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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why does the MvP system even exist?


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No one uses it properly, it has just become MvP the person you queued with or MvP the dps who ignored all the points and just ran around spamming damage.


The system shouldn't exist at all, or be redone to give people bonuses for doing the best in certain stuff (objectives).

Edited by Regentlord
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I still don't get why people take a lack of MVP votes so personally. It's a chance to get a bit of extra valor. If ya get it, great! If ya don't, no biggie. Seems such a trivial thing to get upset about, and I don't see the "well people don't use it the way I think they should" argument as a valid reason to remove it.
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ppl do not know/see what`s going on around them, they don`t see the ninja capper cuz they got lured and tunnel-vision is activated, they don`t see the healer in the back free casting on the target their trying to dps down, they don`t keybind pass in huttball cuz why would u right? so bottom line is do you still think it`s wrong for me to vote my pal that i know will play good?(hint: I do not group with bads, but then again bads never group with anybody! cuz their all meh I`m awesome and premades are running wz`s QQ)
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To answer the question: it's left over from 1.0 when you did not get badges for doing the stuff that wins you the game like capping/scoring/healing or defending a point so to encourage good behaviour they added this so your team could theoretically reward these people while they had fun zerging for top damage (and yeah it never worked like that from day one)
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Yesterday we had a guy on our team who had friends on the enemy team in Huttball (Imp vs Imp). Basically what he did was grab the ball and take it to our goal line and then stand there till the enemy team came and killed him, allowing them to score. We were winning 2:0 before that, and he managed to turn it into a 2:3 (one of their goals was a legit one though).


What's sad is, he actually got an MVP vote from someone on the team. :rolleyes:


While this did make me facepalm, I think this system is meant to encourage players to be less selfish in their gameplay and less toxic. Ultimately, WZ contribution is situational, and death-matching can be a waste of time for your team, but it can also be beneficial at certain points. Because there is no "objective" means of acknowledging whether someone contributed well or not, it comes down to the players and their subjective reasoning, which is something that might often seem unfair.


You often get strange situations where you hold the node vs 3 Pubs or something and last as long as you can while calling an inc, only to get 0-1 MVP votes, while in the next WZ where you just loaf around and kill lonely Pubs you get showered in MVP votes for some reason. It really depends on the context and on the people voting.

Edited by Shakhaar
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In lower level WZs the MVP vote seems to be assigned out more and a bit more balanced to people contribute at max level people just give it to their friends or names they know a lot of the time versus the person that turned the tide. Last night I have a vote to a guy that CC'd the attacker so I could cap their pylon allowing us to win the game. Problem is others don't see it and to be honest most players in pugs are selfish players whom only care about their dmg done or their "DPS" it's just the way it goes.


In a match last night I said "gg great teamwork" and some ****** gets all indignant about it. Oddest thing I have seen telling me "have more then 6 medals to say that bro" while in fact I had 13 prior to the win. Like he's offended I offered positive comments to the team when we win. Point being its impossible to understand the other players and their motives unless you know them.

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I PvP on both factions on my server and I find that the republic side "seem" to hand out MVP's in a fairer way.

I'll see some get one for great healing, another for damage, another for objectives - it just seems like a fair distribution.

When I'm playing Imp I can come top of a WZ or get the most objectives.....the MVP vote always seems to "go to a mate".

If the MVP had a higher impact on the game than it does then I'd campaign for its removal too. As it really doesn't then no pint arguing for or against it.

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Me personally, when I cast my vote, I don't even look at the damage done. I look at three things.


1) Healing done.

2) Protection

3) I pay attention during warzones, and see who is playing their role most efficiently. One time I voted for an assassin who guarded snow the entire game, but the republic never took snow. They always sent two players there in attempt to cap it, but this assassin held them back every single time. He got my vote.


If I couldn't make a decision based on #3, I then look for #2. If #2 is nonexistent on the scoreboard, I then look for any other healers beside myself. If there's still no significant healing beside my own, then I just inny minny miney mo for where my vote goes.

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I basically look at the following when I decide who I will give a MvP vote to. Since I am a healer, if I am out-healed you will probally get my vote or if you solo guarded the entire game and held off anything that did happen to come your way. Protection is rare for me to vote on because I rarely see anyone casting this in matchs. I pick dps as a MvP when I am usually top healer and there still is no protection and objective seems reatively even. If your calling out all match that to me falls under objectives.



  1. Dps / Healing
  2. Objectives
  3. Protection


Some matchs I can put out 1.5 million heals get no votes and some matchs I'll barely break 350k and get 3 or 4 votes. It's weird how the system goes, but its the pre-made groups I usually see that vote for their own groups then who actually preformed the best in a match.

Edited by Zohkar
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They are there so that when you inspect my PvP panel, you can see that I have far more then you ever will.


I actually always give out my MvP vote. Typically, it goes to the person who I really do think made the biggest difference in the match. One recent warzone, I gave it to a merc in huttball who was bottom of all stats. Why did I give it to him? Because it was one of those 1-1 games, he was pulled into the acid, stunned, being wailed on by the entire team, and on 1%, he passed the ball to a team mate - who survived, winning us the game. It wasn't an easy pass either, the team mate was on a ledge, above him, with 2 more enemies near by, but he nailed it.


For that one pass, he got my MvP vote, over a bunch of people with far more impressive stats.


They exist so that you can reward other players, if you feel like it. When you get some, be happy. You often won't, even when you think you deserve it, but just for that warm fuzzy feeling you get when an entire team of pugs gives their MvP vote to you, it's worth it :D

Edited by vermura
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MVP's are subjective... you complain that you don't get them. Maybe actually, you don't deserve them.


you think you deserve a medal for stopping cap 2 times in critical situation? same WZ I did it 20 times.

you capped doors on Voidstar? guess who mezzed and grenaded enemies bums so they don't stop you.

you capped bridge? guess who stopped enemies by slowing and rooting them.

you scored nice goal? well, 3 other people fought hard to have mid clear so they can pass to you.

you heroicly took mid in a heat of battle? your team mate just killed 2 on his own to cap grass and took all enemies attention to him.



I could go on, but i think I made my point. Maybe you are the one with tunnel vision on your own greatness and don't see that others did commit more so you see final score in green, not red.

There are plenty of reason to give MVP.


on other note, there are peeps who give it randomly, usualy the healer or top dps, but they don't matter much any way.

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No one uses it properly, it has just become MvP the person you queued with or MvP the dps who ignored all the points and just ran around spamming damage.


The system shouldn't exist at all, or be redone to give people bonuses for doing the best in certain stuff (objectives).


Good thing it didn't mean what it used to. Back in beta, you got one warzone comms per mvp vote, just likei t is now. But everything cost less and you were able to only get ONE warzone comm per medal. So if you had 13 medals and four mvp votes, you had 17 comms and were pretty stoked.


They overlooked revaluing the mvp vote when warzone comms were changed. I will say this about dps and heals... It sure is easier to do objective stuff when everyone is dead and you are alive. Some warzones that end at a tie are dependent upon who died more, not to mention killing your opponent means they can not cap objectives. Just because people do high damage and high heals, doesn't mean that they aren't doing objectives, it just means you aren't as good at pressing buttons as they are.

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I vote for something i find impressive

Though i do tend to gravitate towards good healiing when playing but also tend to vote good dps when playing heals since truly good dps is too rare in pug wzs.

Also if i see a tank do crazy prot i will most likely vote them.

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