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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

4v4 warzones are coming!


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I feel special. More people concerned with my posting privileges than this threads topic.


Well anytime a thread is all about the QQ....I try to find something curious worth salvaging in it such as your posting abilities as a F2P!

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Well anytime a thread is all about the QQ....I try to find something curious worth salvaging in it such as your posting abilities as a F2P!



The qq train is back in full swing, although for the poster you reference his never stopped. They are better off not saying **** till they release it the way the forum goers act.


LF3M for Arenas on Bastion! Looking for all stealth team, need another Sin and 2 Ops. Lets queue up and practice in Regs! lol

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2.4 should be called "Opening of the nerf thread flood gates".

They better really look at balance, because 4v4 will shine a microscope on imbalance.


**** i didn't even think about that! O man i can't wait to read all the post in class threads about class balancing, and the unfairness. Instead of people learning how to play their class better, that's too hard, they rather cry and complain about the need to nerf classes!

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I'm wondering who will be the first to cry about 4 man premades in arenas!?




You won the thread, congratulations! :D


Anyways, like most I'm upset that the "big" PvP patch has two operations in it, and overall brings more PvE than PvP, but I'm still pretty excited to learn more about the arenas.

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Amazing how many people are F2P yet they continuously post on the forums. I need to get that mod so I too can join the world of the freeps!


You can buy forum posting credits on the Cartel Market .. He's paying to post.

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I for one am excited to hear about the 4v4 arenas. A little variety in pvp will be good for the game. I always enjoyed smaller scale pvp, where individual skill (and mistakes) are more noticeable. Plus its easier to get people together when your short on time.
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Great PvP patch! We will have... hm.. arena 4x4? And where are new warzones, open world pvp? Where are all this things? Yeah, the patch is realy "great". Biowarestyle.


Hey guys,


I am getting that some of you are frustrated that there are also Operations coming in 2.4 as a PvP player. This is in no way taking away from the content you are getting. It just means that on top of being an update with PvP content, it also has PvE content in it as well. It is just a bigger update for everyone!


To specifically address some of the concerns I am seeing in the thread. First, the 4v4 Warzone Arenas are not scaled down versions of the current 8v8 maps. They are a brand new Warzone type (deathmatch) on their own brand new maps! Note: Plural! You will see more than one map at launch.


As some have said, this is not the only thing coming in 2.4. We have stated before in this thread the purpose of this is to give you an overview, it does not have every detail. Some of your other concerns...such as queuing for Ranked, will be addressed along with 2.4. We are still working on details and 2.4 is still a ways off. We will continue to release information as we lock things in.


I want to add on a personal note that one of the things I have enjoyed most over the past month or two at work is our twice a week Warzone Arena playtests. I am someone who primarily PvPs when I play SWTOR and they are so, so much fun. I cannot wait for you guys to get your hands on them!




Wait and see before judging.

Edited by Darkshadz
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Is arena's something to be excited about? Sure.....so is dinner. This isnt worth the 1 year wait we've endured. All the complaints we've had over the last year and their only answer for a PvP update is 4v4 warzones (arenas)


The more I think about it the more dissappointed I become. Absolutely Shamefull.


Plus, you can't write: 4v4 warzones (arenas), because arenas are not meant to be played in those large maps. Arenas are... arenas, that is pretty tight, action packet areas and this would require new maps not just 4 men capped regular WZ maps.

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preferred can still post right?


No, they can't at all. Been there, seen that.


Which is quite dumb, because some threads (like the techincal support) should not be limited, I have been pref status and blocked out of the game for days because of never arriving authentication emails. Could not ask for technical support on the forum at all.

Edited by Vaerah
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Hope you realize that a 4v4 maps will just cause problems with gimmick teams like say 4 healers, or 2 tanks and 2 healers. This type of arena i think isn't going to be that much fun if teams are like that. They will have to be solo queue only as if you let teams do it you will see a ton of gimmick matches. Don't get me wrong i have been waiting on new pvp maps since like forever but i would like to see more 8v8 maps something different to look at you know.
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idea for that is good... but current state of the game indicates that this **** will uber fail if they don't fix balance .....


it will all come down to this .... tank; op healer; mara smasher and sniper .... (if u wanna go for high rateings ) for low u can go 4 PT's ;)

Edited by oberyn
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musco confirmed that there will be multiple deathmatch maps for arena when it launches. he didnt give an exact numebr tho.


data mining suggested it would be 3, but who knows.



Thanks given how the break up content in parts and release it as multiple things to bait us, I would not be surprised if it was one warzone split in 3 :D.


I'm pretty sure there will be more to come, considering they said it isn't an exhaustive list. So more might be to come.



What do you expect them to say 'there will be less to come'? They have been saying this for 1.5 years and we get half arsed features which are broken. They baited all the people who left to resub for RWZ and then they pulled them out of the last moment promising RWZ two patches later *cough*

Edited by Leafy_Bug
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