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Eric Musco confirms Naboo as next planet at Cantina Crawl


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No the reason it was "empty" (which it wasnt) is because it wasnt discovered yet.

There were gungans on it, and there had been others before that were just known as "the elders".

Just no humans.


Ok, I've read all the books and everything the past 30+ years. I assume you're similar. There's important cannon stuff that should never be changed and then there is trivial stuff.


Letting us play Naboo now, and possibly having it end in some sort of tragedy that removes it from the map for a few thousand years, is not messing with any huge important cannon stuff. This wouldn't be nearly to the level as say playing at Endor or with Ewok companions. The pre-movie fate of Naboo is not movie level important, it's just a backstory for a planet that almost nobody playing the game would even know. Whereas far more know the backstory of Endor which is one reason why we didn't get that when it was a huge request on the boards. Further, all this new backstory for Tatooine in this game stretches the credibility of some of Luke's statements in Episode IV, wheras Amidala's statements in movies suggest a rich history for Naboo.


Lucas trampled over much more important cannon personally, such as what he did to Ryloth on TCW.


Finally, I have a feeling all cannon is about to get downgraded to alternate timeline when the new movies come out. I have read many other people saying similar things as well as we've read up on what is being said for the new movies. If they want to do Naboo now, it wouldn't be such a bad thing cannon wise because we're about to have a nuclear bomb level cannon overwrite.

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Umm, I would actually love to see Naboo as a playable planet. I think it is a beautiful place, with quite a bit of verity in in its environments (Grassy plains, swamps, underwater Gungan structures) There could be some interesting gameplay mechanics involved too, such as underwater fighting.


It will never happen, probably due to Gungan hate (I don't mind them . . .) and I guess it could end up being to similar to Alderaan. Still, I can dream . . .

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good to know while they can't fix issues with programming or put out content other than re-skinning old armor or datamining KOTOR for Cartel Market charging the subscribers, they've still got time to go on vacations, drink and party and make up jokes about the content they're not going to add to the game but they promised.


What a F'ing joke

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Umm, I would actually love to see Naboo as a playable planet. I think it is a beautiful place, with quite a bit of verity in in its environments (Grassy plains, swamps, underwater Gungan structures) There could be some interesting gameplay mechanics involved too, such as underwater fighting.


It will never happen, probably due to Gungan hate (I don't mind them . . .) and I guess it could end up being to similar to Alderaan. Still, I can dream . . .

If there isnt any goofy joke of a gungan character it will be fine in there...

They better not bring Endor next tho because i call a quit on that one.

Edited by ElitehunterDS
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good to know while they can't fix issues with programming or put out content other than re-skinning old armor or datamining KOTOR for Cartel Market charging the subscribers, they've still got time to go on vacations, drink and party and make up jokes about the content they're not going to add to the game but they promised.


What a F'ing joke


Who put the crabs in your panties? The Cantina visits are a good idea, it lets the player base interact personally with people that work on the game. The fact you don't like the direction or w/e doesn't mean you should come be a ******e in this thread go to one of the already started negative threads and cry in there.

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For the record, you wouldn't need to have Gungans in the game to do Naboo. Considering our toons can't even swim and the Gungans reside underwater, we wouldn't see them anyway.


I'd be for Naboo. The architecture and story of the place is very cool.

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Who put the crabs in your panties? The Cantina visits are a good idea, it lets the player base interact personally with people that work on the game. The fact you don't like the direction or w/e doesn't mean you should come be a ******e in this thread go to one of the already started negative threads and cry in there.


I agree with who you quoted personally. They can do this stuff outside the game and our official forum, yet the game is going, and will continue to go to hell because they have zero two way open interaction with their player base here on these "official" forums. People want to be excited for this game here, and yet the devs appear to be trying their hardest not to build community here on these forums.

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I agree with who you quoted personally. They can do this stuff outside the game and our official forum, yet the game is going, and will continue to go to hell because they have zero two way open interaction with their player base here on these "official" forums. People want to be excited for this game here, and yet the devs appear to be trying their hardest not to build community here on these forums.


Hello there!

Have you seen the forum?

The Legions of Scum and Villainy are Disneyland compared to the way some people react to anything around here.


If they add something, then they shouldn't have because they have bugs to fix. If they add CM stuff, then they are told they should focus on the game. When they focus on the game itself, people cry because Revan's chestpiece has two hoods and the color in chestpiece X is slightly lighter and not "as vibrant as" they'd want it to be. If they fix bugs, then the game is dead because there's no new content. If they focus on PVP, then PVErs remind everyone that they are the majority. If they focus on PVE, then PVPers scream bloody murder.


A game's forum should be always used with extreme caution by ANY developer.

It's where people go to vent and amongst them there are a small number of rational people who present valid points and offer constructive criticism in a way that can be useful rather than just "Ermahgerd, u suck", but sadly their voices get drowned out.


So they are interacting with the community. They check the forums and hear what we have to say.

Just because they don't do something a number of people want, it doesn't mean they aren't listening. It's their game and they have the right to take it to the direction they want. And they are also doing the Cantina Tour to promote the game and, again, interact with the fans.


And it's always funny that people seem to focus solely on the things they didn't do and completely disregard the changes they've done to their original plans because the community asked them to (like the number of available quickbars when the game went F2P, the whole thing with the cc breaker etc.)

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good to know while they can't fix issues with programming or put out content other than re-skinning old armor or datamining KOTOR for Cartel Market charging the subscribers, they've still got time to go on vacations, drink and party and make up jokes about the content they're not going to add to the game but they promised.


What a F'ing joke


Not quite sure how much programming the community manager does...

Sorry, but I think interaction with the community and having a life is more important than having the exact cartel armor sets you want (and this is coming from someone who's made threads on this exact subject).

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Here's the thing, the people that run this game are grown ups and professionals. They have a job to do, and they should handle this job with a degree of professionalism that the positions they hold demand of them.


If I'm a manager in a store, I don't put out my goods/stock/produce etc. and then run and hide. I don't NOT make myself available to the customer, I don't NOT have an approachable customer service staff that is ready on demand to help and interact with people. One does not make a large product or service available to an ongoing mass consumer base and NOT make themselves accountable to that consumer. It just doesn't work that way.


When they made this game, they took on certain known responsibilities of an ongoing product and service. This is not a produce and drop cartridge/disk game for a console system, this is an ongoing evolving service that they have a consumer base for, and for it to thrive and for people to be excited and continue to buy in, they have a job that needs to be done with certain essential responsibilities in mind. Period.

Edited by LeonBraun
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If I'm a manager in a store, I don't put out my goods/stock/produce etc. and then run and hide. I don't NOT make myself available to the customer, I don't NOT have an approachable customer service staff that is ready on demand to help and interact with people.



So what do you do if your customers tell you that your goods/products are awful without giving you any further feedback that you can actually use to improve your store? And when you listen to one of them and actually do what they suggest, what do you do when 10 more start complaining that you didn't change what they asked you to change? And how do you think it would turn out if for every complaint you received, you did a complete overhaul of your store under the threat that you are going to lose one customer? And what about the rest of the customers who are satisfied with what you're offering. Would you be willing to lose them to gain someone who will, quite possibly, never be satisfied because they really liked that "old store" that they knew before yours and will never really get over the fact it's dead?


When they made this game, they took on certain known responsibilities of an ongoing product and service. This is not a produce and drop cartridge/disk game for a console system, this is an ongoing evolving service that they have a consumer base for, and for it to thrive and for people to be excited and continue to buy in, they have a job that needs to be done with certain essential responsibilities in mind. Period.



But I don't understand your point. If they have certain responsibilities and shouldn't be wasting time, how is it that time "wasted" on the forum is not as a big "waste" of time as doing the Cantina Tour when both of these forms of interaction with the fans have the same goal - to promote, interact and hear feedback?

Edited by TheNahash
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If I'm in a grocery store stocking shelves, I'm still available to the consumer at all times, or the next person on shift is. And if I'm not found out on the floor, my customer service staff is there at all times to hear and respond to feedback accordingly. Whether it's the answer the consumer wants to hear or not, they have still had their say and have gotten their answer; they have been served.


The cantina tour is like stopping by a store run by unresponsive drones between the hours of 5-6am when hardly anyone is there, taking care of business and then going home for the day. This, yes, serves a few people, but leaves out the mass majority of the consumer base that needs to be interacted with and dealt with at all times.


Again, the people that run TOR are grown professionals. One does not put out an ongoing product or service and then phone it in everyday and walk away. I certainly would not do this; I expect the same of any working professional accountable to their job as well.

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If I'm in a grocery store stocking shelves, I'm still available to the consumer at all times, or the next person on shift is. And if I'm not found out on the floor, my customer service staff is there at all times to hear and respond to feedback accordingly. Whether it's the answer the consumer wants to hear or not, they have still had their say and have gotten their answer; they have been served.


The cantina tour is like stopping by a store run by unresponsive drones between the hours of 5-6am when hardly anyone is there, taking care of business and then going home for the day. This, yes, serves a few people, but leaves out the mass majority of the consumer base that needs to be interacted with and dealt with at all times.


Again, the people that run TOR are grown professionals. One does not put out an ongoing product or service and then phone it in everyday and walk away. I certainly would not do this; I expect the same of any working professional accountable to their job as well.


For all your ranting, what exactly are you on about here?

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Is there a complete list of these cantina tour stops? Are there any coming to Canada? Considering BioWare's head office is in Edmonton, Alberta Canada, it would make sense to have one come to Edmonton as well.

Completely different team (well except for James Ohlen for awhile).

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  • Dev Post
Is there a complete list of these cantina tour stops? Are there any coming to Canada? Considering BioWare's head office is in Edmonton, Alberta Canada, it would make sense to have one come to Edmonton as well.


Here is the list of our events for the rest of the year:

  • San Diego - July 18th
  • Chicago - August 9th
  • Germany - August 23rd
  • Seattle - August 31st
  • New York - October (exact date TBD)
  • Austin - November (exact date TBD)

As some other folks have alluded to, BioWare doesn't really have a "head office." Edmonton is our sister studio, all of our SWTOR development is here out of Austin. That being said I would love to do an event in Canada in the future but it is not on the schedule for this year. I would check our Facebook page for exact details on the events we have announced, we should be posting more information on Germany and Seattle soon.




PS - Naboo for life :rak_03:

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Here is the list of our events for the rest of the year:

  • San Diego - July 18th
  • Chicago - August 9th
  • Germany - August 23rd
  • Seattle - August 31st
  • New York - October (exact date TBD)
  • Austin - November (exact date TBD)

As some other folks have alluded to, BioWare doesn't really have a "head office." Edmonton is our sister studio, all of our SWTOR development is here out of Austin. That being said I would love to do an event in Canada in the future but it is not on the schedule for this year. I would check our Facebook page for exact details on the events we have announced, we should be posting more information on Germany and Seattle soon.




PS - Naboo for life :rak_03:


Come to canada plzz :D

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As some other folks have alluded to, BioWare doesn't really have a "head office." Edmonton is our sister studio, all of our SWTOR development is here out of Austin.


There's your problem right there. Seems as though nobody is accountable in Austin.

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