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CZ-198 Application - Biochemical Engineer


1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?

After the destruction of the misguided Huts, the war between the republic and empire is quietened down. I see Czerka as the next great challenge and would be proud to be given entrence.


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)

A master of creating enhancements, stims, and adrenals for different situations as they happen. Have supplied some of the galaxy’s hardened solders as they venture into the nightmarish operations S&V and TFB.

In my op’s squad I am known to make things happen and have never disappointed against some of the galaxies deadest thou’s by the aid of science.

My son who I am very proud of who has showed intrest in the bio field and is currently studying in this field as well.


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?

Watever it takes is a good point as it is something you normaly have to dance around to make things happen.


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?

Moral compass is normally weighed with logic as sometimes people need to be sacrificed for the better good.


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?

Sedate the objects in question and then time to have a long talk with this colleague as it looks like they may need a career change.

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Applying for organism handler


CZ-198 Application


1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?


Because i always wanted to be part of something big and important. I've seen Cerka's job first hand, and what i saw convinced me that you're going to change the galaxy. And i want to be part of that. I wouldn't miss it for anything


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)

I've developed a method to carry countless organisms (including Tauntauns, Killiks and even a Sarlacc) in my pocket.

I managed to fight (and defeat) anything from creatures, warriors and even Jedi and Siths with all that stuff in my pocket and they didn't even got a sracth

Last, but not less I became the galaxy's most dangerous Bounty Hunter, again with all that in my pocket. So i know a thing or two about how to handle organisms


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?

Of course. I always say: "Do or do not, there is no try". Remember that phrase is mine in case someone steals it


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?


I'm not sure what you mean "moral". I hope that this "moral" thing is not a requirement for the job.


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?


I would contain the situation, then i would have a friendly...chat with my colleague. You may want to have the doctors ready. Just in case

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Position Applying For: Research Contributor


1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?

My name is Troopern and I was my master's pride and joy. I was able to understand the force a lot quicker than anticipated, so well that he sent to Tython, to the temple for training to become a Jedi Knight. I want to be a part of this family because this war is taking its toll on both sides. Heroes rise and fall each day and I am hoping that assisting in research development of new technologies can end this a lot sooner and casualties be a lot lower than anticipated. I feel that is exactly what Czerka can do and for that I wish to become a part of it.


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)

A. I stopped a rogue Jedi from destroying my entire order.

B. I confronted and killed a Sith Lord that was going to cripple Coruscant with the Planet Prison device.

C. I aided the resistance on Balmorra to rid that planet of the Sith Empire.


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?

I would go to the far reaches of the galaxy to achieve my accomplishments because I am a dreamer and being a dreamer allows me to never give up because there is always an answer or solution to every problem no matter how grand or petite.

4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?

I do believe myself to be a strong moral person but I know when to turn off the moral compass. If it means for the good of Czerka I will do it no matter the outcome, because as stated above Czerka is our only hope for peace.

5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?

I would first try to contact my colleague via Holo-communicator. If he/she does not answer I would try to prevent the creature from breaking out of its cage. Then I would contact my superiors and my colleague and explain what happened and why I took such action.

Edited by troopern
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1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?


My name is Windrol Morcanna and I'm "semi-retired" bounty hunter seeking a more stable career. I have experience in transgalactic shipping and trading, arms crafting and augmentation, piloting, ground combat, and both lethal and non-lethal apphrension of aggressive targets. Currently, my personal cybernetics compose about 18% of my body and are all Czerka brand.


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)


"Meeting" black market adrenal trader Cavrous Orduuk and "removing him from business, recovering an apprentice of Darth Imp'alious, and finally, capturing and executing Captain Jhagriso Morcanna of the Republic military.


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?


I do "whatever it takes" to get what I want not to simply "suceed".


The matter with Mr. Orduuk is still a sensitive matter so I must omit some details. I enlisted the services of another "professional" also looking to "meet" him. We decided make an unscheduled visit to his office on Nar Shaddaa. After a "heated dispute" with his security detail, we were able to catch Orduuk as he was leaving his office and deliver our employer's "offer".

I recovered Darth's apprentice captured as part of that "Great Hunt" the Mandos recently put on (I did not personally partake in the event). I tracked the would be hunter and his companions to a hideout in the Kaas jungle and eliminated the majority of under the cover of a rainstorm common to Dromund Kaas.

As for the matter of Captain Morcanna, my cousin if it makes any difference to you, I tracked him his post on Taris. Republic forces required me to reach planetside vis escape pod while my crew flew the ship to safety. My pod landed in a region infested with rakghouls. A shortage of ammo required me to escape with the help a local Khaleesh hunter. Upon finding my cousins station, we assaulted the outposts armory to resupply. I managed to fight my way Jhagriso's quarters and subdue him. We had a quick chat before put one between his eyes.


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?


Questionable? There's two questions I care about "What needs done?" and "What am I getting paid?"


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?


I'd take a seat infront of the specimen and tell someone to bring me something back.

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1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?


Having raised myself from being a mere slave to the rank of Darth, I have mastered many a skill that the Czerka corporation should consider a most valuable asset to their plans.


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)


I have dismantled the false Emperor - 'Malgus the Betrayer' - who dared to rise against the true lord Emperor, as well as leading a specialist team to hunt down and contain the rogue Sith referred to as the Dread Masters, but my crowning accomplishment will always be the affinity with the force that I have gained in my journey to where I am today.


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?


Many have tried to stop me reaching my goals, none have succeeded, nor shall they while I still breathe.


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?


I am Sith, morals aren't required of me.


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?


This 'experiment' is of no concern to me, if my colleague had noticed their selves, or taken the appropriate precautions to begin with, maybe they wouldn't be in this inevitably uncomfortable situation. People do not get stronger through not making mistakes, they get stronger by dealing with them.

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To: Hiring Manager



From: Mýrk Mãlèvôléñçë

Prophecy of the Five

Republic Chapter


CZ-198 Application


1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?


As a Jedi I am very interested in the Biochemical Pharmacist aspect of employment. I have mastered as much as I can with existing data and have produced some very useful products. I am interested in furthering my profession and increase upon my skills with your company and better the galaxy with my findings.


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)


1) I ended the threat of the Emperor interests in genocidal exterminations upon the galaxy.

[indent2) I successfully evacuated the citizens of Makeb from disaster through the Hutt Cartel and am currently working to stabilize local planetary populace for a safe environment for the return of the evacuated citizens.][/indent]

3) I have recently put the justice 1 of the 6 Dread Masters through a Republic sponsored champaign on the planet Darvannis.


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?


With my 3 listed accomplishments it has only taken a fair amount of sacrifices to get the job done. The accomplishments speak for themselves as do the work it took to perform effectively. In the end, I stand by thee end results.


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?


I would say I have a very strong moral compass. My references from the Jedi Counsel can attest to this, however, when I am presented with a challenge to perform my duties, there are always the questionable means that must be explored in order to have any kind of impact. It is important to take all possible avenues into account and then take the appropriate measures to be able to fulfill the necessary tasks for the job.


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?


I have been training my entire life. I would act in a manner that would preserve the interests to the corporation as well as minimize any and all potential threats to the newest experiment; thus saving the corporation's investments and render reputation disparagement's to zero by insuring operational securities remain private to only those who need to know within the corporation.

Edited by Pyrozest
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((Love the nod to RPers here, BW, thanks!))


CZ-198 Application: Organism Handler


1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?


Born to the icy depths of Csila I took particular interest in the indigenous that called such a place home. By every indication in my studies such extremes would have rendered the planet inhabitable to most species, but evolution had proved the contrary. Even my own species is said to have ascended from human origin. Naturally when the Chiss Ascendancy offered me a role as a biological researcher I took it. I was to travel to Imperial-held worlds and study the species on each; studying the peculiarities of every creature from Womp Rat to Rancor! The end goal being the recipe for the perfect genetic specimen. Unfortunately, however, as my research progressed the Ascendancy became increasingly concerned with the shape it was taking so they pulled the plug. But how could you stop a painter from his art?


Taking my data I fled the Ascendancy in search for a more understanding home; a family like Czerka. While my experience might make me most suited for a Biochemical Engineer, I profess I have little desire to continue research in that field. However, I deem myself more than capable of the role Organism Handler, and I think my experience will prove a necessary positive when compared to other applicants. It's an important position that must be filled! I believe to overlook, or fill the position with a 'brute' if you will, would be a terrible mistake! Admittedly my reasons might be a bit selfish, but I assure you I'm the perfect candidate regardless!


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of.


  • Successfully spliced a Gizka and a Nekarr Cat! Unfortunately, the end result was not quite as anticipated and had to be exterminated to avoid replication.
  • Successfully identified, and removed, one Bothan from the stomach lining of a hungry Rancor. Despite successful extraction neither patient made it.
  • Received one Chiss 'Medal of Recognition' for his extended expertise on all matters of biological study; earned extra high marks in post-mortem examination.


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?


I've earned said achievements with inquisitive approach and an open mind! While others might just see a rabid monstrosity and a venomous maw when they see the Chemilizards of Hutta, I see opportunity! Beautiful potential hid behind a most vile exterior! But rest assured it's there! If I wouldn't do "whatever it takes" I would not be applying today Persistence is one of my many traits!


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?


I think the real question is if I were to come to you with an experiment that could possibly be viewed as, ethically questionable, could I expect a higher level of leniency than I'd otherwise be afforded?


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?


What an excellent inquiry! I could only hope to be so lucky! Not only would it be an excellent opportunity to study a new specimen in a foreign location; my colleague's glaring mistakes would open the steps straight to promotion! In such a situation I would most likely find a spot to conceal myself. If I felt the situation was appropriate I might even call in an unsuspecting research assistant to record the experiment's reaction. Assuming the specimen isn't one that's too hostile I would administer a sedative and return it to its confines after collecting sufficient data.

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CZ-198 Application


Position: Security

Name: Stridr Dorvald


1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?

I'm a... uh... freelance ex-military mercenary currently operating as a job-by-job basis bodyguard on Nar Shaddaa. No family and no permanent residence. Why do I want to be part of Czerka? Well, it beats not knowing where your next cheque comes from that's for sure. In all honesty, it's the appeal of a fresh start. Since leaving my last post on Tython and renouncing my ties to the Jedi-- I mean military, I've been on the run, alone for quite some time. Having a certifiable home base and a steady stream of work is exactly what I'm looking for. Space is dark and a wholly lonely place. Being constantly moving on whatever transport you can find is tiresome and makes space seem even less friendly. I need a family, and that makes me think I might just need Czerka.


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)

I'm single and childless so that's that. Things I'm proud of? Eliminating a Sith child-recruitment facility on Nar Shaddaa, "aggressive negotiations" and the elimination of three corrupt governors (and in one case a sleeper agent) on Coruscant. Eliminating a Darth before he could be returned to the Empire for PoWs. All three accomplishments, as you may have noticed, are things that the, erm, Republic military do not agree with. Nevertheless, sometimes a hardened heart and a recognition of what needs to be done are necessary. If I were to add one more to the list it would be leaving the Republic. It was hard, but in the end it and her leadership proved that it really doesn't recognise its own threat. In the end, I not only left, but I released myself from protecting it. If the Republic wants to capitulate to the Empire, let it.


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?

I suppose I went a bit long on the last one so I'll keep this short. Yes, I'll do almost whatever it takes. The almost means that I'll still prioritise. For example, a woman hired me to protect her and her son from unknown threats. When the attack came, I had been sent out to bring her son back home. She then called, telling me to come to her aid. I also received a similar message from her son. Naturally, I prioritised the son over the mother, as he was the future of her company (a note she made to me earlier). After ensuring the son's safety, I naturally went back, but unfortunately I was too late. I later learned that they had both set bounties against one another. A fact I now have to legally mention whenever repeating this.


\4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?

No. Do I have strong morals? Absolutely, but the bigger objective comes first. Unless the objective is wholly against my values (like exploding a heavily populated planet for no reason), then I will put the objective first. Even if that takes some distasteful acts.


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?

Attempted capture and reconfinement, if failed, neutralization is the only option. Following that, confinement of the "esteemed colleague" pending an investigation. Then, obviously, a thorough investigation to find responsibility. If said "esteemed colleague" is found to be at fault then interrogation and handing said person to the authorities, if not, release, and attempted capture/reconfinement of the person at fault. Failing that, neutralization. If there is time left, go back to partaking in complimentary snacks. No cocktails, I don't drink.

Edited by Maullum
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1. My travels have taken me to many of the far-flung corners of the galaxy, and in some ways technically beyond those borders. While I'm sure that working for Czerka would present some... interesting challenges, I've seen some pretty rough situations of my own, so I believe I'm up to the task. I have a crew that are more than capable of assisting me in my duties, and they are largely expendable.



  • Subjugating a species of indigenous chipmunks
  • Killing a Sith Lord
  • Beating Doctor Lokin at a game of Pazaak


3. As a member of the Empire, I wouldn't say I'm as devoted to the cause as the Sith lapdogs, and I'm very much the architect of my future. That being said, credits never hurt, though I hardly consider myself a mercenary. Shall we call it a fair balance between purpose and price point?


4. It hasn't stopped spinning since Hutta. (This isn't a problem, merely an observation.)


5. If my "esteemed colleague" is nearby, I would encourage them to contain the experiment by urging (read: pushing) them toward it and then returning to getting my snack on. Afterward I would summon one of the Ugnaught janitors to clean up the mess.

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1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?


You look to be makin' a profit, and where there's a job, I can be counted on for makin' creds or makin' trouble. Depends on my financial interests, ya see. Republic's not...entrepreneurial enough for my tastes. When they bring work, it ain't bad, but the pay could be better. Still, keeps my ship flyin'. Got a crew. Most needs accounted for. Got muscle, a fence, arms dealer, con man, and assassin droid. Most of all, got a quick finger on the trigger and an eye for a deal.


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)


Well, I run a successful business. What kind of business you say? Well, let's just say...I move goods that don't need to be seen. Quickly and quietly. So quiet, most say I haven't done a single bit of smugglin' in my entire career. Those who are smart...and rich...know better...


I have made a lot of connections. Criminals that cross me are put down rather quickly. Not sayin' I personally do it, but I know folks that are in the business of removin' obstacles. I can't help it if they like helpin' me.


Biggest accomplishment so far? I'd say it is the fact I can't peek my head out in civilized Imp space without having it shot at. Made myself quite a pest in them parts. May be more of an accomplishment that I ain't dead yet.


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?


How did I do all of that? Luck, grit, and a good blaster at my side. Two actually. Usually I don't have to do much to accomplish my goals. It is amazin' how thoughtful and cooperative folks can be when they're 'fraid of gettin' shot.


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?


Heh. Most don't know 'nuff to question anythin' I do. But yeah, if the job pays...don't much care what it is.


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?


Shoot it between the eyes and continue eating. Should be more responsible with their goods if they want to keep 'em.

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Security Officer:


1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?


As an independent contractor I have acquired a wide variety of skills: from the handling of dangerous materials, to the "handling" of dangerous rogue assets. I feel my experience and skills are a major asset to Czerka. And adding me to their ranks is a mutually beneficial arrangement.


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)


Unfortunately my best accomplishments are still classified.


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?


Most of my achievements where accomplished with subtlety and intelligence, however because of the nature of our chaotic galaxy sometimes I must apply a forceful hand. I have a variety of tools at my disposal, and am willing to use any of them however needed.


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?




5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?


A knife plunged quickly and cleanly in a vital area will silence the threat with little to no disturbance to the rest of the guests.

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1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family? My name is Darth Kuolemas. As a sith warrior I am more than capable of providing excellent security against those that would want to interfere in any and all assets that Czerka wants protected.


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.) 1. Ascending to the dark council. 2. Removing Republic scum from Makeb. 3. Thwarting the attack on Droumand Kaas by The Shroud.


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success? All that were in my path were simply destroyed. Nobody stops me from completing an objective.


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable? Morals are for the weak-minded. Doing what is necessary is part of any demanding task and often times demands no less.


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation? If this 'colleague' is a friend and the experiment is part of a common goal then I'd stay close enough to help ensure the situation is contained and controlled. However, if this colleague is a rival and we have nothing in common, nothing would satisfy me more than to see him/her fail so that true progress can continue.

Edited by Kalli
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I have been searching for a job that requires a certain set of skills that I have acquired over my lifetime and apply them to a corporation that will begin moving forward, reliant upon those skills. Why Czerka you may ask? I see this company lasting long into the future, through the highs and lows, but still persevering, ever persistent that it will succeed, it will rise above its competition, and one day be heralded as a corporation above all others. I want to be a part of that, to know that I helped to build it, I was there.


My prior job required that I do whatever it takes to succeed and to live. I, a normal human, not Sith or Jedi, took down the Sith Lord Jadus, the Sith Lord that was over Imperial Intelligence. It scared my employers so much that I was able to accomplish such a feat, that they decided to dominate and control my mind, however, I broke free. I suppose you could say that could be another accomplishment that few have ever attempted and fewer succeed without a broken mind. I suppose my final accomplishment of which you could say I am most proud would be that I was a part of a special strike team compiled of the galaxy's best and brightest to take down the Dread Master Styrak on Darvannis. We took him down, freeing the planet of his corruption and control.


I will do whatever is required or asked of me. I have seen the dark side of people and the good, I have decidedly remained neutral, perhaps a bit withdrawn, but observant. I am always watching people around me, waiting to spot the things that are out of the ordinary should things go awry.


In response to the hypothetical situation, I think the best response would be to delay my entrance to said party, assume control of the situation, lock down the section in which it is supposed to be contained, and from there, subdue via poisons or other mechanics that are at my disposal; or kill the specimen through weapons, jettisoning into space or any other means I may find necessary. After it has been dealt with, I go back to the party, head for the problematic colleague and ask him about his experiment in a most roundabout way. All the while, his answers would be recorded for future reference. Then once he was done, I'd haul him away to see his pet if was still in view, then bring him forward for the discipline to be administrated.

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Hello I am Chyron Ideaus.

I am applying for the Security Officer position.

1) The only reason I am applying for this is because I'm bored...

I am a “Jedi” Watchman currently doing mercenary work for the Republic. I was kicked out of the Jedi order for disrespecting the Jedi Counsel on numerous occasions, making fun of the “Hero of Tython,” and the fact that I would rather fight alongside soldiers than with other Jedi. I prefer to do dangerous missions and will try to make them harder for fun (Thrill seeker). I also enjoy a good laugh...


2) Some of my accomplishments include:

Saving Ambassador Assara from Grand Moff Killran, and not jettisoning her out into deep space. (The thought had crossed my mind)

Rescuing Revan from the Maelstrom Prison and killing Grand Moff Killran in the process. ( Revn's a stiff by the way...)

Defeated Karaga the Hutt and his goon squad. (Though I was unable to keep his robot mount/chair thing)

Only notable failure is not being able to tame the “Terror From Beyond” and use it as a war mount...


3) I tend to use a lot of military tactics and the good old fashion “beat the crap out of them” strategy. Though I have been known to take a non-violent stance on occasion.


4) As for your “ Moral Compass” goes: Yes I have that. I will not do anything (on purpose) that would harm an innocent. Secondary effects, unforeseen acts, and beating some sense into someone do not count, we are at war you know... Torture and executions are acceptable when necessary.


5) For your “Hypothetical Situation” really depends on what it is... I mean if it is some Rancor like thing I may try to use it as a war mount. If its like a Rakghoul, then its likely to killed very quickly. Or if it is meant to help people it may just go back in it's cage... or become food, it all depends.

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CZ-198 Application

Security Officer Position


1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?


I am Prototype Two-Delta, a Gree android model designed for combat and provided to the Republic military for field testing after the two organizations collaborated on repairing the infrastructure of Coruscant. My primary purpose was to serve in the Republic military, with a secondary objective of observing Basic language patterns in order to minimize the communication barrier between the Gree and the various species of the Galactic Republic for any future collaboration. I


Although I was provided to the Republic military for service, my commitment to them has been completed. As an android, I am a self-aware and sentient being, so my service is not obligatory. Therefore, it is logical for me to pursue all avenues of advancement, even those outside of service to the Galactic Republic. Based on my abilities, I would be well suited for the position of a Security Officer at Czerka Facility CZ-198. My previous military experience and unique origin would be an asset to an organization that emphasizes the advancement of technology as much as Czerka.


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)


Accomplishment #1) Service in Havoc Squad

I served admirably in the elite special forces unit Havoc Squad, rising to the rank of Major. Further details on operations are classified.


Accomplishment #2) Service in Theta Company

Due to my experience with Havoc Squad, I was selected for service in the Republic Special Forces unit designator Theta Company. I was placed in Tempest Platoon due to my combat medicine programming and quickly rose to the position of Chief Medic.


Accomplishment #3) Command of Theta Company

After a short period of service in Theta Company, I was approached by Colonel Dreskord and asked if I would be interested in his position since he was being called away for another assignment in the Unknown Regions. I accepted the position and immediately instituted some changes to maximize the combat efficiency of our unit by incorporating the skill sets and abilities of Jed and privateers into our military unit and structure. Further unclassified details can be found on the holonet site at thetacompany.forumotion.com along with information for prospective recruits.


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?


As an android, I am able to achieve a level of efficiency that far surpasses the abilities of biological organisms. I do not suffer fatigue, do not require nutrients, and do not have emotional simulators. These advantages allow me to focus on achieving my objectives as quickly and efficiently as possible.


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?


As mentioned previously, I do not have emotional processors, which are critical to the biological concept of morals. Therefore, emotions and morals do not have any influence on my decision-making processes and do not keep me from achieiving my objectives. However, my experience interacting with various biological species during my service in the Republic Military has provided me with some context of what moral decisions are, which allows me to factor the reaction of others into my decision-making.


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?


I would subdue the experiment and restrain it if at all possible. If not, I would eliminate the target with extreme prejudice while ensuring that enough samples remained to restart the research. I would the immediately file a report with my superiors.

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Join the Czerka team! Please fill out the following application and respond in this thread to be considered for the open positions listed here.


CZ-198 Application


1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?


1. My name is Atroxe, I got trained as sith but left to become a smuggler. Before i could make a living there i got into the republic military. Czerka makes the best equipment out there and I would like to help continue that legacy.


2. I've killed the Havoc Squad traitors. I've gotten the loyalty of jedi and sith. I also rule the criminal underworld.


3. I did the above accomplishments with the utmost professionalism possible. I did whatever it took, even betraying my own morals.


4. I do have a strong moral compass, but, as I said earlier, I work with the utmost professionalism.


5. I would not only discreetly beef up security I would give the experiment a sedative that would last long enough for me to go to the party.

Edited by notmando
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Application for the Position of

Biochemical Engineer



1. Please tell us a little about yourself.


My name is Eri Kana. I was inducted as a youngling into the Jedi Order as an initiate after a Jedi Negotiator rescued me from a spice-junkie in a local kolto clinic on the capital planet of Coruscant. When the Jedi Master took me from the arms of the transgressor after successful negotiations, he told me he felt a pulse in the force unlike anything he'd felt in one as young as I. From there he returned me to my parents where they negotiated my adoption into the Jedi Order. Ultimately my parents agreed, of course, and although I can't recall much about my parents, I do not remember a harsh goodbye. I feel no ill-will towards them and I believe that they are happy with their decision to give me up to a higher purpose.


During my time I've taken a passion in Biological Chemistry as well as Biological Analysis. I've studied and mastered the two and would be happy to utilize my knowledge for the corporation. I've also participated in and oversaw numerous Diplomatic assignments and am versatile in the art of communication.


2. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?


As Jedi, knowledge is key to establishing harmony throughout the galaxy. Numerous members of my order devote themselves to one people on one planet for years at a time, to learn from them and to understand for the good of the galaxy. By following the footsteps of my masters before me, I would like to represent my order and join your corporation to better understand your motives & assist in any operations my constitution approves of.


3. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)


(1.) During my time on Tython studying as a Padawan, I was tasked to set out into flesh raider territory to divert a misplaced uprising. On my way to complete my mission I found a boy who was missing from his mother and was being held captive by a flesh-raider. I brokered a peace between the Flesh Raider to allow a safe return for the boy on his way back. In return the flesh raider wished to be allowed access to the Jedi Temple where he would be trained as Jedi. The negotiation was successful and my masters agreed. The boy was returned home and the Flesh Raider was given a chance to become a Jedi. This accomplishment not only shows that peace may be made in the most hostile of places, but also that where there is the will to accept and understand- even the most volatile of creatures can aspire to be good.


(2.) Another accomplishment I deem notable is my intervention on Balmorra. Through strategic strikes and cooperation with local insurgent groups. I was able to give the people of Balmorra a fighting chance against the oppressive evil of the Empire.


(3.) I also defeated the Sith Emperor. Yes it's anti-climactic & no I'm not proud of this achievement since it was an unfortunately violent end. But It is rather noteworthy and I thought it'd look pretty nice on an application.


4. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above.?


The turning tide for every single one of my successful operations were the men and women behind the scenes making what I did possible. I give all credit to the team that served along side me throughout all of my endeavors. The perseverance of me and my team is what carried us through to the end. Without Unity we are alone, alone we are destined to fall, Czerka understands this.


5. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?


I will go above and beyond to complete any task assigned to me. It is the Jedi way to serve calm and collected, so that he/she can do whatever it takes and not compromise the mission with emotion or doubts.


6. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?


As stated above I am ready and capable of serving without being compromised by emotion or moral doubts. A Jedi serves without fear or doubts in what they are doing. Logic is my compass.


7. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?


I would take the initiative and administer the appropriate sedative for the biological experiment (assuming). If it were mechanical, however I would attempt to find it's access panel and commence the necessary shutdown protocols. After which I would return to snacking on delicious Mannan prawn and sipping Alderannian wine. Once my colleague returned I would proceed to calling them a nerf-herder and a muggle.

Edited by EclipseC
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=====================================BEGIN TRANSMISSION=================================

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pg. 1---------------------------------------------------------------------

To Whom It May Concern:


Hello, my name is Ellise Solari: upstanding businesswoman and galactic entrepreneur. I have always admired the exquisite products Czerka produces and I use a lot of them in my operations across the galaxy. Between personal energy shields while fending off competitors trying to stop me from legally transporting my legal goods from one planet to another for legal vendors, legally, to blasters to fend off even the sturdiest of transgressors in the way of my business; Czerka has something for everyone. I've always looked up to Czerka as a respectable business model on how to increase profit while giving people what they want. My personal business is handled very similarly to how Czerka deals in the galactic economy, and I feel my skills as an outside saleswoman would benefit Czerka as a whole.


I am qualified in many areas of specialization; from legal exotic animal handling, to legal advanced robotic repair knowledge and am more than capable in security, having to be my own security force in my legal distribution company.


I am also very results oriented. Having discovered the lost treasure of Nok Drayen, I am more than capable of consolidating information and analyzing trends in information to produce results no one else could. I also volunteered my services to the Galactic Republic during the war with the Sith Empire to deliver goods to the front and procure products for them. I also "cleaned up the streets" of the galaxy, legally of course, by combating the underworld forces and making the galaxy a safer place for everyone to live in.


I have, of course, handled all of my affairs in the most upstanding, ethical and legal manner. That said, the most important tenant of business for any company to adhere to is the bottom line. Profits allow businesses to expand, and I always ensure profits. Legally of course.


My moral compass is dictated by duty, honor and, above all, service. I have a duty to ensure that my company survives and thrives in the galaxy at large (not THAT at large, we are legal and everything), I honor my co-workers and my customers, and make sure that everyone gets the service that they pay for. Any other way just would not do in the marketplace.


In response to the hypothetical situation postulated in your application: I have a highly diversified team of specialists on retainer for instances just like this that I cannot devote my full attention to that I have complete faith in. I would make note of the experimental situation and deploy my specialists to monitor the situation while escorting my colleague to the soiree where we will imbibe the cocktails and snacks. After all, the company did pay good money for those and we shouldn't let them go to waste.


I thank you for taking the time to consider my application for Czerka. My legal outside sales experience and legal ventures I have legally established in the galaxy, along with my strong charisma and demonstrated leadership skills, would be a valuable asset to the company, and would ultimately mesh well with Czerka company culture.




Ellise Solari

-------------------------------------------------------------------End Pg. 1-----------------------------------------------------------------------

---------------------------------------------------------------------Pg. 2--------------------------------------------------------------------------


Apt. 37819AE, Galactic City, Coruscant | HoloCom Freq: <REDACTED TO PUBLIC>| HoloNet ID:<REDACTED>


OBJECTIVE: To obtain a position within Czerka Corporation to expand company influence throughout the galaxy, expand profit margins, and ensure Czerka's dominance in the galactic economy as either a Droid Technician, Biochemical Engineer, Organism Handler, Security Officer, or Research Contributor.



  • Solari Shipping, LLC - Founder and CEO (3 ATC to Present)
    • Legally shipped legal goods through legal shipping routes for customers.
    • Legally dealt with legal acquisition and distribution of legal exotic fauna from various worlds.
    • Legal vendor for various goods throughout the galaxy for various classifications of goods (Galactic Vendor License Number: [DATA CORRUPTED]
    • Managed all invoice management, personnel records, and customer relations.

    [*]Galactic Republic under commission of Senator Dodonna - Privateer (10 ATC)




  • Advanced blaster skills and firefight tactics.
  • Class-S Pilot's License
  • Advanced knowledge of computer security systems and robotic and droid subsystems
  • Handling of sensitive biological agents
  • Strong customer service skills


References Available Upon Request

--------------------------------------------------------------------------End Pg. 2----------------------------------------------------------------

=======================================END TRANSMISSION=================================

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JOB - Organism Handler


CZ-198 Application - from URROD


1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?


I is URROD! I is vonderful and smartestest being in all Galaxy. I want CZerka as mine family name becoz I no have family. I is URROD. URROD sound Scary. URROD CZerka sound Bloodcurdling!!!

I vant to be Organism Handler bacoz I handle all organizm eazy peazy! I handle Nexu wiz my big Cannon - "Olga" :wea_09:, I smash Sand Deamon with big Boom Grenade :wea_11: , I tear puny Ortolan elephant man nose with my hand and use as hat - keep ears warm.


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)


- I eat 54 Vercupti of sgazza boleruue in 30 minutes !!!

- Once I kiss beautifull Chevin girl. Here photo: Emily

- I rip 237 Ortolan nose in 1 day. Make stew! Eat goood! :tran_tongue:


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?


I take Kazoo. With Kazoo make Ortolan mating noise. Ortolan elephant man come. I rip nose!


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?


I no need compass. I haz Galactic Pozition Systema!


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?


I eat cocktail and I eat snack. If the excrement try and eat my cocktail, I smash with my forck stick :wea_13: Make Shish Kebab later. Eat gooood!


I wait for family CZerca name very soon or I come to handle all you Organisms with my Big Canon Olga :wea_09:!



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Position applying for: Droid Technician





1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?

Because Czerka is just plain awesome.


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)


A. I can play the holophone... and I'm even good at it too.


B. Beat a fish at a staring contest... by waiting until it evolved eyelids.


C. Mathmatically Proved that a rift in time and space that it couldn't exist, retroactively erasing it from the universe and restoring half the galaxy that it had destroyed.


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?


For the Holophone, practice, lots of practice, about 47 hours a day ( I moved to a planet with longer days so I could practice more)


For the goldfish, patience, it only took about 300 million years of waiting (did I mention I'm immortal?)


For the rift, the math formula cannot be written as it involves a number of steps that would fill the Observable universe several times over if written out, but it can be conceived mentally..


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?


Morality is for those who put limitations on themselves because they are afraid of success I am not afraid of success. That does not however mean I don't have morality, it's just that it's secondary to success.


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?


Notify the Colleague that their experiment is likely to excape, and alert security if the containment cannot be quickly modified to properly restrict the creature, I respect my colleagues, but that must come second to the success of my employer, after all, dead employees have fewer uses that live ones (this is not true for all people, but any employee of Czerka would be sure to qualify as worth more alive than dead.)

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Security Officer: Completion of Class Seven psychological profile required. Applicants with abundant conflict experience will receive priority consideration.


1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?

I am a Chiss ex Operative of the empire i left due to my own reasons, i wish to be part of something that isn't about the republic or the empire i am loyal i will not betray the family of Czerka


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)

my three most proud accomplishes are of the following defeating a team of Jedi/sith by myself, building a black codex from scratch, and successfully defending a facility from enemy attack for a total of 7 days with little resources to work with


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?

I accomplished those goals with relative ease i used my brain, my sniper rifle and weaponry, along with my experience i attained throughout my past careers, Whatever it takes is a part of it i sacrificed whatever is needed to accomplish what i have been assigned.


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?

Of course not moral compass has nothing to do with my actions nor does it impact my duties i will do whatever is asked of me to the letter moral compass is irrelivant in my duties.


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?

I would firstly subdue said experience quickly using my combat experience and tactical know how then scold the colleague for his failure in proper restraints of The experiment then report his incompetance to the boss to have the proper punishments applied for the colleague's failure

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1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?

I’m a Bounty Hunter. I can either work for you or kill you. Take your pick.


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)

Won the Great Hunt, Killed Supreme Chancellor Janarus and Makeb now belongs to the Empire. What else do you need to know?


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?

HK-51 and I have no problems sacrificing others to accomplish our goals.


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?

Show me the money! HK-51 thrives on questionable acts of violence.


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this?

I'm pretty sure a little fire will take care of it.

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"Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?"


*Force Choke* "I am the Emperor's Wrath don't forget that again." */Force Choke* "I am here because the Sith Emperor demands it." *Snaps Fingers* Vette hands over files detailing the death of Baras, the destruction of the rebel Malak, securing a HK-51 ship, and later re-securing it. Continually erasing failures from existence, both imperial and republicans alike. I have face the Hutt Cartel and the are running scared. Undermining the treacherous Baras by sending the Armageddon Battalion to Corella. Freeing the voice of the Emperor by slaying his body. Freeing the Entity. Facing off with aliens from another dimension. The list continues......


"At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. And please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children."


*Force Push* "Your repetitive questioning is infuriating me. But if you must know more, I have traversed the Nightmare Lands of Voss and completing a ritual only their mystics could take on. I thwarted Soa in his attempt to destroy the galaxy. Most recently I killed the Arcon on Makeb; while doing so I removed the republic and mercenary scum from the planet and made it look as if the planets core had exploded thus making the Republic no longer interested in getting Makeb's Isotope-5."


"Very well now how did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do 'whatever it takes' for success?"


"Ahh finally want to hear the juicy details, you may live after all. I do not let anything stop me from what I want done. If I had to I would have let Makeb truly explode if it meant that the republic could not have its resources. I lead the assault on Soa. He tried to pit us against ancient Sith but they where no match. He even tried to imprison me but no mind trap could hold me back. I stood upon his bloody corpse as I ripped his head off. So nothing will stop me no matter the means to achieve it."


*cough* "Emm, emm. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?"


"Morals are for the weak minded. Need some one killed? Planet destroyed? Like I said I do whatever it takes to get the job done right. I get a task and complete it no questions asked. But you betray me or try and get me killed on purpose, ask Baras what happens then. Oh wait you can't I killed him for that."


"Ok. Hypothetical question now. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?"


"I would find out the worth of the experiment. Either a. forcing it out of my colleagues or b. in the Czerka data relays. If it is of low quality I would alert the nearby guards to secure it. High importance I would secure the experiment myself to within the needed limits. If the experiment needs to be killed/destroyed so be it. The loss of an institution is far worse than a subject that can be replaced. In regards to my colleague. I would see to it personally that he be stripped of the project and pay for a new round of complimentary cocktails and snacks that I may or may not have missed, and then kill him for his incompetence in the first place, unless ordered not to, in which case I would make him make cookies for us all."

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