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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1 Day Cartel Item is a TITLE >.>


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Well to start i was already dissapointed when i found out all we got today was CC sure its something but was looking forward to something new an exclusive that i could go "hey look what i got" but anyone can do that with CC not very "subscriber" oriented.


Anyways the 1 day item on CC is a Title ... can i become any more dissapointed today im not sure.


"•A brand new title “Revan’s Heir” coming to the Cartel Market for only 24 hours at the low price of 10 Cartel Coins! (July 15 2AM CT to July 16 2AM CT)"


This really does make me sad like they gave me CC's and i was like meh ok then they were look O BUT SOMETHING IS COMING, so kinda got me exctied again. and then BOOM its a lazy VERY VERY VERY unsuitable title, what was Revan now the biggest **** of The Old Republic or something and had a 1000 kids.


Anyways quite bummed out i feel, EA/BW went 0 for 2 at the plate today with 2 MASSIVE strikeouts with bases loaded when had they at least hit a single 2/3 people would have been extatic.


*edit* --- What would have been cool

- Portable GTN (every 2 hours) -- to be realistic

- 6 hours off fleet pass (permanent)

- subscriber only dye (white purple)

- ect ect

Edited by WillHolmes
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I don't care about the title at all.

I'm not a KOTOR fan, I'm not a Revan fan so the title means absolutely nothing to me.

However, I'm happy for the people who like Revan and KOTOR and want the title.


OP, try to be happy too.

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and then BOOM its a lazy VERY VERY VERY unsuitable title, what was Revan now the biggest **** of The Old Republic or something and had a 1000 kids.




If it were just a title, I wouldn't mind. Something for the title collectors. But throwing "Revan" in made me LOL.

I said in another post somewhere that I wish they would stop milking this guy, as much as I love the character.

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500 CC and a Revan's Heir title. Plus the title is unlockable for collections for another 5cc. So 15cc total. I'm excited and absolutely plan to get it. I'm very appreciative for the CCs and the Title Option. Sad that others would rather SHOOT a gift horse than thank it.

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Well to start i was already dissapointed when i found out all we got today was CC sure its something but was looking forward to something new an exclusive that i could go "hey look what i got" but anyone can do that with CC not very "subscriber" oriented.


Anyways the 1 day item on CC is a Title ... can i become any more dissapointed today im not sure.


"•A brand new title “Revan’s Heir” coming to the Cartel Market for only 24 hours at the low price of 10 Cartel Coins! (July 15 2AM CT to July 16 2AM CT)"


This really does make me sad like they gave me CC's and i was like meh ok then they were look O BUT SOMETHING IS COMING, so kinda got me exctied again. and then BOOM its a lazy VERY VERY VERY unsuitable title, what was Revan now the biggest **** of The Old Republic or something and had a 1000 kids.


Anyways quite bummed out i feel, EA/BW went 0 for 2 at the plate today with 2 MASSIVE strikeouts with bases loaded when had they at least hit a single 2/3 people would have been extatic.


*edit* --- What would have been cool

- Portable GTN (every 2 hours) -- to be realistic

- 6 hours off fleet pass (permanent)

- subscriber only dye (white purple)

- ect ect

Another example of differing taste I guess. I was somewhat dissapointed with the 500cc but would've been perfectly happy with a sub exclusive title...

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whats ur problem i wasent screming i wasent ************ i even said its cool i got the CC i simply said its dissapointing, you have some serious problems


Right, I'm the one with the problem. You get free stuff and ***** about it. Okie dokie.... :rolleyes:

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Another example of differing taste I guess. I was somewhat dissapointed with the 500cc but would've been perfectly happy with a sub exclusive title...


problem is even then the title isnt "sub exclusive" the cartel coins were, but even then its just a gift card ill accept and be happy with it of course but its just a shame thats all. Some people unlike yourself just over react the second they see the title and probably didnt even bother to read the fact im not crying like most 12 year olds on these forums lol

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I am amazed as well that this uber item is a title.


What is wrong with BW. Give subscribers 500 cartel coins great, but make it a thank you. Everyone would be happy. Don't hype the **** out of it and then wonder why people thought they were getting more.

Don't call it an uber cool item on the cartel market and then make it a lame title which means nothing for those of us who never played KOTOR and as far as we know his a lv 30 flashpoint boss and not even a very memorable one.

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I find it a bit ridiculous that they are selling the title, i would've just given it to everyone who logs in that day.

Then they probably could've made more money with a one day cartel market sale... :rolleyes:

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dont get my age mixed up with yours, you and the others are whats wrong with the forums i didnt come out screaming or freaking out i stated a POV and you and a few other just attack the OP, its pathetic and thats all there is to it, maybe if i was like the "go ahead call me one" thread id understand but i wasent so seriously grow up and stop being an incompetant douche
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I am amazed as well that this uber item is a title.


What is wrong with BW. Give subscribers 500 cartel coins great, but make it a thank you. Everyone would be happy. Don't hype the **** out of it and then wonder why people thought they were getting more.

Don't call it an uber cool item on the cartel market and then make it a lame title which means nothing for those of us who never played KOTOR and as far as we know his a lv 30 flashpoint boss and not even a very memorable one.


  • Nobody declared any reward to be "uber". That is your own self-hype.
  • Nobody but the players hyped the reward. Again, that is your own self-hype.
  • "Lame" is subjective.
  • You really should play KoTOR.

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I will say I'm pretty confused as to why Eric even mentioned the title (even if it was just tossing hints about saving 10 coins, etc.) at all on the Subscriber Appreciation topic - it unnecessarily raised some people's expectations and the title itself is neither subscriber-exclusive nor that big a deal...would have been better off announcing it separately. Edited by Lesaberisa
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