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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Petition to make the ewok not buy able by cc


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If it's fun, who cares how long it takes?

Because everyone has different ideas of what is fun. If you think 20 minute travel is fun, then do it.


The other travel times, like a 30 minute run through dangerous, hostile territory in a wide-open world, does not exist in TOR. You couldn't impose that on yourself if you tried.

Yes, you're out of luck there. Guess you'll have to go back to EQ.


Or wait, you could walk through dangerous territory in TOR.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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All this hassle over a <GASP> video game. You do understand that real life and the real "earnings" occur over your shoulder in that physical space called "The Real World". We shouldn't have to waste 18 months and hundreds of /played time just for something as cosmetic as a companion available to EVERYONE.


Maybe you need to spend less time trying to limit the choices of other players and more time accepting the fact that not everyone should have to play the game.


This is what I hear you saying.

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If it's fun, who cares how long it takes?


Sitting in a boat for 20-30 minutes wasn't fun, and that kind of time sink is best gone forever.


The other travel times, like a 30 minute run through dangerous, hostile territory in a wide-open world, does not exist in TOR. You couldn't impose that on yourself if you tried.


Maybe the first few times you make that run... but when you get to the fifth, sixth, seventh, etc times - it's just a chore. I did play EQ, I had some fun times with some of those long runs before the introduction of Planes of Power, but that didn't stop me being relieved when the Plane of Knowledge opened up and made the world that much more accessible.


And yes, you can impose such runs on yourself in SWTOR. They might not be as dangerous as the runs in EQ were, but you can impose that tedium on yourself. You don't have to use speeders or mounts (or even sprint!), and some of the zones are quite large.

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There are some things MMO's have done in the past that were bad. Time sinks are one of the big ones. Corpse runs, slow travel, lootable PC's, perma-death...these were all time sinks that apparently seemed like a good idea at some point to some one but were not fun.


Fun. What most people fail to realize...or even remember...is that when something isn't fun (in the context of a game), people won't do it.


I play MMO's for entertainment. It is a relatively cheap hobby when compared to others I have even when you factor in the cost of a decent gaming computer. With the number of MMO titles out there, we have a number of options. But what really separates one MMO from another?


If a game isn't fun, people aren't going to play it. If parts of the game are not fun, steps need to be taken to fix those parts so they are fun. Unfortunately, we tend to see companies glossing over the broken, un-fun stuff and trying to add to the game instead...often creating more bits of "un-fun" in the process.


I like to gamble. I like opening presents. I find Cartel Packs to be both of these and I find them fun. But I'm also a realist and I quickly realized that a number of these "presents" were just reskinned versions of stuff from previous packs. I stopped buying Cartel Packs with anything but my monthly free allotment of CC simply because it was no longer fun to get just a slightly different version of what I'd already gotten.


Now, some people may think it is fun to spend 15 bucks on a new companion. Others may think it silly considering we already get 5 through the course of leveling and a 6th through in game achievement. A million credits seems like a lot until you realize its only 4 days of Makeb dailies worth of credits. Legacy 40 isn't terribly hard to get either...as long as you are doing stuff in game. In fact, if someone has been playing since the legacy system came into place they should be at legacy 40 just from doing dailies and rep grinds.


But are rep grinds and constant leveling fun? I can honestly say the minimal amount of time it takes me to earn 15 bucks isn't fun. It isn't horribly un-fun or it wouldn't be my job, but I'd much rather be doing something else. I'd much rather achieve something through game play because even a bad day of playing an MMO (or fishing) beats a good day at work. But maybe there are people out there who find earning real money is more fun than grinding out a million credits and 40 legacy levels. I know they exist, my father was one of those. Every day he went to work was the best day because he got to fly. It was his passion and his single biggest enjoyment outside of his family. If he had to chose between working overtime or grinding out a million credits in an MMO I know he would choose the overtime.


Fun is subjective, but there does come a fun/cost ratio that people might not realize exists but which does shade their decisions. If someone thinks simply buying a new companion is fun then great, let them buy it. As long as it is also able to be earned in game through achievement it would appear to be the best of both worlds.


Instead of asking that the ewok companion not be able to be bought with CC, perhaps the OP should instead be asking that CM items be able to be earned through in game achievement by subscribers. That way people who want to achieve things have the option and EA/BW gets their subscription dollars. Were this indeed an option, I'd stop complaining about how much effort is being put into CM market art to the detriment of game earned item art.


Because I find earning something to be infinitely more fun than simply buying it.

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Instead of asking that the ewok companion not be able to be bought with CC, perhaps the OP should instead be asking that CM items be able to be earned through in game achievement by subscribers. That way people who want to achieve things have the option and EA/BW gets their subscription dollars. Were this indeed an option, I'd stop complaining about how much effort is being put into CM market art to the detriment of game earned item art.


So much this.

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The more I think about this, the better an idea it becomes.


If we got color boxes and cartel packs as loot for FP's and OP's, or if we got "Cartel Comms" through in game activities that could be redeemed for CC items it would render moot most of the arguments against the CM.


The only reason I could see something like this not being done is the fact that it appears the most rabid CC buyers are subscribers...

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I think keeping the legacy level requirement is good and make it so you have to pay credits the first time to unlock her. I'd say give her the HK-51 treatment where you can unlock her with credits or cartel coins on additional characters once you have her unlocked the first time with the traditional method. Instead of a questline like you get for HK-51, it would be 1million credits and a legacy level requirement of 40.
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When I went on the PTS the mission from the vendor required legacy 40 and a million credits, it could not be bought through the legacy window so I wonder if the cc option will let you bypass this. If not then this seems good. Edited by Greenify
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When I went on the PTS the mission from the vendor required legacy 40 and a million credits, it could not be bought through the legacy window so I wonder if the cc option will let you bypass this. If not then this seems good.

According to Eric, it will be availbe in the Legacy Window AND the Cartel Market. It is not in the Market just yet, and will not require the legacy level to use.

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According to Eric, it will be availbe in the Legacy Window AND the Cartel Market. It is not in the Market just yet, and will not require the legacy level to use.


Did he say this? the only quote I saw was that it was possible to buy with cc.

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Did he say this? the only quote I saw was that it was possible to buy with cc.

His statement clearly shows two available options to acquire and use the Ewok. Being in the CM means it will likely be like 98% of CM items which are purchasable and usable without a legacy level. I'm guessing once it is unlocked, there will likely be a "per character" unlock which will also be available.


People need to stop advocating limitations for their fellow players and allow others to play the game as they see fit.

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I should have made myself clear, I don't mind the option for the cc if the legacy requirement is still present.


Okay, I won't be advocating for something that doesn't concern me.

IMO CC option shouldn't have restrictions, it's how business work (not to mention, if I would like to create new char on different server, I'd like to have him as companion) - but I won't be argumenting about it as it doesnt concern me. (and please don't quote this part to argue with pros and cons, I just stated my opinion what I think, not what I think/want it should be in game)


Sorry for my outburst then, I get annoyed when some one is telling me how I can spend my money (even if it's virtual).

Edited by Atramar
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His statement clearly shows two available options to acquire and use the Ewok. Being in the CM means it will likely be like 98% of CM items which are purchasable and usable without a legacy level. I'm guessing once it is unlocked, there will likely be a "per character" unlock which will also be available.


People need to stop advocating limitations for their fellow players and allow others to play the game as they see fit.



HK could not be bought before the mission was done, from what I saw the ewok could not be bought via the legacy before the "mission" was done, (buy the contract and activate on the fleet)

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HK could not be bought before the mission was done, from what I saw the ewok could not be bought via the legacy before the "mission" was done, (buy the contract and activate on the fleet)

From the sound of it, the CM will be selling the completed contract and bypassing any legacy requirements just to give all players the option to get Treek.

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From the sound of it, the CM will be selling the completed contract and bypassing any legacy requirements just to give all players the option to get Treek.


"from the sound of it" what are you referring to, I am going by what I have seen on the pts and by what they did with HK

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"from the sound of it" what are you referring to, I am going by what I have seen on the pts and by what they did with HK

Well, from what I "saw":


you will be able to acquire Treek via Cartel Market if you so choose.

So, rather than debating the possible translations, I see this as "I can open the CM and buy the Ewok".

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Well, from what I "saw":



So, rather than debating the possible translations, I see this as "I can open the CM and buy the Ewok".


Do you consider HK as being able to be purchased by the cartel market?

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Well, from what I "saw":



So, rather than debating the possible translations, I see this as "I can open the CM and buy the Ewok".


The other poster is just as correct as you are. This could go either way. HK required you unlocked it by playing the game before you could unlock it with cartel purchase. It could be just the same with Treek. You might need to unlock it in game before you can purchase it in the CM. You would still be able to purchase it in the CM once the contract is completed and the dev statement would still ring true. It could also be just like you said and could be straight purchase no reqs involved.


We will just have to wait and see but either one of you could be right. Dev statements are almost never clear.

Edited by Soluss
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No. Since I cannot make a purchase, right click, and use without any pre-requisites.


That's where you would be wrong. It can indeed be purchased on the CM. Sure, you have to play the game first but it can still be purchased. You cannot purchase anything on the CM without making a character first so I guess nothing can be purchased on the CM in your eyes.

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His statement clearly shows two available options to acquire and use the Ewok. Being in the CM means it will likely be like 98% of CM items which are purchasable and usable without a legacy level. I'm guessing once it is unlocked, there will likely be a "per character" unlock which will also be available.


People need to stop advocating limitations for their fellow players and allow others to play the game as they see fit.


I have to search for forum post pre CM. Noone would believe what the forum has become within a few months. People spend a hugh amount of cash and calling it "playing the game".

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That's where you would be wrong. It can indeed be purchased on the CM. Sure, you have to play the game first but it can still be purchased. You cannot purchase anything on the CM without making a character first so I guess nothing can be purchased on the CM in your eyes.

Character creation as a pre-requisite is just semantics. At this point I am just tired of arguing with people who don't want to see all players have options. So... as of this moment, I am done with this topic. Not sure what bothers me more players who want to limit other people's options, or the players who agree with the oppression.


If Treek sells on the CM without any restrictions, I will gladly pay cash for 5 of them (one for each of my characters) regardless of the CC price. If they are locked to Legacy Level 40, then I guess BW gets a limited group of happy elitist players, and I save myself $200 at the CM.

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Character creation as a pre-requisite is just semantics. At this point I am just tired of arguing with people who don't want to see all players have options. So... as of this moment, I am done with this topic. Not sure what bothers me more players who want to limit other people's options, or the players who agree with the oppression.


If Treek sells on the CM without any restrictions, I will gladly pay cash for 5 of them (one for each of my characters) regardless of the CC price. If they are locked to Legacy Level 40, then I guess BW gets a limited group of happy elitist players, and I save myself $200 at the CM.


I think you've mistaken "taking away options" with "limiting the options".

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Character creation as a pre-requisite is just semantics. At this point I am just tired of arguing with people who don't want to see all players have options. So... as of this moment, I am done with this topic. Not sure what bothers me more players who want to limit other people's options, or the players who agree with the oppression.


If Treek sells on the CM without any restrictions, I will gladly pay cash for 5 of them (one for each of my characters) regardless of the CC price. If they are locked to Legacy Level 40, then I guess BW gets a limited group of happy elitist players, and I save myself $200 at the CM.


Wait, how is it oppressive to have to play the game to get something in the game?

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Character creation as a pre-requisite is just semantics. At this point I am just tired of arguing with people who don't want to see all players have options. So... as of this moment, I am done with this topic. Not sure what bothers me more players who want to limit other people's options, or the players who agree with the oppression.


If Treek sells on the CM without any restrictions, I will gladly pay cash for 5 of them (one for each of my characters) regardless of the CC price. If they are locked to Legacy Level 40, then I guess BW gets a limited group of happy elitist players, and I save myself $200 at the CM.


Well dude, you were arguing with semantics on the HK thing just the same. Im all for options for players but bypassing content I am not all for. It has nothing to do with being elitist. It has everything to do with turning a game from a game into dressup shop on the fleet. The more a game turns into dressup the less of a game it becomes.


As for your second paragraph..... Having legacy 40 is not elitist. It is not hard to aquire... it is a result of playing the game and not standing on the fleet playing dress up. Even if you only play 30 mins a day you could get there over time. No it wont take years... it just requires you actually do activities. Dailies are one of the biggest sources of legacy out there as well as rolling alts. If you are not doing these things then you aren't playing to game. I don't care what money you will throw at bioware. Noone on these forums care what money you are throwing at bioware. You keep talking about how much money you spend like its some big deal though. Who is the elitist here? There are many more people that play the game then play dress up. There are many more then that, that do both. There are only about 3 people on these forums that are whining about wanting to throw cash for it so your threat is pretty small.

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