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The Game Spoiled my Class story! Imperial Agent.


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Yes through dialogue that came too soon, it ended up spoiling my class story. This is how it happened.


I had just finished my class story on Belsavis and was back at my ships holoterminal as usual to get my new mission from Imperial Intelligence.


I was assigned my next mission to fly to a "certain place" on the Galaxy map to obtain "certain things".

After the cutscene and dialogue I level'd up to 47 and I noticed a quest symbol above my holoterminal, so I clicked it again and it went to a cutscene and then Darth Marr appeard on a holocall in the pilot room of my ship and I begin to converse with him.


He then proceeds to say things that I know aren't true about the state of the game for example He says (no spoilers) "This person is dead." "That person is dead." "this has happened." "you are now..." Etc... things like this, and then I realised he was speaking as though I had finished my class quest and I also realised I had initiated the RotHC expansion mission because I had landed on Makeb after the cutscene.



TL;DR I accidental and unknowingly started the RotHC expansion on the Imperial Agent and through the Dialogue of the first introduction cutscene of the Expansion I got huge spoilers about my class story which I had not yet finished.


Don't let yourself make the same mistake. :o

Edited by Monkfishysnow
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Meh...the stories are overrated anyway. In the future, stick to your class story if it's that important to you.



Your characters are all "hero's", no matter the class. Expect to defeat your arch nemesis in all of them.


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While it's good that it gives people an option to start the Makeb content early if they want to, it really should pop up a warning indicating what's about to happen if they have not yet completed their class story.


I accidentally discovered that it'd let me do it around lvl 46 or 47 on a character I was still working on but fortunately I recognized the cinematic with my companions and I flying my ship (having previously done it on another character) so I was able to abort it before being confronted with spoilers.


Just a simple "This will begin a quest that contains spoilers if you have not yet completed Chapter 3. Continue? Yes/No" would suffice.


I mean, I see something on my ship telling me I've got a quest, I'm gonna click on it because I assume it's relevant to what I'm doing and it should warn me if it's going to throw spoilers at me.

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Just a simple "This will begin a quest that contains spoilers if you have not yet completed Chapter 3. Continue? Yes/No" would suffice.


I recognized it as the Makeb into as it was starting. I doubt it'd be obvious to anyone who hadn't done it before though; and the way the dialogue's laid out (at least with the classes I've done it on) the class story spoiler's said during the first few seconds. Your idea's a good one I think for fixing.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Lol what are you 12? Who's crying? I'm just informing.


Sorry but this is the general state of the SWTOR forums now. Say anything bad or remotely negative or pointing out a flaw about the game, and youll be attacked.

Edited by Vassise
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Sorry but this is the general state of the SWTOR forums now. Say anything bad or remotely negative or pointing out a flaw about the game, and youll be attacked.


While others only take advantage of the SWTOR forums to troll every five minutes, about a game they apparently despise and / or revile.

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God..cry some more why don't ya?


It was a perfectly legitimate thing to be upset about. I'd be kind of mad too if the character I've been playing for well over a couple days game time had its story spoiled.


I agree with whoever said they should add a prompt when clicking the quest letting you know that the scene will contain spoilers.

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Meh...the stories are overrated anyway. In the future, stick to your class story if it's that important to you.



Your characters are all "hero's", no matter the class. Expect to defeat your arch nemesis in all of them.


which would be nice if the game actually let you. that quest just shows up, and if you don't know what this means, you click it and next thing you know - your story's ending is spoiled.


also, it may be overrated in your opinion, but that's all it is - opinion. many people who play this game, play it specifically because of the story.


anyways, the solution of adding the prompt that warns a person about this being intro to expansion that has spoilers for their story - is a simple and elegant one and IMO should be implemented as soon as possible.

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This person was complaining about the ability to trigger the Makeb storyline before your class story is completed, and also warning others about it so they would not make the same mistake.


A legitimate complaint and good warning IMO. There is no need for the snarky "Bioware hater" comments.

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God..cry some more why don't ya?

You can stop now, you only make yourself look foolish. It's a legitimate complaint and something that can and should be improved. I know more than a few people who this happened to. While it may be unimportant for those who don't enjoy the stories, for those who do it's extremely disappointing to have their story spoiled.

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Meh...the stories are overrated anyway. In the future, stick to your class story if it's that important to you.



Your characters are all "hero's", no matter the class. Expect to defeat your arch nemesis in all of them.

In all fairness the Agent story is the one line where it is understandable to be irritated for having it spoiled. After leveling each class except a consular to 55 the agent is the only one I was curious enough to finish. Well along with the knight but that was my first character in my first mmo and I thought that was the end of the game so...

Edited by TrillOG-
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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Thanks a lot for spoiling that!! I was gonna watch it this weekend... now I have nothing else to do :(

Somebody did that to me with the ending of Titanic a couple of months ago.

I was quite angry.

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Bruce Willis was dead at the end of Sixth Sense.




On topic: this has happened to me twice now, first time (smuggler story) I had no idea what was happening. Second time I recognized what was going on (coincidentally, also the IA story like OP) and tried to avert my eyes/skip through the dialogue as quickly as possible. I think I managed to avoid a couple of spoilers, but it was annoying.


It isn't easy to predict when the Makeb quest will suddenly appear. I mean, now I know generally when to expect it, but that doesn't really help. It's not like you can avoid clicking on your ship's holoterminal. You kinda have to hit it at some point.

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Not that it's much consolation and hardly anyone probably actually reads it, but they did patch in a note about spoilers in the 'Welcome to the Rise of the Hutt Cartel' in game mail they send you.




2.1.1 Patch Notes



  • The welcome mail for Rise of the Hutt Cartel now includes a note about potential spoilers if players begin the Makeb storyline prior to completing the Chapter 3 story arc.

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Not that it's much consolation and hardly anyone probably actually reads it, but they did patch in a note about spoilers in the 'Welcome to the Rise of the Hutt Cartel' in game mail they send you.



It's not that we don't know spoilers are there, it's that you get no warning that you're about to trigger them.


Hey, my ship's holoterminal is lit up... I need to click on it. The game has spent 45+ levels teaching me that mechanic.

Then by the time you realize what you're seeing, your class story has been spoiled.

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