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Love playing the game, too old for the population.


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I have to admit that I do often see such behavior painted across the chat channels. Swears, sexist comments, racism, the whole nine yards . . . (I am on RE by the way, and it seems to be rather balanced on both sides, although I have yet to get to endgame as a Rep)


(Imp side Makeb spoilers)



The worst was the joy so many seemed to declare when they get to kill the gay Sith . . . that really shook my faith in online communities for a while)



I take comfort in the fact that this a problem I have seen in almost every MMO game I have played (The possible exception is LOTRO, although I am not at endgame yet either) and that they are just one, albeit vocal, part of the community. There are still many mature, helpful and enjoyable players around! :)

Edited by Cyberwoman
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I take comfort in the fact that this a problem I have seen in almost every MMO game I have played (The possible exception is LOTRO, although I am not at endgame yet either) and that they are just one, albeit vocal, part of the community. There are still many mature, helpful and enjoyable players around! :)


LotRO has a much more mature community than most MMOs, I've never witnessed anything other than a few idiots on there and they're always in the minority.

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Why can't they be both?


Not going to lie. I make your mom jokes on gen chat when I get bored. (It's much better than bacon chat...) But then, when someone needs help with feature X, or how to gain affection with a comp, or whatever, I do so, and ward off the 'alt+f4' trolls. In fact I find myself warding off trolls a lot. Yet I also make your mom jokes.


Being mature doesn't mean you can't be silly too.

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It does in my experience (im on RE too, btw). DK and Coruscant are equally "childish" on both I guess but the lure of being "super cool bad guy" seems to draw the worst offenders over to the Imp fleet, rather than the Republic one.


Only my opinion though it might just be the times I play at.


No, it's entirely possible. Maybe I'm just starting to filter these things mentally when I don't turn off the chat altogether. ;)


I have to admit that I do often see such behavior painted across the chat channels. Swears, sexist comments, racism, the whole nine yards . . . (I am on RE by the way, and it seems to be rather balanced on both sides, although I have yet to get to endgame as a Rep)


(Imp side Makeb spoilers)



The worst was the joy so many seemed to declare when they get to kill the gay Sith . . . that really shook my faith in online communities for a while)


Yes, Makeb was nasty in the first two or three weeks. I still see some people ask why they can flirt with a guy now, but they're mostly just surprised. Mostly.

Edited by Lung_Tien_Lien
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Why can't they be both?


Not going to lie. I make your mom jokes on gen chat when I get bored. (It's much better than bacon chat...) But then, when someone needs help with feature X, or how to gain affection with a comp, or whatever, I do so, and ward off the 'alt+f4' trolls. In fact I find myself warding off trolls a lot. Yet I also make your mom jokes.


Being mature doesn't mean you can't be silly too.


I feel what you are saying. But you know as well as I do that the types that we are talking about do not keep it as simple jokes. It escalates every time someone starts in with anything bordering crass humor. Very quickly too. By skirting that humor, you inadvertently feed the buffoonery.


By no means am I suggesting that people should not have fun, but starting with bordering on crass humor will get someone to take it over the top near every time.

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I feel what you are saying. But you know as well as I do that the types that we are talking about do not keep it as simple jokes.


He might. I don't.


As a person who counts himself among those who are very good at interpreting context in written text, I can tell you, I get it completely wrong- frequently.


Best I can do is insert my own gut feeling into the gap, and really all that is is me projecting onto other people whatever it is I want them to be at the time.


Truth of the matter is that it may be who you're talking about, but you have absolutely no way to be sure of who is typing those words, and why. I see this all the time. And honestly? It's why the "immature" behavior of people doesn't often bother me much.

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Have to say I've seen very little "over the line" stuff on Fleet chat. It's mostly quite boring and sensible and game related, although occasionally someone will mention how awesome Pop Tarts are.


I can deal with moments of crass kiddie insults conversation and just zone out. But if it was constant it would notably impact my enjoyment of the game. As it would in any social environment.

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Every mmo is like this. You just gotta deal with it and only chat during the right conversations. I recently got in a debate over general over nuclear power and other alternative energies. Then right after we got into a debate on biotic and abiotic. It just all depends
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So, I still enjoy playing quite a bit. However, the chat in fleet and just about every populated planet is so crass and juvenile that it is a turn-off to be around. Tonight I log into some junior high discussion about panties. No joke. I have gotten to the point where that sort of thing is no longer even remotely humorous.


If I turn off General Chat, I miss out on being able to help newer folks with their questions (helping folks is another fun part of the game for me) or any other legitimate discussion. I don't want to ignore all the folks, because I am sure that they aren't bad folks, I just don't want to be party to their public and juvenile idiocy.


I guess I am not really looking for a solution. Just venting.


Enjoy your night!


omg I know.. this game is FAR FAR FAR worse than I ever saw WoW on its worst day... Is it the lore of this game that attract so many goobers?


I sat there last night and watched 5 hrs of DK chat while leveling an alt and I didn't see a single legitimate question asked in gen chat that wasn't met with a flurry of socially challenged a$shat responses and 12 year olds trying to be funny... which then of course eroded into all out verbal warfare with of course led to tons of /ignore's.


I've ignore more people in the last 3 weeks of leveling 2 alts than I did in 7 years of WoW.


I know its not like that in higher level zones, at least not Makeb but these double exp weekends are bringing in a bunch of bored kids with nothing better to do than harass people.. They don't pay a sub so there is little to no incentive for them to act civilized and play the game seriously. But sadly some of these clowns are coming to a high level zone near you.

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omg I know.. this game is FAR FAR FAR worse than I ever saw WoW on its worst day... Is it the lore of this game that attract so many goobers?


Played WoW for six years. And while neither game has bothered me, all I can really say is you must have a chip on your shoulder the size of a viking longship.

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Played WoW for six years. And while neither game has bothered me, all I can really say is you must have a chip on your shoulder the size of a viking longship.


Not at all... You know what they say about people who assume other people have chips on their shoulder.


I've played every MMO since Meridian 59 and MUDs for years prior to that and have never been so irritated and bothered by so many immature players per capita... hands down.

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Not at all... You know what they say about people who assume other people have chips on their shoulder.


Not really. They get convicted of the Craft woodchipper murder?


I've played every MMO since Meridian 59 and MUDs for years prior to that and have never been so irritated and bothered by so many immature players per capita... hands down.


I've been online since Trolls actually existed. I played MUDs, MUSHes and even ate mushy cereal while doing so. That lesson about names never hurting me? I took that one to heart when I was about six years old. It's never steered me wrong.


As for you sir, well, I suggest taking that thing and raiding some fjords.

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Not really. They get convicted of the Craft woodchipper murder?




I've been online since Trolls actually existed. I played MUDs, MUSHes and even ate mushy cereal while doing so. That lesson about names never hurting me? I took that one to heart when I was about six years old. It's never steered me wrong.


As for you sir, well, I suggest taking that thing and raiding some fjords.


You do know that your basically providing me with empirical evidence of exactly what I'm talking about right?



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It's because of WoW. WoW brought the shooter players into the MMO Genre...ever since then it has declined at a rapid pace.


You have 3 Options, Turn Gen off, Play on an RP server (but put up with horrible players both PvE and PvP) or quit. This is the sad truth.


Well, 4th option is to ignore it.

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It's because of WoW. WoW brought the shooter players into the MMO Genre...ever since then it has declined at a rapid pace.


You have 3 Options, Turn Gen off, Play on an RP server (but put up with horrible players both PvE and PvP) or quit. This is the sad truth.


Well, 4th option is to ignore it.


RP servers are no different. If the non-RP servers are worse, you have my sincere sympathies.

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You do know that your basically providing me with empirical evidence of exactly what I'm talking about right?




And you're providing me with the empirical evidence of exactly what I'm talking about. I am not trying to insult you, yet you are becoming indignant about it.


Granted, I'm being a bit irreverent and silly about expressing my concerns, but really?


I'm truly trying to suggest here that- if you find a bit of background chatter that onerous- there's some adjustments that you might make in your approach to things that would really end up making your day-to-day existence a far happier one.

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The Star Wars IP doesn't help either, to be fair.



Oooh, space and lasers. Awweesthome.


I find it ironic that people in these forums are often deeply and sincerely concerned with the long-term survival of this game (which often hinges on taking in new subscribers, preferably in significant numbers), yet no one seems to see that- with more subscribers invariably comes more subscribers that, well, you're probably not going to care for.


Can't eat your cake and have it too, you know...

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It's because of WoW. WoW brought the shooter players into the MMO Genre...ever since then it has declined at a rapid pace.


There we jerks and griefers before WoW. They were there in Ultima Online for sure. I'm sure they were there in text based multiplayer games before that. Wow may attract some of that sort of crowd but it didn't create them.

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The Star Wars IP doesn't help either, to be fair.



Oooh, space and lasers. Awweesthome.


I have been around a lot of hardcore Star Wars fans and have never witnessed the level of dim-witted juvenile behavior that I witness in General Chat in this game.

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There we jerks and griefers before WoW. They were there in Ultima Online for sure. I'm sure they were there in text based multiplayer games before that. Wow may attract some of that sort of crowd but it didn't create them.


WoW made solo play possible. Before that, a bad reputation meant you couldn't group, which meant you couldn't play.

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There we jerks and griefers before WoW. They were there in Ultima Online for sure. I'm sure they were there in text based multiplayer games before that. Wow may attract some of that sort of crowd but it didn't create them.


No, but it drew them in in large numbers. If you assume that a fraction of any number of new people is new people who are- for whatever reason- not very personable, either to you or others, then you can assume that a larger number of people are going to contain a lot of people you're not likely to get along with.


Other than that? I don't think WoW had much to do with muddying the waters.

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