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Why there are a lack of tanks


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sorry but you are quite out of topic ;P our discussion there was about doing solo content - dailies especially


few pages eariler i said flame sweep is great for keeping aoe threat.


sorry, I guess I got focused to much on being called an idiot healer.

and the topic is tanks in flash points :p

Edited by Atramar
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Overhealing does not generate threat. Putting healing probes before the pull is a standard tactics of any good operative and with current costs it greatly improves survivability.


This ^ I have always thrown up my healing probes on the tank pre-pull. No one has ever complained.

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question for all those who are against pre-HOTing:

what do you do if someone Pulls before you?

standing around like :rak_02: ?

you make it sound as if it was hard to get NPC to attack you, well it's not.


Yep. They pull, they tank. It has nothing to do with what we, as tanks, are capable of. The principle is simple: people have defined roles for a reason and those roles need to be respected. If you, as a DPS/healer, feel that I am moving too slow then you are welcome to roll a tank (or respec) and queue for the job. If you, as a DPS/healer, wish to pull you may do so, and you will also be tanking that pack. I leave it to the healer to decide if the puller lives or dies.


If you want to do part of my job, you can do all of it.

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@the pre-hotting dilema - as both a tank and a healer i want to give and receive pre-hots, if a tank cant bear the immense weight of the hot threat (even on LoS pull) than i would be quite worried about the FP/OPS the group is in.


Again people mistake tank capabilities with basic principles. That's OK, though, I give up. I gave up some time ago (about 6 years to be honest) but still come to forums out of boredom and to see how many of the old guard are left. I figure in 5 years or so the numbers will be down to single digits per server. Sad, really.

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Possibly true, but it still proves your comment wrong.


No it doesn't, read the other comments from myself and people who play healers in this thread. You had a bad tank, myself and other good tanks would not have let that happen.

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Again people mistake tank capabilities with basic principles. That's OK, though, I give up. I gave up some time ago (about 6 years to be honest) but still come to forums out of boredom and to see how many of the old guard are left. I figure in 5 years or so the numbers will be down to single digits per server. Sad, really.



you must be one of those elitistic !#(U%#@ who orders every1 around on everything and doesnt allow a single action that is against your words just becouse "i am THE tank, i make the rules, and you simply listen to them you silly not-worth-mentioning lesser beings, and be thankful for it"


seriously such attitude kills the joy of playing for me.


tanks will always be in game, just becouse the game content demands tanks presence - thing is, tanking pugs is not rewarding for 90% of us = simply not worth the time and effort, unless you enjoy it even without being rewarded (like i do)


of course if i have a derp in group which threatens the succesful run or causes wipes i will talk to him and in some occasions simply vote-kick the guy, but still if i manage to keep the pace (aka i am skilled and geared enough to do so) of a not-so-very-patient group then i will happily tank and not say a single word about it. hell sometimes if i know the group is good enough i will try to speed up and pull more at a time


tanks are just a part of the whole group, yes they often take the leader role and they certainly are suited for it, but we are still just 1/4 or 1/8 of a group. All this crying about how tanking is hard, and how every1 should just praise tanks for their existance is making me laugh. Its all quite simple - dont like tanking? Stop doing it. You do like tanking? Great, then embrace all the difficulties, learn to be better and dont be an a**hole about it.

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Healers and Tanks will always be in demand, DD on the other hand will be always enough, cause well, people find hitting numbers or something more fun. Tho I myself play tanks/healers only. Have my Jugg tank and now leveling Operative for healing.


I can't give exact opinion on why there's lack of tanks, maybe because people think it's more challenging then dps-ing, but in fact it's not when you know what to do.

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Don't tell me that, I was healing him, not tanking. I just didn't expect to pull aggro the second after the pull.


I was using "you" in the general sense, not the specific (i.e., "you", the reader, not "you" the quoted individual).

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Healers and Tanks will always be in demand, DD on the other hand will be always enough, cause well, people find hitting numbers or something more fun. Tho I myself play tanks/healers only. Have my Jugg tank and now leveling Operative for healing.


I can't give exact opinion on why there's lack of tanks, maybe because people think it's more challenging then dps-ing, but in fact it's not when you know what to do.


I'm noticing the 30 queue is getting progressively super bad on my sent. I did 3 FPs last night, in all three I outdamaged the higher level and better geared other DD (2 sents, 1 Gunslinger), and all three of them ran off and attacked stuff before the tank, or stuff we were skipping, and needed on every roll - specifically stuff that the Tank or Healer actually would have used, and stuff that had stats that weren't for their class.


That being said, I can totally see the lower level FP behavior of DDs (have yet to see a bad healer, oddly) pretty much turning tanks off completely from FPs in total, not just PuG ones if they think all DDs are pants on head retarded. I'm really glad I didn't do any FPs on my jugg from like 30-54, that would be a lot of wasted time I instead spent on planet missions. I'm trying to experience the FPs on my sent this time around (All my other toons I didn't do them)...but mostly I seem to be experiencing straight up derp instead of content.


55 DDs I have yet to see this behavior on (They seem to grow a brain by then, although the gearing thing is still an issue for HMs), but so far in my 30's its a nightmare for tanks.

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I'll tell you why I stopped tanking before I even reached level 40.


Wasn't having difficulties keeping aggro. Not an issue. It's just misbehaving DPS and healers that got me down. When I'm a DPS or healer, sometimes it's the tank too. Apparently, *nobody* knows what CC even means. Some healers stand still and don't even try to heal even when you're close to death and their resources are full. I patiently point out what's wrong and nobody wants to hear it. I don't get it. I've tried other MMOs and I have never had as bad experiences there as I have here.


There's another issue that keeps me from even trying to tank at higher levels. A lot of the content is new to me as I just rejoined the game. I'm not a bad player, and I know how to play my class, but I have to at least try the instances before I magically know everything about them. The tank is always expected to know everything. Therefore it just isn't a good first choice. I'm sure other people have the same problem.

Edited by thecoffeecup
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still come to forums out of boredom and to see how many of the old guard are left. I figure in 5 years or so the numbers will be down to single digits per server. Sad, really.


Nothing sad about it. Being intolerant and overbearing for 13 years is nothing to be proud of, and the sooner that attitude dies out, the better. Thank god not every tank who's been playing that long shares your attitude, nor do many of the tanks here in SWTOR it seems.


As an aside, the irony in this little paragraph is mindblowing, considering how much you like to tell healers and DPS how they should be playing.


* If you are questioning my abilities or style, you may ask (civilly) if I am new. If I tell you I am a veteran tank, you will drop the subject and move on. If you have a suggestion, you may ask if I care to hear it. If you tell me how to do my job without me asking you to do so, you will be removed (or I will go elsewhere).

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Tanks have that defined Role too.

You: Mazikeen are a bad tank!


Actually, when a dps constantly over jumps my tank and it's getting on my nerves, I /w healer 'mind if we kill him?'

if I'm a healer on that FP I don't have to ask :rolleyes:


(that doesnt count for L 50 hms, they are usualy snooze to heal so atleast I can show off, I'll only get upset if tank gets upset and doesnt take threat off me while I save dpss ***...)

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I dunno I yesterday was in a a lvl 50 HM FP where GF ****ed up big time and as it dident find a group for my tank for a really long time it put me finally as a dps with 2 other tanks and a healer so now there was 3 tanks and a healer in that HM xD I well its not hard to put on dps form for ones a chame I sold all my dps gear as I never had to use them and then this happend... Well well it went good anyways even if the healer alwasy dc:ed and one of us always needed a sec cuz of irl happenging at the same time :p fun story really, haha :D
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Actually, when a dps constantly over jumps my tank and it's getting on my nerves, I /w healer 'mind if we kill him?'

if I'm a healer on that FP I don't have to ask :rolleyes:


(that doesnt count for L 50 hms, they are usualy snooze to heal so atleast I can show off, I'll only get upset if tank gets upset and doesnt take threat off me while I save dpss ***...)


if he constantly pulls i just finish the FP and then put him on ignore,

its not worth the trouble as long as the Healer keeps up.

never had trouble in any FP with that mindset.

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I can be flexible and understand the need to jump in to kill stuff. Heck, when you are overgeared and do a daily for fun with Underworld, you can practically kill half the room before you dip to 50% hp (without heals of course). I have nothing against that. What grinds my gears is after a 4 hour raid sesion, TFB HM and SV HM a guildie asks for help with a flashpoint as he just dinged. So of course, I help, and we end up with two pugs. One of them is a sentinel DPS who is not very well geared nor patient. He leaps in, attacks everything, I get in there, generate threat, take all the mobs of him because he is almost dead and because the healer focused on him a lot I am now dropping on HP, gotta use cds and we survive.



On the next pack he does the same and I tell him that I came here to relax not to pick up everything he attacks. I explain, 4 hours of raiding I am simply not in a mood for a donkey kong run. I wanna go in there pull them all, attack my targets and that's all she wrote.



I understand flexibility however sometimes you need to evaluate the group composition, gear and wish at how fast the run should be completed. Keep it in your pants DPS with level 54 greens doing Athiss HM. We have roles, follow them. My last Mandalorian Raiders were simply horrific. I had one guardian dps, who was leaping first attacking everything, i would try to get the adds, then he would go on another group taunt them, then come back to the first group where I already used my aoe taunt and then single taunt ... it was ... nothing pleasant at all. I let him die 5 times and then he woke up.

Edited by Leafy_Bug
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Again people mistake tank capabilities with basic principles. That's OK, though, I give up. I gave up some time ago (about 6 years to be honest) but still come to forums out of boredom and to see how many of the old guard are left. I figure in 5 years or so the numbers will be down to single digits per server. Sad, really.


I miss the old days as well...if you become more cynical it gets easier though. I don't even see dps as real people any more :p lol. I really do suggest (I'm sure oyu know all this mate...but ya know) finding a good group of friends, or recruiting non terribad healers and dps to your friends list. It's what I use mine for.


As for pugging, just stop caring. Seriously, this is my greatest piece of advice. Stop, caring. If dps go full...not sure if the next word would get me susp'd, so fill in ze blank. just let them. Same with healers, if you die, then talk to the healer calmly, if they still keep getting you killed. Just leave. Not our job to help the community anymore, let them find their own way. You will find peace...sort of...if you follow this.

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My last Mandalorian Raiders were simply horrific. I had one guardian dps, who was leaping first attacking everything, i would try to get the adds, then he would go on another group taunt them, then come back to the first group where I already used my aoe taunt and then single taunt ... it was ... nothing pleasant at all. I let him die 5 times and then he woke up.


According to the people in this thread, you must be a very bad tank! :rolleyes:


I think we all know those days lol. Have you made a jug yet? (guardian...)

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I have to admit that the first FPs I tanked were level 55 HM FP (tbh, beside The Esselles these HMs were the first instances I ever set a foot into in swtor).

I run 2 tanks/dps and a healer at lvl 55 and most of the time the rest of the group are guildies and the couple of times where we had to pug a dps/healer, nothing noteworthy to say about, they knew what to do and we had smooth runs.


However, atm I started to level another healer with a guildy going tank and we run instances together while levelling up ...


OMG ... dps in tank stance ('cause I take less damage), dps who wants to tank, dps playing after the MOTD:' RED IS DEAD', and tries to hit as many mobs as possible in the shortest time, CC - why should we even bother, etc etc ...


Especially at low level (lvl 27ish now) the tank doesn't have his AoE taunt (nor do i have any AoE heals atm), and with mobs hitting the tank, and the 2 DPS at the same time, while they try to run away form the mob (and ofc not towards the tank) as a healer I go nuts, and my tank too.


However, what really lets me become speechless are the reactions of some of these players, if you try to talk with them (like please turn off your tank stance or tank instead of me, don't break the CC on the marked NPC etc):

Either they say nothing at all and just continue the way they did before, or they just tell you to **** off, as they play this game long enough and know what to do ...


I have to admit, if run into too many of this type of player while running pugs ... I'll just stick to guild runs only while tanking, healing.

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