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Everything posted by Denyantras

  1. A serious answer, I don't have a sin/shad myself but I have read up on all the classes to learn how to counter them on my sage. In my research I have never seen a tribrid spec, and the only viable hybrid spec I've seen in darkness/madness. I would assume you wouldn't be viable for anything if you sacrifice that many high tier talents
  2. Here's my opinion on how healers should stand against a single dps. If a healer and a dps of equal skill go toe to toe, it shouldn't be a complete stalemate. It should be that the dps only ever so barely does more damage than the healer can heal through, which leaves the healer's team with enough time to get the dps off of said healer. If the team is too incompetent to provide a peel, the healer dies.
  3. (All credit goes to Scold for this post) Here's a list of all the mmos that discourage group play. -
  4. Normally I'd ignore threads like this, but your tears taste like caviar, champagne, filet mignon, and chocolate fudge. Keep em coming.
  5. Ah, totes did not know that. It does seem though that not a lot gets done as far as the developers go. I actually believe that the team is lacking in staff numbers. Hopefully they can make enough guap from Cartel purchases to hire more staff members.
  6. So I'm not a founder of SWTOR, nor do I claim to be an expert. My friend who told me about this game, though, was a founder. From what he tells me, PvP players have been neglected from day 1, and the biggest kick in the cobblers they ever administered was when they yanked ranked warzones from patch 1.2 30 minutes before it went live. Since I'm fairly new to the game still, I don't have much reason to whine about any class mechanic or anything because I don't know what they used to be like. I would have never guessed that watchman sentinels were the thing to be in 1.2, but from all of the posts I've been seeing this afternoon concerning 2.4, I would LOVE... LOVE to see what the PvE players would do if BioWare yanked those two operations from 2.4 30 minutes before it went live, and instead added in 2 new full size warzones, ranked season 1, and make the new arena gear look not like a recolor of current conq gear, but a whole new skin. If all the PvE players got for 2.4 was the new story line, and PvP got 85-90% of the attention, 30 minutes before the patch goes live, THAT would be something I would pay to see.
  7. Now now, just because you disagree with something, does not mean its garbage. But to sum up everything you just said, here's my counter to that. Gamers have a right to choose exactly what game(s) they want to play, whether it be console, PC, fps, tps, rts, mmorpg, rpg, etc. by choosing to play an mmo, you volunteer to play in a game where a large population will in fact group up, find a guild, play with each other (get your head out of the gutter you nasty hooligan). So why people are still shocked about premades is still inconceivable. If the fact that players enjoy grouping and working together and outplaying their enemies makes players want to quit, they have every right to. But when a player chooses an mmo, he chooses to run that risk.
  8. I agree with that, and that's my biggest point. But if the option is available and they still refuse to use it, then they can no longer blame a lack of voice communication on their loss. It's simply a refusal to work with others in a coordinated effort to win a warzone.
  9. There still seems to be a huge number of players who refuse to understand that and mmo is a 'massively multiplayer' game. It's not just multiplayer, it's MASSIVELY multiplayer. They all encourage group play, hell this game even gives bonuses to XP, social points, and more just for being in a group. Still, people refuse to group with others, especially for warzones. Here's my little rant on that. -If you claim to solo queue because you're a casual player, then your win/loss ratio shouldn't mean a hill of beans to you. -I promise, losing while in a premade is a lot easier to handle than losing solo, because in a premade you know for certain that those in your group tried their hardest, but were outplayed. It was an honest loss, so props to the other team. -if you don't want to group and feel you deserve to be able to have fun by only solo queuing, try this then. One night go downtown by yourself, see how long you last. One night go with a group of friends, see how much longer you last and how much more fun you have. I know this will fall on deaf ears, but what about this? For those who still insist on solo play, what if BioWare added an in-game voice chat function, that way the PUG groups in warzones can still use voice communication. See their biggest reason for saying premades own pugs is voice communication. While this may be true, an in game voice chat option will remove that excuse from the table. Pugs get voice communication, premades have their voice communication, now it's all about who has the ability to work together and get sh*t done.
  10. It's true. In fact I farted on one once, returned his fire back at him at twice the power and one shot him. Was epic
  11. Guys guys, read the title. It clearly says the skill is broke. I'm going to start a charity donation pool to help the skill in its time of poverty. If everyone can pitch in 100 credits, we can provide this skill with a home and warm food, clothing, and it's girls will be able to attend a good school because an educated skill helps the players a lot more than an uneducated one. What do you say? Let's kick this pig!
  12. Denyantras

    Live streaming?

    Hey all, I wasn't entirely sure where to put this thread, so I farkled with myself and here I am. (Farkle is Rock Paper Scissors you pervs.) I was curious as to how I might go about setting up a live stream. I don't know my behind from a hole in the ground when it comes to computers, and I finally have a really nice computer. I am ashamed to admit that I before having this Asus G75 was rocking a MacBook Pro boot camped with Windows on it. Now that I can run games really well, I wanted to start live streaming. Any help on how to do this would be awesome, especially since I'd like to be able to show people a few PvP tips and tricks and help them learn.
  13. I don't think it's actual Bolster that people are complaining about, but rather the core concept of making PvE gear competitive against PvP gear. If a game claims that gear shouldn't matter, then that should cut both ways. PvE players work hard for their gear, and when they finally beat the last boss of that hard mode, they feel like they're on Cloud 9... Or Bespin in the case of Star Wars. Likewise, if a player wanted to PvP and started from the bottom, taking a few games of some hardcore beatings, but finally earned enough gear to be competitive, he or she would feel a sense of accomplishment because when you work hard for something, you appreciate it more in the end. They will never bolster PvE, I understand that, but PvPers want some kind of pride in the gear they've earned, and Bolster removes that pride.
  14. Me personally, when I cast my vote, I don't even look at the damage done. I look at three things. 1) Healing done. 2) Protection 3) I pay attention during warzones, and see who is playing their role most efficiently. One time I voted for an assassin who guarded snow the entire game, but the republic never took snow. They always sent two players there in attempt to cap it, but this assassin held them back every single time. He got my vote. If I couldn't make a decision based on #3, I then look for #2. If #2 is nonexistent on the scoreboard, I then look for any other healers beside myself. If there's still no significant healing beside my own, then I just inny minny miney mo for where my vote goes.
  15. I wouldn't crucify you for that, in fact you actually made me remember something from III. When Obi Wan defeated Anakin and said "it was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them." When in fact at the end of VI, he DID destroy the Sith when he defeated Sidious. So it seems in context with the trilogy's "prophecy" balance bringer, it WAS Anakin. I believe fully that from the moment he decided to kill Sidious to save Luke, he was no longer Darth Vader, but Anakin Skywalker.
  16. Truth be told, I'd put Ki Adi Mundi on before I'd put Plo Koon on. Mundi was a part of two very rare exceptions in the Jedi, being taken into the order beyond infancy, and being allowed to marry due to his race's low birth rate. Able to have five wives and, essentially, a family while still staying fully commuted to Jedi teachings is something no ordinary Jedi would have been able to do. This is clear when anakin's prime reason for turning to the dark side was his own family, Mundi was able to resist the dark side and continue fighting for the light even after most of his own family had been killed.
  17. I've heard two different stories about how balance was brought to the force in Episode VI. I need some clarification as to which one is correct. Story 1) It was actually Luke Skywalker who brought balance to the force when he used a bit of rage to defeat Lord Vader, but he never turned to the dark side. He in fact brought balance to the force by being in the middle. He defeated Vader with rage, yet never went to the dark side. Balance was brought to the force. Story 2) Vader brought balance to the force after being defeated by Luke and killing Sidious. He had started as a Jedi, fell to the dark side, then returned to the light after looking into the face of his son without his mask on. He returned after death as a force apparition, something only powerful Jedi are capable of doing. Having been a disciple of the dark side and returning to the light, he brought balance to the force. I believe the first one to be true the most because Revan also followed both paths but did not bring balance to the force, which is somewhat similar to the second scenario. Please clarify for me which of these is true.
  18. Sorry if these have already been mentioned, but what about Ki Adi Mundi or Plo Koon?
  19. This is an operative healer talking. Yes they do need executes. If its the regular sustained burst you're worried about, then the removal of execute wouldn't change anything, they'd hit you just as hard with other moves. Keep in mind that melee dps can be kited, and if kited properly, they can't use their abilities against you. If you go toe to toe with one of these classes, be sure you can outplay them. If a sniper gives you trouble, LoS him and force him out of cover or to switch to a different target. But if you remove the execute ability, healers would seem to be an even greater issue.
  20. The huttball doesn't suck, that's that shadow/assassin that just pulled you into a firepit. The Huttball is just a Huttball
  21. To weed out and consolidate those who are willing to learn and improve, and those who will always be bad.
  22. This is copy/paste of something I posted on the forum for another game a while back, but edited a bit to fit this game's PvP. Star Wars PvPers, this is my guide on how to be successful in PUG PvP. There are a few simple steps to follow and to keep in mind, but if you follow them, then you will see results and it will make PUG PvP a lot more worth while until you can find a guild or a group to run premades with. DOs --------- Communication: This is critical. If you lack communication, you'll have no coordination. If you lack coordination you'll never take or defend any objective successfully. Call out incs, even if you're fighting. Better to lose a few seconds in combat and receive backup than to never call out an inc and lose the objective, resulting in the chat box used by your team mates to spew out profanities, often times about your mother and how she fell out of the ugly tree, hit every branch on the way down, and was found gnawing on the roots. Positioning: This one applies to NC, VS, and ACW. There are eight players on each team, use that even number to your advantage. Leave three players at each of the two objectives to be defended (turret, artillery emplacement, door, etc.). With three at each of your two that leaves two to roam and respond to inc calls. This way, you've got three ALWAYS defending each node, and five at the one being attacked, providing for much better defense results. DON'Ts --------------- Stand on node to defend: This sets yourself up for ninja cap if you're alone. If you follow the above positioning guide then this doesn't apply, but if you find yourself guarding by yourself, listen up. If you're standing on the node, a stealth class will sap you and immediately start taking the objective, forcing you to break your CC and set him/her up to CC you again, at which point there's nothing more you can do. Stand a good distance away from the node so that if you DO get sapped, there's no way the stealth class can make it to the node in time to cap it before your CC wears off. Play selfishly: Your team mates want to win as much as you do, so help them out. Work together in a coordinated effort to complete the objective and outplay the enemy team. If you play selfishly, and only go for highest dps or highest healing, or most objective points, you end up disregarding the objective of the warzone and will most likely lose. The other team can boast all they want about how many more kills they have than you do, but all you'll have to do is flash that big green "Victory" at them and let them boast all they want. Do these things, and I promise you, you'll see a huge improvement in PUGs, and in PvP in general. Thank you for your time, I hope this has been helpful to you.
  23. That's why you sit back and let the other team roll over your team so it ends faster and you still get your tokens, XP, credits, valor, and all the guap that finishing a warzone has to offer. That's what I'd do at least.
  24. 1 hour debuff plus removal of 200-300 tokens seems way out of line. Look at it this way, the people who quit may be replaced by better players, then your team makes a comeback and you win. Just let it be.
  25. Denyantras

    Possible Bug?

    I was playing a match of Huttball (kick*ss warzone by the way), and I saw a sentinel leap at me, but before he landed he was knocked back by one of my team mates. He tried running back at me but I saw him running in place. I thought I had lagged out but when I went to heal myself I casted fine. When he tried to run the other way, he did fine until maybe 30 yards later where he got stuck again. Is this a known issue? Or does that just happen sometimes?
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