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Friend of mine is repeatedly kicked from flashpoints because he is a F2P player. and because of restrictions. he can only equip level 50 blue mods . After all if anyone is not happy they have the option to leave without humiliating the guy with a game mechanic that promotes bad feelings and not enjoyable play


Is he trying to do HARD MODE flash points with that trash gear? If so, yes, he should be vote kicked because he will not be capable of performing his task(s) correctly.


Vote Kick should not be removed. It is the last defense against a wide range of bad things from misbehaving players through disconnects in flash points.


If your friend finds the game provides enough value that he's made it to the point he likes doing the harder flashpoints, he might consider investing a few dollars into doing it right. And into rewarding a for-profit business for producing a product he's enjoyed for many, many hours. And in so doing, helping the people who work hard to provide that great entertainment put a roof over their heads, food on their tables, and money into their kids' college fund.


i give up . i guess im the only kind hearted person on the forums today


Nope. If you were kind hearted, you would have a care for the people who work hard to bring us this great entertainment and suggest to your friend that he pay some money in exchange for the great entertainment value he's received so far.


Kind-heartedness is not myopic.

Edited by DarthTHC
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There is no way to know if you are a f2p player or not unless you tell people. So being f2p is not why your friend is being kicked.


Let me summarize. His friend is unable to get the gear REQUIRED to run these flashpoints. He is being kicked because of this.

He is not being kicked becuase he is F2P. He does not have the gear, pure and simple. He can either sub, or buy the unlock to get the gear.

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Blue gear at level (including 50) is not a restriction that will keep players from experiencing story content.


Blue gear in Hard Mode Flashpoints is nearly an impossibility. You simply cannot expect, to go into Hard Mode Flashpoints wearing level 50 leveling gear, and hope the rest of the team can carry you.


Whether the reason you are only wearing blue, is that you dont have anything better, or can't afford it in game, or can't wear anything better because of F2P restrictions is irrelevant. The simple fact is, that for whatever reason, you are undergeared for the content and therefore a liability to the team.


Now...... with regards to F2P... if you look at the model, and the restrictions, it is PLAINLY apparent, that Free-to-Play is intended for leveling. You can experience all of the storyline game content, all of the Story Mode flashpoints, and all 8 of the class stories, without opening your wallet and paying one cent to Bioware/EA. HOWEVER.... unless you are willing to either become a subscriber, or start buying some unlocks, you simply are NOT going to be doing endgame content as a Free-to-Play player. Operations (of any difficulty mode), and Hard Mode Flashpoints (all tiers) are "Endgame" content. If a free-to-player wants to experience that content, they really are unable unless they are willing to at a MINIMUM buy some unlocks, either for the content itself, or the gear needed to complete it.


TL;DR - Don't try to do endgame content as a F2P player, because that is not what it's intent is for.


This thread shouldn't really be about the applicability of the Vote Kick feature, but moreso about the unrealistic expectations that some free-to-play-players have about what features of the game they should be able to experience, without paying for it, like the rest of the endgamers do.

Edited by Ocho-Quatro
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i give up . i guess im the only kind hearted person on the forums today


If you are going to have a pity party, then yes, give up. You should at least accept the fact that if your friend is repeatedly being kicked from groups, then there are more reasons than his status as an unsubscribed player. Also, there is no reason that subscribed players should lose a tool because someone who is too cheap to pay to play the game or to buy the unlocks that would negate his supposed problems.

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i give up . i guess im the only kind hearted person on the forums today


If you are kind so kind hearted you can:

A. Buy your friend the unlock.

B. Get a group together that's willing to carry him through the flashpoint yourself.


The issue here is you want to break a feature for everyone forever because you're friend isn't doing something correctly. The kind hearted thing to do is help your friend not keep failing not ruin the game for everyone else. :rolleyes:

Edited by Arlon_Nabarlly
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i give up . i guess im the only kind hearted person on the forums today

Nice people find a way to help their friend... not screw 500k other players by having a feature removed. He can either upgrade like the rest of us, or get used to the fact that he will never be kept in a group. Choice is pretty easy and your martyr act is not needed.

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Is he trying to do HARD MODE flash points with that trash gear? If so, yes, he should be vote kicked because he will not be capable of performing his task(s) correctly.


I think you fail to realize that these flashpoints were originally balanced for level 50 blues, in fact I recall a time if you wanted the 126 rated Tionese which is now (still even though it doesn't exist any more) the recommended rating via group finder you had to grind and earn the gear in the flashpoints themselves.


The flashpoints themselves (bar LI which was nerfed countless times over) have hardly changed in the time they existed, they are still perfectly doable in blues and if you actually require purples to get through them then maybe you are trash and not the perfectly capable gear you are pointing the finger at here.

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I think you fail to realize that these flashpoints were originally balanced for level 50 blues, in fact I recall a time if you wanted the 126 rated Tionese which is now (still even though it doesn't exist any more) the recommended rating via group finder you had to grind and earn the gear in the flashpoints themselves.


The flashpoints themselves (bar LI which was nerfed countless times over) have hardly changed in the time they existed, they are still perfectly doable in blues and if you actually require purples to get through them then maybe you are trash and not the perfectly capable gear you are pointing the finger at here.


The old ones might have been balanced for blues. The new stuff... isn't.


Now take a player who obviously isn't committed to the game enough to buy the $5 or $8 or whatever it is item unlock. Do you think he's optimal in the way he plays? Has he done the research? Specced properly for his role? Learned the skill rotations & priorities? Probably not.


Now let's add onto that the evidence that he's getting vote kicked all the time per his friend's statement. Most times parties don't do a gear inspection upon entry. I can't recall the last time it happened in a group I joined and I run multiple flashpoints each night. So what is really happening is they're getting some distance into the flash point and figuring out he's not pulling his weight, THEN they're inspecting him.


So even if a good player could maybe pull it off in blues if carried by the rest of the team in adequate gear, he's probably not a good enough player to overcome the gear deficiency.

Edited by DarthTHC
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if your not happy their is an exit area button to use , no need to humiliate someone

Kicking is generally not done for the purpose of humiliating others. If someone feels humiliated by something that happens in an anonymous internet setting, they have some growing up to do, as would someone who intentionally did something in the hopes it would humiliate another.

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I think you fail to realize that these flashpoints were originally balanced for level 50 blues.


Actually, they were more balanced for purple daily com gear.


Gear Progression at Launch:


1- Hit 50 - go to Belsavis and/or Ilum and do dailies. Get coms, buy purple mods.

2- After you had a reasonable amount of dailies gear, you would hit HM Ops... it was HARD. (Remember how hard Esseles was back in March/April 2012? It was brutal.)

3- After you'd run a million FPs and had a mix of Tionese/Columi, you would go run Story Mode Eternity Vault, and STRUGGLE.


I cannot remember any time in this game's history (and I have been here since early access), where ANY endgame content, was tuned for a team full of leveling blues. Maybe a person or 2... but not a full team. And that has to be your benchmark.

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im sorry guys but vote kick was implemented before f2p gear restrictions where put in and needs to be amended or removed so that people can enjoy content without getting removed simply because some guy feels hes not up to scratch . and i will say it again YOU have the option to hit EXIT AREA if your not happy .


This does not work I've tried it before. If you re queue you will end up matched with the same group again. Besides it is a vote, which means you need to have sufficient number of players agree to it and it is easier to replace one person than three.

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Now let's add onto that the evidence that he's getting vote kicked all the time per his friend's statement. Most times parties don't do a gear inspection upon entry. I can't recall the last time it happened in a group I joined and I run multiple flashpoints each night. So what is really happening is they're getting some distance into the flash point and figuring out he's not pulling his weight, THEN they're inspecting him.


So even if a good player could maybe pull it off in blues if carried by the rest of the team in adequate gear, he's probably not that a good enough player to overcome the gear deficiency.


That's my guess as well. People just start with the flashpoint. If there are no wipes, bosses are killed, noone cares about someone else's gear.

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Maybe put in a feature like TERA and have it so you can't even queue up if you're under geared.


that would work for me . but that still leaves the issue of people having the power to kick a person from a flashpoint who is trying to have fun . have gamers become so intolerant over the years we cant handle the fact that some people need more assistance doing content than others .


most people in the 50 plus bracket are not ******s who need to be vote kicked cause of bad behavour . most of those guys are on your ignore list long ago .


some of the posters are correct i try group with him with friends as much as possible but everytime he uses GF when we are not on its kick time .

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person from a flashpoint who is trying to have fun.


As long as a person having fun does not ruin my flashpoint run there is no problem. There is no fun restarting from med center every few minutes and spending two hours on 20 minute run.


It is true that hardly anyone does check the mods, but if you wipe after wipe on an easy fight then something starts to smell...

Edited by ELRunninW
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have gamers become so intolerant over the years we cant handle the fact that some people need more assistance doing content than others/

I have no problem helping others, but when they fail to help themselves, even just a little before joining a FP with limited gear because they won't pay a sub or buy an unlock, why should we not be allowed to enjoy the time we actually pay for? So I need to be a nice guy and handhold some kid who won't pony up to improve his gameplay? I don't think so. I spend WAY too much money on the game to have to put up with such non-sense. GF needs a F2P queue and we would never even hear about these issues. His fun is not the only fun being had.

Edited by Superman_AZ
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that would work for me . but that still leaves the issue of people having the power to kick a person from a flashpoint who is trying to have fun . have gamers become so intolerant over the years we cant handle the fact that some people need more assistance doing content than others .


most people in the 50 plus bracket are not ******s who need to be vote kicked cause of bad behavour . most of those guys are on your ignore list long ago .


some of the posters are correct i try group with him with friends as much as possible but everytime he uses GF when we are not on its kick time .


So the game forcing him not to queue is preferred to him simply realizing that he's trying to do content that he shouldn't be doing? That sounds pretty backwards to me that he needs the game to tell and force him to do only what he's capable of doing.


It's not other people's jobs to carry your friend through content he is not prepared to do. He should be doing story modes or finding a way to get the gear he needs to run the flashpoints he wants to. His being kicked is completely warranted if he can't perform.

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that would work for me . but that still leaves the issue of people having the power to kick a person from a flashpoint who is trying to have fun . have gamers become so intolerant over the years we cant handle the fact that some people need more assistance doing content than others .


Have gamers become so self-entitled that they fail to realize that there are three other people in that group "trying to have fun" as well? And that perhaps wiping repeatedly because of one person's negligent behavior or gear choices just happens to be the opposite of their idea of fun?


Or does only your friend get to have fun?

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Have gamers become so self-entitled that they fail to realize that there are three other people in that group "trying to have fun" as well? And that perhaps wiping repeatedly because of one person's negligent behavior or gear choices just happens to be the opposite of their idea of fun?


Or does only your friend get to have fun?


EXIT area button is there if your unhappy

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EXIT area button is there if your unhappy


So only your friend gets to have fun then. Sounds perfectly reasonable to me.


It also doesn't sound like it would make much of a difference in terms of your friend's plight. If people are votekicking him that reliably, he'd find himself in an otherwise empty instance equally as often.


About the only difference it would make is instead of one person having no fun, everyone gets to suffer for the negligence of one person as they try to find new groups.


Capital! I bet your friend would give me the shirt off his back, and so would you.

Edited by SkunkWerks
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