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Reusable Impeccable Medpac


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Really Really &^#$'s ME OFF how its only once per fight, id never actually noticed it said it for the 450 version.


I was in a 3v1 vs repub on Makeb and i had killed 2, the last guy had 10% hp and i was 10% with no force left.


Went to use medpac because the timer would of been up again (fight was a good 3 minutes, but GREYED OUT!!!


i didnt become 450 bio so that my unlimited use medpacs couldnt ^%#$@ING WORK!!!


Pissed me off so much. you have no idea. to almost beat 3 vs 1 inc the companions, i would have been wrapped..


damnit bioware.

Edited by Arox
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all medpack are unsable only once by combat....


Why the hell arnt they reusable during a fight?


it makes NO sense.. its a reusable & unlimited use medpac. why give it a cooldown at all. if you cant bloody use it.


ive never been in a situation before in open world pvp vs 3 repub when im by myself and ive needed to use my medpac twice. But this moment proved to me that i needed it, and i couldnt use it. and thats why im pissed, because i should be able to.

Edited by Arox
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I have a stack of 354 medpacks , i still can't use a second one even if the fight has been going on for 3 minutes, though i still have 353 left.


There is no other logic to be found than that devoted to balancing the game.

Edited by Ajuntalee
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Why the hell arnt they reusable during a fight?


it makes NO sense.. its a reusable & unlimited use medpac. why give it a cooldown at all. if you cant bloody use it.


ive never been in a situation before in open world pvp vs 3 repub when im by myself and ive needed to use my medpac twice. But this moment proved to me that i needed it, and i couldnt use it. and thats why im pissed, because i should be able to.


It's reusable in the fact that you don't have to keep crafting medpacs....thats the perk to biochem. Outside of that, all medpacs can only be used once during combat and resets when combat is ended. This change was made around 1.2 to make raids more difficult because BW is incapable of doing balancing raids around medpac timers. I remember when that patch went live... I hated it.

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Thanks for not just trolling me to death guys.


I was just so close to having the ultimate FEEL! being victorious against 3 foes in open world pvp. (doesnt happen much)


but it was destroyed.. oooooh the sad feels

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Thanks for not just trolling me to death guys.


I was just so close to having the ultimate FEEL! being victorious against 3 foes in open world pvp. (doesnt happen much)


but it was destroyed.. oooooh the sad feels


Just know that it was your ultimate skill, strategy, and dedication that gave you that win.


Oh, wait :p


On a more serious note, he couldn't've used a medpac either.


Also reroll vigilance. They get around 50% of their health every minute without medpacs (Although that requires someone to guardian leap to).

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Just know that it was your ultimate skill, strategy, and dedication that gave you that win.


Oh, wait :p


On a more serious note, he couldn't've used a medpac either.


Also reroll vigilance. They get around 50% of their health every minute without medpacs (Although that requires someone to guardian leap to).


Intercede/Guardian Leap only provides 8% of your health every 20 seconds, and only if you have the 2pc Vindicator PvP set bonus. That's still only 24%, and only if there is a friendly around (such as a companion).


You don't have to be Vengeance/Vigilance to have it, you could be a tank or a smasher and use the set bonus as well. IMO it's one of the best (if not THE best) set bonuses in the entire game.


At any rate... it is a bit silly that on a PvP server you cannot use PvP medpacks outside of Warzones, and it's even sillier that you cannot use a medpack off CD.

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Really Really &^#$'s ME OFF how its only once per fight, id never actually noticed it said it for the 450 version.


I was in a 3v1 vs repub on Makeb and i had killed 2, the last guy had 10% hp and i was 10% with no force left.


Went to use medpac because the timer would of been up again (fight was a good 3 minutes, but GREYED OUT!!!


i didnt become 450 bio so that my unlimited use medpacs couldnt ^%#$@ING WORK!!!


Pissed me off so much. you have no idea. to almost beat 3 vs 1 inc the companions, i would have been wrapped..


damnit bioware.


Medpacs have been usable once for fight for months

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Because it makes raid boss fights trivial. This is a PvE game first.


Yes, because warzone medpacs make PVE boss fights trivial. GG Biofail. :rolleyes:


(Why wz medpacs were included in that change when they were clearly irrelevant to the desired balance change, I can only guess...)

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Yes, because warzone medpacs make PVE boss fights trivial. GG Biofail. :rolleyes:


(Why wz medpacs were included in that change when they were clearly irrelevant to the desired balance change, I can only guess...)


Because then it increase how stupid ranked PvP stalemates are.

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i agree its incredibly stupid. but PvEers at the beginning of the game complained that Operations were too easy, and part of that was having a resource free heal for 5k every 90s. so the devs made it so you could only use it once every engagement.


And warzone medpacs were not germane to that PVE QQing. Since they can only be used in PVP areas, and ops are not PVP areas. So there was no reason to include warzone medpacs in that change whatsoever, yet Biofail did.


For extra hilarity, consider Biofail coming along six months later and giving sorcs a 5k resource-free heal every THIRTY seconds! (Granted that was to address sorc's then-shortcomings in PVP if I am not mistaken, but still undermines the whole "we can't have reusables for PVE" argument.)

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i agree its incredibly stupid. but PvEers at the beginning of the game complained that Operations were too easy, and part of that was having a resource free heal for 5k every 90s. so the devs made it so you could only use it once every engagement.




Then don't use the medpac!


I don't understand how people could go and say that operations are too easy due to something.... just stop doing it, and it "gets harder"; even though operations are all easy, all they do is change some multipliers. But it's not hard to solo the final boss of the NM newest operation. The mechanics I'll bet are just as easy as any other fight, the numbers are just off a bit.


TL;DR if the operations are too easy then make them harder, don't make medpacs worse....

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Guys, this isn't debatable.. It is a fact that they changed medpacs to once per fight because it made raids trivial. It doesn't have to make sense. More so, they aren't going to revert the changes. Edited by JackNader
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Guys, this isn't debatable.. It is a fact that they changed medpacs to once per fight because it made raids trivial. It doesn't have to make sense. More so, they aren't going to revert the changes.


Agree ^ but the overreacters want to come in here and rage at "Biofail" at something very trivial. This is almost as bad as the guy raging cause he walked into a PvP battle on a PvP server.


Rage on brothers!

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