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Pub/Imp pvp balance?


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I'd say its pretty good at the moment and with inter-faction wzs it matters less. It is also in flux with some of the top guilds going through some churn and some folks moving to other servers soon. Far, far more problems with Pugs vs pre-mades and just bad luck of the draw, than with faction balance. I don't do Ranked, so I can't comment about that scene. YMMV
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There are more PVPers imp side which means they have more worst players, and more pre-mades than pub side.


This also correlates to pub side having tons of whiners when they go against a pre-made saying things like, "PUB SIDE SUCKS AT PVP. OMG. I'M GOING BACK TO IMP SIDE."

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The imp pugs will make you not even want to queue here. >.< OP if you're considering coming here, and your imperial, don't for the sake of your sanity.


I went 2-37 mon - weds playing... times like that make me miss a guild lol

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There are more PVPers imp side which means they have more worst players, and more pre-mades than pub side.


This also correlates to pub side having tons of whiners when they go against a pre-made saying things like, "PUB SIDE SUCKS AT PVP. OMG. I'M GOING BACK TO IMP SIDE."


We don't have nearly as many premades as pubs. Pub guilds also have more pvp guilds to draw from. A premade of RPers imp side who queue with 1300 bolstered expertise hardly qualifies as a real premade. We have more people who queue for pvp, not more pvpers. (Most of our "pvpers" are RPers in crappy gear who don't know the first thing about pvp). Pubs have no right to complain as their pugs are noticeably better than imperial pugs, who the majority of the time count as a - player.


I went 2-37 mon - weds playing... times like that make me miss a guild lol


A guild doesn't make it any better. Those anchors will just weigh down a premade. It's why we haven't pvp'd much in 55s lately. Like they say, you can't bolster common sense.

Edited by PoliteAssasin
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I PVP on both factions at lowbie and 55 and can say with confidence... imp pugs are far worse than pub pugs. The amount of top end players is fairly even, with perhaps a slight advantage to the imps.
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in 55 wz's ive noticed that the pubs have alot more healers, while on the imp side, theres only about 3 healers that i consider good, and feel safe around.

i do however notice that the imperial side has a lot better players. i can think of atleast 7 really good imps. but when i think of really good pubs i can only think of 3.

Edited by Kallpa
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  • 3 weeks later...
Everyone here saying the imps have worse pugs must be talking about 55 pvp. I pvp mid-tier almost exclusively imp side and I'd say we win about 75% of the time. The only time a game is tough is when it's a heavily pre-made pubs team (I think 4 or 5 guilds account for 90% of the republics talent, so it's pretty obvious when you're fighting pre-mades) but I'd say in a decent game each pug I get on the imp side has about 50% good players, including myself.
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Been off and on, but since the transfers it's been pretty even in my experience. It's not until you start seeing premades that the balance starts tipping. Enjoying the change though for the most part. Referring to 55 pvp.
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Lately I have been seeing more individual good players on the imp side (with the exception of GD who group together), the pub side has a few (2-3) guilds who typically queue together.


It is a refreshing change to have a more open PVP and no running into the same premades which takes 8 good PVP players to even have a chance. Oh well lets hope it lasts, it lasted from 1.2 to about 1.7 before, hopefully we can get a couple of months of balance'ish.


Good luck guys and I will meet you on the field...

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Well in my last matches on pub side ( becouse my marauder is on vacation right now :p) i have to say that we may have less bad pvpers but we have the worst i mean for every 3 bad imps we have 1 that is abismal.

True story i was on a NC and i saw a inc call from west i go there and see a guardian getting destroyed by a powertech i heal him , the powertech sees me he comes to kill me and the guardian just stood there watching the entire fight he didnt even use a strike for god sake nothing ... end story they got the node and i was pretty sad :(

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Well in my last matches on pub side ( becouse my marauder is on vacation right now :p) i have to say that we may have less bad pvpers but we have the worst i mean for every 3 bad imps we have 1 that is abismal.

True story i was on a NC and i saw a inc call from west i go there and see a guardian getting destroyed by a powertech i heal him , the powertech sees me he comes to kill me and the guardian just stood there watching the entire fight he didnt even use a strike for god sake nothing ... end story they got the node and i was pretty sad :(


Hugo's probably the nicest guy on the server, so for him to get angry you know you must be bad :p

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Personally, I think the balance is getting better. Keep in mind I don't count premade that end in a supper fast game, but even still its now becoming few and far between I see those. And I strictly queue solo.


Just my 2c.

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Hugo's probably the nicest guy on the server, so for him to get angry you know you must be bad :p


Haha im not the nicest guy but thanks for the vote lol i am the worst speaker of the server ill give you that :p

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think the Imperials won the war, because I don't see Republic side teams in the que some days at all. Balance in terms of players right now is heavily in favor of Imps, while Pubside (at least, I'm guessing) struggles to get consistent teams queing for WZs in the day.


Don't know anything about the late night que though, so maybe they're all nocturnal or something :/

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I think the Imperials won the war, because I don't see Republic side teams in the que some days at all. Balance in terms of players right now is heavily in favor of Imps, while Pubside (at least, I'm guessing) struggles to get consistent teams queing for WZs in the day.


Don't know anything about the late night que though, so maybe they're all nocturnal or something :/


Well yeah the imps won the war couse the pubs are awfull 95% of the time... i mean im no good pvper i think im avarege myself but those guys are just horrible .. theres no enough space here to say all the stuff ive seen on those players but defently the imps win the matches until the pubs do premades and even then they are so bad that can blow up the premade playing with them :/

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Well yeah the imps won the war couse the pubs are awfull 95% of the time... i mean im no good pvper i think im avarege myself but those guys are just horrible .. theres no enough space here to say all the stuff ive seen on those players but defently the imps win the matches until the pubs do premades and even then they are so bad that can blow up the premade playing with them :/


Well that's not entirely true about the Imps because in terms of quality, both sides are kind of even IMO. I've seen 55 Jugs with Aim stims, and we even have a Marauder with the 4 piece Partisan set bonus for the Sniper. Those are just a couple of anomalies, but I can guarantee you that we have the same level of stupid here as you guys.


The bigger picture, at least from what I noticed, comes in two points:


1) In terms of top PvPers on the server, the Imps have more. We can debate who holds 1-5 all day, but there's no argument that the Imps have at least 10-20 locked down. In a que that winning is determined by "who carries their anchors better", the Imps have more people who "lift"


2) Impside pugs that are bad keep queing, despite getting flat out rolled. Since I have started playing in the end game bracket, the Republic side has always been dominated by the premades ASB, Infamous, DoA, etc. run in WZs. The Pubside pugs will stop queing if they play in a couple of matches where it's complete pug. Mostly because, as I have noticed, a majority of the Pubside pugs from what I have seen are completely dependent on premades to que. While on Impside, we have people like Wrecks who will go into WZs no matter what the quality is like. Only a majority of Impside pugs tend to avoid improving their skills based on those losses.


That's basically what I can see as the problem, but I'm sure the top Pubs know best since I don't play on that side.

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Well that's not entirely true about the Imps because in terms of quality, both sides are kind of even IMO. I've seen 55 Jugs with Aim stims, and we even have a Marauder with the 4 piece Partisan set bonus for the Sniper. Those are just a couple of anomalies, but I can guarantee you that we have the same level of stupid here as you guys.


The bigger picture, at least from what I noticed, comes in two points:


1) In terms of top PvPers on the server, the Imps have more. We can debate who holds 1-5 all day, but there's no argument that the Imps have at least 10-20 locked down. In a que that winning is determined by "who carries their anchors better", the Imps have more people who "lift"


2) Impside pugs that are bad keep queing, despite getting flat out rolled. Since I have started playing in the end game bracket, the Republic side has always been dominated by the premades ASB, Infamous, DoA, etc. run in WZs. The Pubside pugs will stop queing if they play in a couple of matches where it's complete pug. Mostly because, as I have noticed, a majority of the Pubside pugs from what I have seen are completely dependent on premades to que. While on Impside, we have people like Wrecks who will go into WZs no matter what the quality is like. Only a majority of Impside pugs tend to avoid improving their skills based on those losses.


That's basically what I can see as the problem, but I'm sure the top Pubs know best since I don't play on that side.


Well i dont know how is the imp side couse my maraude is on vacation right now :p but i recall a guardian that whisper me asking " im stacking aim and my acc is not going up what im doing wrong?" to a healer saying " i cant stop the cap im a healer" so has i see for every bad pvper imp side have, pub side have 2 or 4 that are useless .

But either what side have the worst pvpers it doesnt fix the problem that is the lack of skill from the pugs , and the fact that they dont care about improving their skills becouse either they quit a match has soon they are loosing or they just dont give a crap :( and its sad , at least for me becouse i like good matches like 5-6 on a huttball or really close match on voidstar but those bad pugs are just not helping for those matches to come true im a avarege pvper but my skills or lack of them are not good enough for pulling a win if the team is not helping at all :( and some times i get really mad for that and i cant enjoy a game if im mad at it

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The Pubside pugs will stop queing if they play in a couple of matches where it's complete pug. Mostly because, as I have noticed, a majority of the Pubside pugs from what I have seen are completely dependent on premades to que. While on Impside, we have people like Wrecks who will go into WZs no matter what the quality is like. Only a majority of Impside pugs tend to avoid improving their skills based on those losses.


I think Wrecks might be the only quality PVP'er on the server that would ever be caught solo queueing these days.


Before server transfers pub pugs used to own imp pugs because there were many quality PVP'ers that would solo queue. Now if you get a full pug you're guaranteed at least 2 or 3 "I couldn't call inc... I was stunned" people on your team either side. I think pretty much every good PVP'er does everything they can to avoid that now.


Another problem is server transfers have left guilds too dry to form a proper ranked team. Guilds that still PVP are now too small to form a proper committed ranked team. Kickball seems to be going pretty healthy impside, but when it's pug groups it's really nothing more than regs with ranked comm rewards.


That leaves us with the option of putting up with it, or paying a hefty fee to bail. I wouldn't mind paying the $80 it would take to transfer my toons to a PVP server if that was my intention all along... but to be forced to pay that after server transfers ruined our PVP scene is too much.

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Well that's not entirely true about the Imps because in terms of quality, both sides are kind of even IMO... but I can guarantee you that we have the same level of stupid here as you guys.


1) In terms of top PvPers on the server, the Imps have more. We can debate who holds 1-5 all day, but there's no argument that the Imps have at least 10-20 locked down. In a que that winning is determined by "who carries their anchors better", the Imps have more people who "lift".


If both sides are even, how can Imps have so many more top pvpers?


Are you basically saying that Pubs trend towards average whereas Imps trend towards the extremes?

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Well i dont know how is the imp side couse my maraude is on vacation right now :p but i recall a guardian that whisper me asking " im stacking aim and my acc is not going up what im doing wrong?" to a healer saying " i cant stop the cap im a healer" so has i see for every bad pvper imp side have, pub side have 2 or 4 that are useless .

But either what side have the worst pvpers it doesnt fix the problem that is the lack of skill from the pugs , and the fact that they dont care about improving their skills becouse either they quit a match has soon they are loosing or they just dont give a crap :( and its sad , at least for me becouse i like good matches like 5-6 on a huttball or really close match on voidstar but those bad pugs are just not helping for those matches to come true im a avarege pvper but my skills or lack of them are not good enough for pulling a win if the team is not helping at all :( and some times i get really mad for that and i cant enjoy a game if im mad at it


True, but overall, I consider that to be a server mentality problem, which we can't really fix. Trying to train a casual player to be a good PvPer isn't going to happen at all, yet it's even more unlikely that they will grasp the basics. Casual players don't grasp criticism well, and they will not improve their game based on any sort of feedback from another player that could even possibly be viewed as negative.


I guess that's the flaw of being on an RP server. You won't ever really get a community that is developed enough for real PvP :/


I think Wrecks might be the only quality PVP'er on the server that would ever be caught solo queueing these days.


Before server transfers pub pugs used to own imp pugs because there were many quality PVP'ers that would solo queue. Now if you get a full pug you're guaranteed at least 2 or 3 "I couldn't call inc... I was stunned" people on your team either side. I think pretty much every good PVP'er does everything they can to avoid that now.


Another problem is server transfers have left guilds too dry to form a proper ranked team. Guilds that still PVP are now too small to form a proper committed ranked team. Kickball seems to be going pretty healthy impside, but when it's pug groups it's really nothing more than regs with ranked comm rewards.


That leaves us with the option of putting up with it, or paying a hefty fee to bail. I wouldn't mind paying the $80 it would take to transfer my toons to a PVP server if that was my intention all along... but to be forced to pay that after server transfers ruined our PVP scene is too much.


Well, in all fairness, we did have a ranked kickball team that defeated BSR's team on Saturday, so it's not exactly regs with comms. No one gets past the first door in Voidstar, and no one usually caps the middle node in Civil War. Huttball matches are constant battles for control at mid and usually back and forth scoring games, while Hypergate's node capping is never easy in the final rounds of the game. The competition between the teams in Kickball is close to the intensity of the real ranked on the nights that aren't Wednesday and Friday, but I can agree that they aren't quite on the level of guild vs guild ranked yet.


True, but I still think that a good majority of the Pubside pugs were secluded to small groups. You guys probably had more quality players pre 2.0, but the real pugs that were being carried still remained post transfers and they're revealing their lack of skill without as many top end players carrying them to victory in the WZs with the recent regs.


Which brings me to this:


If both sides are even, how can Imps have so many more top pvpers?


Are you basically saying that Pubs trend towards average whereas Imps trend towards the extremes?


When I said "even", I meant in terms of the kind of quality we have with our bad pugs vs the Pubside ones. The reason why I think Impside is more dominant is because we have more people that are capable of carrying these players through WZs, while Pubside doesn't have as many top end players in comparison to Impside IMO.


The difference between the factions comes in two things. Where the first difference is that Impside bads are mostly like very bad versions of Wrecks, where they will keep queing despite the amount of facerolling done with their constant losses, while Pubside bads tend to leave the que after a terrible match up. The second difference is with post server transfers, Imps seem to have more quality players left in the PvP scene than the Pubs.


So no, I am not saying we have balance in terms of PvP. I would say the Imps are better than Pubs simply because we have more top end players on this faction despite the quality of bad pugs being around the same. The reason why I make the claim that Imps are the stronger faction (with my original comment of how the Imps won the war) is because I have not seen a Pubside team in the que for the past couple of days in regs.

Edited by ZooMzy
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