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What's with all the ganking??


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:rolleyes: In other words... it's bad PvP. Bad Player versus Player.


But let's not pretend it's not player vs player. ;)


You are like the HR person who notifies someone that they've been "downsized" when what they really mean is "fired". :p


How can it be considered 'playing' if the person getting ganked, doesn't even have a chance? Playing involves an action and a response. You move this checker, I move that checker...with ganking, you just eliminated the other guy's checkers, and cut off his side of the board. You can't even respond. That's not playing lol.



And don't presume to know me. If you knew me, and knew me in real life, you'd know, I prefer to call a spade, a spade. I'm very direct. Almost to the extreme sometimes.

Edited by Lunafox
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I don't disagree, that's why i'll always roll PvE. I'll do my pvp in fair contests in warzones and enjoy my time much more than sitting dead with no options.


100% agree there. I played on Freedom Nadd for about six months. I didn't enjoy it, so I rerolled to a PVE server. Haven't looked back since. I can do my pve in peace, and if I wanna pvp, I can do warzones or go to an area. :)

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I returned to TOR about 2 weeks ago, resubbed, because I really like the direction TOR is going. BTW, kudos Bioware!


I play on Tomb of Freedon Nadd. And there is a really serious issue (in my opinion). Ganking. LVL 55's in PVP gear making it impossible to use the game as it was intended from LVL 30+. But it's not getting any better at 55 either. Guess what chance you have against 2, but even just one fully PVP geared dude, in your average or basic gear?


Actually, I always found that to be the way a PvP Server was intended. You knew the risks of rolling on a PvP Server before you did. EVERYONE knows the risks of logging onto a PvP Server before they do.

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How can it be considered 'playing' if the person getting ganked, doesn't even have a chance? Playing involves an action and a response. You move this checker, I move that checker...with ganking, you just eliminated the other guy's checkers, and cut off his side of the board. You can't even respond. That's not playing lol.



And don't presume to know me. If you knew me, and knew me in real life, you'd know, I prefer to call a spade, a spade. I'm very direct. Almost to the extreme sometimes.


So, when one plays chess against a superior opponent, it's not playing? When one plays poker against a superior player, it's not playing?


I don't think you know exactly what playing is.


You're playing a level 1 (just picked a number :p), they're playing a level 55. They of course have the advantage. You're both still playing, you just don't like your odds.


What if you were level 55, they were level 50, and they not only killed you repeatedly, but camped your corpse? Would the same gripe still be occurring, even though it's the exact same complaint. Only this time, the one complaining should have the advantage.

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Andryah, isn't Sociopath a bit strong?

Not at all.


I listened to a guy who does research in the field of psycopathy (don't remember his name) give a TED talk on the subject. His research suggested that fully 20% of the human population fits the textbook definition of a psychopath (sociopath is only used as a colloquial term). Obviously most psychopaths don't victimize other people, much less become criminals. However, they are found in disproportionate numbers among people in intense, high-stress occupations (law enforcement, the military, medicine, high finance, etc.), usually in positions of authority.


I can totally see a PvP server in a video game attracting more than its share.



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People who corpse camp lowbie players ARE social misanthropes. Their only reason for doing it is for the spoonfuls of bittersweet schadenfreude. If I'm in a bad mood, it does make me feel better to share my misery with others by ruining their game experience through lowbie ganking, killing quest givers, vendors, etc. Since it's a pvp server, it's a blank check to screw with other people.


Do I do this all of the time? No. Do others? Maybe. But the fact is, it's a pvp server, it's not against the rules. I've said this before in threads like this, and I'll say it again, the paradigm "If it's red, it's dead," is not for everyone. If it's not for you, it's time to pay transfer to a pve server, or reroll on a pve server.

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Actua EVERYONE knows the risks of logging onto a PvP Server before they do.


that's not so

creating a char on PVP server i wanted to have great PVP events, some great story fraction clashes, massive battles for plantes or cities


but it happens to be a bunch of *****s ganking people who do daylies

i do not know why they spend time that way - there's no reward, no means of skill training (because people do not really have oportunity to strike back).... that's just way of some weird pleasure!

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that's not so

creating a char on PVP server i wanted to have great PVP events, some great story fraction clashes, massive battles for plantes or cities


but it happens to be a bunch of *****s ganking people who do daylies

i do not know why they spend time that way - there's no reward, no means of skill training (because people do not really have oportunity to strike back).... that's just way of some weird pleasure!



Sadly this is true. But as a seasoned raid leader, I'd rather take a raid full of people who had to watch over their shoulders for 55 levels, than someone who leveled with no danger around them. I'd compare PvE server folks to PvP server folks by the following: The PvE players are like domesticated cattle, with plenty of food, and no danger. The PvP players are more like wildebeests, having to constantly watch out for lions, crocodiles, hyenas, etc. In a raid, a pvp player is going to be able to move and adapt more quickly than someone who isn't used to having to watch all around and react suddenly. Corn-fed Wagyu DPS may have a smooth rotation, but I'd put money on them derping a boss pull because they stand in fire, or didn't watch their target of target or some other form of baddie'ism.


While ganking sucks, it does create a sharper player.

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So, when one plays chess against a superior opponent, it's not playing? When one plays poker against a superior player, it's not playing?


Very bad example.. Nobody unwillingly sits down to a chess game..


Nobody asks to be ganked and rolling on a PVP server is not automatic consent to be ganked by someone of a much higher level.. Nobody asked to have their time wasted or to not be able to do a quest because someone is acting like a jerk.. People are ganked without their permission.. Which is why it is called griefing..


It isn't playing.. Someone is imposing their will on someone else, and preventing them from playing the game..


Personally, I think people that repeatedly gank lowbies should be temp banned.. If they continue, then permanently.. Technically it is harassment. Even on a PVP server..


It shouldn't be allowed on any server.. :rolleyes:

Edited by MajikMyst
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People who corpse camp lowbie players ARE social misanthropes. Their only reason for doing it is for the spoonfuls of bittersweet schadenfreude. If I'm in a bad mood, it does make me feel better to share my misery with others by ruining their game experience through lowbie ganking, killing quest givers, vendors, etc. Since it's a pvp server, it's a blank check to screw with other people.


Wrong.. Just because it is a PVP server does not give you the right to share you misery with others.. It is harassment and you should have your account banned for ganking lowbies..


There is no such thing as a blank check.. You do not make the rules.. You do not have the right to impose your game play on others.. Rolling on a PVP server does not give you permission for anything.. To say otherwise is both stupid and ignorant.. You are essentially saying that if someone leaves their house unlocked they are giving permission for their house to be robbed.. Or a woman that wears a provocative out fit is giving permission to be raped.. It doesn't work that way.. Not in life and not in an MMO..

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Better question: What's with all the complaints with ganking on PvP servers? I mean really...


I know right?? Imposing your will on others... Nothing wrong with that.. We can harass people all we want.. They are on a PVP server.. That gives us the right to do anything we want..


Hey look, that car is unlocked.. Let's go steal it and then tell the judge the owner gave us permission..


If you think that sounds stupid.. Go back and read your own post.. :rolleyes:


As I have said before.. Rolling on a PVP server does not give anyone permission to do anything.. There is no reason to gank lowbies except to harass the victim.. They would be better off killing lowbie NPC's, at least they would get some lowbie loot out of it and some credits.. Ganking lowbies doesn't even give you valor..


That is why there is all the complaints..

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I love world PVP. When it's level appropriate. When I'm Lvl 31, I don't want a bunch of 55s killing me 6 times in 5 minutes.


To PK's, this is pretty normal. And no, they won't give in - instead they claim that it is pretty normal that strong ones kill weaker ones.

In RL as well, by the way.


Any suggestion of the EU PvE english speaking server to transfer onto with good population and good warzone queues? Or maybe even US server if it doesn't lag much.


Quite a lot of German PvP players went to the tomb of a person named "Freedon Nadd".

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Sadly this is true. But as a seasoned raid leader, I'd rather take a raid full of people who had to watch over their shoulders for 55 levels, than someone who leveled with no danger around them. I'd compare PvE server folks to PvP server folks by the following: The PvE players are like domesticated cattle, with plenty of food, and no danger. The PvP players are more like wildebeests, having to constantly watch out for lions, crocodiles, hyenas, etc. In a raid, a pvp player is going to be able to move and adapt more quickly than someone who isn't used to having to watch all around and react suddenly. Corn-fed Wagyu DPS may have a smooth rotation, but I'd put money on them derping a boss pull because they stand in fire, or didn't watch their target of target or some other form of baddie'ism.


While ganking sucks, it does create a sharper player.


I haven't read such bs in a long time...thank you lol.


I've been in PvP focused guilds...some of the worst players I've played with. If we're going to go with your thought here, I can show you that PvP players are like kids with ADHD...sure they react fast...but randomly...to random things. Can't follow order...and just plain get in the way.


PvP players (if we go with your line of thought) are the wild beasts...attacking things at random, with no unison. While the PvE player is the trained animal, working together in unison.


Now, this ofcourse is also BS. Both groups of players have terri bads, both have a majority of one thing (PvP players whine so much...it's just F'ing incredible, about playing on PvP servers and class mechanics), PvE players can be slow and be offended if someone takes their objective while they're d'ing around with killing a mob.

Edited by Hockaday
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While ganking sucks, it does create a sharper player.


sometimes yes, sometimes no :-)


the best policy with ganking in TOR - do not pay attention to them

you'll be killed anyway - fighting back or not


but fihgting - that's what makes fun for them

victim should flutter


fighting them back - i lose my time only

i was on my way to do something - daylly or class story

i will revive in stealth and go further


fighting them back does not make my game goal closer

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So, when one plays chess against a superior opponent, it's not playing? When one plays poker against a superior player, it's not playing?


I don't think you know exactly what playing is.


You're playing a level 1 (just picked a number :p), they're playing a level 55. They of course have the advantage. You're both still playing, you just don't like your odds.


What if you were level 55, they were level 50, and they not only killed you repeatedly, but camped your corpse? Would the same gripe still be occurring, even though it's the exact same complaint. Only this time, the one complaining should have the advantage.


Nope, I still don't consider that playing. Playing involves the other person actually getting a response in. Even with your analogy of chess, the crappy player still gets to make a move, even if its a bad one. With ganking, you just fall down dead, and never got to do anything. Sometimes, you never even saw it coming. I look at it more like crossing the street and getting hit by a bus. Were you playing with the bus? Fun huh? :D

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LOL, people actually do that? Haha, how messed up/bored do you have to be to heal mobs? :D

This made my day.


If I remember right, this is a reportable griefing action on a PvE server. Not sure about PvP but I'd have to assume it isn't because their is a PvP solution to the issue.

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Because of the achievements added post 2.0 Bioware has basically sanctioned ganking in this fashion. There is reason and "reward" for doing this... 1000 times... per PVP planet. Just saying... Those 10 achievement points mean a lot to some people, and I know people that have been doing this just because of these points.


One of my friends basically told a guy I can either follow you around all day killing you and not letting you get anything done, or you can stand there letting me kill you and I will pay you for your time.


Again, there is a reason to do this aside from "I like to cause pain and suffering to lower level characters". And this is likely why there is a spike in people doing this.


Again, same friend, was camping a med center and actually had some like 20 to 30, 30 somethings attacking him at once and he was just mowing through them all. Got his achievement rather fast because of this too, haha. (nothing like saber throw one shotting 4 people). So, while most people would likely not be so bad about such things... when BW put in an achievement to kill 1000 people on each planet... I don't know what other outcome they expected to happen.

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People gank lowbies because they want to get some Open World PvP going. The strategy is to get them off their alts and onto their mains. And hopefully they bring some of their friends. And then, Bingo!, full scale Open World PvP. Paradoxically because BW did such a crap job on Open World PvP, people have to go to extraordinary lengths to get some action going.


So, don't get annoyed when people gank you. They are really doing it for love of the game. If SWTOR could live up to it's Open World PvP potential they won't have to go back to Rift or AION for their Open World PvP fix^^ They could do it all in SWTOR and their buddies from aforementioned games could join them. The possibilities!

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I have toons on both. And yesterday I went to a lowbie on a PvP server I haven't played in a long time. It was on Tat. I had to scan 3 areas. On the second scan point, I had to go by THREE of the opposing faction. They just let me pass without anything happening. So I scanned and went to the third. On the third, some 55 who was fighting NPCs saw me and one - hit me. (why the 55 was attacking NPCs showed his had little man in real life complex to me and so I knew he'd take his shot)


If you don't like being ganked, roll on a PvE server or even change instances. More times than not, changing instances also helps avoid the ones that feel they have to attack those 20-30 levels below them and yet are afraid to go to Corellia or even Hoth to try that.

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Wouldn't be easier just to put it in the codes that if there is a difference of let's say X levels between the two players they don't see each other as PvP flagged ?


I have another idea, why not make servers where people can quest in peace, and if they want they could flag themselves for PVP? Oh wait, that option is already available.


World pvp is and never has been fair, don't like it, reroll..it's that easy.

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