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Please make Valor mean something again


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I can understand them wanting to give higher ranked players cooler looking armor, but I feel making them cheaper going by rank is a poor choice in design.


I could insert here some long speech about how ranked is just not viable and this reason and that but it would come across as pure whining, so I will go with a more logical approach to Bioware. Player retention, if a player has played enough PvP matches to make rank 100 for example it would be nice to see something more than a title come from this. Right now valor is nothing but a useless number sitting on your stat bar, it gives other players no real sense of how you play, how well you play or anything, just that you have played a lot, either badly or not it still goes up, albeit slower for loosing players.


I would like to see instead of rating required items OR in a addition to rated required items some Valor required ones (please don't preach here about crafted items needing it, as those crafted versions are useless shells)


For longevity of PvPers I think it makes more sense for valor requirements on purchases allowing you to buy the armor sooner with a higher valor. This would also mostly appease those like me who had their Elite War Hero sets turned into PvE gear less likely to want to slap sense into someone at Bioware. If I am rank 60 them Partisan should be cheaper, if I am rank 80 Conqueror should be cheaper, 90 could be reserved for the level 60 armor and 100 for level 70 armor later.


Anyway ROTHC and the EWH changes made with it made me turn away from PvP back to PvE for awhile, but I grow tired of running the same predictable ops, flash points etc. This is what kept me playing PvP, real people fighting you keeps things fresh ad compared to Boss Mechanic A fought this way etc.


I just want to scream knowing again I am getting my arse handed too me as I start collecting gear again, especially since it feels like the exact same grind as EWH did. So please consider replacing ranked item requirements for Valor requirements. BTW I know of several ranked players who wont play ranked anymore because they got their color crystals etc and don't want to loose them, by not playing ranked their rating cant go down and the items are safe and sound.

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I agree that valor should mean something. At least make it the PvP reputation thing and give us some new legacy gear.


I would love some kind of pvp rep thing like in wow. the vendors selling mounts and diferent toys and gadgets was fun and awesome. they already have reputation in this game for diff planets and stuff how about pvp?

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The only meaning Valor has, is how long you've played the game.


Unless there are specific conditions to gaining Valor, such as maybe certain win:loss ratio or kill:death ratio or whatever, its already nothing but a complimentary set of numbers awarded to people who played for a certain number of games, nothing more.


Trying to bring 'meaning' into it is actually futile. To connect it with some kind of gear/reward that effects performance.. would be even more comical. Its basically nothing much but a; "I've played longer than that guy, so I should be more advantageous" type of thinking -- which I don't much agree with. We already have gear progression doing that.



However, if Valor has something to do with purely cosmetic, or honorary items/visual customizations/titles and that sort of thing, that could be tolerable.

Edited by kweassa
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You mean make it so that you need a certain valor level to purchase something....maybe only those of a higher level can purchase particular designs of armour etc.

At the moment it's valor 100 items and then "everybody else".


Although of course you do know BW would then simply add a cartel market option to bypass the valor requirement?

They have history of doing this - introducing something that has a requirement of some description however throwing real money in and you "just get it".


I'd love for their to be tiers of different items for different valor levels - I think most of us agree this is simply not going to happen.

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BTW I know of several ranked players who wont play ranked anymore because they got their color crystals etc and don't want to loose them, by not playing ranked their rating cant go down and the items are safe and sound.


Thats not how it works actually. it's your highest rating that counts, not your current rating

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I think it should also give access to some better gear. Not full gear sets, but Implants, mods and the like. Also, if they ever do give cosmetic boosts for valor, please do not use the same template for Jedi Guardian gear as that armor looks awful.

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I think it should also give access to some better gear. Not full gear sets, but Implants, mods and the like. Also, if they ever do give cosmetic boosts for valor, please do not use the same template for Jedi Guardian gear as that armor looks awful.


This wont happen, they put in bolster for a reason and there is no way they add a statistical advantage for having higher valor. Besides some of us have launch toons where valor fell like rain in Ilum with or without the exploits at the time. Maybe it reduces the cost of the Conq mods though the higher you are making min/maxing easier.


There should be cosmetic things like mounts or maybe you can get the BM/Champ/WH shells and they are adaptable Bound to Legacy like the Gree armor for instance that would help PvPers say if you roll a Sent you can send the Mar gear to him in the BM shells and he can wear that gear. Maybe @ V100 you get an armor mount (granted there are already items like this, just throwing out ideas).


I am sure there are plenty of cool ideas the community can think of that dont provide a statistical advantage over new players. Probably should raise the cap as well, **** push it to 999.


I like the idea of them doing something with it moving forward.

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I would like to see valor play into WZ's. You have regular WZ's for say Valor level 69 and below, you have a WZ q for valor level 70 and higher, and you have rated WZ's. I think it would make the WZ more competitive. High valor level usually means more experience, better gear, and would argue result in more premade.
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See I know several clueless players that started PvP with their guild on PvP servers they did ranked groups from both sides, using their Loss characters and WIN characters. They que, if both teams POP they go in, if they don't pop together they cancel. The quickly get a new player to the ranking needed by letting them do things to the LOSS characters, then they can quickly purchase (at cheaper prices when rank is higher) the better gear. They make sure everyone gets 8 medals (LOSS or WIN toons).


Now in this same scenario playing matches in this manner wouldn't raise your valor much more than just playing (except for the 8 medal guarantee part).


I think we all know the PvP rating system can and is being manipulated by those that can do it.


On the bright side for Bioware, Valor meaning something means Valor boosts would sale more off the CM

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I have stated many times that PvP needs a true tier system with gear progression.


In the beginning there were three.

PvE Tionese Columi and Rakata

PvP Centurion Champion and Battlemaster


I feel like valor should be tied to the armor of that rank. The took this away to allow PvErs to get PvP gear without the major grind. Now PvE gear is basically the same as PvP gear when bolstered.


They had a decent idea when they introduced Recruit gear but didn't level it properly. IMO recruit gear should be a free set at level 10 as introductory to PvP. Level 10 should also offer a earned purple set of gear. Then as you level you can get new gear with no set bonus without valor restriction and a set based on valor with the set bonus. This coensides as how PvE gear works.


Bring back the unassembled gear drops for a TOP tier of PvP gear.


So you would have common PvP gear that anyone could access and use, a middle tier that is valor restricted and earned as is in game now and a top tier of gear that is unnassembled random item.


I would have top end gear be a reward for completing a weekly PvP mission. So essentially it would feel more like a true progression.

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It does mean something, when you enter a WZ and you have the highest Valor level you're the Ops Leader? :p


Seriously, they should do something with it, but unless it can be monetized in some way I don't see EA doing anything about it.

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It does mean something, when you enter a WZ and you have the highest Valor level you're the Ops Leader? :p


definitely false. not sure how it's determined, but I've seen it go to ppl with less valor rank than myself.

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definitely false. not sure how it's determined, but I've seen it go to ppl with less valor rank than myself.


I think if you join late, or with little time left before the match starts, that it doesn't switch over. But it is most definitely determined by Valor rank. I also know that there is an issue if a person with the highest Valor rank joins a WZ and they're in a group, they won't be selected.

Edited by Trimethicon
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I think if you join late, or with little time left before the match starts, that it doesn't switch over. But it is most definitely determined by Valor rank. I also know that there is an issue if a person with the highest Valor rank joins a WZ and they're in a group, they won't be selected.


Lower levels it tends to lead towards level to valor in that if you're level 40 and valor 35 and someone is level 35 with valor 35 the level 35 will be the ops leader but it seems mostly random.

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Just brings up all the rage I had when they dumbed down the system after the grind we went through at launch to even be able to buy battlemaster gear. Valor lvls are so easy to get now they should mean nothing.
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definitely false. not sure how it's determined, but I've seen it go to ppl with less valor rank than myself.


Ops lead is determined by whoever is closest to lvling there valor


I.e if person a 90% completed valor tank 40 they get lead over person b who has only completed 10% of rank 90


A valor 100 toon will never get ops lead

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Ops lead is determined by whoever is closest to lvling there valor


I.e if person a 90% completed valor tank 40 they get lead over person b who has only completed 10% of rank 90


A valor 100 toon will never get ops lead


Good insight thanks

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