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  1. So I went to quick travel to Odessen and the game crashed. ever since then I cannot log into that character, as the game crashes at about 90% of the loading bar what gives? All of my other characters work just that one.... Using windows 10
  2. OK hear me out: With the GSF the learning curve gets harder and harder for new pilots. Unlike the ground PVP that has level brackets (and duels for that matter) in order for new players to learn their class in PVP, the PVE part has dummies, FP, etc for getting ready for the ops. What does GSF have? Nothing, that''s what, the new pilots in GSF get thrown to the wolves and get eaten alive by the more experienced pilots. Some may ask, "What about the tutorial?" ---It blows ***..... It hardly teaches anything. So to my proposition: Training missions. allow us to que from 2 -24 where the ops or party leader can put people on different sides, change the time allotted, change what the objective is and how many point/kills to reach the objective. Once mission is done give the new pilots 1000/900 ship and fleet requisition and the veterans like 200/100. Cut-off for the "new pilot" status would be something like 10K fleet or something. Additionally do not allow this to contribute to the daily/weekly quests. Along with that ensure that the Kill/Death/Point etc record is not kept. Doing something like this should allow for a better GSF experience for all, and may even get more players to pick it up and give it (another) try. In other words a tutorial mission for the players by the players. What are your guys' thoughts? (No, I'm not a newbie pilot .I would just like to get more people involved in GSF and help improve game matches.)
  3. Honestly I think you guys at Bioware should look into some of the stuff that is being said in these forums. There are plenty of good ideas out there that would help generate new players/revenue for you guys. Also more suggestions would be great.
  4. All true, though honestly this thread should have ended on the first page after the question was answered. It started becoming a hate thing directed at people against (or had no clue really about) the military, then shifted the other way, then became a FFA... (In a general discussion thread and not an off topic thread.) Ignorance knows no bounds and everyone can be guilty of it.... ignorant of the topic and ignorant of others' viewpoint... It happens. Best thing really to do is ask someone in a private message about their sig block. You will more than likely get a better answer than in a forum post.......
  5. Yeah sorry if it seems that way but that's really all the crap I get from the media. Its not meant to be a "If it wasn't for the military" thing but a stop bashing when you don't know what is actually going on or know what it is about. piss poor wording on my part. Seen it once thought it was kinda stupid.... obviously once is to many times lol. Piss poor wording again... sorry? =/ We should be more concerned about the game than a stupid forum signature IMO.
  6. OK this has turned into a free for all shouting contest where no one wants to see the others point of view.... The anti-military will continue to be right in their eyes due to the media influence and how the military members show themselves. When you go to the store and see a bunch *******es in uniform making asses of themselves, its not good for the military. Even if those individuals are not in the military to begin with. All of you anti-military people should know this: Without the military here we would be conquered by every other country in the world, nobody step in and save us not even our allies, thanks to the political BS going on now. The military is almost always shown in a bad light because that's how the news agencies get you to watch them and keep the ratings up. Go look on the news hard enough and you will find a couple of good articles on the military. Honestly what this country does to its Vets and military members is a disgrace. Military discount? I give 2 ****s about that.... How about medical care and treatment for injuries and illnesses within a timely fashion? Go to your local VA and ask the patients how long they have to wait before they can get the care they need. As for this thread... Devs do the right thing and close it now. There is no reason for this to turn into a flame war that is seems to be becoming. The OP started by asking a simple question. If you get pissed off or offended at military members posting in their signature box that they are or were in the military but not all the other crap that gets posted in there, then you need to get your checked. Sorry but that's the way I see it. I understand all of your opinions and what not, and respect your rights to express those beliefs, but this is a gaming community lets along with politics and religion keep that **** out of the game. Tankers lead the way!
  7. Another thing I would like to add: Your video player is horrible. Please find a different format to use on the site or give us a link in the original page for the youtube version that you guys put out..... Since you show things on youtube wouldn't it just be easier to use their stuff ???
  8. In every game that I have played with PCC, it was the creator that made the story. Some can span through many episodes and instances. Some are even more in-depth than the story in SWTOR.... While I would expect to not have voice-overs, it would still be great without it. I don't need a voice-over all the time. Check out STOs "Foundry" and how they incorporated it into the game. CoH had it as well before the game shut down....
  9. Bioware here are several ideas that have been in MMOs for sometime now. Most of these once in effect would allow you more freedom in making your content better than having to rush through and have it feel incomplete. 1)Forge System: This has been used in many MMOs for the past few years now. Having a “Forge System” will allow players to create content for themselves and allow the devs the freedom to work on new content without hearing the “No New Content” complaints every 5 days or so. We players can come up with some great stuff if we get the opportunity. Hell it may even give you guys some new ideas. 2)Sandbox Content: Give us some games in game... Card games, fun mini quests, contests,etc. Give us a break from the norm... Many MMOs have been doing it for years, not only that but some GMs would go to a main area and have fun doing random stuff with the players doing nothing but sandbox related stuff. 3)Interactive Items: The fleets are full of things that should be interactive; the chairs, stools, couches, bar areas etc. Make them interactive, RPers would love that. It would be cool to sit at a cantina and be able to see my character have a drink of the good stuff. 4)Guild Tabard System: Give the guilds a way to their allegiance to their guilds and let them stand out more... Been in effect for along time now.... since probably before WoW even.... 5)Guild Ship/Base: CoH and STO are good examples of this (yes I know CoH is gone now) Having the guilds work for their bases and allowing for customization will give us something to work for. In CoH guilds could go in their bases RP, have meetings, allow their allies to go in, have battles etc. 6)Guild Alliances: You had a great idea when the game was set to go off bring it back. A coalition channel, guild base permissions etc. This was a great idea that just kinda went to waste.... It can be useful! 7)Gear customization: OK we are getting closer to making everyone stand out... Now, I want patterns per wear-able item the ability to chose what is my primary color area on my clothing. Having areas that I cannot dye really screws up the color dye set. Add a third color to it as well. I have seen several people wearing the same thing I wear with the exact color to. Because of that I keep several different gear setups for that reason... I want to stand out a bit even if someone wants to try and copy me. Just doing these would create plenty of content for sometime. We may even surprise you with hat we come up with.
  10. I'll go ahead and put my 2 cents in... The tauntauns are a great idea along with having a subscriber version that is cheaper. Though, if you are going o have us find the stuff to get the mount, why are there so few areas to get the items at? And yes I am well aware that you can buy them, and that only a few spots makes it take longer to get the mount. My issue is that as with there are only a few fixed places makes them campable. All I heard yesterday was that one faction kept on camping all of the areas.... Turn them to random spawning and scatter them all over the Hoth map. It will keep people from camping and griefing others trying to get it. With the Czerka planet CZ-198 as I went up the elevator to continue dailies guess what the first thing I saw was... A wall of red names and maybe one or two of my faction there. Really guys both factions doing quests within that small of an area? Yeah I get the PVPers wanting another PVP area. No big deal except , Section X seemed to be a much better area for that (with the exception of the republic base area....) Hell even the Blackhole area wasn't that bad for PVP . Not a fan of the Czerka area that's all really on that. The Flash Points were OK at best... I really wanted more story with it, but I'll get what I can take I guess. Overall I feel as if a good portion was done kind of half-assed. Like there is something missing or just thrown in there to give off the " we've done something cool and new" look while just trying keep floating. I will give you applause for effort though, the Czerka thing could (and should ) have been the next expansion while focusing your efforts on Makeb and and flushing out that story more than a new daily planet . You could have made a great 3.0 quest series out of the big bad Czerka but, now all they get is a 2.3 daily planet that feels half-assed and thrown together to appease the "content burners" who complain about no content while they just spacebar through everything, and the PVPers who gripe because this game isn't as good as other games for PVP. Seriously I could go with a year on Makeb if you gave off more story to it. Better yet make it so we can repeat quests in our storyline at any level (if we have completed it) and let us create our own content through a content creator. You may may find out that some us can create some pretty cool ****. This would stop the "no content" ******es and let you focus on creating good content. As far as the PVP side is concerned the classes are pretty unbalanced, can't really help to much other than saying that its a broken system so just get rid of it. Unless the PVPers stop ************ and give off some helpful advise/ ideas other than "it sucks; buff this class; nerf this class" stuff...
  11. Hello I am Chyron Ideaus. I am applying for the Security Officer position. 1) The only reason I am applying for this is because I'm bored... I am a “Jedi” Watchman currently doing mercenary work for the Republic. I was kicked out of the Jedi order for disrespecting the Jedi Counsel on numerous occasions, making fun of the “Hero of Tython,” and the fact that I would rather fight alongside soldiers than with other Jedi. I prefer to do dangerous missions and will try to make them harder for fun (Thrill seeker). I also enjoy a good laugh... 2) Some of my accomplishments include: Saving Ambassador Assara from Grand Moff Killran, and not jettisoning her out into deep space. (The thought had crossed my mind) Rescuing Revan from the Maelstrom Prison and killing Grand Moff Killran in the process. ( Revn's a stiff by the way...) Defeated Karaga the Hutt and his goon squad. (Though I was unable to keep his robot mount/chair thing) Only notable failure is not being able to tame the “Terror From Beyond” and use it as a war mount... 3) I tend to use a lot of military tactics and the good old fashion “beat the crap out of them” strategy. Though I have been known to take a non-violent stance on occasion. 4) As for your “ Moral Compass” goes: Yes I have that. I will not do anything (on purpose) that would harm an innocent. Secondary effects, unforeseen acts, and beating some sense into someone do not count, we are at war you know... Torture and executions are acceptable when necessary. 5) For your “Hypothetical Situation” really depends on what it is... I mean if it is some Rancor like thing I may try to use it as a war mount. If its like a Rakghoul, then its likely to killed very quickly. Or if it is meant to help people it may just go back in it's cage... or become food, it all depends.
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