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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Scrappers are too OP. Nerf them RIGHT NOW!


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This. I don't want to nerf smash like half of the players here, but wish you guys would stop QQing about other classes.


You don't have ANY room to talk about who or what is OP with a 10K auto crit AOE.


So stop.




How is that fair?????

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Hello, I play a rage juggernaut and I will just jump right into the problem with scrappers and concealment operatives.


I am am avid PvPer on POT5 and last night a scrapper opened up with shoot first, followed by blaster whip, dirty kick, sucker punch, sab, blaster whip and back blast.


During this rotation I tried to run away and he rooted me. This isn't fair because I used all of my defensove cooldowns and still died. I tried to smash but it only hit for 3k.


Bioware, please nerf them, I am good at this game and shouldn't die to an overpowered spec that has no counter.


Hehehehehehehehehe your seriousness through this thread has me rotfl.


10/10 troll thread.

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How is that fair?????


It's fair that your a lolsmash Jugg complaining. It's really not that hard to deal high amounts of damage of a 3 button rotation. If you cant master that then your just bad. So in other words "waaaa my smash didn't crit for 9k and I died to a scraper now their too strong so please nerf them"

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Looking at my toolbar for the 'cant be hit' CD.


For some reason I've still yet to find it :rolleyes:


It's called "DODGE" - l2p - made me log into my scrapper for the first time in 3 mos to look it up. Scrappers are awesome.

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How is that fair?????


I used my CC breaker. My Force Barrier was down and on cool.

I've also recently used the 10sec immunity.

My TK Wave is on cooldown, I can't push anyone away.


Then comes a smasher with his leap, immobilizes me, slows me, hits me with a Smash. Boom, 7k HP gone.

I try to run, My Force Speed is on cooldown also... for 15 seconds I squirm in every way I can; but can't get away.

He slows me, another shot of slow debuff, and the final coup-de-grace of a smash.


I could have survived it if I had my defensives ready to use, but alas, all were on CD.


I had no chance of survival.

That's so unfair.



Nerf smashers RIGHT NOW! :D

Edited by kweassa
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Meh. 2/10


No threats of quitting.

No "I'm a good player so I know what I'm doing" justification.


????? Why would I want to quit? I am a good juggernaut that knows how to play his class and other clasess as well.


It's not fair that I had NO CHANCE TO DEFEND MYSELF. Powertechs can stop node caps while stunned, why not give Juggernauts the ability to use their deflection while stunned?

Edited by SithEBM
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I used my CC breaker. My Force Barrier was down and on cool.

I've also recently used the 10sec immunity.

My TK Wave is on cooldown, I can't push anyone away.


Then comes a smasher with his leap, immobilizes me, slows me, hits me with a Smash. Boom, 7k HP gone.

I try to run, My Force Speed is on cooldown also... for 15 seconds I squirm in every way I can; but can't get away.

He slows me, another shot of slow debuff, and the final coup-de-grace of a smash.


I could have survived it if I had my defensives ready to use, but alas, all were on CD.


I had no chance of survival.

That's so unfair.



Nerf smashers RIGHT NOW! :D


Don't you have electrocute?

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Honestly, it sounds as if you're just trying to troll people. I have a hard time believing you're being serious.


You say, "I used all of my defensive cooldowns"...what about push? It sounds like either:


1) You don't know how to counter the class correctly and decided to QQ on the forums


2) You feel like getting attention by being outrageous, congrats.

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It's called "DODGE" - l2p - made me log into my scrapper for the first time in 3 mos to look it up. Scrappers are awesome.


I guess I didn't pick up that talent for dodge to make force/tech attacks miss. Can somebody link me their build so I too can have that mythical 36/36/36 spec that this operative that crushed the OP was obviously running?

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Hahahahahaha I love when People QQ over classes being OP. Pyrotechs , sages , smash monkeys, operatives. wow pretty much every class. HOw bout we take all abilities away, and make it easy for kids to play. we can all just press.. 1111111111111 all day long....HAPPY ????
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This is all very entertaining because I have played both classes and I know how frustrating it can be to be caught by a GOOD operative when on a marauder. It's a team game so; in that scenario you are best served if your teamates like you enough to so much as push the operative off of you, or toss you a heal. Get past that opener and you will be golden.


BTW. Am I the only one that can see a warrior type doing good, and they pretty much don't stand out to me. The only time I really notice is when they are flat out bad. While DPS operatives or scoundrels; I tend to notice when they are doing above average. I think both classes are fine; but I just feel this makes the thread more ironic.

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