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Everything posted by Kaithrei

  1. Name: Nethrei Class: Assassin Spec: DPS Record Broken: #5 Biggest Hit in a warzone. Value: Heals - 13,080 Screenshot: http://tinypic.com/r/nosifp/8
  2. PvPed for near 5 hours today, and in light of this I actually kept track of this and came out with the following: Crit with buffs: 80%/ 20%+60% Number of times Discharged with Recklessness: 197 Number of times Discharge Crit:163 %Crit = 82% Seems about right in my book.
  3. When Spike/Spinning Kick isn't on a 30 second CD. When Spike hits for more than an auto attack.
  4. On my mara who just recently hit 55, after pvping from 45-55 straight, I have 77 sabers saved up and have been cycling them the whole time. I only needed 3 things in my inventory anyways. Stack of Nano Stims, Stack of WZ Medpacks, and my Rakata Sismic Grenade. Not to mention Im Comms capped as it is. So in terms of comms overall. 85,550 Lucky I go on deployment soon and wont have to worry about touching my mara till 2.7 drops.
  5. I look at it this way, since premades are never going away, one of three things is going to happen when your up against a premade. 1. Your going to get your s**t pushed in really fast and hope you can at least get more than 5 medals in the match before the game ends. 2. You put on your 'Challenge Accepted' Face and come out like a baws and win while savoring the victory, meanwhile doing a little trolling of the offending team should they be on your faction. 3. Play the game like you normally do because you don't play with Guild Names up and you could really care less about premades. So if I don't see them, they aren't really there. <---- My excuse. -And the hidden 4th rule- For every minute you lose under the 10 minute mark, you have to drink. <----- My Saturday Excuse.
  6. Fun > Objectives > Making the poor soul who ganks me while I'm at 5% HP and starting to regen never leave their spawn point.
  7. I have been trying to find a crafter for some of these pieces and I have not had much luck spamming trade thus far. I need the Chest, Legs, and Gloves. Would be willing to pay or get the mats for them, which-ever would be easier. Please contact Entarei in game or any information here would be appreciated. Thank you for your time.
  8. As long as I get to keep throwing lightning at people. I'll continue to do it solo, least for the next two weeks.
  9. Personally, I think the balance is getting better. Keep in mind I don't count premade that end in a supper fast game, but even still its now becoming few and far between I see those. And I strictly queue solo. Just my 2c.
  10. Sinthria - Healy Sorc, I only have 3 weeks before I go on deployment, but if theres a spot that needs a feel and I'm on, feel free to ask.
  11. In light of this thread I have brought over one of my old alts to imp side. I would play my 55 jug Caitzen, but I don't find the class very fun anymore. Guess I have always been a Inquis/Consu at heart.
  12. All this could be said about an Imp side guild too who I've seen run more than 4 deep. This is a moot argument and really should stop. Premades are not going away on either side. While I generally only solo que, unless my friend Skeith comes on, I prefer seeing an organized group to go against.
  13. Been leveling in pvp from 37 and on. Just hit 43. 69 Wins, 5 Losses. All solo queue. Yes I know lowbie warzones, but its the only perspective I can give at present time.
  14. If I never saw a Voidstar or Huttball again, I would be beyond happy.
  15. Give the new Sanctified peices from the Cartel Market a try.I have the look on my Sin and it looks pretty good.
  16. Powertech, kitty style. http://images.lazygamer.net/2013/01/Shoryuken-cat.jpeg
  17. Just give lightning/tele's the ability to cast bolt/disturbnce while on the move. While I know this isn't a def, it would make the classes have a little better mobility.
  18. On second though, Im never healing a pug again. Especially after this morning. So you hear that republic, im going lightning!!! Come get your free kills.
  19. Pretty much what he says. I'll just keep healing them, or trying to at least. Peel for myself, and hope for the best while I rock out to whatever channel I have on in Pandora.
  20. If I am on the fleet go ahead and ask, likely I'm just running slicing missions and alt tabbed anyways.
  21. What this guy said. So what if you didn't play 'objectives' in huttball. Who wants to see someone run a ball around. You made a PVP vid and a nice one at that.
  22. It's not going to be an incentive for ranked teams just to play ranked games. If you honestly think just because people are geared and doing ranked they wouldn't group up and go smash thing up in normal warzones, you haven't been playing MMO's much. Theres still and always will be those working toward Elite Warlord, friends helping other people gearing up, premades who just like to pvp outside of ranked. Making it impossible for casuals to get higher end gear is almost like giving premades and others looking to stomp people even more a reason to do it, because they will.
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