE gear die 2 GCD's later.


People who need bolster are by definition terribad because any decent player would have the good sense to wear the right gear for the content they were playing.


FWIW, I did just fine in my recruit gear for the few days I had to wear it. Just play smart and don't try to face tank the most geared guy on their team. Shut him down, distract him, make him less effective without just trying to out DPS him. It's all possible if you realize that you are playing a person who will react differently to different stimuli. This is the essence of PvP.


Hate to break it to you, but just because you think it is, doesn't make it fact.


Everything you describe is for experienced players that are mostly into PvP... whihc certainly is not the majority

You are correct about Bolster being designed to let more casual players not die in 2 seconds.. that much is true.. but again i come back to why do you care?


These players will not pose a challenge... almost to a man everyone of those kinds of players do not understand their utility skills, crown control, or anything other than the three buttons they mashed to get to max level... the skill gap should be more than adequate to beat those players in your case, Bolster or not.


I also did fine in recruit gear.. again, it comes down to class knowledge and such, not gear, Bolster negates gear, it does nothing to the skill and knowledge, therefore it should not affect you.


I have yet to hear one sreason why Bolster affect the high end PvP player.. its simply doesnt.

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Hate to break it to you, but just because you think it is, doesn't make it fact.


Everything you describe is for experienced players that are mostly into PvP... whihc certainly is not the majority

You are correct about Bolster being designed to let more casual players not die in 2 seconds.. that much is true.. but again i come back to why do you care?


These players will not pose a challenge... almost to a man everyone of those kinds of players do not understand their utility skills, crown control, or anything other than the three buttons they mashed to get to max level... the skill gap should be more than adequate to beat those players in your case, Bolster or not.


I also did fine in recruit gear.. again, it comes down to class knowledge and such, not gear, Bolster negates gear, it does nothing to the skill and knowledge, therefore it should not affect you.


I have yet to hear one sreason why Bolster affect the high end PvP player.. its simply doesnt.


I care because Bolster which is essentially a benefit for PvE players was developed as if it were a PvP feature. Because of bolster, we don't have other long overdue PvP feature that PvP players have been waiting far too long for.


Can you actually even point out a meaningful, PvP specific feature in 2.0?


Here are the patch notes for SWTOR 2.0. The first major version release since launch. Please do enlighten me about all the wonderful PvP features that were added and how bolster didn't replace them.



Edited by KamujinKravshera
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I have yet to hear one sreason why Bolster affect the high end PvP player.. its simply doesnt.


The issue is not knowing how bolster works.


Having bolster in RWZ only favors the people that want to trial and error gearing for max bolster, instead of min/max conq mods.

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I have yet to hear one sreason why Bolster affect the high end PvP player.. its simply doesnt.


You have been given multiple reasons.


The main one is it is a prime example of developers trying to keep raiders happy, while offering little to nothing in return to high end PvP players. Its red headed stepchild syndrome.


Regardless of the bugs and bar, its a fight to bring the same attention to PvP, instead of treating it as a side show between lockouts. High end players are tired of it and either indifferent because there is nothing else to do, or quit.


When high-level or PvP focused players quit, the game dies... At least the PvP portion. Its been dying a slow death with the god awful changes since 1.2. Lolster was the icing on the badbad cake...

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I care because Bolster which is essentially a benefit for PvE players was developed as if it were a PvP feature. Because of bolster, we don't have other long overdue PvP feature that PvP players have been waiting far too long for.


Can you actually even point out a meaningful, PvP specific feature in 2.0?


Here are the patch notes for SWTOR 2.0. The first major version release since launch. Please do enlighten me about all the wonderful PvP features that were added and how bolster didn't replace them.




Gee, im sorry you feel mistreated mr PvP centric player... the fact that you can get your gear 10 times faster, dont rely on random drops, and makes you put of trolling tattoinne for lowbies for an extra week must really chap your rear i guess? lol


You do realize that without it you would have precisely zero new PvP players in the last 6 months, right?


Every MMO ever made was first and foremost a PvE game, period. You want PvP first you are in the wrong genre.


For the record i too am a heavy PvP player and would like to see some new things, new maps, etc... so i get that, but at the same time that is not and never has been the focus of this or any other MMO.

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Gee, im sorry you feel mistreated mr PvP centric player... the fact that you can get your gear 10 times faster, dont rely on random drops, and makes you put of trolling tattoinne for lowbies for an extra week must really chap your rear i guess? lol


You do realize that without it you would have precisely zero new PvP players in the last 6 months, right?


Every MMO ever made was first and foremost a PvE game, period. You want PvP first you are in the wrong genre.


For the record i too am a heavy PvP player and would like to see some new things, new maps, etc... so i get that, but at the same time that is not and never has been the focus of this or any other MMO.


not really but ok

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Every MMO ever made was first and foremost a PvE game, period. You want PvP first you are in the wrong genre.


That isn't true. Mulitplayer in general was popularized by Player versus Player mechanics. Even the first MMORPGS included PvP. MMO games have always had some form of PvP. Neverwinter Nights and Ultima online had PvP initially any where you wanted and it wasn't until concern from players who didn't like PvP that no-combat areas were added. Players role playing and ruling over themselves in a fantasy setting through survival and self-governance was why MMORPGs were created to begin with. It's an idea where PvE, PvP and Co-Op exist equally; a pen and paper RPG brought to life. There are still even some NwN persistent worlds where you can experience such a thing. Too bad nobody will ever make a great game like that again without having people subscribe to play it.


In my opinion it's people who play MMORPGs like they are single-player games that ruined the genre.

Edited by Gren-Aluren
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OP, you clearly don't get it.


Hating endgame bolster does not equal hating 2.0 gear gap.


I thought the 1.7 PvP gear gap was too big. I think the 2.0 gear gap is fine. I hate bolster.


The problem with bolster is that it is buggy and opaque. It will continue to be buggy and it is opaque by design. If I have only PvE gear, am I better off wearing my best PvE gear or should I down grade some pieces because perhaps bolster sweet spot is with the lower tier gear? How about after I add 2 pieces of Partizan?

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why do people think bolster worked? Warzones are the exact same as they were before bolster. 90% of warzones are 1 team slaughtering the other. There is still a huge difference in peoples gear. Every warzone you enter you will see at least 2 people with 23k or lower health. Which is hilarious since my level 52 commando walks around fleet at just under 25K health. The same people who were crying aboot how gear was the deciding factor in who won pvp, are still crying...now its just blaming premades, voip, healers & of course smash/sweep spec.

The gear grind was non existent prior to 2.0, people were just lazy. Only thing Bolster did was take away the carrot for pvp only players. Even more laughable is when pve'ers cry you don't even need to win to get pvp gear so pvp gear shouldn't be as good as pve gear. I mean you don't even have to do any content at all and you can get 2nd best endgame pve gear. Buy cartel market packs, sell on GTN then use credits buy PVE gear. Never once having to do a single HM Flashpoint or SM Operation. Watering down any endgame content is just pathetic.


The Bastion

Rellik - Jenna'syyde - Crackroxx

Edited by rlamela
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Every MMO ever made was first and foremost a PvE game, period. You want PvP first you are in the wrong genre.


Nevermind the terms PK, and PKK. No it doesn't mean preachers kid.... it stands for player killer, and player killer killer. People who's sole purpose was to kill players, and to kill player killers.


The people who have the attitude that PvP doesn't not belong in MMORPG's is ****ed up in the head. Go look back at the early MUDS. If you want a PVE only game, play a SINGLE PLAYER ONLY GAME. Those are the games that were made for PvE first and foremost.


l2history brah

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Nevermind the terms PK, and PKK. No it doesn't mean preachers kid.... it stands for player killer, and player killer killer. People who's sole purpose was to kill players, and to kill player killers.


The people who have the attitude that PvP doesn't not belong in MMORPG's is ****ed up in the head. Go look back at the early MUDS. If you want a PVE only game, play a SINGLE PLAYER ONLY GAME. Those are the games that were made for PvE first and foremost.


l2history brah


To be fair, I remember PK from PSO back on Dreamcast, and you weren't supposed to be able to do so. I had a toon I would use to FSOD such players.

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Shoot even when I was logging onto BBS's, the multi-player game of choice for me was Legend Of the Red Dragon. When you logged out after completing your forest fights, you could either sleep in the field or the Inn. While in the field, anyone could attack you. While at the Inn, the players had to bribe the innkeeper in order to get a key to the room. In the field players could see what weapon you were using and assess whether they wanted to attack you or not. While in the Inn, they had to pay the bribe first and then was stuck fighting you. Anyway the point of the story is that without player vs player competition, the games are lame. It's the excitement of seeing if anyone attacked you or not. Also when you're like level 5 and had a Death Sword equipped, people would freak out lol
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Only thing Bolster did was take away the carrot for pvp only players.


Yes, this is what this whole mess is truly about, isn't it? Pride. *chuckle*


This need to make a statement to all the "PvEers" that "We play PvP more than you, hence we should have superior gear than you, you'll never be as powerful as us unless you go through the same grueling process of gear grind (which, incidentally, we'll be kicking your butts the whole way along), and we'll showcase this shiny coat of Partisan or Conqueror as a status symbol to all the PvEers that you are below us."


Well, I'm a PvPer, and I don't need such a 'carrot'. I'm in for the fight in the first place, and where my opponents get their gear is none of my concern, as long as I get more people to fight against. Bolster makes that possible. It draws in more casual players, it helps them adapt, and it helps the community expand.


That's better than any stupid, worthless pride-carrot. That's the carrot for a PvPer, because far too many times I've seen the elitist snob of an attitude concerning PvP make the doorways tighter and tighter for new people and casual players. In the end, the handful of PvPers are isolated as the PvP itself just dies out.


Anything that helps draw in more people, and makes it easier for them to taste and enjoy PvP, is gazillion times better than any carrot that suits only us PvPers.



Why do people think bolster worked? Warzones are the exact same as they were before bolster. 90% of warzones are 1 team slaughtering the other. There is still a huge difference in peoples gear. Every warzone you enter you will see at least 2 people with 23k or lower health. Which is hilarious since my level 52 commando walks around fleet at just under 25K health.


Because if you enter WZs, that 25k HP is about the average level of performance everyone else shows. PvPers like us have this really bad habit of raising a point of comparison to our own standards, but we constantly fail to remember that we're the absolute minority here. My guess is around 75% or more of all the people who log into regular WZs, is probably somewhere between 5~10 Partisan pieces at most.


The amount of boost bolster provides for people are adequate for the gross average of all the games played out in WZs. However, if you actually meet a team of premades, or if a random opponent team has a lot of us dedicated "PvPers" on board, then the people will clearly see that bolster at 55 bracket is literally "adequate for most games, but will never really compete against a real PvP team or RWZ-level team". That's where the gear-progression motivation comes from, if the people that benefit a lot from bolster CHOOSES to go down that path for some higher level PvP.


Otherwise, casual and limited PvP players just looking for some WZ fun once in a while, can still be able to reasonably enjoy it if not too unlucky. They wouldn't need to go through the grind because they don't need or want, to become as competitive as us.


That's what bolster did -- it gave the people weaker than us a choice, and an opportunity to get a glimpse of how PvP can be as much, or even more fun than PvE. At least any PvEer who's never played before has a much better chance in PvP than those days when we'd be given the heap o' shi* that was the recruit gear.


It also helps PvPers build alt characters or reroll much easier since you won't have to worry about sucking so much despite good PvP experience and skills, just because you are entering the max level bracket for the first time. Way back, it was always a goddamned pain for me with characters that started approaching lv50, because I knew what was to come. I don't roll with guilds, I don't have as much time to farm gear since real-life jobs and family requires much more time from you than any all that time pimple-teen or nose-picking college boy has on their hands.


Nowadays, the real "grind" takes just as much time for me, but at least I know I'll be doing a lot more effectively with my 22k greens and blues character against 25~30k HP people, than I used to against 19~22k enemies with my 14k recruit gear toon.


Bolster has done nothing but good for everyone all around, and it does exactly what it was intended to.


The only people that can't seem to tolerate it, is the people who can't stand some people can craft gear (through millions of credits and a long long time spent during level up), or others can get their gear through raids and operation (which needs to be played out for a long long time) .. and those gear are as much powerful as their own in PvP (which also takes time to grind).


It's not even an essential, combat related issue... it's a pride related issue. Now that's pathetic.

Edited by kweassa
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Yes, this is what this whole mess is truly about, isn't it? Pride. *chuckle*


This need to make a statement to all the "PvEers" that "We play PvP more than you, hence we should have superior gear than you, you'll never be as powerful as us unless you go through the same grueling process of gear grind (which, incidentally, we'll be kicking your butts the whole way along), and we'll showcase this shiny coat of Partisan or Conqueror as a status symbol to all the PvEers that you are below us."


Well, I'm a PvPer, and I don't need such a 'carrot'. I'm in for the fight in the first place, and where my opponents get their gear is none of my concern, as long as I get more people to fight against. Bolster makes that possible. It draws in more casual players, it helps them adapt, and it helps the community expand.


That's better than any stupid, worthless pride-carrot. That's how it should be for any real PvPer.





Because if you enter WZs, that 25k HP is about the average level of performance everyone else shows. PvPers like us have this really bad habit of raising a point of comparison to our own standards, but we constantly fail to remember that we're the absolute minority here. My guess is around 75% or more of all the people who log into regular WZs, is probably somewhere between 5~10 Partisan pieces at most.


The amount of boost bolster provides for people are adequate for the gross average of all the games played out in WZs. However, if you actually meet a team of premades, or if a random opponent team has a lot of us dedicated "PvPers" on board, then the people will clearly see that bolster at 55 bracket is literally "adequate for most games, but will never really compete against a real PvP team or RWZ-level team". That's where the gear-progression motivation comes from, if the people that benefit a lot from bolster CHOOSES to go down that path for some higher level PvP.


Otherwise, casual and limited PvP players just looking for some WZ fun once in a while, can still be able to reasonably enjoy it if not too unlucky. They wouldn't need to go through the grind because they don't need or want, to become as competitive as us.


That's what bolster did, and I say its plenty enough and effective.


Bolster did nothing. Bads are still bads in bad gear blaming something other then their lack of skill. Warzones are still lopsided. Nothing you say changes this. I still run through the people I am more skilled then and still get run through by people who are better then me. Bioware cant fix people not having any skill nor can they fix people being to stupid to gear up properly. Bolster is not needed at 55PVP and its definitely not needed in Ranked.

Tho bolster isnt going any where so I dont really care but for anyone who thinks it did anything to change pvp is just delusional.

The Bastion

Rellik - Jenna'syyde - Crackroxx

Edited by rlamela
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look, this would be less of an issue if PvE gear was only equal to tier 1 PvP gear.


but its better.


its just annoying. nobody should be arguing against the purpose of the new Bolster; imo its a very good idea. but it should be a gateway to PvP gear, not replace it.

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What Bioware could(and probably should) do to fix PVP


Step 1. Remove all Expertise from all gear, making current PVP gear on par with current PVE gear. Grant everyone a free token for a same color crystal with you choice of stat for all Warhero Color Crystals, and if you have anything lower than Warhero you can sell it for 25k credits.


Step 2. Change Bolster to grant everyone the same amount of Expertise at level 55, leaving it as is for lower levels.


Step 3. Add a little info to the Enter Warzone dialog box, what Warzone it is, and is it in progress.


Step 4. Remove the ability to leave a WZ in progress without a lockout timer. 5 Mins if you leave before it starts 10 Mins if you leave after the doors open, going up exponentially every time you do it, with a reset when the dailies reset.


Step 5. Add an additional queue for group vs group to unranked, and make the current unranked Pug vs Pug, with a 15 minute wait time before the queues start to mingle.

Edited by SuperGrunt
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look, this would be less of an issue if PvE gear was only equal to tier 1 PvP gear.


but its better.


its just annoying. nobody should be arguing against the purpose of the new Bolster; imo its a very good idea. but it should be a gateway to PvP gear, not replace it.


Simple and to the point. I like it.

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Bolster did nothing. Bads are still bads in bad gear blaming something other then their lack of skill. Warzones are still lopsided. Nothing you say changes this.


What are you saying? Lopsided teams and skill factor is irrelevant in the first place. Bolster's not meant to mend gaps in the human factor in the first place.



I still run through the people I am more skilled then and still get run through by people who are better then me. Bioware cant fix people not having any skill nor can they fix people being to stupid to gear up properly. Bolster is not needed at 55PVP and its definitely not needed in Ranked.


There it is again, confusing the implications of human factor and non-human factors in PvP.



Tho bolster isnt going any where so I dont really care but for anyone who thinks it did anything to change pvp is just delusional.


Then why did the endless stream of "gear grind is too difficult" whines die down? :rolleyes: Because people suddenly changed minds?

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So in essence, with Bolster, new F2P players can join a warzone in lvl 20 gear and stomp other players, which bioware hopes will make them subscribers or at least dish out RL money repeatedly for wz passes.


Everything else seems to revolve around the cartel market, why wouldn't bolster too?:rolleyes:


You have hit the nail on the head here.


Exclusive PVPers, of which I am one, I despise to death, the PVE in this game, can moan all they want, this is not going to change, it is clearly making money for them, and that is the only reason this game exists, not to pander to my desire to out perform the next man.

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Then why did the endless stream of "gear grind is too difficult" whines die down? :rolleyes: Because people suddenly changed minds?


It morphed into "Healers are too powerful. Roll is OP." and other why do we still suck even with bolster complaints.


While you keep pretending bolster is this great thing, people who actually PvP keep wondering why there have been no meaningful PvP enhancements since patch 1.6.

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I'm not threatened by bolster.


I just don't care for the fact that PVE junk gets better stats than PVP partisan gear.


I don't want to PVE. Ever. Not one raid. No grinding the same boring sandbag mobs over and over. Just no. That game is bad. It sucks.


I want a clear gear progression PVE -> Parrisan -> conqueror, etc.


No gear set should give more than a 5% or so advantage per ladder step to the guy wearing it.


Too hard for Bioware? I think this is what they tried to do, but with all the bugs...

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