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Rolling need for companions?


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If it's your main companion then go on right ahead. Other than that it's only courteous to pick greed or to pass. Personally I only pick need if it IS for my companion because I hardly ever gear up Kira and I have Orange gear on myself. So yeah, unless it's for a companion you don't use, feel free to pick need.
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Just started playing again not too long ago and I'm starting to do more flashpoints. When gear drops that us useful for your companion is it ok to roll need on it or pass as only players are in the flashpoint?


It's a good idea to ask at the beginning of the FP what the 'need/greed/pass guidelines are.


the basic rule is need for what you need and greed for everything else.


though I have had a group member ask - 'does anyone mind if I "need" this item for my comp'? most times people will be cool about it and if not you have another chance the next time you run the FP.

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Selecting need "for companions" on anything that somebody needs for the character they are using is the surest way to get kicked and put to ignore by everyone.


And actually many people don't look kindly if you need for companions even if nobody else needs it.

The least you could do is ask. Or if someone else already pressed need on it (and their class can use it) then there is no point even asking.




There are only 2 kinds of people I kick out of my groups immediately without hesitation.

1. People who press need on items "for companion" when someone else actually might need it.

2. Dps players who insist on using their tanking stance while signed up as a dps.

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+1 on the ask the group.


Would I kick and ignore someone for needing gear that's not for his character? Yes.

Would I say no if someone politely asks if he can need for a companion? No.

(If no-one needs the gear for his character ofcourse.)


This is exactly how everyone I've come around seem to work. Except Ninja's themselves ofcourse. Content made for doing with companions (non-heroics, non-flashpoints) are easy enough to do in the gear quest-rewards give them. And even if they weren't it will simply become a need-on-everything-fest, because you can never determine which companion certain people use as their 'main companion'

Edited by Gloomycakes
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If it's your main companion then go on right ahead. Other than that it's only courteous to pick greed or to pass. Personally I only pick need if it IS for my companion because I hardly ever gear up Kira and I have Orange gear on myself. So yeah, unless it's for a companion you don't use, feel free to pick need.


Could I please have your toon names so I can put all of them on ignore, and pass them on to my guildmates who will most likely also put you on ignore?

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If it's your main companion then go on right ahead. Other than that it's only courteous to pick greed or to pass. Personally I only pick need if it IS for my companion because I hardly ever gear up Kira and I have Orange gear on myself. So yeah, unless it's for a companion you don't use, feel free to pick need.


Surest way to get on people's ignore lists, including mine. :rolleyes:


Always ask first. It's polite. And it won't get you branded a Ninja.

Edited by SandsOfArrakis
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If it's your main companion then go on right ahead.


no, just no.



general rule of thumb when dealing with FP loot is if your character can use it then need it, if you are hoping to get it for a companion greed it (doesnt matter if its your main companion or not). the ONLY time i will need gear for a companion is if we share the same stats because that way the group will assume its for you ;)

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Only click Need if its a upgrade for you and greed on your companion is genrally accepted rules of group loot, nobody really minds if you greed on anything else even if its not for you just for sell on purposes. Pass is just for being generous and so as not to clog your inventory up too much.


I think the thing is with many main charcters going down the full moddable route many will have a full set of custom gear already so are only looking for mods for their char and don't need gear for themselves, hence why perhaps many fall into the trap of selecting need for their companion. So although not good manners I can understand why some will do that. Perhaps many new players don't realise you can strip mods out of other custom gear if say one of the mods is better than yours and hence don't think it will be useful and thus make getting gear for their main companion high priority in loots then, because so little mods drop in general loots. I am not excusing it just I can see why it happens.


I think the loot balance is something that needs addressing a bit in the game and more mods need to be dropped in heroic and flashpoint areas and less actual gear, because there tends to be more and more going down the moddable route and also because there is so much green a blue general gear loot the GTN gets flooded with gear that does not sell which also makes armourtech and syncweathing crafting a real pain to make useful atall (apart from making argument kits)


I think if you explain this when you first join a group and all members agree, you can then roll need if its for your companion, make sure though it is fro your current companion though. :rolleyes:

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Only click Need if its a upgrade for you and greed on your companion is genrally accepted rules of group loot, nobody really minds if you greed on anything else even if its not for you just for sell on purposes. Pass is just for being generous and so as not to clog your inventory up too much.


I think the thing is with many main charcters going down the full moddable route many will have a full set of custom gear already so are only looking for mods for their char and don't need gear for themselves, hence why perhaps many fall into the trap of selecting need for their companion. So although not good manners I can understand why some will do that. Perhaps many new players don't realise you can strip mods out of other custom gear if say one of the mods is better than yours and hence don't think it will be useful and thus make getting gear for their main companion high priority in loots then, because so little mods drop in general loots. I am not excusing it just I can see why it happens.


I think the loot balance is something that needs addressing a bit in the game and more mods need to be dropped in heroic and flashpoint areas and less actual gear, because there tends to be more and more going down the moddable route and also because there is so much green a blue general gear loot the GTN gets flooded with gear that does not sell which also makes armourtech and syncweathing crafting a real pain to make useful atall (apart from making argument kits)


I think if you explain this when you first join a group and all members agree, you can then roll need if its for your companion, make sure though it is fro your current companion though. :rolleyes:


They know they can rip the mods out. Had a DPS roll Need against my healer for a piece knowing full well the only thing he could use out of it was the enhancement.

Wasn't even any good at his role...

Edited by JacksonMo
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I take back part of what I said. It isn't always okay to pick need for your main companion. Here are guidelines I've come up with, but it is highly subjective and may not appeal to everyone who would just prefer to ask. These are mainly for groups of less experienced/talkative players


(spoilered for space conservation)


Light armor for example, could only possibly be needed by players who are Jedi Consulars or Sith Inquisitors. The companions that could use light armor are Nadia Grell and Kira Carsen, Xalek, and Vector Hyllus. Now take into account that Nadia and Xalek are companions of the Consular and Inquisitor respectively. That leaves JC and JK being the only pubs who might ever need light armor and SI and IA as the only imps needing it. So if you are a JK who uses Kira as your main companion, then you are free to pick need as long as there is no JC in the group. Troops and Smugs would only be able to sell them. It's similar for imps, if your main companion for your agent is Vector and there is no SI in the group, you can pick need.


For medium armor, it's more complicated. There are two types of medium armor: A) Sentinel/Marauder armor (Focus on strength) and B) Smug/Agent armor (cunning). The characters who use medium armor A are Sentinels/Marauders and Ashara Zavros. For Republic classes, unless you are a Jedi Sentinel, you may not pick need under any circumstances. For Imperial classes, as long as your main companion is Ashara Zavros and there are no Marauders in the group, you can pick need.

For medium armor type B, the players who use it are Smugglers and Imperial Agents. The companions who use medium armor B are Vette, Mako, Quinn, Doc, Andronikos, Tharan, Dr. Lokin, Zenith, Risha, Talos, Temple, and Guss. Risha, Guss, Lokin and Temple are redundant being Smug and Agent companions. Pretty much anyone except Troopers could possibly pick need for this, so only Smugs and Agents can pick need for this without checking with groupmates.


Heavy armor has three classes: A) Guardian/Juggernaut armor for Tanks and B) DPS (endurance/strength or vice versa respectively) and C) Trooper/Hunter (aim/endurance). The only people to use Heavy A are Juggernauts and Guardians in Immortal, Rage, Defense, or Focus specs and possibly Khem, Broonmark, Scourge or Bowdaar. Pretty much only Guardians and Juggernauts would be able to pick need for this without checking with others.

Heavy B is for Vigilance/Vengeance or Focus/Rage Guardians and Juggernauts characters or Khem, Broonmark, Scourge or Bowdaar. Broonmark and Scourge are redundant, leaving Smugs and Inquisitors to possibly roll need. If you are a Smug and have Bowdaar as your main companion and there is no Guardian in the group, you can pick need. Inquisitors using Khem with no Juggernaut can also pick need.

Heavy C is used by Troopers and Bounty Hunters as well as Pierce, Rusk, Kaliyo, Qyzen, Corso, Iresso, Spar, all of the BH companions other than Mako, and all of the Trooper companions other than M1. If you have no BH or Trooper in your group, you can roll need as long as you are not an inquisitor and use one of aforementioned companions as your main, you can pick need.


Droid armor is pretty much a free for all between people who use droids as a companion, anyone else should pick greed or pass.


Weapons, earpieces and implants are similar to armor, I don't have the time to go through everything but I am sure you could figure out how they work based on the armor stuff above, it's already pretty repetitive. Just look at the stats on the armor.


Of course if somebody is the same class as you double-check with the group. This eliminates the chances of someone who will never use an item getting it while other players may need it.


Edited by shonenjumpstyle
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I take back part of what I said. It isn't always okay to pick need for your main companion. Here are guidelines I've come up with, but it is highly subjective and may not appeal to everyone who would just prefer to ask. These are mainly for groups of less experienced/talkative players


(spoilered for space conservation)


Light armor for example, could only possibly be needed by players who are Jedi Consulars or Sith Inquisitors. The companions that could use light armor are Nadia Grell and Kira Carsen, Xalek, and Vector Hyllus. Now take into account that Nadia and Xalek are companions of the Consular and Inquisitor respectively. That leaves JC and JK being the only pubs who might ever need light armor and SI and IA as the only imps needing it. So if you are a JK who uses Kira as your main companion, then you are free to pick need as long as there is no JC in the group. Troops and Smugs would only be able to sell them. It's similar for imps, if your main companion for your agent is Vector and there is no SI in the group, you can pick need.


For medium armor, it's more complicated. There are two types of medium armor: A) Sentinel/Marauder armor (Focus on strength) and B) Smug/Agent armor (cunning). The characters who use medium armor A are Sentinels/Marauders and Ashara Zavros. For Republic classes, unless you are a Jedi Sentinel, you may not pick need under any circumstances. For Imperial classes, as long as your main companion is Ashara Zavros and there are no Marauders in the group, you can pick need.

For medium armor type B, the players who use it are Smugglers and Imperial Agents. The companions who use medium armor B are Vette, Mako, Quinn, Doc, Andronikos, Tharan, Dr. Lokin, Zenith, Risha, Talos, Temple, and Guss. Risha, Guss, Lokin and Temple are redundant being Smug and Agent companions. Pretty much anyone except Troopers could possibly pick need for this, so only Smugs and Agents can pick need for this without checking with groupmates.


Heavy armor has three classes: A) Guardian/Juggernaut armor for Tanks and B) DPS (endurance/strength or vice versa respectively) and C) Trooper/Hunter (aim/endurance). The only people to use Heavy A are Juggernauts and Guardians in Immortal, Rage, Defense, or Focus specs and possibly Khem, Broonmark, Scourge or Bowdaar. Pretty much only Guardians and Juggernauts would be able to pick need for this without checking with others.

Heavy B is for Vigilance/Vengeance or Focus/Rage Guardians and Juggernauts characters or Khem, Broonmark, Scourge or Bowdaar. Broonmark and Scourge are redundant, leaving Smugs and Inquisitors to possibly roll need. If you are a Smug and have Bowdaar as your main companion and there is no Guardian in the group, you can pick need. Inquisitors using Khem with no Juggernaut can also pick need.

Heavy C is used by Troopers and Bounty Hunters as well as Pierce, Rusk, Kaliyo, Qyzen, Corso, Iresso, Spar, all of the BH companions other than Mako, and all of the Trooper companions other than M1. If you have no BH or Trooper in your group, you can roll need as long as you are not an inquisitor and use one of aforementioned companions as your main, you can pick need.


Droid armor is pretty much a free for all between people who use droids as a companion, anyone else should pick greed or pass.


Weapons, earpieces and implants are similar to armor, I don't have the time to go through everything but I am sure you could figure out how they work based on the armor stuff above, it's already pretty repetitive. Just look at the stats on the armor.


Of course if somebody is the same class as you double-check with the group. This eliminates the chances of someone who will never use an item getting it while other players may need it.


No seriously, Just ask. 9 times out of 10, unless someone actually needs it they won't have an issue.

Unless you were raised by roving bands of street thugs robbing little old ladies for pocket money, the polite thing to do is ask.

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Ask players you go with.

If they agree explain what stats you will roll on and that you will roll after all of them, so if nobody else need it, you are clear to do so.

If another player want same item for companion (don't use same stat and agree to need for comps) - just roll with him/her - whoever is lucky get it.

If there is player with same stats and he roll need - pass.

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if you're a consular, there are no troops in the party, and you ask if you can need on a piece of Aim gear for Qyzen, 99% of the time everyone will say "yes." Any other consulars or smugs might ask then if they can need also.


If you just roll need and there is a troop in the party (and probably if there isn't), you won't be for very much longer, even if you're the healer.

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It's a good idea to ask at the beginning of the FP what the 'need/greed/pass guidelines are.


the basic rule is need for what you need and greed for everything else.


though I have had a group member ask - 'does anyone mind if I "need" this item for my comp'? most times people will be cool about it and if not you have another chance the next time you run the FP.


THIS 1 million times THIS!!!!


When in doubt...ASK!!!! Communication is key. I am the poster child for this. Click need for something your character cannot use and then claim it's for a companion, I'll be upset. I won't rage quit but I will watch your need/greed behavior more closely. Ask the question, "may I need for a companion?" and I will say "go for it," and not think twice.


There is a saying, "asking for forgiveness is easier than asking permission..." Not so much when it comes to need/greed - the exact opposite is true: asking for permission is easier than asking for forgiveness.

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I'd recommend rolling 'greed' for companions unless you hash it out with the group before hand. Unless the group agrees otherwise I see 'need' as only being for items that can be used by your character, and are better than what you are equipped with.
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If you want to gear up your companion run story mode ops. You can roll 50 for everything your twinks or companions can use. I don't know how strong your main character is geared but it is very easy to gear your companions in 61 gear by soloing lvl 50 hardmode flash points. You can also try to find an overgeared group and do asation/darvannis story. If you do hardmode operations on a regular schedule your companion is geared in 72 by now time(commendations). Other stuff was already said.
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What the "need for companions" people tend to forget is that everyone has companions, and so if you want to Need on an item, even if nobody needs it for their main character, they loose the chance to get something for their companions.

So, everybody could ask if they can Need for companions, and then we don't need Greed anymore.


Just roll Greed on stuff for your companions, hope you get lucky, and if not, dont worry, they are just companions, even in crap greens they do their job good enough most of the time. And with the planetary comms from 2.0 it is actually quite easy to keep your main companion in decent gear.

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with the planetary comms from 2.0 it is actually quite easy to keep your main companion in decent gear.


This is absolutely true.


Basically, ask before doing anything you might think would irritate someone. Some good questions are:

"May I roll need for companions?"

"May I roll for an alt?"

"May I gather crafting materials as we go?"

"How is this boss done?"


Ask before there is a problem, and usually, your experience will be much smoother.

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