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WTB Advanced Class respec.


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No it isn't.


But it is.


The play of a Sith Assassin/Jedi Shadow vs. Sith Sorcerer/Jedi Consular is completely different. The difference between a WoW Rogue and Mage different.


Same with Sith Warrior/Jedi Guardian vs. Sith Juggernaut/Jedi Sentinel is like the difference between a WoW Death Knight and a Warrior.

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But it is.


The play of a Sith Assassin/Jedi Shadow vs. Sith Sorcerer/Jedi Consular is completely different. The difference between a WoW Rogue and Mage different.


Same with Sith Warrior/Jedi Guardian vs. Sith Juggernaut/Jedi Sentinel is like the difference between a WoW Death Knight and a Warrior.


That doesn't mean much. Playing an enhancement shaman in wow is completely different than playing an elemental shaman. Playing a moonkin druid is completely different than playing a feral druid. Still the same classes. Besides, the big defining thing about SWTOR is the class quests. If the class quest is the same than the class is the same.

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This like asking Bliz for them to let you switch your MAGE into a WARLOCK. OMG the quests are the same, I shouldn't have to redo it.


NO, you can't. They aren't the same class. Re-roll.


Ignorant request is ignorant.

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Considering you can without rushing solo your way lvl 1-30 in under 24 hours /played (thats only 1 full day of playing) I do not believe the OP (or anyone else) needs the ability to respec AC atm. This game is so fast to level in so just roll another char and put in the minimal effort needed to get to level 50. Edited by Sorrowsongg
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If people level there charecter to 40 or 50 after the first month, find there not really enjoying the advanced class they had chosen, they will reroll or quit, if they quit thats less money in the game, which means LESS content being created for everyone to enjoy, simple economics the more popular a game is the more content you get added


Ive yet to see one person state ONE negative effect of allowing a respec as i described.


All people can do is go no NO NO i dont want that wah!


Come on, stop makign stupid statements and backup what you are saying.


Ive clearly shown allowing AC respecs is good for the economy of game, good for every gamer because that leads to more content. And its good for the indevidual. Ive also clearly stated it should be on at LEAST a monthly timer so you cant flip all the time.


Give me clear objections and intelligent argument instead of just saying no.


I will tell you, its extremely simple and not stupid as your statements that if someone decided that he don't want to play rogue(shadow) anymore but wants to play priest(sage) he must be able to click a button and make the change happen or else he will quit the game and the content of the game will become less as result.

If AC swapping is allowed game classes from 8 will become 4 and this will ruin a ton of diversity in the game just because some ppl CBA to level different class like in every other MMO in the world and whine to have 2 classes tied together. I know this is not as intelligent as "If AC swapping is not allowed the game content will become significantly less." but still i'm trying to be intelligent too :p

Edited by SBite
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did you see the price of a VIP wristband?


If they do put in AC swap, you won't be getting it for 100k credits. Try millions.


Heck at 50, skill tree respecs cost nearly 100k (99800) when maxed.


Also the idea that was being thrown around was an AC respec that would be out of reach by level 20 as far as costs go. Then I think I heard an interview where they just decided against it all together.

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Keep in mind, there are 8 classes per faction in this game... Not 4. Asking for this is comparable to asking to switch from say, Rogue > Hunter (WoW reference)


Not to mention... People who have leveled both options to high levels will have a seriously negative response. I myself have rolled pretty much every class to a certain extent and they are all very different play styles from each other. Similar core but outcome is quite different. QQ less, Reroll and enjoy the legacy feature if you really HAVE to tank for the noobs you decide to surround yourself with.

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Heck at 50, skill tree respecs cost nearly 100k (99800) when maxed.


Also the idea that was being thrown around was an AC respec that would be out of reach by level 20 as far as costs go. Then I think I heard an interview where they just decided against it all together.


The way it looks in this game they try to make 1K credits be the relative equivalent of 1G in that other game :p

Edited by SBite
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You pick your REAL class at 10, just like in Aion.


There are 8 classes in this game, not 4. Being able to change your AC would be like turning your WoW rogue into a druid because they're the two leather-wearing classes.



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WTB Advanced Class respec, having to deal with pug tanks has shaked my will to live. Feels like "WOW" all over again. So yeh give me the ability to pay a large sum of credits to change, heck i'll even part with my 100k to stop these painful experiences.


Inb4 level to 38 again.




"I don't have a guild or know how to use the friend system to find competent players so give us AC respecs, plox."




And what happens when you respec to tank and all of the healers suck? Will you ask to be able to change your normal class, then?

Edited by TheRealDestian
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Firmly against AC change.

If you have a sentinel DPS and have decided that you want to tank all of sudden go ahead and make a Vanguard tank, and be pleased you have a good tank and a good DPS among your characters (classes mentioned are only an example).

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Why would this be a bad thing?


Because sooner or later, when someone finally tells the general populace that the fastest route to level 50 is "insert advanced class here"; you'll have a glut of that class. Let's use an example (completely made up).


"Assassin is the fastest way to 50!"


"Awesome! (level to 50)"


"Aww, we're at level 50 content and we'll only take a healer in our group!"


"Sweet!" (Changes to Sorcerer)


(Has no clue how to effectively heal, and isn't geared correctly.)


See, where this is going? This is effectively like buying a level 50 character.


Not to mention, if I had to fight you for loot rolls the entire time I was levelling, only to find out you jumped ship with all the items I should have gotten because you had no intention of staying in the class? Yeah, that might affect my enjoyment a bit.

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Im for it i see no problem with going from a melee dps to tank or caster dps to healer or a range dps to a healer plus you would have to regear which would be a pain in the *** and the ref. of wow like DK to shammy how is that even close to a jedi guardian to a sentinel.


My main point is though you need more choices in the game for it to be fun for all what im seeing most of in the forums are no we want no choices we want it to be a pain in the *** to play this game.

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WTB Advanced Class respec, having to deal with pug tanks has shaked my will to live. Feels like "WOW" all over again. So yeh give me the ability to pay a large sum of credits to change, heck i'll even part with my 100k to stop these painful experiences.


Inb4 level to 38 again.


There's a quest to do this in-game already.

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I dont see the issue, it will help with finding groups if anything ...


You probably don't see issue to change between all 8 advanced classes but it doesn't mean there is no problem with it and its good for fun game with characters and classes that have diversity/differentiation/uniqueness and as result the longevity of the game.


Don't ppl that want AC swapping realize that even if it looks good initially, how fast this game will become boring if you can be everything and like everyone else from day 1?

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