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To avoid a bad launch they cause a bad launch


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Totally agree. If they cant handle a couple hundred thousand today they cant handle it tomorrow either. So they either can and they are fail for not doing it. And they cant and we are all screwed and they still fail.


They can handle that many people. The servers are not completely opened and can be expanded. But they want only a set number in..so they can observe tonight just how the servers will hold up without crashing.


Look at the server list..and see how many "full" servers there are. Those puppies haven't even been opened fully yet. Bioware can handle the numbers...but they want to keep the first few days contained.

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Eh. Rift "early access" launch was worse. People waiting literally hours in server queues, only to be disconnected. It was literally weeks for them to get everything stable, and by then people were unsubbing to the point that servers because too underpopulated.


This one sucks too, but at least we just wait for an email rather than endless queuing.


Sure glad i didn't take the day off though!


I would say Aion was pretty bad, just for the fact that people would set up shops so they wouldn't get kicked off when they went to bed. lol

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I applaud the idea behind the launch. Who wants to be in hour long queues only to get in crammed starter zones hopelessly lagged out?

what i dont understand is why did they open servers at 4am west coast and 7am east? people work and go to school on weekdays. how will they get a picture of server balance? they, for example sent out 10k emails. i'd guess of those 10k, like 3k actually were rdy to play. why didnt they open early access at something more realistic? like noon west coast and

3pm east.


Anyway, i thought of a great guild name..."We Survived September Pre Orders"


They likely opened the servers early knowing that only a small amount of people would actually play in the morning and throughout the day...This allows people to slowly "trickle" in as they arrive home from school/work...

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I applaud the idea behind the launch. Who wants to be in hour long queues only to get in crammed starter zones hopelessly lagged out?


Anyway, i thought of a great guild name..."We Survived September Pre Orders"



A guild on the server I am placed on is named, Ewokalypse Now. Such a great name.


I love the idea of rolling out waves over successive days. I have seen so many bad MMO launch days.

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Lifes not fair, stuff like this happens. If you get in on the 14th or 15th you're still getting in before or when you were hoping to get in a week or so ago. I didn't get to put my code in till the 3rd of August, so I might not even get in tomorrow, again, lifes not fair.



Yeah, but people getting in later are going to have a significant disadvantage for choosing names. I mean hell, there are already people making real money by "selling" names they've saved for people that haven't gotten in yet. That is not cool at all.

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This is easily the best MMO launch in history, bar none. And that's not an opinion. Their staging tactic is working wonders.


The folks that were rabid fans and pre-ordered right away got the bonus they were expecting. The people that didn't will play sometime between now and December 20th. Seems to be a perfect system.

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You people make me lol...


Seriously, if you want to talk about different ways this could be done... how about they give privileged access to the players who shelled out the $150 for the Collector's Editions and gave more money to EA/BW than the rest of you? Disregarding pre-order code entries. THAT way they could give preference to the people who helped give more money to their company and act like any other business by showing favoritism to the people who paid more?


If so, my ability to get online would have happened at 6 - 7 am today instead of when I will probably get in game which will be Friday or Saturday due to my late pre-order confirmation.


Seriously... grow up and realize that none of you (even the players in game) deserve to be in here. You didn't pay for early access as much as for the guarantee of getting the game when it came out instead of having to wait if stores sold out.


*Finishes sharpening stick to poke trolls/bears with* Now the fun begins. (Resigned to my fate, I am just going to sit and enjoy the lunatics whining)

Edited by Chekotai
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Yeah, but people getting in later are going to have a significant disadvantage for choosing names. I mean hell, there are already people making real money by "selling" names they've saved for people that haven't gotten in yet. That is not cool at all.


This is just silly. Yes names are important..but they are not that important. Just because you can't be named..Priest..or..Dohvahkin..or something..doesn't mean you cant ..idk...find an original name.

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Yeah, but people getting in later are going to have a significant disadvantage for choosing names. I mean hell, there are already people making real money by "selling" names they've saved for people that haven't gotten in yet. That is not cool at all.


Seriously, that is only an issue if your name is unoriginal/uncreative.

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not disadvantaged in any way in my new *********** signature. What a clueless noob.


I can list 10 disadvantages on a pvp server faster than you can blink by missing time now.


That may be true if your only objective is to be FIRST FIRST FIRST and gank all the noobs that you come across ASAP.


If you can't catch up with the server due to not having a two or three-day head start (I'm not even counting thousands of people you'll be starting with), then something is wrong with you.


I assume you also don't roll toons in any established MMO because everyone had x years of head start.

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Yeah, but people getting in later are going to have a significant disadvantage for choosing names. I mean hell, there are already people making real money by "selling" names they've saved for people that haven't gotten in yet. That is not cool at all.


If you're really that obsessed about a name, you should have though about this earlier. Like when they announced that the pre-orders will get a phased early access half a year ago.

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If you're really that obsessed about a name, you should have though about this earlier. Like when they announced that the pre-orders will get a phased early access half a year ago.



You must have missed the part where I bought the game from EA Origin on the 21st, but wasn't sent my code until the 27th due to "errors". :rolleyes:

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I'd rather have a 4 hour queue to log in than have to wait a whole another day.


You wouldn't have a queue time, though.


You'd have a situation where the servers are all ****ed and we, the players, are sitting there mashing "connect" again and again in the hopes that they'll be back up eventually.


So yeah, this is still better than what we'd have seen if they dumped the entire playerbase into the game at once.

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Yeah, but people getting in later are going to have a significant disadvantage for choosing names. I mean hell, there are already people making real money by "selling" names they've saved for people that haven't gotten in yet. That is not cool at all.


While I sympathize with you(I've had that happen before to with names I wanted), its already a done deal. It is messed up with people snagging names to sell them, but really, if its that popular of a name, its probably a meh mmo name if its any consolation.

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not disadvantaged in any way in my new *********** signature. What a clueless noob.


I can list 10 disadvantages on a pvp server faster than you can blink by missing time now.



you want a level advantage so you can pwn noobs.

you want a level advantage to compensate for a lack of skill.

you want a level advantage because you might not be able to compete otherwise.

you want a level advantage...


I can make up pointless lists too. It still doesn't change the facts. The game launches on the 20th. That is when more people will start. EA was extended by two days, giving you a minimum of 3 days of EA time.


Use those three days to your fullest.

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Hah, wow's launch was like


1) insane lag if you could log in

2) servers crashing every hour

3) so many people in level 1-5 areas that you couldn't get any quests done

4) crazy server imbalances (some empty, some insanely overcrowded)



I, for one, am happy of the gradual launch they are doing. It actually cracks me up all the new generation mmoers pooping in their pants because they can't play the first day of EARLY access.


If you couldn't play on the 20th I would understand.


Also, so many people whining about not being able to play during school/work hours... get a job, or a life or something haha.



Strange isn't it, it is as if people expect computers, servers and internet connections to have gotten better in the last 7 years... fools.




WaR, AIon and Rift all let people in at the same time, after a couple of hours of teething problems everyone was on their merry way spreading out across servers to avoid queues, and leaving the lower zones as they leveled.... at this stage all those games were stable, and being played by 100% of the early access people who wished too. This staggered Early access is a step backwards.... their again your still comparing things to 2004, so you probably think it's some huge technical leap.

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