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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do something about the operative healers NOW


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This is unbearable. If both teams have the same skill level, the team which has more of these freaks will win and that's it. People are leaving the WZs because of this, the team with less operative players has a fluctuation of nearly 100% cause it's absolutely pointless to try anything against these abortions.



Edited by CommunityDroidEN
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This is unbearable. If both teams have the same skill level, the team which has more of these freaks will win and that's it. People are leaving the WZs because of this, the team with less operative players has a fluctuation of nearly 100% cause it's absolutely pointless to try anything against these abortions.




We prefer to be called differently abled, thank you very much.

Edited by CommunityDroidEN
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I kindof agree with OP. Operative healers are the most powerful PvP class in the game. They have the easiest resource management out of all the healers, they can heal on the move with ease, they can scamper, and they can stealth. Put a 5 second CD on scamper and increase the difficulty of resource management and its fixed. But for the most part PvP is really balanced. Healing is a little over the top and one of the vanguard/powertech specs need a DPS buff.
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I feast upon the bowels of operative and scoundrel healers... Not really, that's kind of gross, but let me give you a tip of advice straight from the bottom of my heart.


I never QQ about any class, ever, because no matter how strong a class may seem, they are never invincible. I did a lot, and I mean a LOT of practicing on my sentinel. I dueled many healing scoundrels to see if I could figure out a strategy to beating them. Here was my moment of triumph.


I dueled a healing scoundrel, three times I dueled him. After number two, he said "give up Maddison, you'll never beat me :p." I said let me give it one more go, and I did. I ended up beating him on the third time, to which he said "congrats my lady, you finally figured out the secret to beating us." So I'm here to share this gospel with you and anyone else who reads this.


If you're afraid of operative healers, being a combat sentinel/carnage marauder with you. They are without a doubt the best class for stay on target with roots, slows, and ridiculous burst potential. Yes they have great resource management, but under pressure their HoTs are <b>NOT</b> enough to keep them topped off. Have your sent/mara keep them rooted to prevent kiting and LoS, and just blow him up, because they may have the best resource management, but they lack defensive abilities. They will go down, and when they do, pat yourself on the back for actually utilizing teamwork.

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fight overpowered classes with overpowered classes.

Most overpowered damage dealers presently in the game



2)concealment operatives



Madness sorcs also do very well because their damage cannot be cleansed and the roots / slows limit their mobility and lock them down.

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fight overpowered classes with overpowered classes.

Most overpowered damage dealers presently in the game



2)concealment operatives



Madness sorcs also do very well because their damage cannot be cleansed and the roots / slows limit their mobility and lock them down.


People use the term OP to loosely. You just said 4 ACs have an OP DPS spec, throw in snipers while you are at because they are on par with those other classes. And that gives you most ACs with an OP DPS spec. That's not being OP that's balance. There are some UP DPS specs but balance is mostly good. But operative healers have a larger gap compared to the other healers than any DPS spec has over the mass of the other DPS specs. OP should be used to describe classes that are leaps and bounds more powerful than anything else like ret pallys at the start of wotlk or Pyro Power techs and the start of this game before anyone really played them, they had no internal CD on RS.

Edited by Boch
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It's not about killing them. I don't mind not being able to kill an op/sc healer, or any other healer on my own.

But other healers will have a hard time surviving a permanent focus by an equally geared DPS of the same skill and will be busy healing themselves.


Not op/sc healers. They will survive, heal themselves and still be able to calmly do their job of healing their mates while under focus fire by one or two DPS.

A op healer + a mara will always survive a sorc healer + a mara cause the op healer will never come under pressure, but the sorc will.

This op/sc heal specc is a freak that has no place in PvP and has to be changed.


Sorry for the term "abortion" in the opening thread, but it doesn't go against real persons. The class in its heal specc however, is a freak and an abortion when it comes to PvP.

Edited by Cretinus
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People use the term OP to loosely. You just said 4 ACs have an OP DPS spec, throw in snipers while you are at because they are on par with those other classes. And that gives you most ACs with an OP DPS spec. That's not being OP that's balance. There are some UP DPS specs but balance is mostly good. But operative healers have a larger gap compared to the other healers than any DPS spec has over the mass of the other DPS specs. OP should be used to describe classes that are leaps and bounds more powerful than anything else like ret pallys at the start of wotlk or Pyro Power techs and the start of this game before anyone really played them, they had no internal CD on RS.


Snipers are terrible for killing Operatives.

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Operatives are NOT immortal.


It only takes 7 or 8 players focusing a guarded cross healing operative to kill one.


Who needs to play objectives? L2P whiners. The game is about focusing down one ridiculously overpowered healing class, not about guarding objectives or running the ball.

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Game breaking specs (operative/scoundrel heals). The leaderboards show it and pretty much every games shows it but BW, people who play said specs and those who benefit from it in premades are still denying it. Have you considered the possibilty that not every rated game would turn in to a boring 20 minute stalemate and you would actually be able to kill stuff, strategize and show skill if it wasnt for those specs?


For an operative/scoundrel healer to be somewhat balanced you have to put him in an enviroment with no support, no second healer and against a significally better team...... and even in that scenario he'll probably be of some use through his other abilties (stealth/scamper). Replace him with a sage or commando healer and they'll be dead long before they've even come close to the objective.

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They're a harder class to kill yes, but if you understand how to time roots/stuns you shouldn't have a problem killing them.



...with seven or eight players focusing one.


Seriously, it needs to be fixed. Not a L2P issue, more like a crutch for really bad players that think they are good because they can stack three cross healing operatives and never die.

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I feast upon the bowels of operative and scoundrel healers... Not really, that's kind of gross, but let me give you a tip of advice straight from the bottom of my heart.


I never QQ about any class, ever, because no matter how strong a class may seem, they are never invincible. I did a lot, and I mean a LOT of practicing on my sentinel. I dueled many healing scoundrels to see if I could figure out a strategy to beating them. Here was my moment of triumph.


I dueled a healing scoundrel, three times I dueled him. After number two, he said "give up Maddison, you'll never beat me :p." I said let me give it one more go, and I did. I ended up beating him on the third time, to which he said "congrats my lady, you finally figured out the secret to beating us." So I'm here to share this gospel with you and anyone else who reads this.


If you're afraid of operative healers, being a combat sentinel/carnage marauder with you. They are without a doubt the best class for stay on target with roots, slows, and ridiculous burst potential. Yes they have great resource management, but under pressure their HoTs are <b>NOT</b> enough to keep them topped off. Have your sent/mara keep them rooted to prevent kiting and LoS, and just blow him up, because they may have the best resource management, but they lack defensive abilities. They will go down, and when they do, pat yourself on the back for actually utilizing teamwork.


We actually have plenty of defensive stuff and two stuns. But it comes down to not wasting them until you have no choice. Our hots are pretty strong with good pvp gear and don't need to run around for those heals to work. I'll agree that maras and sents are a pain but not more than a bursty sniper who knocks me back and roots me.


The key to killing my operative is to put more than one person on me and to force me to use my defensive cooldowns. Between those, my medpack, and hots, it becomes a game of rotating stuff long enough for my super secret hot to crit once I drop below 30 percent and for help to arrive.

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