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Theoretically are Jedi or Sith more powerful overall?


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Might come across as abit or a stupid question but im curious on what you guys think. I feel that jedi seem to be more restrained than sith and that might put them at a small disadvantage since sith is encouraged to nurture his power. Am i on the wrong track?
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If you are talking about one-on-one duels, I think it depends on the individual Jedi and Sith involved, their power, connection to the force, and sheer luck.


If you are talking about overall Light Side vs. Dark Side, the Dark Side is weaker in the long term. With the Light Side comes selflessness, devotion, and fearlessness. A true Jedi does not fear death in the slightest, and will glady lay down his or her life for the greater good of the galaxy or to save his fellows.


In contrast the Sith are ruled by fear. Apprentices fear their masters. Masters fear their apprentices. Both fear the Jedi. They also fear death and seek to prolong their lives by any means necessary. They are ruthlessly self-interested and are not capable of being devoted to anything beyond their own selfish wants and desires.


That constant Sith infighting? Its not a weakness of the order. Its a manifestation of the inherent weakness of the Dark Side. The Dark Side is self-destructive and the power it seems to offer its adherents is ultimately a trap that both enslaves and destroys them.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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That is what I meant ultimately he tasted the dark side so he still knew its power and could use force lightning still which in a way makes him both since he can still use some o his dark side powers


He uses lightning and calls down meteors in the foundry

Edited by windogie
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That is what I meant ultimately he tasted the dark side so he still knew its power and could use force lightning still which in a way makes him both since he can still use some o his dark side powers


He uses lightning and calls down meteors in the foundry


In all the books I've read. And in the RPGs, Lightning was less of a "You must be dark side to use it" but more of a "Only dark siders would use it"


Look at Force Choke. It's just Force TK, but crushing their throats. Not much different than using the Force to lift a boulder. But shooting lightning at people and choking them just comes off as a very dark sided thing to do.

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In all the books I've read. And in the RPGs, Lightning was less of a "You must be dark side to use it" but more of a "Only dark siders would use it"


Look at Force Choke. It's just Force TK, but crushing their throats. Not much different than using the Force to lift a boulder. But shooting lightning at people and choking them just comes off as a very dark sided thing to do.


I'll just leave this here for you. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Electric_Judgment


I think it mostly depends on the purpose for using the said power (whichever force power that may be) on whether it is dark or lightsided. Although there are some force techniques that are purely evil and dark yet who knows maybe they can be used in a good way? It's all very subjective I suppose.

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I'll just leave this here for you. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Electric_Judgment


I think it mostly depends on the purpose for using the said power (whichever force power that may be) on whether it is dark or lightsided. Although there are some force techniques that are purely evil and dark yet who knows maybe they can be used in a good way? It's all very subjective I suppose.


Truthfully, I'd think any force technique would be just that, a technique, and the reason for it's use would be "Dark Side or Light Side"


If you're able to stab someone with a lightsaber, what's a force choke or a bit of lightning? Is Mind Fragging (Force Persuade) people really a LS option, when it could just as easy be used for evil?


Is using your force abilities to cheat at gambling light, dark, or more of a grey area?

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That is what I meant ultimately he tasted the dark side so he still knew its power and could use force lightning still which in a way makes him both since he can still use some o his dark side powers


He uses lightning and calls down meteors in the foundry


Revan is a slightly gray dark side user in TOR, IMO.


The whole concept of a neutral force alignment takes a dump on previously established lore. You're either light side or dark side, and Revan is dark.

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That is what I meant ultimately he tasted the dark side so he still knew its power and could use force lightning still which in a way makes him both since he can still use some o his dark side powers


He uses lightning and calls down meteors in the foundry


I think by TOR Revan is a Dark Jedi. He's basically slightly gray Dark Sider.


As for him being more powerful than everyone else...absolutely not. Revan was defeated twice by the same Emperor that the Hero of Tython later defeats. Hero of Tython > Revan.


He was also defeated once by Malak, once by Bastila Shan, and again by some of the Empire protagonists (potentially by a non-force user) in TOR.


Revan is overrated.

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I think by TOR Revan is a Dark Jedi. He's basically slightly gray Dark Sider.


As for him being more powerful than everyone else...absolutely not. Revan was defeated twice by the same Emperor that the Hero of Tython later defeats. Hero of Tython > Revan.


He was also defeated once by Malak, once by Bastila Shan, and again by some of the Empire protagonists (potentially by a non-force user) in TOR.


Revan is overrated.


he was never defeated by either bastilla or malak in a straight out duel, are you refering to the events that take place prior to KotOR?

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Oh and I think it's obvious that the dark and light sides are two polar forces that are in reality the same thing, it's more of a conceptual battle between good and evil, with the understanding that neither good nor evil are actual objective realities. thus neither could be called stronger, it's a fight that has been going on since the dawn of time and will continue until the end of existence, with no winner or loser. like the tides
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"Is the Dark Side stronger?"

"No, No. But easier, more seductive."


That's not very credible since it came from a Jedi. Do you really expect he would tell the truth and answer with "yes" to that question?

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Individually, Sith > Jedi.

Orders, Jedi < Sith.


imho ;)



he was never defeated by either bastilla or malak in a straight out duel, are you refering to the events that take place prior to KotOR?


Yeah, he was captured by a team of Jedi, of which Bastilla was part - and even then it was Malak's treachery (AKA firing on Revan's ship) that helped them in taking him down.

Not sure where he ranks on the Jedi/Sith power rankings - but it's fair to say he was a pretty strong Jedi/Sith.

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Yeah, he was captured by a team of Jedi, of which Bastilla was part - and even then it was Malak's treachery (AKA firing on Revan's ship) that helped them in taking him down.

Not sure where he ranks on the Jedi/Sith power rankings - but it's fair to say he was a pretty strong Jedi/Sith.


but at no point did he lose a fight with bastilla, they drew their sabers, maybe tapped them once or twice, and then Revan was knocked unconscious by an explosion. He never lost a duel with malak either, they fought twice in the game, and one ends with a draw because you are forced to flee, the other ends with malak's defeat. You're tripping hard if you think the fight prior to KotOR counts as a win for bastilla, that game was called on account of rain.

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but at no point did he lose a fight with bastilla, they drew their sabers, maybe tapped them once or twice, and then Revan was knocked unconscious by an explosion. He never lost a duel with malak either, they fought twice in the game, and one ends with a draw because you are forced to flee, the other ends with malak's defeat. You're tripping hard if you think the fight prior to KotOR counts as a win for bastilla, that game was called on account of rain.


You might want to read further up in the thread I never said he was, someone else claimed she beat him - which is why I was pointing out there was supposed to be a team with Bastilla PLUS the explosion from Malak backstabbing him and firing on his ship. ;)

Edit: It was supposed to be a reply to Falco's quote in your post, but I see that wasn't copied along with it.

I think by TOR Revan is a Dark Jedi. He's basically slightly gray Dark Sider.


As for him being more powerful than everyone else...absolutely not. Revan was defeated twice by the same Emperor that the Hero of Tython later defeats. Hero of Tython > Revan.


He was also defeated once by Malak, once by Bastila Shan, and again by some of the Empire protagonists (potentially by a non-force user) in TOR.


Revan is overrated.

Edited by Callaron
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Might come across as abit or a stupid question but im curious on what you guys think. I feel that jedi seem to be more restrained than sith and that might put them at a small disadvantage since sith is encouraged to nurture his power. Am i on the wrong track?


Yes and no. Yes, Sith are encouraged to develop their power, but their inate lack of co-operation stymies most of them, plus all sorts of techniques and rituals are constantly being lost. Not to mention half the Sith actually go crazy, which leads to interesting but ineffective maneouvres.


Jedi on the other hand, co-operate easily, sharing knowledge, techniques and even training each other were they have weaknesses, not something the Sith do easily. They have more specialists than the Sith as well, developing more force techniques for specific tasks, not necessarily battle techniques/healing, Jedi have been known to help balance ecosystems and other exotic tasks which in turn have developed unique abilities and techniques that they in turn have adapted for other uses.


On the whole the Sith develop raw power more easily, but the Jedi develop skills more easily, and it frequently turns out that skill with the force beats raw power, not always but frequently.

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Well I am sure this will get me flamed but I am going to put this out there. The force itself is neither light nor dark. The Force is simply that, THE FORCE. Now before anybody slips a gear yes there are techniques like sith sorcery that are inherently dark, but that is simply a person who manipulates the energy of the universe into something dark.


I think that PEOPLE are the light and dark side of the force, and the choices they make brings themselves into light and dark. And the force merely reflects that. I mean take the dark side corruption. The more choices you make, the more the force will reflect it.


But take force lightning for example. Use it on a person, that is another person using it on a being which is inherently wrong and evil so dark. But take that same force lightning for example and use it on say a droid, or use it to short out a security station, is it still dark? No, now you are getting into the murky grey area that many hardcore people say doesn't exist. It's only light and dark. I disagree.


I say the force simply is, THE FORCE. How you manipulate it, MAKES it light or dark, but that is through the will of the person using it. And the force will show you what you are becoming.

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