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Pay to Win


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Way to refute my argument? I was dead wrong on my statistics that i used from top of my head. (Lol good thing im starting to forget this garbage though) Know how absolutely wrong i was? 5 servers, not 4, with a few hundred people each, i know my bad.


And help me out here, how is GW2 not better? Your trolling if you think otherwise, or your so ignorant you haven't even glanced at what it has to offer, take your blinders off. But its pretty funny your sig is a nice declaration you are ignorant. Surprising.



Very bad pvp.

Old gameplay.

Graphics are subpar.

Raids are pretty bad.

Races are horrible

End game is nowhere to be seen.

Excellent story

Grinding is excellent..

It's star wars.


Class variety is linear

Overall "map" is smaller, not as interestiing and overall pretty bland even on maxed graphics.



PVP is top notch.

WvW is top notch. (You don't know what this is being SWTOR is the first mmo you played, imagine 100v100 battles

Graphics are pretty amazing if you can handle it.

Gameplay is more realistic and more intense (Highest cooldown is a minute i think? Faster paced)

Races are more diversive.

End game is also up there, not as good as WoW though, but in time it'll get there.

Grinding is good.

Storys not awesome but its not bad either.

It's Everquest, WoW and like Ultima thrown together


Class variety is top notch (in fact its basically like skyrim, weapon in each hand dictate your playstyle)

Map is huge and not just a few "planetary instances" and its much more diverse and unique.


So your whole "SWTOR>GW2 LOLZ" is a trash argument, i await for you to say "it depends what you value, i value blowing money on a star wars skin LOLZ".


Ummm....as far as PvP goes, SWTOR was never intended to have immersive PvP. It is a PvE MMO with PvP minigames.

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You can enjoy throwing 15$ a month into the wind for a star wars skin and bad gameplay, i'll use mine more wisely.


$15 a month is nothing. That is dinner at one of my favorite mexican restaurants--not including tip. So I cut down the number of times I go to that place a month. No big for me, makes me appreciate it all the more. And nobody wins in an MMO, unless it is for PvP. So any arguments about the PvE part are moot. You are not competing against anyone but yourself. So you don't have top end gear. On a whim, I rolled a Guardian and did the entire quest line with only the rewards I received without buying anything off the CM or GTN. And did not do Flashpoints. So the whole notion of Pay to Win in on a PvE game is foolish.

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This essay made me face palm quite a bit. But a good laugh too, you think the game has a future, that one got me.


How was refuting my GW2 diagrams that i broke down for you going? That earlier proves you know very little about mmos and how they survive. But then again, i wouldn't expect much from a kid who enjoys cutting out F2P.


Paragraphs are your friend.


If you are so miserable with SWTOR, quit. Simple and easy. Go play GW2 and have fun. But those of us who enjoy the game will still be here. If it fails in a year, so be it. If not, I'll see you when you come back.

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Wow.... you are an angry little fella aren't you. :)


You don't like SWTOR... fine. No worries. There are plenty of people that do and more every day.


And I have GW2 loaded on my computers, and play it from time to time.. so don't rush in and try to treat me like your newest chew toy. And while PvP was fun early on.. it's in a death spiral on GW2 now days IMO. And SWTOR was never designed to be a strong PvP MMO. Sorry if that causes your shorts to bunch up... but there are other MMOs for PvP...... SWTOR is not one of them.

Edited by CommunityDroidEU
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Wow.... you are an angry little fella aren't you. :)


You don't like SWTOR... fine. No worries. There are plenty of people that do and more every day.


And I have GW2 loaded on my computers, and play it from time to time.. so don't rush in and try to treat me like your newest chew toy. And while PvP was fun early on.. it's in a death spiral on GW2 now days IMO. And SWTOR was never designed to be a strong PvP MMO. Sorry if that causes your shorts to bunch up... but there are other MMOs for PvP...... SWTOR is not one of them.


Read Scummy Boo Boo's profile. He's just a troll...and not a very good one. Easier just to pop her on your ignore list.

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You did not objectively broke down, how SWTOR is bad. You did subjectively broke down, why YOU do like other games better.... which is absolutely fine, but please stop trying to convince us of "facts" that are simply opinion and taste. You are not on a holy crusade here... or at least you shouldn't be.

Edited by CommunityDroidEU
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Raids are pretty bad.

Only quoting this one line for exemplary of your "breaking it down very neat...


"Raids are pretty bad."... that line somehow reminds me of the Hitchhikers Guide to the galaxy... Ford Prefects multiple page review about Earth... which then got summarized to "mostly harmless".


But of course your point cannot be disproved. "Pretty bad" was so neatly broken down, that I cannot refute your perfect logic. :rolleyes:


The question remains though... Why do you see the need to be on a missionary crusade in SWTORs forums, when you could have a jolly talk with your fellow GW2-players on their forums about how superior the game is and how happy you all can be, that you can play it for free?

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I do not care for EA doing anything to other games. I am looking at each game from an individual point of view. If I were looking at companies instead of the products, I wouldn't have bought Diablo3 or StarCraft2.


So regardless of what EA does with other games and even regardless what EA is doing to SWTOR... as long as SWTOR does entertain me, I will play it and at this point the entertainment value of SWTOR does exceed 11€ per month for me. Also in comparison to other games, SWTOR does currently bring the highest personal entertainment value for me.


That is why I play SWTOR and why I got a running subscription and all your "facts" about other games being better cannot change this as it is a matter of personal taste.

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Even if everyone agreed with the OP about how horrible the game was, it won't change anything. If you're this unhappy with the game, vote with your wallet, unsub, and go play another game. Some of us still enjoy a hotbar MMO. I like this game because it's the only decent sci-fi MMO out right now. If WoW went to a sci-fi format, I'd go back in a New York minute.
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There was a popular argument that could be made after launch IMO that SWTOR was not up to par with other games on the market at that time, and I supported that argument and voted with my feet.


However, with the recent additions to the game it is now a good competitor IMO with a much wider appeal in the market.


It still needs quite a bit of work to really come into it's own, so to speak, but it's shaping up nicely.


The best PVP? IMO the best PVP comes from COD black ops. Nothing compares except for perhaps Battlefield. That is serious hardcore PVP...no MMO today offers any real challenging PVP that does not depend at least in part on gear to my knowledge.


To be clear, any PVP that depends on gear and not on skill is not reputable PVP from my perspective.


That said, it is certainly possible that GW2 (and perhaps other games) has superiority in certain ways to this game at this time.

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