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Pay to Win


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I do think it would be a good idea for Bioware to look at some of the more successful F2P titles out there, like WOT. Not much could be gleaned to here, but that is one model of an MMO that is a wild F2P success.

Are you being serious??


Assuming, that you mean World of Tanks with WOT...


World of Tanks is the definition of Pay to Win. There are premium Tanks that are superior to free tanks and there is premiunm ammunition, which is superior to free ammo. In addition, there is premium training to your crew, which is also superior to free training.


You gain significant benefits in WOT with paying money and as such you are indeed paying to win, as the random matches are not filtered by premium and non-premium. If you are in a basic free tank and faces with a premium tank with premium ammo and your skill as player is of the same level than your opponents, you got not the slightest chance to win that fight.

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I do think it would be a good idea for Bioware to look at some of the more successful F2P titles out there, like WOT. Not much could be gleaned to here, but that is one model of an MMO that is a wild F2P success.


Except in all reality, that game IS P2W. The best tanks in the game are purchase only.

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Are you being serious??


Assuming, that you mean World of Tanks with WOT...


World of Tanks is the definition of Pay to Win. There are premium Tanks that are superior to free tanks and there is premiunm ammunition, which is superior to free ammo. In addition, there is premium training to your crew, which is also superior to free training.


You gain significant benefits in WOT with paying money and as such you are indeed paying to win, as the random matches are not filtered by premium and non-premium. If you are in a basic free tank and faces with a premium tank with premium ammo and your skill as player is of the same level than your opponents, you got not the slightest chance to win that fight.


This is exactly why i gave up on WoT...

At first it was appealing and looked like you could play it truly for free.

But once you get to those mid-tier tanks it becomes and unbelievable grind to play the game and advance wihout geting premium items or becoming a premium member.

If that is the F2P you want for SW:TOR then expect a huge increase in XP required to level up from lvl 20+ and xp boosts becoming almost mandatory to keep up your level with the storyline even if you do all the missions available. And expect weapons bought from the CM to be vastly better than anything you can craft or buy in-game. Also expect to have Classes that are only available to Premium members that vastly outperform all other classes in PvP.


Is that the game you were asking for?

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Because a Legacy level and some credits really loosen up the other problems? lolwut. Ewok isn't a cash grab, the cash grab is the subscription.


Um, don't they?

You can NOT buy it with cartel coins. You can buy it by actually playing the game.


So, now subscriptions are cash grabs. That's a new one, at least.

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Because a Legacy level and some credits really loosen up the other problems? lolwut. Ewok isn't a cash grab, the cash grab is the subscription. Ewok is a "stupid test", do you waste 10$ on something completely frivolous or no? It seems you have.


The ewok is a cash grab, a minor one.

The subscription isn't, the sub gives a few in game benefits (not overwhelming so not pay to win), and help keep the game going. Without money coming in Ea would close this game down in a second, the running costs are very high, and EA is not going to allow a game to blow money needlessly.

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Um, don't they?

You can NOT buy it with cartel coins. You can buy it by actually playing the game.


So, now subscriptions are cash grabs. That's a new one, at least.


Yup... and buying the game is a cash grab.

Having to have internet is a cash grab.

Having to pay your electric bill is a cash grab too apparantly...

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Yes I'm being serious. It is the number one MMO in the world, with 60 million accounts and the concurrent online record on a single server of over 100k players at once.


I don't care if it's P2W or not. It's a cash cow. I'm interested in what can improve this game's market share.

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Yes I'm being serious. It is the number one MMO in the world, with 60 million accounts and the concurrent online record on a single server of over 100k players at once.


I don't care if it's P2W or not. It's a cash cow. I'm interested in what can improve this game's market share.

I am most of all interested in my personal enjoyment. Market share and stock options are secondary to me.


WoT was fine, until I came to the point, where I would have had to invest unlimited ammount of € in order to stay competitive. This transfered to SWTOR would mean something like having to pay 10-50 CC for each warzone match and 50-100 for each OP.


And I love my flatrate of my subscription. If the model is changed to be more like WoT then we finally are at P2W and honestly also at "nickle and diming".


(On a side note, I wouldn't call WoT an MMO at all. It is a fully instanced warzone game with no interaction out of the combat zones, in which only 20(?) player meet at most)

Edited by JPryde
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I get what your saying. I doubt that WOT massive success is a result of having the best tank behind a cash gate. OBVIOUSLY I am not suggesting they do that here, since most sensible folks would know that is not the reason they are so successful.


I would also note that I doubt Bioware would look at a game like WOT, see the best tank behind a cash gate and think "hey, thats why they have 60 million accounts, we should do that here".


What they could look at is game mechanics, ease of play, interaction, game mechanisms, what makes the game so inviting to so many folks.


They made a greedy choice. That should not take away from the FACT that they are the most successful F2P game in history, and the largest most popular MMO on the net hands down. There is a reason for that.


My suggestion was that they should look at successful MMOs with F2P or a hybrid system and take note as to why they are a success.


I contend that they are very F2P friendly, where as this game is not in some ways.


I am concerned with the game's financial success because I believe higher profits means more content.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Yup... and buying the game is a cash grab.

Having to have internet is a cash grab.

Having to pay your electric bill is a cash grab too apparantly...


Haven't seen this 15 times. The age ol' argument, a stupid one too. Necessities do not equal wants, your parents should have taught you this as a tween. Although I don't know anyone who wants EA.


FreEA to play does not equal Free to play. Cash grab being you buy a sub because you are being abused as a F2P.

Edited by BUBBUH
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Cash grab being you buy a sub because you are being abused as a F2P.

Oh wow... so now we even got to "giving someone something for free" being equal to "abusing someone" ?

Sorry, but your kind of thinking is really boggling me.


If a F2P player feels abused, they can just stop playing and they won't loose anything. EA doesn't force anyone to play their games so talking about abuse is really ridiculous (or rather disturbing, considering what real abuse is).

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If a F2P player feels abused, they can just stop playing and they won't loose anything. EA doesn't force anyone to play their games so talking about abuse is really ridiculous (or rather disturbing, considering what real abuse is).


There are people out there who think that EA is the worst company in America.

A video game company.

That makes bad, mediocre and good video games by putting pixels together. You know, the ones you can put in your Xbox or PC and play if you like them or throw them away if you don't and no one gets hurt either way.

The worst company in America.

Think about that for a second :rolleyes:

Edited by TheNahash
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I pay a sub, I enjoy the game. If I want optional fluff, I pay for it separately.


SWTOR and Lotro are no different to me since going hybrid F2P/Sub models as when they were purely sub based. The quality of the community is no worse off, and however another player plays their game, has unlocked content, obtained gear etc. has no impact on me at all.

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There are people out there who think that EA is the worst company in America.

A video game company.

That makes bad, mediocre and good video games by putting pixels together. You know, the ones you can put in your Xbox or PC and play if you like them or throw them away if you don't and no one gets hurt either way.

The worst company in America.

Think about that for a second :rolleyes:


And these are the people who don't think about weapon factories making money of other people being killed or all the companies in america that don't pay any taxes, which hurts the people/economy pretty bad.


There are always close minded people out there.


you have to realize that someone having an opinion on something doesn't make it true.

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And these are the people who don't think about weapon factories making money of other people being killed or all the companies in america that don't pay any taxes, which hurts the people/economy pretty bad.


There are always close minded people out there.


you have to realize that someone having an opinion on something doesn't make it true.


maybe they're talking about how the company is run, not what the company produces.


if the weapons company in your example focused on weapon production instead of profit first, listened to their customers and treated them fairly, treated their employees well, etc., then i would say that company is without a doubt run better than EA. that's not saying the company is helping the world more, it just says it's run better.


EA's problem is that they lost their vision, they aren't focused on developing a better product, and they don't don't treat their customers very well. that doesn't mean they're killing people. it means they aren't running their business very well.

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EA's problem is that they lost their vision, they aren't focused on developing a better product, and they don't don't treat their customers very well. that doesn't mean they're killing people. it means they aren't running their business very well.


Just like apple


They buy(steal) stuff together, claim it for themself, sue any other company over details and hold the whole electronics development back like this.

Edited by Never_Hesitate
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There are people out there who think that EA is the worst company in America.

A video game company.

That makes bad, mediocre and good video games by putting pixels together. You know, the ones you can put in your Xbox or PC and play if you like them or throw them away if you don't and no one gets hurt either way.

The worst company in America.

Think about that for a second :rolleyes:


Actually they were voted worst company of the year 2 years in a row. And it's pretty much rightfully so, you can try to simplify it as "pixels you can throw away and move on with". But last time i checked, i went to the grocers i didn't have to buy a DLC to get the apples.


Don't blame the populace for actually being passionate about something, Blame EA for digging the hole that they're in. EA isn't the worst company of all time, but as for as gaming goes, they are by farrrr miles long by far the worst thing to happen to gaming ever.

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Actually they were voted worst company of the year 2 years in a row. And it's pretty much rightfully so, you can try to simplify it as "pixels you can throw away and move on with". But last time i checked, i went to the grocers i didn't have to buy a DLC to get the apples.

And did you get the apples for free, even if you did not buy anything and did you then even got the guts to complain that you did not get the oranges for free also?... cause that is what you are doing here.

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And these are the people who don't think about weapon factories making money of other people being killed or all the companies in america that don't pay any taxes, which hurts the people/economy pretty bad.


There are always close minded people out there.


you have to realize that someone having an opinion on something doesn't make it true.


My point exactly.

I find it funny that people compare DLCs to grocery or something and they try to justify people's ignorance of real world issues by saying "yeah, they're not killing anyone, but they deserve it."


Again... for making bad video games.


And, mind you, that was NOT a "worst VIDEO GAMES company in America" poll.

It just goes to show how cut off people really are from reality and REAL "evil" things.

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My point exactly.

I find it funny that people compare DLCs to grocery or something and they try to justify people's ignorance of real world issues by saying "yeah, they're not killing anyone, but they deserve it."


Again... for making bad video games.


And, mind you, that was NOT a "worst VIDEO GAMES company in America" poll.

It just goes to show how cut off people really are from reality and REAL "evil" things.


The funny thing at the end of the day people will scream, and shout how bad EA is, and then just turn around and buy their games.


There are worse companies, believe me. (Maybe like the ones who move out of USA to 3rd world countries to get cheap labor, or the ones who profit from civil wars in africa.. etc etc.)

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And, mind you, that was NOT a "worst VIDEO GAMES company in America" poll.

It just goes to show how cut off people really are from reality and REAL "evil" things.




It really just goes to show how messed up some people's priorities are. I certainly have issues with EA, but they haven't ruined anyone's life...

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At the end of the day, F2P can level up to 50 without the Makeb expansion, they can do some flashpoints and pvp for free, a friend of mine is F2P and he turns all his wz comms into credit boxes and uses that money plus the rewards from 50HM's/ops to fund his character. If you know how to spend wisely you can manage quite well on F2P.
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