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Petition to make the ewok not buy able by cc


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Come now, it takes effort to make money IRL. Its ridiculously more efficient to buy into the game than play for it, time-wise.


If it boring, I skip. If not, I play. What I don't like in this debacle is no choice of playing. Its either buy with credits or buy with CC. Where be that epic quest line to unlock Treek first before buying one way or the other?

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You'd rather throw money around than actually put forth any effort?


An ironic attitude considering your signature.

A video game is hardly an overwhelming obstacle. More like an underwhelming diversion. An overwhelming obstacle was learning to use my left arm again after a wall collapsed on me after a bomb explosion. Or my sister fighting for her life with Cancer and beating it after 8 years. If you think some silly little game is an overwhelming obstacle, you might want to rethink your priorities. I have better things to do than focus my life on a kids game from a popular franchise.

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A video game is hardly an overwhelming obstacle. More like an underwhelming diversion. An overwhelming obstacle was learning to use my left arm again after a wall collapsed on me after a bomb explosion. Or my sister fighting for her life with Cancer and beating it after 8 years. If you think some silly little game is an overwhelming obstacle, you might want to rethink your priorities. I have better things to do than focus my life on a kids game from a popular franchise.



seriously guys, THIS IS A VIDEO GAME


stop equating it to more than what it is...entertainment





btw can you pm me the title of your book, it seems like a interesting premise

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You'd rather throw money around than actually put forth any effort?


An ironic attitude considering your signature.


A person throwing money at a game has definitely put in effort. It's called working. Someone who is doing this magical thing called working might not have enough time to grind multiple characters (or run instances, do pvp or whatever else you can do to level legacy) to cap in order to level their legacy in a reasonable amount of time. They should absolutely have the option to throw money at the game to get the fluffy things they want.


Just to put my response into a little perspective - I've been playing since launch, first on Harbinger, now on Dalborra, and probably shortly back on Harbinger again. I have a level 36 legacy (which I better keep when I get merged back into Harbinger, or I'll be very upset), despite taking a HUGE break from SWTOR from about May last year, til about early June this year. I play alts when I do play, and have no interest in PvP or end game PvE (well I do have an interest in the latter, but my play times are not consistent with guilds doing end game content, usually, even on the APAC server - this little thing called life, you know). I may well have a high enough legacy level to get Treek or whatever her name is on Legacy alone by the time she's in the game. But you know what? I won't bother, Ewoks leave me absolutely cold. But that doesn't mean I don't want her in the game, people who want her should absolutely have her.

Edited by Zandilar
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A person throwing money at a game has definitely put in effort. It's called working. Someone who is doing this magical thing called working might not have enough time to grind multiple characters (or run instances, do pvp or whatever else you can do to level legacy) to cap in order to level their legacy in a reasonable amount of time. They should absolutely have the option to throw money at the game to get the fluffy things they want.


Just to put my response into a little perspective - I've been playing since launch, first on Harbinger, now on Dalborra, and probably shortly back on Harbinger again. I have a level 36 legacy (which I better keep when I get merged back into Harbinger, or I'll be very upset), despite taking a HUGE break from SWTOR from about May last year, til about early June this year. I play alts when I do play, and have no interest in PvP or end game PvE (well I do have an interest in the latter, but my play times are not consistent with guilds doing end game content, usually, even on the APAC server - this little thing called life, you know). I may well have a high enough legacy level to get Treek or whatever her name is on Legacy alone by the time she's in the game. But you know what? I won't bother, Ewoks leave me absolutely cold. But that doesn't mean I don't want her in the game, people who want her should absolutely have her.


Where is it written that simply logging into the game entitles a player to everything they want, let alone entitles that player to have what they want NOW.


Effort in one area does not translate into rewards in another. Can I earn valor 70 by running OPS? No, the rewards for running OPS are PVE gear. Can I earn the BIS Kell Dragon gear by PVP'ing? No, you can earn valor ranks and PVP gear.


The reward for effort put forth at work is your paycheck. Does that entitle you legacy 40? No more than having legacy 40 would entitle yo to a week's pay.


I work also, and have been playing since early access myself. I have maybe 3-4 hours a week to play due to my work schedule, family obligations, other interests, etc. I do not have legacy 40, in fact I just hit legacy 30. It will take me months to reach legacy 40. It would be much quicker for me to simply throw money at BW to bypass the legacy 40 requirement, but unlike many of the posters in this thread and similar threads, I'm not here asking to be able to have Treek now without reaching legacy 40. I would like to see that requirement remain in place and allow the use of either credits or CC's to purchase Treek, once that requirement has been met.

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Where is it written that simply logging into the game entitles a player to everything they want, let alone entitles that player to have what they want NOW.


Effort in one area does not translate into rewards in another. Can I earn valor 70 by running OPS? No, the rewards for running OPS are PVE gear. Can I earn the BIS Kell Dragon gear by PVP'ing? No, you can earn valor ranks and PVP gear.


The reward for effort put forth at work is your paycheck. Does that entitle you legacy 40? No more than having legacy 40 would entitle yo to a week's pay.


I work also, and have been playing since early access myself. I have maybe 3-4 hours a week to play due to my work schedule, family obligations, other interests, etc. I do not have legacy 40, in fact I just hit legacy 30. It will take me months to reach legacy 40. It would be much quicker for me to simply throw money at BW to bypass the legacy 40 requirement, but unlike many of the posters in this thread and similar threads, I'm not here asking to be able to have Treek now without reaching legacy 40. I would like to see that requirement remain in place and allow the use of either credits or CC's to purchase Treek, once that requirement has been met.

You just don't want anyone to have anything unless they've put in the effort that you put in. A bit self centered and narcissistic if you ask me. But, since your fall back answer is always "<GASP> They put in no effort", I have no choice but to stop responding. You can't even admit, on the smallest of levels that it is ok for someone else to play the game in a way OTHER than how you play.


You are using YOUR time in the game as a measuring stick, rather than understand people are individuals and will likely never mimic the style of others, especially at their demand. There have been other men in history who thought and acted just like you. Their armies fell with their egos. So yeah, I am done with this topic. I will buy Treek with CC when she hits the CM, and will make sure to purchase one for all 3 of my characters... using only CC thanks to Bioware.

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I'm not saying it is a bad thing to have one or more lvl 40+ legacies... but I have a 55, a 40, a 25, and a 13 and I am only legacy level 13. I don't have time for OPs, WZs, FPs, and other items that would help advance my legacy. I just don't have the kind of time necessary like others to dedicate to a video game. If I get 6-8 hours a week to play, I consider myself lucky. In the end, people need to understand the companion was intended to go into the CM OR a Legacy. It should not have to be one or the other. People with Legacies have the same option to spend cartel coins. But BW allowed CC usage for people who did not have a high level Legacy and a million creds, and vice versa. People need to stop trying to take away other people's options. They're acting almost as insane as the Westboro Baptist Church.


The point I'm making is it isn't hard to get even to legacy level 40. Even with my some what limited time to play I have managed to get multiple servers to the benchmark needed for getting the new fur ball. And don't mistake my saying the legacy level requirement is pretty easy to attain as saying that you shouldn't be able to purchase the Ewok. Either in this thread or one of its cousins currently cluttering up the Gen Forums I have said I have no issue with it being a CC purchase or in game purchase. I am merely commenting on your premise making it sound like its a difficult achievement and only elitist s who don't want others to have what they have while spending tons of time in game are the people countering you. However with that said, I do think the legacy level requirement should stand for both in game and CC purchase. And as I have said in previous posts, you can argue that the legacy level requirement should be a bit lower, but that's an argument for a different thread really.

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You just don't want anyone to have anything unless they've put in the effort that you put in. A bit self centered and narcissistic if you ask me. But, since your fall back answer is always "<GASP> They put in no effort", I have no choice but to stop responding. You can't even admit, on the smallest of levels that it is ok for someone else to play the game in a way OTHER than how you play.


You are using YOUR time in the game as a measuring stick, rather than understand people are individuals and will likely never mimic the style of others, especially at their demand. There have been other men in history who thought and acted just like you. Their armies fell with their egos. So yeah, I am done with this topic. I will buy Treek with CC when she hits the CM, and will make sure to purchase one for all 3 of my characters... using only CC thanks to Bioware.


It is one thing for 2 players playing the same game to have different goals, or to want to play the game differently.


It is something else entirely for a player to ask to be handed everything they want simply for throwing money around.


Some people cannot see that the former is PLAYING the game, and the latter is "BUYING" the game. Some people cannot understand that not everything should be for sale.


And, in case you missed it, I've not put in the effort to get Treek yet. As I said earlier, I do NOT have legacy 40 yet. I just hit legacy 30. I'm still working on my legacy levels, but I am willing to wait until I hit legacy 40 to unlock that companion. How does that make me narcissistic and self centered? I'm not trying to keep anyone from having something I have. I do not care who has this new companion. I do, however, care HOW those players obtained this companion and whether they threw money at BW to bypass the in game requirement, "BUYING" the game rather than PLAYING the game.

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Holding something for the higher level legacies is hardly unfair. If you put the time in, you should be rewarded for it. The game can't be all carrot and no stick, or else people won't DO anything. It was a pain in the *** to get my legacy where I am now, and dammit, I want something special, besides a title underneath my nameplate.
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Where is it written that simply logging into the game entitles a player to everything they want, let alone entitles that player to have what they want NOW.


The Cartel Market itself? There are items that are not available anywhere in the game that you can buy for real money. I mean, you can't even access Section X as a free player without unlocking it (by buying it on the Cartel Market), so therefore you can't get HK without spending money, unless you're a subscriber and guess what? You're still spending money for the "privilege"! Sure, what you're paying for is a quest chain which must be done, but if you get enough friends (level 55 cap now!) to come and help you, it's not really much of an effort, is it? Once that's done you can simply buy him for each of your alts for cartel coins.


(Pre-post edit: Wait a second... Was there a legacy level requirement for HK? (*squints trying to remember* 25?) And is it still in place for free players? If so... hmm... I could be wrong.)


I work also, and have been playing since early access myself. I have maybe 3-4 hours a week to play due to my work schedule, family obligations, other interests, etc. I do not have legacy 40, in fact I just hit legacy 30. It will take me months to reach legacy 40. It would be much quicker for me to simply throw money at BW to bypass the legacy 40 requirement, but unlike many of the posters in this thread and similar threads, I'm not here asking to be able to have Treek now without reaching legacy 40. I would like to see that requirement remain in place and allow the use of either credits or CC's to purchase Treek, once that requirement has been met.


But why? How does someone else buying Treek from the CM possibly effect your play? You can just grind out the legacy over a longer period of time. Maybe you might even get more satisfaction out of it in the long term... But how someone else plays their game really has no impact on you, unless they're really cheating somehow (like hacks, bots, gold farming etc).

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Apologies, I was reading multiple threads and posted on the smaller one of the ewok threads...copied below.


Why anyone would spend cartel coins or in game cash for one of these staggers me.


You will be one of 100's stood around on the fleet with fury little pets at their sides.


The people will no Ewok, will be the unique people.


Ewok's should of been implemented as part of one classes story line, in the past or in the future. I don't see people crying about everyone wanting a Wookie or a Jawa?


It is the hype of the CM that will flood our beautiful universe with these fury little annoyances!


You are being told that you want one!

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I feel that as of now, there's too little meaning in achieving a high legacy lvl and giving me just the one title at lvl 50 doesn't quite cut it IMO. Same goes for being a subscriber since release. Having something nice in the game that can only be obtained by loyally supporting SWTOR for a long time would make many of us happy and the Ewok would've been a great possibility to give us just that.

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I remember when folks campaigned for permadeath, player looting and corpse runs to remain. They lamented the loss and indicated catering to lazy players would spell doom for the industry.


Imagine that. If you want to protect your gear and loot, avoid having to reroll after death and not have to run to your corpse to collect your goods you were considered "lazy"


Interesting how many of those same arguments are being used now.

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The Ewok is fluff; pure fluff. Every class has a healing companions. Companions at the max level are used only for dailies and you probably can solo those anyway.


This is PRIME CM Material; what you are failing to realize is that this is just another CM item; you should feel lucky that they gave you a way to get to it from the Legacy system at all.


What bothers me more about this addition (other than the fact that it is being portrayed as a non-CM update despite the fact that it is PURELY a CM addition) is that it doesn't really fit with the Lore does it? If Ewok's were out in space at this point in time; why are they such primitives thousands of years from now?


Also; whats worse, Pandas or Ewoks? TBH I vote Sith Lord with an Ewok chasing him around.

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The Ewok is fluff; pure fluff. Every class has a healing companions. Companions at the max level are used only for dailies and you probably can solo those anyway.


This is PRIME CM Material; what you are failing to realize is that this is just another CM item; you should feel lucky that they gave you a way to get to it from the Legacy system at all.


What bothers me more about this addition (other than the fact that it is being portrayed as a non-CM update despite the fact that it is PURELY a CM addition) is that it doesn't really fit with the Lore does it? If Ewok's were out in space at this point in time; why are they such primitives thousands of years from now?


Also; whats worse, Pandas or Ewoks? TBH I vote Sith Lord with an Ewok chasing him around.


It took less then a year and people say we should be glad that we get something outside of the CM. God i miss the old days. As long as legacy 40 is still needed i am happy with the CM option.

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Whether or not Ewok stays on the CM is irrelevant


The complaint IMO is not the actual Ewok it's that we need to see some acheivments or reward for legacy that is not tied to the cartel market


If you want to ignore legacy system, fine at least create new quests or collections that give rewards


Just give us some stuff to earn that can't be bought; that is the only reason I wanted the EWOK to begin with


Personally just buying him in the CM just makes him another cm item and IMO I will just stick with what I have in that case.


Besides he is only going to follow me around fleet anyway

I never leave that place for anything but warzones/flashpoints lol

Edited by kirorx
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It took less then a year and people say we should be glad that we get something outside of the CM. God i miss the old days. As long as legacy 40 is still needed i am happy with the CM option.


I fully agree with you; I am stating the facts above just to bring that to your attention. Do not be fooled by this furry little creature; it is just another cash grab.


Give us some GOOD Unique Non-CM Content (Which isn't a freaking Daily Quest hub either ...)


Howabout some class quests? Another chapter anyone?

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Having something nice in the game that can only be obtained by loyally supporting SWTOR for a long time would make many of us happy and the Ewok would've been a great possibility to give us just that.


1) The Ewok is designed and intended for everyone.


2) If you want something "nice" for being so "special"... how about ask for it rather then operate on the principle of denying, something intended for everyone, to others??


And whatever happened to "satisfaction" being it's own reward?

Edited by Andryah
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Besides he is only going to follow me around fleet anyway

I never leave that place for anything but warzones/flashpoints lol


So in your particular case, Treek is a bad investment either path to access. :D


In essence... they should to pay you to a Treek off their hands. :p


I'm actually surprised that more people are not complaining about them releasing a new companion...since many are similar to yourself and do not use companions much at all anymore. :)

Edited by Andryah
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1) The Ewok is designed and intended for everyone.


2) If you want something "nice" for being so "special"... how about ask for it rather then operate on the principle of denying, something intended for everyone, to others??


And whatever happened to "satisfaction" being it's own reward?

Error on (1)


The Ewok is designed and intended to be a cash grab. By inflating the Legacy Level requirement it all-but-forces most casual players into spending CCs; by having a large credit cost it also adds to this same push to spend CCs.


The real question is why people think anything "nice" or "special" would be available from outside the CM. The basis of the CM is to give visual distinction to those willing to pay; if the "nice" or "special" is based on the appearance then you should realize this is 100% based on spending CCs not spending time in the game but by supporting Bioware through the CM (not your subscription)

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You mean solo content?


Because they are releasing new Non-CM content and have been since November.


I mean the one thing they did really well in this game; The Class Quests. Everything else has been a cheap knock-off of content done by other games who frankly do it better.

Edited by KimbeFett
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I don't care how ppl get their items.

You only buy it with credits anyway its no quest to get it like hk so why bother?

I can buy a bunch of cartel packs sell them on the gtn and then buy the eeok do that make you feel better?

I suspected thst no was your answer so stop complaining he is only a companion not a full set of 75 armour.

Personally if we shall rant about "p2w" I feel that the starship 7 grade upgrades buyable with cc was 10 times worse than this!

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