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The Sage/Sorcerer Lightsaber needs to stop being just a "stat stick"


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So am I the only one who finds it really silly that Sage/Sorcerer has no *real* abilities that use the Lightsaber? It's just a "stat stick". You can argue that the base Consular/Inquisitor saber abilities are there, but once you become a Sage/Sorcerer you cease really having a use for those. Why heal or DPS at melee when you can be relatively safe at 30m? I personally took the saber attacks off my bar when I saw how they didn't mesh with my class anymore. All my heals or damaging skills are 30m. Not only does this mean Sage/Sorcerer doesn't have a use for their basic free attack, but using it actually puts them in a position they don't *really* want or need to be in. It also means there's basically no skill to use when you're out of Force to recover a little, and you either have to hurt yourself or stand there to potentially let the tank die or the other DPS attack while you stand there all useless because your basic attack can't do anything at your best range.


Meanwhile Knights/Warriors got the ability to throw their saber with the expansion. Really? A melee class using a long ranged attack? I'm told at most it gets used once at it's maximum range, and besides they have their jump to get into melee range or to "pull" stuff and agro it to start fights. Sure it's based on the Knight from KOTOR, but Sage/Sorc is the real ranged Force class and they don't have any damaging Force abilities that actually do something with the saber. The saber just sits in their hand the entire fight.


Can Sages/Sorcerers at least get a passive that turns their basic attack into a weak saber throw to be able to do something with the saber and also to do something in the "downtime" when their Force runs down to nothing? It does happen in really long fights. Please?

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I'd love a saber throw on my sage and maybe a low damgae/high force regen masterstrike like move, nothing so big it would effect my rotation, but still, I'd love some QoL/gimmick abilities.


I would love a few attacks with a long CD or ones ties to Heroic moment for that coupe des grace.

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Guys that's not at all what I meant. Make either an attack where you throw your saber, like Knight/Warrior, or make the Sage/Sorc basic attack have a 30m range and turn into a throw. Like with a passive.


Something like adding Saber Strike to Force Reach, so it has the same (weak) effect, but is a ranged attack. Maybe do the same with Double Strike/Thrash to it as well.

Edited by Bronislav
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I would rather have some ability, that does indeed reflect damage partially back to the sender, when you aren't doing anything else.


The Saber is drawn, so that a sage/sorc can deflect incoming blaster bolts or force lightning and such. It is even visually used for just that... however in all the movies, the Jedi are actively sending blaster bolts back to the attackers, using that pretty much as their only ranged attack.


Obviously this cannot be a high damage ability, but it would be a cool skill to activate some "blocking stance", when you are not doing anything else... this stance would then actively reflect incoming damage (which should not be all to much for a healer anyway and a DD never runs out of force or got nothing to do.) and regenerate force at an increased rate.

Edited by JPryde
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I ended up putting a Cathar Honor Sword on my Sage because the lightsaber feels so useless on her. I'm actually planning on getting a Volatile Conqueror Lightsaber for my Sorc, but meh. I wish they could do something pretty cool with their lightsabers, instead of them being there just for show.
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I think sage and sorc at level 10 adv class pick they can get a main hand focus. And with it you use both hands for casting same effect and damage just a two hand animations for people who choose focus over saber. Also maybe add a free move like saber strike but at 30m make it like a mini project or shock animation. That way you aren't ever idle or need to damage yourself in a situation where you are already taking damage.
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So am I the only one who finds it really silly that Sage/Sorcerer has no *real* abilities that use the Lightsaber? It's just a "stat stick". You can argue that the base Consular/Inquisitor saber abilities are there, but once you become a Sage/Sorcerer you cease really having a use for those. Why heal or DPS at melee when you can be relatively safe at 30m? I personally took the saber attacks off my bar when I saw how they didn't mesh with my class anymore. All my heals or damaging skills are 30m. Not only does this mean Sage/Sorcerer doesn't have a use for their basic free attack, but using it actually puts them in a position they don't *really* want or need to be in. It also means there's basically no skill to use when you're out of Force to recover a little, and you either have to hurt yourself or stand there to potentially let the tank die or the other DPS attack while you stand there all useless because your basic attack can't do anything at your best range.


Meanwhile Knights/Warriors got the ability to throw their saber with the expansion. Really? A melee class using a long ranged attack? I'm told at most it gets used once at it's maximum range, and besides they have their jump to get into melee range or to "pull" stuff and agro it to start fights. Sure it's based on the Knight from KOTOR, but Sage/Sorc is the real ranged Force class and they don't have any damaging Force abilities that actually do something with the saber. The saber just sits in their hand the entire fight.


Can Sages/Sorcerers at least get a passive that turns their basic attack into a weak saber throw to be able to do something with the saber and also to do something in the "downtime" when their Force runs down to nothing? It does happen in really long fights. Please?



I second this

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Guys that's not at all what I meant. Make either an attack where you throw your saber, like Knight/Warrior, or make the Sage/Sorc basic attack have a 30m range and turn into a throw. Like with a passive.


Something like adding Saber Strike to Force Reach, so it has the same (weak) effect, but is a ranged attack. Maybe do the same with Double Strike/Thrash to it as well.


Are you suggesting a change to sage/sorc auto attacks and saber strike/trash that makes it look like like you have a spammable saber toss? Try and come up with a mental image of what that might look like I came up with an image and it wasnt pretty...in fact my image was of two sorcs dueling and spamming thrash/saber toss at each other as they hopped around, but anyways. I'm having a hard time just believing that any jedi or sith is sane enough to let their saber out of their hands (willingly) during a fight. I dont really care if it was in the game trailer, or in the EU or anything like that. All it takes is a momentary lapse of concentration (or Jango Fett lassoing you around the wrists as you fight him on some launchpad in Kamino) and there goes your lightsaber.

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The only thing that I agree with you guys is that using th lightsaber should be efficient. Just like I'm able to hit hard with my knife on my Sniper, or my Cannon hit with my Commando, Sages and Sorcerer should be able to use once a while a melee hit when ennemies reach them.


But I profoundly disagree with you that they need a free ranged attack, and worst of all by using the saber.

They don't need a free attack in the first place, they perfectly manage to fight without one, and in the worst case they're having a hard time, they have a huge ressource pool like no others, and have an emergency mean of resplenishing some. And a saber throw ? Really ? Spamming a saber throw is ugly. If you have a Knight or Warrior, you should know what it would look like, and it's dumb.


And Yoda-like throw in your chest move ? No that should be Knight's and Warrior's move, they have already the throw as a killing move, and unfortunately and stupidly, it look the same as their other throw (basic throw or healing debuff throw depending on AC), and so that's their that must be changed to look like a Yoda-like throw.

Edited by Altheran
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I don't agree. Sorcerers and Sages train their "wizard' powers rather than martial training. Martial combatants train to reflect blaster bolts where as most Force sensitives are simply able to block with their sabers but there is already a mechanic to absorb incoming damage.


The ability to throw a saber is another martial ability. Sorcerers and Sages have plenty of ranged attacks.


Remember, our Force users are average and really able to focus on a particular skill set. Satele, Yoda, and Sidious are exceptional. Heck, look at Vader, Obi-wan, Anakin, or Luke from the movies. Martial prowess.

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I don't agree. Sorcerers and Sages train their "wizard' powers rather than martial training.


Remember, our Force users are average and really able to focus on a particular skill set. Satele, Yoda, and Sidious are exceptional. Heck, look at Vader, Obi-wan, Anakin, or Luke from the movies. Martial prowess.

Kreia didn't have Martial Prowess, she can control three lightsabers at a time at a distance.


Why not do something like Kinetic Combat, where we throw the saber once, and then it will sort of hunt them down and whack them like a Damage over Time (DoT) effect?


Obviously, this would only be given to Sages and Sorcerers, it would not be buffed by other damage over time buffs (Stacks of Mark of Death would not increase it's damage) and it would basically use your normal attack, but use half of your Force Power instead of Attack Power when determining total damage done per 3 seconds. This effect would only be applied on one target at a time.

Edited by Kuronan
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Why not do something like Kinetic Combat, where we throw the saber once, and then it will sort of hunt them down and whack them like a Damage over Time (DoT) effect?


What are you talking about ? Kinetic Combat do not have any ability that look like to a throw, even slightly.


If you're talking about Clairvoyant Strike (Infiltration), then I hope you're not serious, because the ability is ugly as hell.

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Kreia didn't have Martial Prowess, she can control three lightsabers at a time at a distance.


Why not do something like Kinetic Combat, where we throw the saber once, and then it will sort of hunt them down and whack them like a Damage over Time (DoT) effect?


Obviously, this would only be given to Sages and Sorcerers, it would not be buffed by other damage over time buffs (Stacks of Mark of Death would not increase it's damage) and it would basically use your normal attack, but use half of your Force Power instead of Attack Power when determining total damage done per 3 seconds. This effect would only be applied on one target at a time.


Darth Traya was another exceptional Force user. I kinda like your idea but still have to disagree as it is something that just doesn't fit. If you want to look at it from a realistic perspective, it would take a lot of concentration to have a lightsaber chase someone around. Much less than casting a spell.

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Sorry, Sages and Sorceror's are just that and are fine how they are.

It dosen't need to be more than a "stat stick". If an enemy is in whacking range, whack 'em a few times if you want, I know I do. Especially if they're about to die anyway.

Double strike should be called "Spank" if you ask me. :D

Edited by QuiDonJorn
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I like this idea. A dps Sorc/sage never needs use their stat stick at all, a healer might as they have less offensive attacks and so sometimes they are all on cool down. A smart Sorc/sage would just pick up a blaster pistol, gives him the 30 meter range most of his other attacks are at with no real disadvantage. Personally I would like the option to use different weapons.
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100% behind this. I've never been the squishy caster type before - I've tried them in many an mmo and could never get beyond mid-level.


My Sorcerer is the first I've truly taken to and enjoy thoroughly. Seeing the iconic weapon of the Jedi/Sith just floating there in my hands does irk me, though.


Honestly, I'd rather the damn thing just sit at my hip - and be drawn and ignited quickly if I use my melee abilities, rather than what we have now.


Hopeful for something to be done.. but not holding my breath.

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In opposition to common belief, I'm actually putting strength, attack and corresponding Mods into my Sage's Light Sabre (and the Gamorrean Axe which I had originally bought for Qysen before I realized that he couldn't handle it),

which means in result that my Sage is really able to defend himself to some degree.


However, this is in total opposition to common belief. I will get a vote kick if people find this out in an FP (which is why I don't play FPs with him right now).


Since my main Sage is a healer, getting a vote kick is even more likely, since people expect me to pump every possible thing into healing, AND NOTHING ELSE.


The only solution I have for this is


- having 2 weapons : one for actual fighting, one as a "stat stick"

- putting both onto my fast access bar

- however, switching both via the fast access bar isn't possible, since the weapons just cannot be exchanged using the bar (I once wrote a suggestion into the suggestions sub forum that weapons should be exchangeable via the fast access bar, but I never got many reactions for it, meaning that people didn't like it).


My second Sage will be a pure DD. There, a vote kick is still likely, but not as likely as a Healer, I guess.

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