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best way to make money?


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with cartel market vanity stuff on gtn and gearing up 10 alts to 55 Credits are in need.


So I was thinking which are best ways to make money?


1. the classic dailies (Belsavis\illum\bh\secX) takes abour 1-2 hours worth with loot around 500k, downside? boring like hell, some missions makes you compete with other players and others you must have a team (SecX H4).

2. Makeb\GSI - doing makeb weekly + all dailies + makeb gsi missions net me lots of cash but limited on number of times I can run it + makeb is pain to travel cause it's filled with trash mobs.

3. FP Harvest - running story mod flashpoints like BP killing everything in it I make around 30-50 k from credit drops alone not including the loot drops. I can also farm level 50 story mod for BH gear to my companions alts if I want but not a lot of fun.

4. GTN buy low\sell high method which works pretty good except cartel market broke the gtn. you can get rare item on gtn for sale and some dude will get it on cartel pack and sell it for 10% of your price and by so doing makes you lose the one client you waited for. also GTN game is boring as you have to wait long time doing nothing but staring at tables... I'll play eve online if I'll enjoy that.

5. Hoth Heroics farming...

by far my fav method. using dps spec + dps pet I can clear and heroic area which has 3 champions \ 2 chests and lots of elite mobs in 5-7 minutes. net me 35-50 k credits from credit drops alone! not including loot drops + hoth heroics areas are vast so you can switch to another one if a group want to do the actual quest in that area. Another good point is that almost each "Tour" of the area drops 1-2 orange level 36-38 item which you can sell on gtn for epic prices and they will sell cause mid level needs their gear, they also drops tons of blue\green\trash items to be sold to a vendor for even more credits. get a character with slicing and harvest some slicing nodes along the way for some even more cash.


so what you think is most least painful boring most fun way to get some credits in the game?

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Play the GTN. It's never broke, or destroyed so much that you can't find a profit. Watch the items. Merch. Flip.


Do dailies. First, check the GTN for the day's "mat demand" and start sending out your companions on mat runs. Then run the dailies. When you get back, sell your mats.

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there is a profit in sending companions on missions?

I usually use the mats I harvest on dailies to create stuff like mk-9 and such and sell them on gtn. decent prices makes me bit of extra.


problem with gtn is the 0.01 game is utter pita and you can't change the price without losing the fee or waiting for time to expire :x

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4. GTN buy low\sell high method which works pretty good except cartel market broke the gtn. you can get rare item on gtn for sale and some dude will get it on cartel pack and sell it for 10% of your price and by so doing makes you lose the one client you waited for.


Nonsense. The GTN is more effective then ever on the buy bargains ---> resell at market prices since the CM went live. Why? Because there are more items being dumped at bargain prices by players opening packs and there is excellent resale value on most of it.... and the longer you hold it.. the higher the market prices go.


I've doubled my average daily take off the GTN mini-game since the CM went live.


also GTN game is boring as you have to wait long time doing nothing but staring at tables...


Then you are doing it wrong.


Working the GTN is the least time consuming way to earn credits in this game. You don't need to work the entire market.. just pick and choose items you wish to work the market for. I average 5-8Mcredits a week on 30 minutes a day effort. And I'm not scalping the market either.. I resell at whatever the market price is for the item. Way more interesting and entertaining then facerolling dailies every day.

Edited by Andryah
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Three gathering profs, one of those should be slicing. You can sell the mats on the GTN, and the slicing missions will give you thermal regulators which you can sell at about 21-25k a pop. The slicing nodes on Makeb give a few thousand a pop, and you can farm a couple dozen of those in an hour while you wait for your slicing missions to complete. Once you get a good baseline of cash, you can then start playing the GTN, find items that are simply dumped on the GTN at bargain prices, and resell them for median to full market mark up.


That's how I've made by fortune. Also, run TFB with your guild. The cash rewards from the mobs are fantastic.

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I've had success selling mats not provided by cartel market packs. Sliced tech parts seem to be in permanent slump with prototype-level mats, though. I've found it cheaper to buy 99 packs w/my armstech/armormech/synthweaving alts than to run my own slicing missions on alts w/slicing. I'm guessing people are running slicing missions, selling the artifact-level items for a good profit and then dumping the piles of prototype-level items to clear their inventories/cargo bays.
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Play the GTN. It's never broke, or destroyed so much that you can't find a profit. Watch the items. Merch. Flip.


Do dailies. First, check the GTN for the day's "mat demand" and start sending out your companions on mat runs. Then run the dailies. When you get back, sell your mats.


Guys, can please tell me how to quick-check GTN for the day's "mat demand" ?

I usually compare mats needed to craft items (items that i know on hot demand) vs mats on the GTN. But that just too tiring and time consuming for me.. any tricks ?



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I do a lot of Mat buying and selling. There is good money it that especially if the item you are selling is low in stock.


I have a standard by which I price stuff which depends on rarity and level grade, and then I adjust that depending on the competition.


If I find a stack of a competitor's product which has a unit value substantially less than mine, I buy it, unless the stack size is huge. I usually don't buy anything more than stacks of 10-15, unless the pricing is just too good to pass up or I feel that it's pricing model will compete too heavily with my own. For instance, buying a stack of 99 (of any product) for $10,000 is a steal regardless of whatever strategy I have. Plus, that sort of competition is a no-brainer. Anyone who would sell that much for so cheap doesn't know what they are doing. There are a lot of people like this in the game.


Typically, however, I don't buy any stack larger than what I normally sell - stacks of 25 - even if their unit price is less than mine. Why? Because people who sell very large stacks, even at a low unit price, will always have a very large credit amount associated with their product. Most people will see the large number, and then continue to look somewhere else. This is good for me - I want them to look somewhere else.


When they see the same product (mine) in a stack of 25, they think, "Hey, that's a good stock, and the price is fair. I'll buy that. Oh look, he's selling 4 of these. I'll get those too." Now, I have sold 100 units for a higher unit price and made more money than the guy who sold a stack of 99 for a lower unit price. Why does this work?


First of all, my prices are fair. They give me a slight profit more than I would normally, but the differential is so small, people don't take the time to figure it. I want this to happen, because I don't want them to think about it. I just want them to say instantly see the product and the reasonable price and say, "Yes, that's what i want." But also, because most people are more willing to put down $25,000 credits 4 times than they are putting down $90,000 one time, even if they are going to receive fewer units at the end.


Don't believe me? Ask yourself which MMO business model is more successful: Subscription or Free to Play + Item Shop. People prefer micro-transactions.


This sort of strategy is only necessary on the lower grade Mats though. You're mostly dealing with people grinding through the levels of their Craft. If they are going to the GTN for Mats, then they are doing it do save time and effort. So, they want their money to go for the most good.


People buying top tier Mats are generally pretty easy to sell to. The Mats they want are so rare, the prices change very very often. They get what they can get. They're usually so rich, it hardly matters, though. I mean... within reason.

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You can also merch, by watching patch notes and updates closely.


Watch for items that will be disappearing, and buy a few.. Hold onto them for a few weeks and then sell after said items have left the Cartel Market

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Thanks for the tip about the hoth heroics... they turned out great for the rewards but at least on the pub size have long commutes to get to the zones..


I subbed for just one month mainly for grinding credits.. My favorite (best time/credit ratio) so far is:

- The first 4 dailies on makeb (~40k in 20 mins)

- The 5 illum dailies

- The black hole dailies

- Soloing Maelstrom Prison (has the best rate of mob death rate at 55 to drops and credits, plus has many scavenging and bioanalysis mobs).


The dailies i can do in around 1 hour and get about 150k.. maelstrom prison i can do in about 33 mins (like clockwork it seems) but that includes stopping to scavenge. Gets about 60-70k.


Section x is productive but a drag.. Same with belsavis proper.. though its probably worth it to do the 2 or 3 dailies at the first hub only.

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Learning to play the GTN takes patience and business smarts, but it's the most rewarding single skill you can invest time in learning for an MMO.


Why? Because you never have to do dailies or farming again, ever. Think of all those hours of tedium, saved. Never needing to worry about being able to afford augments or augment kits or repairs allows you to focus on having fun in the game. Starting your crafting skills and checking/selling choice commodities on the GTN takes only about 30 minutes or less per day and will give you a good income.

Edited by Jenzali
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Learning to play the GTN takes patience and business smarts, but it's the most rewarding single skill you can invest time in learning for an MMO.


Why? Because you never have to do dailies or farming again, ever. Think of all those hours of tedium, saved. Never needing to worry about being able to afford augments or augment kits or repairs allows you to focus on having fun in the game. Starting your crafting skills and checking/selling choice commodities on the GTN takes only about 30 minutes or less per day and will give you a good income.


While I don't disagree with anything you've said.. In my experience i found the exact opposite.. As a very new player needing credits, i spent forever seemingly crafting mats and selling them to make my way.. but as soon as i got to level 50+ the world seemed to open up and all the GTN work seemed like such a massive waste of time..


For the gtn you need some experience with the market (which is not too hard, and somewhat fun if you want the items yourself).. but probably the worst part about crafting is unless you go around farming mats in the game world itself.. the crew skill ui missions take forever and actually have a credit cost themselves, upsetting the equation a bit.


I really appreciated how with dailies, first in illum and black hole at least the missions tasks are so simple they're a joke.. they're definitely designed to be very trivial in play for the credits. There's also something nice about if you need a few hundred k quick you can just go and nail it and have your outcome without the chance and time delay of the gtn.


Having said.. i still do enjoy the gtn minigame quite a bit.. but i more focus on what im after at any point in time (say a mount or a new cartel armor set), or things that will always be useful (improved speeder piloting 1 unlocks eg). Its still very fun to check these daily to see if you can catch an item sold for a throwaway price...

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