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Anyone else think the default breasts are just a bit too large?


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who would make them smaller?


Me. I was actually thinking just last night how large they all seem. TBH I find it a tad distracting. The sequence will start and I go "oh look!!!!....wait...s*** what did she just say?" *ESC* *Start sequence over* "oh look!!!!....F***"


Ok ok j/k but I do find it a tad odd that the average size seems to be in the ballpark of large watermelons.

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It seems like genetics are either very good in this galaxy or everyone has implants. It'd be nice if we could choose....


It is commonly known that game developers and star wars nerds have never seen the real item naked and therefor have unrealistic expectations and views of the female anatomy.


Joking aside, this problem is rampant in all video games, rarely do you see realistic anatomy. Notable exceptions are the Final Fantasy Series and Final Fantasy XI/XIV Online.

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I think the normal adult female breasts are fine.


But when i was in beta i noticed a little girl who was clearly portrayed to be about 10 years old on Coruscant that had huge knockers for her age.


They never mention how old she is, just that she's a kid. And she's short. And has breasts. The "10 year old" part is just where your brain went with it, which I find somewhat disturbing.

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I think the normal adult female breasts are fine.


But when i was in beta i noticed a little girl who was clearly portrayed to be about 10 years old on Coruscant that had huge knockers for her age.


Yeah, I remember that toon, and noted to my friend that she too looked like a **** star. I can deal with the adults females having giant *****, but on a little girl, that's a little sick. :mad:

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