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Why do you PvE?

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I just don't understand how playing against something where you already know what's gonna happend can be fun. That's the turn off at my end.


Getting 8 (or 16) people to all coordinate and do the right thing at the right time, and beat enrage timers, and deal with heal checks, and some fairly intricate mechanics...... Just because you know what's coming next, doesn't automatically mean you will be able to deal with it easily.


It's like looking at a puzzle already put together. You KNOW what it's supposed to look like. Then you dump it out on the floor, and try to have 4 people try to put it back together at the same time, rushing to beat a timer. Just because they all know what it's supposed to look like, doesn't make it any easier to put back together.

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The same reason I play any video games. For fun, to kill time, for a challenge, rewards, gear, camaraderie, loot...probably a bit of an ego boost as well.


Same with PvP in this game as well. PvP offers more of a challenge going against other players but I don't do it strictly for challenge. I do it for fun and probably more of an ego boost.

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Sometimes, for me, it's as simple as the map designs. Occasionally i'll just stop for a bit and admire the scenery (I know, easily amused, lol) And the little things. Like being able to use certain gathering skills to take shortcuts. Slicing an elevator to save you a few minutes on Mando Raiders, for example. Sometimes, i'll run flashpoints a few below my level so I can solo em. Kinda gives a "me against the galaxy" feel.


And, because dirty kick works on 30 foot tall droids, it's very satisfying

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PVE is like playing in an orchestra. You know exactly what/when you're going to play and, more or less, 'how' you're going to play it. Everything is scripted, planned, and rehearsed o the smallest detail. There isn't much thinking on the fly unless something goes wrong or someone misses their cue. In these cases, the orchestra often just resets and starts over. It's like calling a wipe if someone screws up or disconnects.


PVP is more like jazz/newgrass where improvisation, split second instincts and quick short-term planning are everything.


This is sort of a generalization as both have varied elements of planning and spontaneity. I do both though prefer PVE especially when there's good story / lore.

Edited by Projawa
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When you listen to Bohemian Rhapsody, you know every line in the song, but that doesn't mean it's not fun.

For me personally, when I play games I play to beat the game. Stopping without having done every ops... is not an option.

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- Is it for loot?yes

- Is it because you don't know what else to do?no, i enjoy pve

- Is it to be social and doing stuff with your guild?yes

- Is it because PvP is worse than a Justin Bieber song?yes, plus i have a bad computer so i get like 2 fps in WZs

- Are you competative or is it simply just for the love of the game?mostly love of the game


I don't understand how guilds can dedicate hours and hours to defeat computer controlled pixels so they can get even more pixels and computer coding with purple color. But that's just me.


What am I missing? Why do you PvE?


added my responses inside the quote.


but also i just dont enjoy doing pvp, i'd say im an average pvper, not excellent, but im not bad either. if i had a better computer i may enjoy it more, but only getting a few fps in WZs is a mood killer.



im also a console gamer (mainly call of duty) and i enjoy multiplayer, but dont like doing co-op stuff against computers, strange i know, you would think i would love co-op stuff against the computers

Edited by Skodan
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- Is it for loot?

Of course. So is PvP (kinda, maybe, when someone can figure out what's BiS gear :rak_03:). There needs to be a carrot at the end of the stick.


- Is it because you don't know what else to do?

Ya, PvP is in a terrible place right now. PvE is the only thing to do.


- Is it to be social and doing stuff with your guild?

Sure. Playing with friends is always fun.


- Is it because PvP is worse than a Justin Bieber song?

Kind of. BW broke PvP in the expansion. So I only PvE now, with some occasional PvP games.


- Are you competative or is it simply just for the love of the game?

I personally find nothing about PvE to be competitive. Its a programmed AI. I memorize how it works, done.


I don't understand how guilds can dedicate hours and hours to defeat computer controlled pixels so they can get even more pixels and computer coding with purple color. But that's just me.


What am I missing? Why do you PvE?


Beside the above, it has slower pace. When I used to PvP all the time (pre-expansion) I used to do some dailies to break the pace.


PvE is the only way to make money (you can blame BW for terrible design).


New PvE stuff is fun to do.


I would go back to mostly PvP in a heartbeat if BW removes the bolster and fix PvP gearing, which at this point I do not think will happen. The way things are going I will probably end up unsubbing, because PvE gets old fast, and PvP right now between the system and class balance is completely out of wack.

Edited by Ottoattack
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Because PvP is full of whiny little kids, not only swtor (or MMO's) but I mean PvP as in any player vs player game out there.


PvE is a much needed break from all that, while still being able to play with other people.

Edited by FlyinSpaghetti
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Because PvP is full of whiny little kids, not only swtor (or MMO's) but I mean PvP as in any player vs player game out there.


PvE is a much needed break from all that, while still being able to play with other people.


Just as long as you dont read the progression thread updates and threads created by resentful people towards other guilds during progression otherwise yes it is different.

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George Mallory on why anyone would climb Mount Everest:


Because it's there.


In my own words: To master something really difficult with skills I have specifically developed for that, just makes me happy.


And I like playing my computer keyboard like a Steinway and see the bad guys fall one by one ;-)


And, in the end, and foremost: Light sabers, man!!! :-)


As for your specific questions:


- Is it for loot?


Insofar as gearing up is required for progression in PvE content - better gear allows you to perform better and eventually master the hardest encounters.


- Is it because you don't know what else to do?


I've got a lot of other hobbies, a job, a girlfriend and, foremost, a cat, so I'm not exactly bored :-) But as far as gaming goes, raiding SWTOR is the best.


- Is it to be social and doing stuff with your guild?


Yep, PvE is teamplay at its best, in TfB NiM one false action of one of the eight players means death for all. Refining group strategy night after night and finally seeing the whole raid perform like a well oiled machine where all components unite to a symphony of perfection... well, you get the point...


- Is it because PvP is worse than a Justin Bieber song?


The comparison is not so bad, I'm pretty much indifferent to both. I pvp every now and then for improving reflexes and movement or when I'm waiting for a raid group to be formed. But PvPers tend to be rather hot blooded and at the same time short on patience with players they deem inferior. That's why I generally don't enjoy their company as much, to be honest. I would like to PvP more if players acted more civilized, though...


- Are you competative or is it simply just for the love of the game?


Clearly both, see above.


I don't understand how guilds can dedicate hours and hours to defeat computer controlled pixels so they can get even more pixels and computer coding with purple color. But that's just me.


Yep, that's just you ;-)


What am I missing?


A lot



I fed the troll

and the

troll won


(in memory of The Clash)


Did he? Will he?


ah, the suspense...

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I remember I asked a question when I was very young (the first time I watched Olympics on tv).


How is weight lifting a competitive sport and why people find it interesting to watch. I have since reshaped my mind what sport is about.


My brother answer was..... think about it, lifting isn't much difference from swimming or 100m sprint.

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I just don't understand how playing against something where you already know what's gonna happend can be fun. That's the turn off at my end.


I pve because it is fun and mostly I can play with my friends and guild without worrying about someone yelling we are doing things wrong and we can also roleplay in our pve instances. We don't worry about what is going to happen at the end we just have fun.


I dislike pvp for a lot of the reasons here but yet I understand a lot of people enjoy it and I respect that they enjoy it . People like different things and when others start understanding that it will make the gaming community a better place.

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I played on Freedon Nadd for quite a while - the Guildies I was playing alongside were the very best of people and I will always be grateful for everything they taught me, all the helpful advice and camaraderie was nothing short of excellent


But, ho boy did I get hacked off with PvP


I got so tired of people attacking me ALL the time


And it is not just the one battle - which usually happened when I'd just finished fighting a Gold or something - I would be repeatedly ganked, usually by a group - re-spawning used to be a pain in the backside cos going back to the med centre meant having to get back to where you were killed and getting a probe to set you back where you were meant getting ganked again.


PvE - so much easier + free of hassle and if you still fancy running off to the Voidstar or Alderaan etc, you can do it. I've not had a single hassle since I moved servers and I'd not go back unless I had an exceptionally good reason

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I PVE because my guild mates are nice people. If i make a mistake in an ops they kindly explain the mistake and give me tips to improve.

PVP goes like this.

ZOMG YURRR BAD HERP DEERP L2P you hack kneed loser go jump in a lake with a toaster you don't deserve to live herp derp. this team sucks herp derp"


Yeah no thanks. I have no interest in that type of gameplay nor do i have interest in associating with people of that caliber of retardation.


Not to mention I enjoy fighting the "computer people" as it helps me improve as a player.

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It doesn't help that, in all of my experiences, PvP is pretty much where all of the rudest, most antagonistic, and most vitriolic players tend to pool, and, since I don't play the game to get rabid levels of insults and rudeness hurled at me no matter what I do, I don't like it and end up doing my damnedest to completely eliminate it from my gameplay if at all possible. PvE gets competitive and has its fair share of rude/insulting players, but it's cooperative competitiveness, not direct competition between two groups where you either win or you lose, and you're only liable to get coated in hate if you're playing like an idiot.


As i Agree with Kitru on the entire post i Snipped it and highlighted the one main point i agree with most.


As the signature says Listen to Kitru. Kitru knows all

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Your main assumption that PvE is not challenging is false.


To this day (about 10 tries) I've still never beaten EC HM.


I think the assumption is based of another assumption that "we know enemy A will constantly do ability C at this stage and thus because we know this is a constant occurrence the safe assumption is that it fails to become challenging"

Which proves your initial point that the assumption is false.

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I just don't understand how playing against something where you already know what's gonna happend can be fun. That's the turn off at my end.


Neither can I, as I think, even normal warzones (I don't do dem ranked) are fun. You just don't know what to expect :D

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I PvE for these reasons.

PvP is way too fast paced for me, I have been in the WZ a few times, it was sort of fun but I had no idea what so ever on what I was doing. I basically ran around and died.

On that note, I didn't use PvP specific gear, I used my pretty good PvE gear there though.

To me it seems like two totally different worlds, PvP and PvE

My experince is that PvP is "ruled" by extremely good players that devote most of their time to that purpose, and in all honesty I don't learn PvP from not knowing and then dying over and over again until the WZ timer runs out.

I don't have the gear for it, gear is costly and I really don't have enough coms to buy any.


I am an old MMORPG player, from the days where pvp was a feature allowed with an RP/PvE environment, and I am beginning to feel I made a mistake here with SWTOR, mainly that I didn't choose the RP/PVE server, but rather the PvE server.


I have tried "Hutt Ball" among other things, but in all honesty, there isn't much variation on what to do, run around, pass the ball and try stay alive for as long as possible.......there I rather go PvE on some mission I haven't done, trying a mission in a new way etc etc....is at least variation.


So basically I do PvE because I suck at PvP and it is way too hard to learn it when all you do is look at running toons you can't target fast enough and then you die.....in an endles spiral.



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