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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why the disappointed don't leave...


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You have a point, but I can't even stomach the idea of watching EP.1 anymore.... 2 times of Jar Jar Binks is more than I can ever handle.


i meant in general, not a specific movie. also as an addendum to that, i think the assumption is that complainers don't like the content anymore, so in terms of the movies it could be 'well stop being a fan. you obviously don't like it anymore'



i don't really ever have overwhelming urges to watch the prequel trilogy, but i can say that watching the remastered original trilogy on blu-ray (even with han shooting first, boba fett's voice changes, all of palpatine's faces being changed, anakin being changed at the very end of RotJ, etc.) is just fine as overall i still love the movies.


i will complain about han shooting first and the anakin change probably forever (and think that most other complaints are a bit silly), but i'll still watch them because seeing it all in HD is still really nice in spite of the edits that have been made over the years. and i'll still be a fan in spite of my frustrations with certain things that have happened with the franchise over the decades.

Edited by oaceen
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It's also the best single player MMO out there. If you're an RPG fan and like to "play" your characters there's no substitute in the MMO market.


" The best single player MMO "


The second most coveted award in the industry. First being...


" Best multiplayer game of Solitaire. "

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"If you hate it so much, why don't you leave?"


This is a question many of us who are critical of SWTOR are asked by others regularly. Here's my reason:


I first became aware of the Star Wars universe in the summer of 1977. I have been in love with it ever since. The ideology, the effects, the stories were amazing especially for something in the science fiction genre. It ushered in a new era of forward looking and thinking fiction like nothing before.


The point is after 36 years, whether it be BioWare, Marvel Comics, an Expanded Universe novel, the Prequel Trilogy or anything else... if you put the name Star Wars on it, we the fans will be all over it. We will quickly tell you if what you are doing with the Star Wars universe is unworthy of the name. We will scratch and claw and fight until we are satisfied or until it's over. But, we will NOT abandon it. While it bears the Star Wars name, it's part of us. Count on us being here and count on our praise and/or criticism.


So, in other words, no companies efforts or forays into the Star Wars universe will ever be good enough because the ideals you've built up in your mind are just that, ideals?


Okie dokie. Noted.

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If SWG was still around I would play both game, in fact i play the SWG-EMU from time to time. Its not really complete but at least I get to see the sunset on tatttooine, and chat bubbles.....which i oddly miss.


SWTOR is fun mechanically and i enjoy the flashpoints and leveling.


In SWG i just had 1 main character for many years, never really got bored because i would travel the galaxy doing...stuff and interacting with players.


SWTOR is good but its just a game, i have no real connection to any of my 14 toons and never talk to other players, maybe some general chat BS about politics or something, but no real immersive conversations.


I am following PROJECT SWG, closely......they are working on adding some new species to that game


Graphics in SWG are nothing like SWTOR, SWTOR is awesome, but living on fleet just quing the same old stuff is a huge let down.


SWTOR with a SWG expansive universe would have been awesome. Its just not that way.

Edited by kirorx
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" The best single player MMO "


The second most coveted award in the industry. First being...


" Best multiplayer game of Solitaire. "


I had narrowly avoided posting a similar response, but now that you have: LOL!

Edited by OpenSorce
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Why oh why do people persist is saying "well WoW does/did this - Rift does that - TRW does the other - NOBODY CARES about other games - its THE OLD REPUBLIC I am concerned about - and the OP is right - without the Star Wars name behind this piece of rubbish NOBODY would play it. Edited by Sentanta
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This game spit in the face on Kotor characters like Revan, Exile etc making them weak jokes you can kill

LOL, wow...you're still mad about that? That Lucas Arts' Revan character was made human and flawed and not, ya know...an unbeatable God? :rolleyes:

Edited by QuiDonJorn
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So, in other words, no companies efforts or forays into the Star Wars universe will ever be good enough because the ideals you've built up in your mind are just that, ideals?


Okie dokie. Noted.


Um, no... I think I used all the words I needed. But...


"If you hate it so much, why don't you leave?"


This is a question many of us who are critical of SWTOR are asked by others regularly. Here's my reason:


I first became aware of the Star Wars universe in the summer of 1977. I have been in love with it ever since. The ideology, the effects, the stories were amazing especially for something in the science fiction genre. It ushered in a new era of forward looking and thinking fiction like nothing before.


The point is after 36 years, whether it be BioWare, Marvel Comics, an Expanded Universe novel, the Prequel Trilogy or anything else... if you put the name Star Wars on it, we the fans will be all over it. We will quickly tell you if what you are doing with the Star Wars universe is unworthy of the name. We will scratch and claw and fight until we are satisfied or until it's over. But, we will NOT abandon it. While it bears the Star Wars name, it's part of us. Count on us being here and count on our praise and/or criticism.


I said what I meant and meant what I said. However, to help you better understand I've highlighted parts you may have overlooked. Yes, we will tell them IF it's bad. Yes, we will praise them if it's good. Simple as that.

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No, the reason the "dissapointed" don't leave, is because this is not the game they want, but the game they want doesnt exist out there so they just stay here moaning about it, despite them knowing full well that nothing will change.


Its completely moronic and it brings down the others who actually like the game.

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" The best single player MMO "


The second most coveted award in the industry. First being...


" Best multiplayer game of Solitaire. "

OMG LOL, watch out, Cosmic. The Biodrones will attack you for this.


When Wild Star and/or Elder Scrolls hits....we will :)

This. All of this.


This MMO is a TORtanic.

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Yes if this game wasn't star wars it would have failed a day after launch.


EAware knows this so they are taking advantage of these puppets.


END STATE: Game is bad, EAware is bad.


And yet, here you are.

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First, i had written a massive reply but managed to crash chrome and lose it:P


We were having a current-state-of-play in general chat just before server downtime and people were moaning that the game had a lack of arenas etc....do they realise it took blizz almost 3 years to release arenas? with the amount of money and dev team sizes at their disposal it took that long.


I both love and hate WoW...best game i ever played (but id prefer to poke my own eyes out with a fork after 7 years of playing it) and the reason I hate it...it has pretty much killed the MMO genre....Nobody can possibly, apart from blizz with the money they made out of WoW, afford to release an MMO with a feature set comparable to WoW...i truly believe WoW has killed the market cause every new game people (and i have been guilty in the past, heck i stopped playing SWTOR after i got to 50 and the lack of a LFG tool) will try it and it hasnt the same polish and features current WoW has so they end up slagging it off and going back to sit in Ogrimmar wondering what to do! The only real winners are those the persevere and watch the new game blossom.


I think too many people look at this game subjectively rather than objectively....heck at any game other than WoW.


It is the general attitude of a lot of people these days....like how on earth can a F2P seriously justify slagging the game off...yet they do. Is like giving some begger in WoW a 100g and them telling you 100g is an insult!.


People want everything and they want it now...look no further for proof than the state of the world's economy or the £50,000 car parked outside the £100,000 house.


Please OP ask yourself what other game, measured by the same yard-stick, was any better at the same point?


This isn't a flame/troll....I just don't get what people expect or rather why they expect it and expect it immediately.


How can any new MMO ever succeed under these conditions...especially with the way finances are.


This is exactly how I feel. People expect it all immediately and if its not there they jump ship. An MMO needs time to mature and grow but now people are spoiled and if it doesn't have x, y,z they get their panties in a bunch. WoW took years to get the features it has and people stuck without through all the **** allowing it to mature however no new MMO will have that due to how wow changed the MMO market and expectations. Kinda sad really

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Unfortunately it is the nature of the market and the modern consumer. Yes, WoW has had lots of time to build the content they have, but a consumer does not generally look at that IMO, they look at A has this and B has that...and then looks at what is the best value for it's dollar.


That's just how it works IMO.

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Unfortunately it is the nature of the market and the modern consumer. Yes, WoW has had lots of time to build the content they have, but a consumer does not generally look at that IMO, they look at A has this and B has that...and then looks at what is the best value for it's dollar.


That's just how it works IMO.


Great point. Also if we want to talk about failures of this game, EA/BioWare can't win because you get the players complaining when the release gets pushed back and the same players complaining when they rush release the game or content and there's either not enough or it's buggy.

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Great point. Also if we want to talk about failures of this game, EA/BioWare can't win because you get the players complaining when the release gets pushed back and the same players complaining when they rush release the game or content and there's either not enough or it's buggy.


Self important, anti social, MMO gamers are probably the most vitriolic set of gamers on the planet. Lots of time on their hands, not a lot of social commitments. Their best chance for self actualization are these forums. They HAVE to be important because, truth be told, this is pretty much all they do.


I'm not even trying to be insulting but I have met these people. We have several of them here at work. You can't even get a word in edgewise when you have a conversation with them. Its just another walk of life I guess, but its self hating and poisonous. I stay away from it.

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And yet, here you are.


Without Star Wars label this game would be dead. Or with such a small playerbase it'd be considered an ultra-niche poor game. EA vomited on lore set by the previous bioware and are using it as a cash cow for them to fund the production of other ******, low quality games, as well as to destroy other franchises.

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"If you hate it so much, why don't you leave?"


This is a question many of us who are critical of SWTOR are asked by others regularly. Here's my reason:


I first became aware of the Star Wars universe in the summer of 1977. I have been in love with it ever since. The ideology, the effects, the stories were amazing especially for something in the science fiction genre. It ushered in a new era of forward looking and thinking fiction like nothing before.


The point is after 36 years, whether it be BioWare, Marvel Comics, an Expanded Universe novel, the Prequel Trilogy or anything else... if you put the name Star Wars on it, we the fans will be all over it. We will quickly tell you if what you are doing with the Star Wars universe is unworthy of the name. We will scratch and claw and fight until we are satisfied or until it's over. But, we will NOT abandon it. While it bears the Star Wars name, it's part of us. Count on us being here and count on our praise and/or criticism.


What a load of poo.


Right now, SWTOR has the second largest sub total of active MMOs. SWG had a star wars name slapped on it, and that couldn't stop that game from failing hard and bleeding subs even when the oh so glorious Pre-CU was still in effect - in fact, it was the bleeding of subs that made them go through a CU and then an NGE in a desperate attempt to save the game in the first place.


You want to know the real reason the disappointed don't leave? Because deep down, you KNOW this game is better than everything else thats out there for you, THATS why. It has nothing to do with "oh, its star wars" - the old lemmings theme is so overplayed and is a crock -its always either the star wars lemmings, or the bioware lemmings, or this or that.


Its all just people talking out of their rear end.


I guess I have a unique perspective being from Chicago and seeing how Southside White Sox fans are - they are just like the people like the op - they are only truly happy when they are MISERABLE. When everything is great, and life is good, that is when they are most unsettled because they NEED the drama, they NEED to be able to complain about something. THEY NEED THE ABILITY TO QQ LIKE HUMAN BEINGS NEED AIR.


And that's it. People who love to complain feed on the drama. They don't leave because they can continue the drama with each perceived slight and self-manufactured shortfalling.


THAT is the truth.



That doesn't mean the game isn't without its problems, or that people don't have a right to vocalize things they want to see changed - of course they do.


But when you see people who threaten and sling mud and put down just as easily as a newborn baby craps itself, you know that brand of people are just here to cry, and blame, and the real sick truth is, they love it, and for them, THATS the real game, not the one thats installed on their computers.


/TRUTH :rak_03:

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Self important, anti social, MMO gamers are probably the most vitriolic set of gamers on the planet. Lots of time on their hands, not a lot of social commitments. Their best chance for self actualization are these forums. They HAVE to be important because, truth be told, this is pretty much all they do.


I'm not even trying to be insulting but I have met these people. We have several of them here at work. You can't even get a word in edgewise when you have a conversation with them. Its just another walk of life I guess, but its self hating and poisonous. I stay away from it.


First of all, your signature... Genius. Next, you couldn't be more right with your analysis but I would say it applies to gamers in general. I work at a high school and I have kids in my classes that literally all they talk about are their games and how much they play, then come back being complete jerks about everything else they are talked to about. Granted, I am a gamer myself and I spend my free periods at work (which is a lot since it's finals week!) on forums and stuff, but these kids literally think they are awesome because they are the best kid they know at COD or they have WoW guilds that complete heroic content. This idea of "I am awesome and everybody else sucks" spills over into real life and they are just not pleasant to talk to or work with.

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